Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
-denarion- ......... for a penny 1220 -denarion- >

-denarion- ......... man a penny 1220 -denarion- >

-denarion- ......... me a penny 1220 -denarion- >

-denarion- ......... pence 1220 -denarion- >

-denarion- ......... pennyworth 1220 -denarion- >

-denarion- ......... unto him a penny 1220 -denarion- >

-denarion- ......... with me for a penny 1220 -denarion- >

-dendron- ......... a tree 1186 -dendron- >

-dendron- ......... as trees 1186 -dendron- >

-dendron- ......... for the tree 1186 -dendron- >

-dendron- ......... from the trees 1186 -dendron- >

-dendron- ......... of the trees 1186 -dendron- >

-dendron- ......... part of trees 1186 -dendron- >

-dendron- ......... the tree 1186 -dendron- >

-dendron- ......... the trees 1186 -dendron- >

-dendron- ......... tree 1186 -dendron- >

-dendron- ......... trees 1186 -dendron- >

-exoudenoo- ......... at 1847 -exoudenoo- >

-exoudenoo- ......... nought 1847 -exoudenoo- >

-exoudenoo- ......... things , and be set 1847 -exoudenoo- >

bidden ......... but they which were bidden 2564 -kaleo->

bidden ......... had bidden 2564 -kaleo->

bidden ......... had bidden 4367 -prostasso->

bidden ......... man than thou be bidden 2564 -kaleo->

bidden ......... them that were bidden 2564 -kaleo->

bidden ......... them which are bidden 2564 -kaleo->

bidden ......... thou art bidden 2564 -kaleo->

bidden ......... to them that were bidden 2564 -kaleo->

bidden ......... were bidden 2564 -kaleo->

bidden ......... which were bidden 2564 -kaleo->

burden ......... and my burden 5413 -phortion->

burden ......... burden 0922 -baros->

burden ......... burden 5413 -phortion->

burden ......... But be it so , I did not burden 2599 -katabareo->

burden ......... her burden 1117 -gomos->

burden ......... the burden 0922 -baros->

burdened ......... and ye burdened 2347 -thlipsis->

burdened ......... being burdened 0916 -bareo->

burdens ......... burdens 0922 -baros->

burdens ......... burdens 5413 -phortion->

burdens ......... not the burdens 5413 -phortion->

burdens ......... with burdens 5413 -phortion->

burdensome ......... from being burdensome 0004 -abares->

burdensome ......... from being burdensome 0004 -abares->

burdensome ......... have been burdensome 0922 -baros->

burdensome ......... it be that I myself was not burdensome 2655 -katanarkao->

burdensome ......... to you ; and I will not be burdensome 2655 -katanarkao->

confidence ......... And we have confidence 3982 -peitho->

confidence ......... confidence 3954 -parrhesia->

confidence ......... confidence 3982 -peitho->

confidence ......... confidence 4006 -pepoithesis->

confidence ......... confidence 5287 -hupostasis->

confidence ......... Having confidence 3982 -peitho->

confidence ......... having confidence 3982 -peitho->

confidence ......... I have confidence 3982 -peitho->

confidence ......... is the confidence 3954 -parrhesia->

confidence ......... of our confidence 5287 -hupostasis->

confidence ......... the confidence 3954 -parrhesia->

confidence ......... therefore that I have confidence 2292 -tharrheo->

confidence ......... we confidence 3954 -parrhesia->

confidence ......... with confidence 4006 -pepoithesis->

confidence ......... with that confidence 4006 -pepoithesis->

confident ......... And art confident 3982 -peitho->

confident ......... Being confident 3982 -peitho->

confident ......... confident 2292 -tharrheo->

confident ......... confident 3982 -peitho->

confident ......... confident 5287 -hupostasis->

confident ......... We are confident 2292 -tharrheo->

confidently ......... confidently 1340 -diischurizomai->

den ......... it a den 4693 -spelaion->

denied ......... and denied 0720 -arneomai->

denied ......... and hast not denied 0720 -arneomai->

denied ......... And he denied 0720 -arneomai->

denied ......... But he denied 0720 -arneomai->

denied ......... But ye denied 0720 -arneomai->

denied ......... denied 0720 -arneomai->

denied ......... He denied 0720 -arneomai->

denied ......... he denied 0720 -arneomai->

denied ......... he hath denied 0720 -arneomai->

denied ......... shall be denied 0533 -aparneomai->

denied ......... thou hast denied 0533 -aparneomai->

denied ......... up , and denied 0720 -arneomai->

denieth ......... But he that denieth 0720 -arneomai->

denieth ......... but he that denieth 0720 -arneomai->

denieth ......... denieth 0720 -arneomai->

denieth ......... that denieth 0720 -arneomai->

dens ......... and in dens 4693 -spelaion->

dens ......... in the dens 4693 -spelaion->

deny ......... deny 0483 -antilego->

deny ......... deny 0533 -aparneomai->

deny ......... deny 0720 -arneomai->

deny ......... me , let him deny 0533 -aparneomai->

deny ......... shall deny 0720 -arneomai->

deny ......... they deny 0720 -arneomai->

deny ......... thou shalt deny 0533 -aparneomai->

deny ......... we deny 0720 -arneomai->

deny ......... will deny 0720 -arneomai->

deny ......... will I not deny 0533 -aparneomai->

deny ......... with thee , I will not deny 0533 -aparneomai->

denying ......... and denying 0720 -arneomai->

denying ......... but denying 0720 -arneomai->

denying ......... denying 0720 -arneomai->

denying ......... us that , denying 0720 -arneomai->

emboldened ......... be emboldened 3618 -oikodomeo->

evidence ......... for , the evidence 1650 -elegchos->

evident ......... evident 2612 -katadelos->

evident ......... For it is evident 4271 -prodelos->

evident ......... is to them an evident 1732 -endeixis->

evident ......... it is evident 1212 -delos->

evidently ......... evidently 5320 -phaneros->

evidently ......... hath been evidently 4270 -prographo->

forbidden ......... and were forbidden 2967 -koluo->

garden ......... and in the garden 2779 -kepos->

garden ......... his garden 2779 -kepos->

garden ......... thee in the garden 2779 -kepos->

garden ......... there was a garden 2779 -kepos->

garden ......... was a garden 2779 -kepos->

gardener ......... him to be the gardener 2780 -kepouros->

golden ......... a golden 5552 -chruseos->

golden ......... and golden 5552 -chruseos->

golden ......... golden 5552 -chruseos->

golden ......... of the golden 5552 -chruseos->

golden ......... the golden 5552 -chruseos->

golden ......... the golden 5552 -chruseos->

golden ......... upon the golden 5552 -chruseos->

golden ......... was the golden 5552 -chruseos->

golden ......... was the golden 5552 -chruseos->

golden ......... with a golden 5552 -chruseos->

golden ......... with golden 5552 -chruseos->

handmaiden ......... estate of his handmaiden 1399 -doule->

handmaidens ......... my handmaidens 1399 -doule->

harden ......... harden 4645 -skleruno->

Harden ......... Harden 4645 -skleruno->

hardened ......... and hardened 4456 -poroo->

hardened ......... hardened 4456 -poroo->

hardened ......... of you be hardened 4645 -skleruno->

hardened ......... was hardened 4456 -poroo->

hardened ......... were hardened 4645 -skleruno->

hardeneth ......... he hardeneth 4645 -skleruno->

hidden ......... But let it be the hidden 2927 -kruptos->

hidden ......... even the hidden 0613 -apokrupto->

hidden ......... of the hidden 2928 -krupto->

hidden ......... the hidden 2927 -kruptos->

hidden ......... things are hidden 2990 -lanthano->

holden ......... he shall be holden up : for God 2316 -theos->

holden ......... that he should be holden 2902 -krateo->

holden ......... were holden 2902 -krateo->

laden ......... and are heavy laden 5412 -phortizo->

laden ......... laden 4987 -soreuo->

maiden ......... of the maiden 3816 -pais->

maidens ......... and maidens 3814 -paidiske->

providence ......... by thy providence 4307 -pronoia->

prudence ......... and prudence 5428 -phronesis->

prudent ......... a prudent 4908 -sunetos->

prudent ......... and prudent 4908 -sunetos->

prudent ......... of the prudent 4908 -sunetos->

Pudens ......... thee , and Pudens 4227 -Poudes->

sudden ......... sudden 0160 -aiphnidios->

suddenly ......... And suddenly 0869 -aphno->

suddenly ......... and suddenly 1810 -exaiphnes->

suddenly ......... And suddenly 1810 -exaiphnes->

suddenly ......... And suddenly 1819 -exapina->

suddenly ......... him , and he suddenly 1810 -exaiphnes->

suddenly ......... suddenly 0869 -aphno->

suddenly ......... suddenly 1810 -exaiphnes->

suddenly ......... suddenly 5030 -tacheos->

trodden ......... and it was trodden 2662 -katapateo->

trodden ......... hath trodden 2662 -katapateo->

trodden ......... out , and to be trodden 2662 -katapateo->

trodden ......... shall be trodden 3961 -pateo->

trodden ......... was trodden 3961 -pateo->