dedicate 2Ch_02_04 /^{dedicate /it to him, and to
burn before him sweet incense , and for the continual shewbread ,
and for the burnt offerings morning and evening , on the
sabbaths , and on the new moons , and on the solemn feasts of
the LORD our God . This is an ordinance for ever to Israel .

dedicate Deu_20_05 /^{dedicate /it.

dedicate 1Ch_26_27 /^{dedicate /to maintain the
house of the LORD .

dedicate 2Sa_08_11 /^{dedicate /unto the LORD ,
with the silver and gold that he had dedicated of all nations
which he subdued ;

dedicated 2Ki_12_18 /^{dedicated /and his own
hallowed things , and all the gold that was found in the
treasures of the house of the LORD , and in the king's house ,
and sent it to Hazael king of Syria : and he went away from
Jerusalem .

dedicated 2Ch_15_18 /^{dedicated /and that he
himself had dedicated , silver , and gold , and vessels .

dedicated 2Ch_05_01 /^{dedicated /and the silver ,
and the gold , and all the instruments , put he among the
treasures of the house of God .

dedicated 1Ki_15_15 /^{dedicated /and the things
which himself had dedicated , into the house of the LORD ,
silver , and gold , and vessels .

dedicated 1Ch_26_28 /^{dedicated /and whosoever
had dedicated any thing, it was under the hand of Shelomith ,
and of his brethren .

dedicated 1Ch_26_28 /^{dedicated /any thing, it
was under the hand of Shelomith , and of his brethren .

dedicated 1Ki_07_51 /^{dedicated /even the silver ,
and the gold , and the vessels , did he put among the treasures
of the house of the LORD .

dedicated 1Ki_15_15 /^{dedicated /into the house
of the LORD , silver , and gold , and vessels .

dedicated Deu_20_05 /^{dedicated /it? let him go
and return to his house , lest he die in the battle , and
another man dedicate it.

dedicated 2Sa_08_11 /^{dedicated /of all nations
which he subdued ;

dedicated 2Ch_15_18 /^{dedicated /silver , and gold
, and vessels .

dedicated 2Ch_07_05 /^{dedicated /the house of God .

dedicated 1Ki_08_63 /^{dedicated /the house of the

dedicated Jud_17_03 /^{dedicated /the silver unto
the LORD from my hand for my son , to make a graven image and a
molten image : now therefore I will restore it unto thee.

dedicated Eze_44_29 /^{dedicated /thing in Israel
shall be theirs.

dedicated 1Ch_26_26 /^{dedicated /things , which
David the king , and the chief fathers , the captains over
thousands and hundreds , and the captains of the host , had
dedicated .

dedicated 1Ch_26_20 /^{dedicated /things .

dedicated 1Ch_28_12 /^{dedicated /things :

dedicated 2Ch_31_12 /^{dedicated /things faithfully
: over which Cononiah the Levite was ruler , and Shimei his
brother was the next .

dedicated 2Ch_24_07 /^{dedicated /things of the
house of the LORD did they bestow upon Baalim .

dedicated 2Ki_12_04 /^{dedicated /things that is
brought into the house of the LORD , even the money of every one
that passeth the account, the money that every man is set at ,
and all the money that cometh into any man's heart to bring into
the house of the LORD ,

dedicated 1Ch_18_11 /^{dedicated /unto the LORD ,
with the silver and the gold that he brought from all these
nations ; from Edom , and from Moab , and from the children of
Ammon , and from the Philistines , and from Amalek .

dedicated Heb_09_18 /${dedicated /without blood .
