Aceldama 0184 ** Akeldama ** {Aceldama}.

Adam 0121 -- /Adam -- {Adam}.

Adam 0076 ** Adam ** {Adam}.

Adamah 0128 -- /Adamah -- {Adamah}.

adamant 8068 -- shamiyr -- {adamant} (stone), brier, diamond.

Adami 0129 -- /Adamiy -- {Adami}.

dam 0517 -- /em -- {dam}, mother, X parting.

damage 2257 -- chabal -- {damage}, hurt.

damage 2555 -- chamac -- cruel(-ty), {damage}, false, injustice,
X oppressor,unrighteous, violence (against, done), violent
(dealing), wrong.

damage 5143 -- nezeq -- {damage}.

damage 2209 ** zemia ** {damage}, loss.

damage 2210 ** zemioo ** be cast away, receive {damage}, lose,
suffer loss.

Damaris 1152 ** Damaris ** {Damaris}.

Damascene 1153 ** Damaskenos ** {Damascene}.

Damascus 1833 -- d@mesheq -- in {Damascus}.

Damascus 1834 -- Dammeseq -- {Damascus}.

Damascus 1154 ** Damaskos ** {Damascus}.

damn 2632 ** katakrino ** condemn, {damn}.

damn 2919 ** krino ** avenge, conclude, condemn, {damn}, decree,
determine, esteem,judge, go to (sue at the) law, ordain, call in
question, sentence to,think.

damnable 0684 ** apoleia ** {damnable}(-nation), destruction,
die, perdition, Xperish, pernicious ways, waste.

damnation 2917 ** krima ** avenge, condemned, condemnation,
{damnation}, + go tolaw, judgment.

damnation 2920 ** krisis ** accustion, condemnation, {damnation},

damsel 3207 -- yaldah -- {damsel}, girl.

damsel 5288 -- na\ar -- babe, boy, child, {damsel}, lad, servant,
young (man).

damsel 5291 -- na\arah -- {damsel}, maid(-en), young (woman).

damsel 5959 -- \almah -- {damsel}, maid, virgin.

damsel 7356 racham -- -- bowels, compassion, {damsel}, tender
love, (great, tender)mercy, pity, womb.

damsel 7361 rachamah -- -- {damsel}.

damsel 2877 ** korasion ** {damsel}, maid.

damsel 3813 ** paidion ** (little, young) child, {damsel}.

damsel 3814 ** paidiske ** bondmaid(-woman), {damsel}, maid(-en).

Elmodam 1678 ** Elmodam ** {Elmodam}.

endamage 5142 -- n@zaq -- have ({en-)damage}, hurt(-ful).

Ephesdammim 0658 -- /Ephec Dammiym -- {Ephes-dammim}.

Pasdammim 6450 -- Pac Dammiym -- {Pas-dammim}.
