Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
darkened ^ 66_REV_09_02 And <2532> he opened <0455> (5656) the bottomless <0012> pit <5421>; and <2532> there arose <0305> (5627) a smoke <2586> out of <1537> the pit <5421>, as <5613> the smoke <2586> of a great <3173> furnace <2575>; and <2532> the sun <2246> and <2532> the air <0109> were {darkened} <4654> (5681) by reason of <1537> the smoke <2586> of the pit <5421>.

darkened ^ 45_ROM_11_10 Let <4654> <0> their <0846> eyes <3788> be {darkened} <4654> (5682), that they may <0991> <0> not <3361> see <0991> (5721), and <2532> bow down <4781> (5657) their <0846> back <3577> alway <1275>.

darkened ^ 45_ROM_01_21 Because <1360> that, when they knew <1097> (5631) God <2316>, they glorified <1392> (5656) him not <3756> as <5613> God <2316>, neither <2228> were thankful <2168> (5656); but <0235> became vain <3154> (5681) in <1722> their <0846> imaginations <1261>, and <2532> their <0846> foolish <0801> heart <2588> was {darkened} <4654> (5681).

darkened ^ 49_EPH_04_18 Having the understanding <1271> {darkened} <4654> (5772), being <5607> (5752) alienated <0526> (5772) from the life <2222> of God <2316> through <1223> the ignorance <0052> that is <5607> (5752) in <1722> them <0846>, because <1223> of the blindness <4457> of their <0846> heart <2588>:

darkened ^ 66_REV_08_12 And <2532> the fourth <5067> angel <0032> sounded <4537> (5656), and <2532> the third part <5154> of the sun <2246> was smitten <4141> (5648), and <2532> the third part <5154> of the moon <4582>, and <2532> the third part <5154> of the stars <0792>; so as <2443> the third part <5154> of them <0846> was {darkened} <4654> (5686), and <2532> the day <2250> shone <5316> (5725) not <3361> for a third part <5154> of it <0846>, and <2532> the night <3571> likewise <3668>.

darkened ^ 42_LUK_23_45 And <2532> the sun <2246> was {darkened} <4654> (5681), and <2532> the veil <2665> of the temple <3485> was rent <4977> (5681) in the midst <3319>.

darkened ^ 41_MAR_13_24 But <0235> in <1722> those <1565> days <2250>, after <3326> that <1565> tribulation <2347>, the sun <2246> shall be {darkened} <4654> (5701), and <2532> the moon <4582> shall <1325> <0> not <3756> give <1325> (5692) her <0846> light <5338>,

darkened ^ 40_MAT_24_29 Immediately <1161> <2112> after <3326> the tribulation <2347> of those <1565> days <2250> shall the sun <2246> be {darkened} <4654> (5701), and <2532> the moon <4582> shall <1325> <0> not <3756> give <1325> (5692) her <0846> light <5338>, and <2532> the stars <0792> shall fall <4098> (5699) from <0575> heaven <3772>, and <2532> the powers <1411> of the heavens <3772> shall be shaken <4531> (5701):