defence Php_01_07 /${defence /and confirmation
of the gospel , ye all are partakers of my grace .

defence Ecc_07_12 /^{defence /and money is a
defence : but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth
life to them that have it.

defence Psa_94_22 /^{defence /and my God is the
rock of my refuge .

defence Psa_59_16 /^{defence /and refuge in the
day of my trouble .

defence Psa_59_17 /^{defence /and the God of my
mercy .

defence Psa_89_18 /^{defence /and the Holy One
of Israel is our king .

defence Job_22_25 /^{defence /and thou shalt
have plenty of silver .

defence Ecc_07_12 /^{defence /but the excellency
of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.

defence Psa_62_02 /^{defence /I shall not be
greatly moved .

defence Psa_62_06 /^{defence /I shall not be
moved .

defence 2Ch_11_05 /^{defence /in Judah .

defence Num_14_09 /^{defence /is departed from
them, and the LORD is with us: fear them not.

defence Psa_07_10 /^{defence /is of God , which
saveth the upright in heart .

defence Php_01_17 /${defence /of the gospel .

defence Isa_19_06 /^{defence /shall be emptied
and dried up : the reeds and flags shall wither .

defence Nah_02_05 /^{defence /shall be prepared .

defence Isa_33_16 /^{defence /shall be the
munitions of rocks : bread shall be given him; his waters shall
be sure .

defence Psa_31_02 /^{defence /to save me.

defence Act_19_33 /${defence /unto the people .

defence Act_22_01 /${defence /which I make now
unto you .

defenced Jer_08_14 /^{defenced /cities , and let
us be silent there: for the LORD our God hath put us to silence ,
and given us water of gall to drink , because we have sinned
against the LORD .

defenced Jer_04_05 /^{defenced /cities .

defenced Isa_37_26 /^{defenced /cities into
ruinous heaps .

defenced Isa_36_01 /^{defenced /cities of Judah ,
and took them.

defenced Jer_34_07 /^{defenced /cities remained
of the cities of Judah .

defenced Jer_01_18 /^{defenced /city , and an
iron pillar , and brasen walls against the whole land , against
the kings of Judah , against the princes thereof, against the
priests thereof, and against the people of the land .

defenced Isa_25_02 /^{defenced /city a ruin : a
palace of strangers to be no city ; it shall never be built .

defenced Isa_27_10 /^{defenced /city shall be
desolate , and the habitation forsaken , and left like a
wilderness : there shall the calf feed , and there shall he lie
down , and consume the branches thereof.
