but exhort one another daily

church daily such as should be saved

daily burnt offering

daily burnt offerings by number

daily food

daily loadeth us

daily meat offering

daily ministration

daily provision

daily rate for every day <2KI25 -:30 >

daily rising up early

daily shall he be praised

daily tasks

every priest standeth daily ministering

give us day by day our daily bread

give us this day our daily bread

have called daily upon thee

he daily increaseth lies

he fighting daily oppresseth me

his daily portion for their service <2CH31 -:16 >

it shall be twice as much as they gather daily

market daily with them

may daily perform my vows

mine enemies would daily swallow

sat daily with you teaching

take up his cross daily

they came round about me daily like water

they should give him daily

thou shalt daily prepare

was daily

was daily with you

was daily with you

watching daily at my gates

when she pressed him daily with her words

when they spake daily unto him

which cometh upon me daily <2CO11 -:28 >

while they say daily unto me

who needeth not daily

whom they laid daily at

your daily task
