delight Pro_24_25 /^{delight /and a good
blessing shall come upon them.

delight Son_02_03 /^{delight /and his fruit was
sweet to my taste .

delight Psa_119_002 /^{delight /and my
counsellors .

delight Job_27_10 /^{delight /himself in the
Almighty ? will he always call upon God ?

delight Job_34_09 /^{delight /himself with God .

delight Isa_58_02 /^{delight /in approaching to
God .

delight 1Sa_15_22 /^{delight /in burnt offerings
and sacrifices , as in obeying the voice of the LORD ? Behold,
to obey is better than sacrifice , and to hearken than the fat
of rams .

delight Deu_21_14 /^{delight /in her, then thou
shalt let her go whither she will ; but thou shalt not sell her
at all for money , thou shalt not make merchandise of her,
because thou hast humbled her.

delight Isa_13_17 /^{delight /in it.

delight Jer_06_10 /^{delight /in it.

delight Gen_34_19 /^{delight /in Jacob's
daughter : and he was more honourable than all the house of his
father .

delight Psa_62_04 /^{delight /in lies : they
bless with their mouth , but they curse inwardly . Selah .

delight Job_22_26 /^{delight /in the Almighty ,
and shalt lift up thy face unto God .

delight Pro_02_14 /^{delight /in the frowardness
of the wicked ;

delight Rom_07_22 /${delight /in the law of God
after the inward man :

delight 1Sa_18_22 /^{delight /in thee, and all
his servants love thee: now therefore be the king's son in law .

delight 2Sa_15_26 /^{delight /in thee; behold,
here am I, let him do to me as seemeth good unto him.

delight Pro_01_22 /^{delight /in their scorning ,
and fools hate knowledge ?

delight 2Sa_24_03 /^{delight /in this thing ?

delight Deu_10_15 /^{delight /in thy fathers to
love them, and he chose their seed after them, even you above
all people , as it is this day .

delight Psa_119_007 /^{delight /in thy law .

delight Pro_18_02 /^{delight /in understanding ,
but that his heart may discover itself.

delight Num_14_08 /^{delight /in us, then he
will bring us into this land , and give it us; a land which
floweth with milk and honey .

delight Psa_68_30 /^{delight /in war .

delight Mal_03_01 /^{delight /in: behold, he
shall come , saith the LORD of hosts .

delight Psa_01_02 /^{delight /is in the law of
the LORD ; and in his law doth he meditate day and night .

Delight Pro_19_10 /^{Delight /is not seemly for
a fool ; much less for a servant to have rule over princes .

delight Isa_55_02 /^{delight /itself in fatness .

delight Psa_94_19 /^{delight /my soul .

delight Psa_119_004 /^{delight /myself in thy
commandments , which I have loved .

delight Psa_119_001 /^{delight /myself in thy
statutes : I will not forget thy word .

delight Isa_01_11 /^{delight /not in the blood
of bullocks , or of lambs , or of he goats .

delight Pro_16_13 /^{delight /of kings ; and
they love him that speaketh right .

delight Pro_08_30 /^{delight /rejoicing always
before him;

delight Jer_09_24 /^{delight /saith the LORD .

delight Isa_58_13 /^{delight /the holy of the
LORD , honourable ; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own
ways , nor finding thine own pleasure , nor speaking thine own
words :

delight Psa_37_11 /^{delight /themselves in the
abundance of peace .

Delight Psa_37_04 /^{Delight /thyself also in
the LORD ; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart .

delight Isa_58_14 /^{delight /thyself in the
LORD ; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the
earth , and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father :
for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

delight Est_06_06 /^{delight /to do honour more
than to myself?

delight Psa_40_08 /^{delight /to do thy will , O
my God : yea, thy law is within my heart .

delight Isa_58_02 /^{delight /to know my ways ,
as a nation that did righteousness , and forsook not the
ordinance of their God : they ask of me the ordinances of
justice ; they take delight in approaching to God .

delight Pro_29_17 /^{delight /unto thy soul .

delighted Est_02_14 /^{delighted /in her, and that
she were called by name .

delighted Psa_22_08 /^{delighted /in him.

delighted Psa_18_19 /^{delighted /in me.

delighted 2Sa_22_20 /^{delighted /in me.

delighted 2Ch_09_08 /^{delighted /in thee to set
thee on his throne , to be king for the LORD thy God : because
thy God loved Israel , to establish them for ever , therefore
made he thee king over them, to do judgment and justice .

delighted 1Ki_10_09 /^{delighted /in thee, to set
thee on the throne of Israel : because the LORD loved Israel for
ever , therefore made he thee king , to do judgment and justice .

delighted 1Sa_19_02 /^{delighted /much in David :
and Jonathan told David , saying , Saul my father seeketh to
kill thee: now therefore, I pray thee, take heed to thyself
until the morning , and abide in a secret place, and hide

delighted Psa_109_17 /^{delighted /not in blessing
, so let it be far from him.

delighted Isa_65_12 /^{delighted /not.

delighted Isa_66_04 /^{delighted /not.

delighted Neh_09_25 /^{delighted /themselves in
thy great goodness .

delighted Isa_66_11 /^{delighted /with the
abundance of her glory .

delightest Psa_51_16 /^{delightest /not in burnt
offering .

delighteth Psa_112_01 /^{delighteth /greatly in his
commandments .

delighteth Isa_42_01 /^{delighteth /I have put my
spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles .

delighteth Psa_37_23 /^{delighteth /in his way .

delighteth Mic_07_18 /^{delighteth /in mercy .

delighteth Isa_62_04 /^{delighteth /in thee, and
thy land shall be married .

delighteth Isa_66_03 /^{delighteth /in their
abominations .

delighteth Mal_02_17 /^{delighteth /in them; or,
Where is the God of judgment ?

delighteth Psa_147_10 /^{delighteth /not in the
strength of the horse : he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a
man .

delighteth Est_06_07 /^{delighteth /to honour ,

delighteth Est_06_09 /^{delighteth /to honour , and
bring him on horseback through the street of the city , and
proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the
king delighteth to honour .

delighteth Est_06_09 /^{delighteth /to honour .

delighteth Est_06_11 /^{delighteth /to honour .

delighteth Est_06_06 /^{delighteth /to honour ? Now
Haman thought in his heart , To whom would the king delight to
do honour more than to myself?

delights Psa_119_009 /^{delights /I should then
have perished in mine affliction .

delights Ecc_02_08 /^{delights /of the sons of
men , as musical instruments , and that of all sorts.

delights Pro_08_31 /^{delights /were with the
sons of men .

delights 2Sa_01_24 /^{delights /who put on
ornaments of gold upon your apparel .

delightsome Mal_03_12 /^{delightsome /land , saith
the LORD of hosts .
