Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0581 + that we being dead +/ . apogenomenos {ap-og-en-om'-en-os}; past participle of a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1096 + God + had + made + laid + come + done + came + grow + Give + waxed + doing + being + arose + became + become + cometh + abroad + forbid + ariseth + is past + am made + But God + wrought + require + it come + it came + he came + sounded + be done + as soon + to come + is made + be made + is come + was come + was done + are done + I became + was made + are made + But made + he would + trembled + and made + was past + man have + is found + continued + he became + I am made + but being + it befell + and being + and waxed + And being + were made + were done + were come + have lost + have been + is become + hath been + is become + to become + was coming + shall come + being made + it is done + was shewed + and become + was become + it is come + It is done + would grow + there came + he is made + and became + and shewed + Being made + I was made + we behaved + may become + thing made + thing kept + thing come + that arose + might come + are become + to be done + to be made + as it came + there arose + was divided + And it came + he be taken + is happened + unto me God + I have been + I am become + when camest + in and came + be ordained + being ended + and falling + things come + may be done + And at even + may be made + and brought + we had been + in was made + and drawing + we are made + is preferred + and was made + thou be made + be fulfilled + might become + and becometh + ye have been + day was come + was now come + and it cometh + And ye became + were finished + shall be done + that by means + that was made + shall be made + might be made + and were made + that was done + were not made + there is made + so be it done + and is become + And he became + thou art made + and it became + hath been done + things be done + and there fell + which was made + she be married + let him become + and are become + thou hast been + And there came + have been done + and it becometh + and they became + and he becometh + thou art become + And there arose + for we are made + old having been + things are done + For we are made + up and becometh + that it be made + me is preferred + shall be turned + which were done + works were done + it shall be done + things were made + when he was come + things were done + therein he being + whilst ye became + shall be brought + ye have not been + things shall come + things are become + works are wrought + we should be made + that it thundered + unto me It is done + unto me It is done + them that had been + they should be put + and there followed + works had been done + me not ; I was made + which was published + things be fulfilled + it was that was done + in you had been done + And when there arose + that he might become + and it shall be done + things which are done + things that were done + in thee had been done + thou Ye shall be made + that we might be made + though she be married + And when we were come + things that shall come + that shall not be made + at that which was come + for that which was done + And when there had been + And when there was made + of you for she hath been + the things that were done + that ye should be married + things shall be performed + the things which are come + the things which were done + good unto us being assembled +/ ; absent, i .e . deceased (figuratively, renounced): --being dead .

0599 + die + dead + died + dieth + I die + it die + to die + we die + he died + and die + am dead + be dead + is dead + and died + of death + as dying + they die + was dead + are dead + that die + that died + and dying + not to die + were slain + and I died + and he die + and to die + should die + ye be dead + He is dead + we be dead + is not dead + and not die + and he died + her and died + had not died + he were dead + and are dead + and perished + ye shall die + for me to die + should not die + that we may die + he ye shall die + that being dead + For ye are dead + me and shall die + And that he died + that she was dead + For in that he died + when he was a dying + For he that is dead + not ; she is not dead + shall we that are dead + but unto him which died + and by it he being dead + man should not have died + unto you that ye shall die + of age and she lay a dying + not unto him He shall not die +/ . apothnesko {ap-oth-nace'-ko}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2348 + dead + is dead + the dead + had been dead + which was dead + he had been dead + there was a dead + that he was dead + for they are dead + And he that was dead + of him that was dead +/ ; to die off (literally or figuratively): --be dead, death, die, lie a-dying, be slain (X with) .

2253 + him half +/ . hemithanes {hay-mee-than-ace'}; from a presumed compound of the base of 2255 + and half + the half + and an half + it thee unto the half +/ and 2348 + dead + is dead + the dead + had been dead + which was dead + he had been dead + there was a dead + that he was dead + for they are dead + And he that was dead + of him that was dead +/ ; half dead, i .e . entirely exhausted: --half dead .

2258 + dead + wast + and wast + thou wast + we had been + it had been + they had been + and part held + thou hast been + For it had been + thou hadst been + should have been + covenant had been + him that he had been + we would not have been + of them that they had been +/ . en {ane}; imperfect of 1510 + you Am + am + had + make + I am + fear + used + I am + And am + and am + as I am + that am + man had + for I am + For I am + but I am + was I am + which had + ye belong + belongeth + that I am + For he had + not ; I am + while I am + state I am + for so I am + And she had + and yet I am + And they had + him for I am + unto me I am + unto thee am + but they had + but that I am + unto him I am + meat but I am + unto her I am + unto you I am + not that I am + unto them I am + thee that I am + as long as I am + of me ; for I am + should not stand + that he belonged + from me ; for I am + thou do it not I am + unto him Have I been + not thyself for I am + thou do it not for I am +/ ; I (thou, etc .) was (wast or were): --+ agree, be, X have (+ charge of), hold, use, was(-t), were .

2288 + Death + death + deadly + O death + a death + by death + in death + to death + of death + is death + the death + in deaths + And death + and death + his death + unto death + came death + with death + from death + by the death + be the death + and of death + him to death + and to death + of his death + him was Death + unto the death + him from death + and his deadly + not unto death + and with death + unto his death + things is death + even unto death + to be unto death + is not unto death + by reason of death + were in it ; and death + which is not unto death +/ . thanatos {than'-at-os}; from 2348 + dead + is dead + the dead + had been dead + which was dead + he had been dead + there was a dead + that he was dead + for they are dead + And he that was dead + of him that was dead +/ ; (properly, an adjective used as a noun) death (literally or figuratively): --X deadly, (be . . .) death .

2289 + dead + to put + to death + to be put + being put + and cause + do mortify + are become + him to death + we are killed + and not killed + them to be put + and shall cause + and some of you shall they cause +/ . thanatoo {than-at-o'-o}; from 2288 + Death + death + deadly + O death + a death + by death + in death + to death + of death + is death + the death + in deaths + And death + and death + his death + unto death + came death + with death + from death + by the death + be the death + and of death + him to death + and to death + of his death + him was Death + unto the death + him from death + and his deadly + not unto death + and with death + unto his death + things is death + even unto death + to be unto death + is not unto death + by reason of death + were in it ; and death + which is not unto death +/ to kill (literally or figuratively): --become dead, (cause to be) put to death, kill, mortify . *** . thano . See 2348 + dead + is dead + the dead + had been dead + which was dead + he had been dead + there was a dead + that he was dead + for they are dead + And he that was dead + of him that was dead +/ .

2348 + dead + is dead + the dead + had been dead + which was dead + he had been dead + there was a dead + that he was dead + for they are dead + And he that was dead + of him that was dead +/ . thnesko {thnay'-sko}; a strengthened form of a simpler primary thano {than'-o} (which is used for it only in certain tenses); to die (literally or figuratively): --be dead, die .

2349 + mortal + in our mortal + upon that mortality +/ . thnetos {thnay-tos'}; from 2348 + dead + is dead + the dead + had been dead + which was dead + he had been dead + there was a dead + that he was dead + for they are dead + And he that was dead + of him that was dead +/ ; liable to die: --mortal(-ity) .

2837 + slept + sleep + asleep + be dead + he sleep + sleepeth + are asleep + are fallen + which sleep + fell asleep + was sleeping + fell on sleep + them sleeping + he fell asleep + which are fallen + of them that slept + them which are asleep + him away while we slept +/ . koimao {koy-mah'-o}; from 2749 + lie + lay + laid + lieth + lying + is laid + was set + had lain + was laid + not lying + is not made + that is set + child is set + that I am set + there was set + And there were set + that we are appointed +/ ; to put to sleep, i .e . (passively or reflexively) to slumber; figuratively, to decease: --(be a-, fall a-, fall on) sleep, be dead .

2838 + of taking of rest +/ . koimesis {koy'-may-sis}; from 2837 + slept + sleep + asleep + be dead + he sleep + sleepeth + are asleep + are fallen + which sleep + fell asleep + was sleeping + fell on sleep + them sleeping + he fell asleep + which are fallen + of them that slept + them which are asleep + him away while we slept +/ , sleeping, i .e . (by implication) repose: --taking of rest .

3498 + dead + is dead + of dead + as dead + up dead + was dead + her dead + the dead + and dead + from dead + of a dead + to be dead + their dead + of the dead + up the dead + and was dead + for the dead + and the dead + are the dead + that the dead + from the dead + be that the dead + up from the dead + when we were dead + him from the dead + after men are dead + him up from the dead + And he that was dead + to them that are dead + unto them from the dead + out of him and he was as one dead + And you hath he quickened who were dead +/ . nekros {nek-ros'}; from an apparently primary nekus (a corpse); dead (literally or figuratively; also as noun): --dead .

3499 + dead + Mortify + and him as good as dead +/ . nekroo {nek-ro'-o}; from 3498 + dead + is dead + of dead + as dead + up dead + was dead + her dead + the dead + and dead + from dead + of a dead + to be dead + their dead + of the dead + up the dead + and was dead + for the dead + and the dead + are the dead + that the dead + from the dead + be that the dead + up from the dead + when we were dead + him from the dead + after men are dead + him up from the dead + And he that was dead + to them that are dead + unto them from the dead + out of him and he was as one dead + And you hath he quickened who were dead +/ ; to deaden, i .e . (figuratively) to subdue: --be dead, mortify .

3500 + the dying + neither yet the deadness +/ . nekrosis {nek'-ro-sis}; from 3499 + dead + Mortify + and him as good as dead +/ ; decease; figuratively, impotency: --deadness, dying .

4430 + bodies + their dead + the carcase + up his corpse + And their dead +/ . ptoma {pto'-mah}; from the alternate of 4098 + Fall + fell + down + fall + light + I fell + falleth + falling + to fail + he fall + ye fall + it fell + man fall + and fell + And fell + is fallen + seeds fell + And I fell + he falleth + him I fell + are fallen + shall fall + and he fell + And he fell + him he fell + and it fell + him she fell + it they fell + him and fell + it shall fall + and there fell + thou wilt fall + them which fell + him ; and he fell + And they shall fall + And that which fell + that they should fall + of them shall not fall +/ ; a ruin, i .e . (specifically) lifeless body (corpse, carrion): --dead body, carcase, corpse .

4880 + die + to die + we be dead +/ . sunapothnesko {soon-ap-oth-nace'-ko}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 0599 + die + dead + died + dieth + I die + it die + to die + we die + he died + and die + am dead + be dead + is dead + and died + of death + as dying + they die + was dead + are dead + that die + that died + and dying + not to die + were slain + and I died + and he die + and to die + should die + ye be dead + He is dead + we be dead + is not dead + and not die + and he died + her and died + had not died + he were dead + and are dead + and perished + ye shall die + for me to die + should not die + that we may die + he ye shall die + that being dead + For ye are dead + me and shall die + And that he died + that she was dead + For in that he died + when he was a dying + For he that is dead + not ; she is not dead + shall we that are dead + but unto him which died + and by it he being dead + man should not have died + unto you that ye shall die + of age and she lay a dying + not unto him He shall not die +/ ; to decease (literally) in company with, or (figuratively, similarly to: --be dead (die) with .

5053 + dead + dieth + to die + and died + was dead + let him die + when he died + a wife deceased +/ . teleutao {tel-yoo-tah'-o}; from a presumed derivative of 5055 + pay + make + over + an end + to make + not make + had made + ye fulfil + are expired + if it fulfil + accomplished + had finished + were finished + It is finished + were fulfilled + I have finished + be accomplished + they had fulfilled + it be accomplished + should be finished + shall be fulfilled + they had performed + should be fulfilled + shall be accomplished + for in them is filled + and ye shall not fulfil + they shall have finished + unto you Ye shall not have gone +/ ; to finish life (by implication of 0979 + good + life + of life + her living + thy living + the living + of our life + of this life + unto them his living +/ ), i .e . expire (demise): --be dead, decease, die .

5054 + the death +/ . teleute {tel-yoo-tay'}; from 5053 + dead + dieth + to die + and died + was dead + let him die + when he died + a wife deceased +/ ; decease: --death .

5066 + days + dead four +/ . tetartaios {tet-ar-tah'-yos}; from 5064 + four + of four + by four + and four + The four + the four + were four + at the four + to the four + of the four + him to four + And the four + and the four + from the four + and of the four + are in the four +/ ; pertaining to the fourth day: --four days .