David's 2Sa_12_05 /^{David's /anger was greatly
kindled against the man ; and he said to Nathan , As the LORD
liveth , the man that hath done this thing shall surely die :

David's 2Sa_13_32 /^{David's /brother , answered
and said , Let not my lord suppose that they have slain all the
young men the king's sons ; for Amnon only is dead : for by the
appointment of Absalom this hath been determined from the day
that he forced his sister Tamar .

David's 2Sa_13_03 /^{David's /brother : and
Jonadab was a very subtil man .

David's 1Ch_20_07 /^{David's /brother slew him.

David's 2Sa_15_12 /^{David's /counsellor , from
his city , even from Giloh , while he offered sacrifices . And
the conspiracy was strong ; for the people increased continually
with Absalom .

David's 1Sa_20_16 /^{David's /enemies .

David's 1Sa_18_29 /^{David's /enemy continually .

David's 2Sa_16_16 /^{David's /friend , was come
unto Absalom , that Hushai said unto Absalom , God save the king
, God save the king .

David's 2Sa_15_37 /^{David's /friend came into
the city , and Absalom came into Jerusalem .

David's 2Sa_12_30 /^{David's /head . And he
brought forth the spoil of the city in great abundance .

David's 1Ch_20_02 /^{David's /head : and he
brought also exceeding much spoil out of the city .

David's 2Sa_24_10 /^{David's /heart smote him
after that he had numbered the people . And David said unto the
LORD , I have sinned greatly in that I have done : and now, I
beseech thee, O LORD , take away the iniquity of thy servant ;
for I have done very foolishly .

David's 1Sa_24_05 /^{David's /heart smote him,
because he had cut off Saul's skirt .

David's 1Sa_19_11 /^{David's /house , to watch
him, and to slay him in the morning : and Michal David's wife
told him, saying , If thou save not thy life to night , to
morrow thou shalt be slain .

David's 1Sa_23_03 /^{David's /men said unto him,
Behold, we be afraid here in Judah : how much more then if we
come to Keilah against the armies of the Philistines ?

David's 2Sa_19_41 /^{David's /men with him, over
Jordan ?

David's 1Ki_01_38 /^{David's /mule , and brought
him to Gihon .

David's 1Sa_20_25 /^{David's /place was empty .

David's 1Sa_20_27 /^{David's /place was empty :
and Saul said unto Jonathan his son , Wherefore cometh not the
son of Jesse to meat , neither yesterday , nor to day ?

David's Psa_145_01 /^{David's /Psalm of praise .
>> I will extol thee, my God , O king ; and I will bless thy
name for ever and ever .

David's 1Ki_15_04 /^{David's /sake did the LORD
his God give him a lamp in Jerusalem , to set up his son after
him, and to establish Jerusalem :

David's Psa_132_10 /^{David's /sake turn not
away the face of thine anointed .

David's 2Ki_19_34 /^{David's /sake.

David's Isa_37_35 /^{David's /sake.

David's 2Ki_20_06 /^{David's /sake.

David's 1Ch_21_09 /^{David's /seer , saying ,

David's 2Sa_24_11 /^{David's /seer , saying ,

David's 1Ch_18_02 /^{David's /servants , and
brought gifts .

David's 2Sa_08_02 /^{David's /servants , and
brought gifts .

David's 1Ch_18_06 /^{David's /servants , and
brought gifts . Thus the LORD preserved David whithersoever he
went .

David's 1Sa_25_10 /^{David's /servants , and
said , Who is David ? and who is the son of Jesse ? there be
many servants now a days that break away every man from his
master .

David's 2Sa_10_04 /^{David's /servants , and
shaved off the one half of their beards , and cut off their
garments in the middle , even to their buttocks , and sent them
away .

David's 1Ch_19_04 /^{David's /servants , and
shaved them, and cut off their garments in the midst hard by
their buttocks , and sent them away .

David's 2Sa_08_14 /^{David's /servants . And the
LORD preserved David whithersoever he went .

David's 1Ch_18_13 /^{David's /servants . Thus
the LORD preserved David whithersoever he went .

David's 2Sa_10_02 /^{David's /servants came into
the land of the children of Ammon .

David's 2Sa_02_30 /^{David's /servants nineteen
men and Asahel .

David's Luk_20_41 /${David's /son ?

David's 2Sa_08_18 /^{David's /sons were chief
rulers .

David's 2Sa_05_08 /^{David's /soul , he shall be
chief and captain. Wherefore they said , The blind and the lame
shall not come into the house .

David's 2Ki_11_10 /^{David's /spears and shields ,
that were in the temple of the LORD .

David's 1Sa_30_20 /^{David's /spoil .

David's Jer_13_13 /^{David's /throne , and the
priests , and the prophets , and all the inhabitants of
Jerusalem , with drunkenness .

David's 1Sa_30_05 /^{David's /two wives were
taken captives , Ahinoam the Jezreelitess , and Abigail the wife
of Nabal the Carmelite .

David's 1Ch_27_32 /^{David's /uncle was a
counsellor , a wise man , and a scribe : and Jehiel the son of
Hachmoni was with the king's sons :

David's 1Sa_26_17 /^{David's /voice , and said ,
Is this thy voice , my son David ? And David said , It is my
voice , my lord , O king .

David's 2Ch_23_09 /^{David's /which were in the
house of God .

David's 1Sa_25_44 /^{David's /wife , to Phalti
the son of Laish , which was of Gallim .

David's 2Sa_03_05 /^{David's /wife . These were
born to David in Hebron .

David's 1Sa_19_11 /^{David's /wife told him,
saying , If thou save not thy life to night , to morrow thou
shalt be slain .

David's 1Sa_25_09 /^{David's /young men came ,
they spake to Nabal according to all those words in the name of
David , and ceased .

David's 1Sa_25_12 /^{David's /young men turned
their way , and went again , and came and told him all those
sayings .
