almsdeeds Act_09_36 /${almsdeeds /which she did .

deeds Isa_59_18 /^{deeds /accordingly he will
repay , fury to his adversaries , recompence to his enemies ; to
the islands he will repay recompence .

deeds 1Ch_16_08 /^{deeds /among the people .

deeds Psa_105_01 /^{deeds /among the people .

deeds Psa_28_04 /^{deeds /and according to the
wickedness of their endeavours : give them after the work of
their hands ; render to them their desert .

deeds Jer_25_14 /^{deeds /and according to the
works of their own hands .

deeds Ezr_09_13 /^{deeds /and for our great
trespass , seeing that thou our God hast punished us less than
our iniquities deserve, and hast given us such deliverance as

deeds Act_24_02 /${deeds /are done unto this
nation by thy providence ,

deeds Neh_06_19 /^{deeds /before me, and
uttered my words to him. And Tobiah sent letters to put me in
fear .

deeds Luk_23_41 /${deeds /but this man hath
done nothing amiss .

deeds 2Ch_35_27 /^{deeds /first and last ,
behold, they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and
Judah .

deeds Joh_03_21 /${deeds /may be made manifest
, that they are wrought in God .

deeds Rom_08_13 /${deeds /of the body , ye
shall live .

deeds Rom_03_28 /${deeds /of the law .

deeds Rom_03_20 /${deeds /of the law there
shall no flesh be justified in his sight : for by the law is the
knowledge of sin .

deeds Rev_02_06 /${deeds /of the Nicolaitans ,
which I also hate .

deeds Jer_05_28 /^{deeds /of the wicked : they
judge not the cause , the cause of the fatherless , yet they
prosper ; and the right of the needy do they not judge .

deeds Joh_08_41 /${deeds /of your father .
Then said they to him , We be not born of fornication ; we have
one Father , even God .

deeds Luk_11_48 /${deeds /of your fathers :
for they indeed killed them , and ye build their sepulchres .

deeds Joh_03_20 /${deeds /should be reproved .

deeds Neh_13_14 /^{deeds /that I have done for
the house of my God , and for the offices thereof.

deeds Gen_20_09 /^{deeds /unto me that ought
not to be done .

deeds Joh_03_19 /${deeds /were evil .

deeds 001 103 Jo /${deeds /which he doeth ,
prating against us with malicious words : and not content
therewith , neither doth he himself receive the brethren , and
forbiddeth them that would , and casteth them out of the church .

deeds 001 015 Jud /${deeds /which they have
ungodly committed , and of all their hard speeches which ungodly
sinners have spoken against him .
