English Word Index which lists every word with Greek and Hebrew Transliteration of every Bible word

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

deaf 02_EXO_04_11 And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto him , Who (04310 +miy ) hath made (07760 +suwm ) man s (00120 +)adam ) mouth (06310 +peh ) ? or (00176 +)ow ) who (04310 +miy ) maketh (07760 +suwm ) the dumb (00483 +)illem ) , or (00176 +)ow ) {deaf} (02795 +cheresh ) , or (00176 +)ow ) the seeing (06493 +piqqeach ) , or (00176 +)ow ) the blind (05787 +(ivver ) ? have not I the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) ?

deaf 23_ISA_29_18 And in that day (03117 +yowm ) shall the {deaf} (02795 +cheresh ) hear (08085 +shama( ) the words (01697 +dabar ) of the book (05612 +cepher ) , and the eyes (05869 +(ayin ) of the blind (05787 +(ivver ) shall see (07200 +ra)ah ) out of obscurity (00652 +)ophel ) , and out of darkness (02822 +choshek ) .

deaf 23_ISA_35_05 . Then (00227 +)az ) the eyes (05869 +(ayin ) of the blind (05787 +(ivver ) shall be opened (06491 +paqach ) , and the ears (00241 +)ozen ) of the {deaf} (02795 +cheresh ) shall be unstopped (06605 +pathach ) .

deaf 23_ISA_42_18 . Hear (08085 +shama( ) , ye {deaf} (02795 +cheresh ) ; and look (05027 +nabat ) , ye blind (05787 +(ivver ) , that ye may see (07200 +ra)ah ) .

deaf 23_ISA_42_19 Who (04310 +miy ) [ is ] blind (05787 +(ivver ) , but my servant (05650 +(ebed ) ? or {deaf} (02795 +cheresh ) , as my messenger (04397 +mal)ak ) [ that ] I sent (07971 +shalach ) ? who (04310 +miy ) [ is ] blind (05787 +(ivver ) as [ he that is ] perfect (07999 +shalam ) , and blind (05787 +(ivver ) as the LORD S (03068 +Y@hovah ) servant (05650 +(ebed ) ?

deaf 23_ISA_43_08 . Bring (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) the blind (05787 +(ivver ) people (05971 +(am ) that have (03426 +yesh ) eyes (05869 +(ayin ) , and the {deaf} (02795 +cheresh ) that have ears (00241 +)ozen ) .

deaf 03_LEV_19_14 Thou shalt not curse (07043 +qalal ) the {deaf} (02795 +cheresh ) , nor (03808 +lo) ) put (05414 +nathan ) a stumblingblock (04383 +mikshowl ) before (06440 +paniym ) the blind (05787 +(ivver ) , but shalt fear (03372 +yare) ) thy God (00430 +)elohiym ) : I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

deaf 42_LUK_07_22 Then 2532 -kai - Jesus 2424 -Iesous - answering 0611 -apokrinomai - said 2036 -epo - unto them , Go 4198 -poreuomai - your way , and tell 0518 -apaggello - John 2491 -Ioannes - what 3739 -hos - things ye have seen 1492 -eido - and heard 0191 -akouo - ; how 3754 -hoti - that the blind 5185 -tuphlos - see 0308 -anablepo - , the lame 5560 -cholos - walk 4043 -peripateo - , the lepers 3015 -lepros - are cleansed 2511 -katharizo - , the {deaf} 2974 -kophos - hear 0191 -akouo - , the dead 3498 -nekros - are raised 1453 -egeiro - , to the poor 4434 -ptochos - the gospel 2097 -euaggelizo - is preached 2097 -euaggelizo - .

deaf 41_MAR_07_32 And they bring (5342 -phero -) unto him one that was {deaf} (2974 -kophos -) , and had an impediment (3424 -mogilalos -) in his speech (3424 -mogilalos -) ; and they beseech (3870 -parakaleo -) him to put (2007 -epitithemi -) his hand (5495 -cheir -) upon him .

deaf 41_MAR_07_37 And were beyond (5249 -huperperissos -) measure (5249 -huperperissos -) astonished (1605 -ekplesso -) , saying (3004 -lego -) , He hath done (4160 -poieo -) all (3956 -pas -) things well (2573 -kalos -):he maketh (4160 -poieo -) both (5037 -te -) the {deaf} (2974 -kophos -) to hear (0191 -akouo -) , and the dumb (0216 -alalos -) to speak (2980 -laleo -) .

deaf 41_MAR_09_25 When Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) saw (1492 -eido -) that the people (3793 -ochlos -) came (1998 -episuntrecho -) running (1998 -episuntrecho -) together (1998 -episuntrecho -) , he rebuked (2008 -epitimao -) the foul (0169 -akathartos -) spirit (4151 -pneuma -) , saying (3004 -lego -) unto him , [ Thou ] dumb (0216 -alalos -) and {deaf} (2974 -kophos -) spirit (4151 -pneuma -) , I charge (2004 -epitasso -) thee , come (1831 -exerchomai -) out of him , and enter (1525 -eiserchomai -) no (3371 -meketi -) more (3371 -meketi -) into (1519 -eis -) him .

deaf 40_MAT_11_05 The blind (5185 -tuphlos -) receive (0308 -anablepo -) their sight (0308 -anablepo -) , and the lame (5560 -cholos -) walk (4043 -peripateo -) , the lepers (3015 -lepros -) are cleansed (2511 -katharizo -) , and the {deaf} (2974 -kophos -) hear (0191 -akouo -) , the dead (3498 -nekros -) are raised (1453 -egeiro -) up , and the poor (4434 -ptochos -) have the gospel (2097 -euaggelizo -) preached (2097 -euaggelizo -) to them .

deaf 33_MIC_07_16 The nations (01471 +gowy ) shall see (07200 +ra)ah ) and be confounded (00954 +buwsh ) at all (03605 +kol ) their might (01369 +g@buwrah ):they shall lay (07760 +suwm ) [ their ] hand (03027 +yad ) upon [ their ] mouth (06310 +peh ) , their ears (00241 +)ozen ) shall be {deaf} (02790 +charash ) .

deaf 19_PSA_38_13 But I , as a {deaf} (02795 +cheresh ) [ man ] , heard (08085 +shama( ) not ; and [ I was ] as a dumb (00483 +)illem ) man [ that ] openeth (06605 +pathach ) not his mouth (06310 +peh ) .

deaf 19_PSA_58_04 Their poison (02534 +chemah ) [ is ] like (01823 +d@muwth ) the poison (02534 +chemah ) of a serpent (05175 +nachash ):[ they are ] like (03644 +k@mow ) the {deaf} (02795 +cheresh ) adder (06620 +pethen ) [ that ] stoppeth (00331 +)atam ) her ear (00241 +)ozen ) ;

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