debtor Interlinear Index Study

debtor EZE 018 007 And hath not oppressed <03238 +yanah > any
<00376 +>iysh > , [ but ] hath restored <07725 +shuwb > to the
{debtor} <02326 +chowb > his pledge <02258 +chabol > , hath
spoiled <01497 +gazal > none <03808 +lo> > by violence <01500
+g@zelah > , hath given <05414 +nathan > his bread <03899
+lechem > to the hungry <07456 +ra , and hath covered
<03680 +kacah > the naked <05903 + with a garment <00899
+beged > ;

debtor MAT 023 016 Woe <3759 -ouai -> unto you , [ ye ] blind
<5185 -tuphlos -> guides <3595 -hodegos -> , which <3588 -ho ->
say <3004 -lego -> , Whosoever <0302 -an -> shall swear <3660 -
omnuo -> by the temple <3485 -naos -> , it is nothing <3762 -
oudeis -> ; but whosoever <0302 -an -> shall swear <3660 -omnuo -
> by the gold <5557 -chrusos -> of the temple <3485 -naos -> ,
he is a {debtor} <3784 -opheilo -> !

debtor ROM 001 014 I am <1510 -eimi -> {debtor} <3781 -
opheiletes -> both <5037 -te -> to the Greeks <1672 -Hellen -> ,
and to the Barbarians <0915 -barbaros -> ; both <5037 -te -> to
the wise <4680 -sophos - -oneidismos -> , and to the unwise
<0453 -anoetos -> .

debtor GAL 005 003 For I testify <3143 -marturomai -> again
<3825 -palin -> to every <3956 -pas -> man <0444 -anthropos ->
that is circumcised <4059 -peritemno -> , that he is a {debtor}
<3781 -opheiletes -> to do <4160 -poieo -> the whole <3650 -
holos -> law <3551 -nomos -> .

debtors MAT 006 012 And forgive <0863 -aphiemi -> us our debts
<3783 -opheilema -> , as we forgive <0863 -aphiemi -> our
{debtors} <3781 -opheiletes -> .

debtors LUK 007 041 There was a certain 5100 -tis - creditor
1157 -daneistes - which had 1510 -eimi - two 1417 -duo -
{debtors} 5533 -chreopheiletes - : the one 1520 -heis - owed
3784 -opheilo - five 4001 -pentakosioi - hundred 4001 -
pentakosioi - pence 1220 -denarion - , and the other 2087 -
heteros - fifty 4004 -pentekonta - .

debtors LUK 016 005 So 2532 -kai - he called 4341 -proskaleomai -
every 1538 -hekastos - one 1520 -heis - of his lord s 2962 -
kurios - {debtors} 5533 -chreopheiletes - [ unto him ] , and
said 3004 -lego - unto the first 4413 -protos - , How 4214 -
posos - much 4214 -posos - owest 3784 -opheilo - thou unto my
lord 2962 -kurios - ?

debtors ROM 008 012 Therefore <3767 -oun -> , brethren <0080 -
adephos -> , we are {debtors} <3781 -opheiletes -> , not to the
flesh <4561 -sarx -> , to live <2198 -zao -> after <2596 -kata -
> the flesh <4561 -sarx -> .

debtors ROM 015 027 It hath pleased <2106 -eudokeo -> them
verily <1063 -gar -> ; and their {debtors} <3781 -opheiletes ->
they are . For if <1487 -ei -> the Gentiles <1484 -ethnos ->
have been made <2841 -koinoneo -> partakers <2841 -koinoneo ->
of their spiritual <4152 -pneumatikos -> things , their duty
<3784 -opheilo -> is also <2532 -kai -> to minister <3008 -
leitourgeo -> unto them in carnal <4559 -sarkikos -> things .
