again 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing up
again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively)
a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): -- raised to life again,
resurrection, rise from the dead, that should rise, rising

again 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing up
again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively)
a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): -- raised to life
{again}, resurrection, rise from the dead, that should rise,
rising again.[ql

be 2288 # thanatos {than'-at-os}; from 2348; (properly, an
adjective used as a noun) death (literally or figuratively): --
X deadly, ({be}...) death.[ql

dead 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing up
again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively)
a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): -- raised to life again,
resurrection, rise from the {dead}, that should rise, rising

deadly 2288 # thanatos {than'-at-os}; from 2348; (properly, an
adjective used as a noun) death (literally or figuratively): --
X {deadly}, (be...) death.[ql

death 5054 # teleute {tel-yoo-tay'}; from 5053; decease: --

death 0336 # anairesis {an-ah'-ee-res-is}; from 337; (the act
of) killing: -- {death}.[ql

death 1935 # epithanatios {ep-ee-than-at'-ee-os}; from 1909 and
2288; doomed to death: -- appointed to {death}.[ql

death 2079 # eschatos {es-khat'-oce}; adverb from 2078; finally,
i.e. (with 2192) at the extremity of life: -- point of {death}.

death 0520 # apago {ap-ag'-o}; from 575 and 71; to take off (in
various senses): -- bring, carry away, lead (away), put to
{death}, take away.[ql

death 0615 # apokteino {ap-ok-ti'-no}; from 575 and kteino (to
slay); to kill outright; figuratively, to destroy: -- put to
{death}, kill, slay.[ql

death 2288 # thanatos {than'-at-os}; from 2348; (properly, an
adjective used as a noun) death (literally or figuratively): --
X deadly, (be...) {death}.[ql

death 0599 # apothnesko {ap-oth-nace'-ko}; from 575 and 2348;
to die off (literally or figuratively): -- be dead, {death}, die,
lie a-dying, be slain (X with).[ql

death 2289 # thanatoo {than-at-o'-o}; from 2288 to kill
(literally or figuratively): -- become dead, (cause to be) put
to {death}, kill, mortify.[ql ***. thano. See 2348.[ql

death 0337 # anaireo {an-ahee-reh'-o}; from 303 and (the active
of) 138; to take up, i.e. adopt; by implication, to take away
(violently), i.e. abolish, murder: -- put to {death}, kill, slay,
take away, take up.[ql

from 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing up
again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively)
a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): -- raised to life again,
resurrection, rise {from} the dead, that should rise, rising

life 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing up
again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively)
a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): -- raised to {life}
again, resurrection, rise from the dead, that should rise,
rising again.[ql

raised 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing
up again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or
(figuratively) a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): --
{raised} to life again, resurrection, rise from the dead, that
should rise, rising again.[ql

resurrection 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a
standing up again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death
(individual, genitive case or by implication [its author]), or
(figuratively) a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): --
raised to life again, {resurrection}, rise from the dead, that
should rise, rising again.[ql

rise 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing up
again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively)
a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): -- raised to life again,
resurrection, {rise} from the dead, that should rise, rising

rise 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing up
again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively)
a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): -- raised to life again,
resurrection, rise from the dead, that should {rise}, rising

rising 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing
up again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or
(figuratively) a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): --
raised to life again, resurrection, rise from the dead, that
should rise, {rising} again.[ql

should 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing
up again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or
(figuratively) a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): --
raised to life again, resurrection, rise from the dead, that
{should} rise, rising again.[ql

strangled 4156 # pniktos {pnik-tos'}; from 4155; throttled, i.e.
(neuter concretely) an animal choked to death (not bled): --

that 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing up
again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively)
a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): -- raised to life again,
resurrection, rise from the dead, {that} should rise, rising

the 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing up
again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively)
a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): -- raised to life again,
resurrection, rise from {the} dead, that should rise, rising

to 0386 # anastasis {an-as'-tas-is}; from 450; a standing up
again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual,
genitive case or by implication [its author]), or (figuratively)
a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth): -- raised {to} life
again, resurrection, rise from the dead, that should rise,
rising again.[ql
