den Interlinear Index Study

den PSA 010 009 He lieth in wait <00693 +>arab > secretly <04565
+mictar > as a lion <00738 +>ariy > in his {den} <05520 +cok > :
he lieth in wait <00693 +>arab > to catch <02414 +chataph > the
poor <06041 + : he doth catch <02414 +chataph > the poor
<06041 + , when he draweth <04900 +mashak > him into his
net <07568 +resheth > .

den ISA 011 008 And the sucking <03243 +yanaq > child shall play
<08173 +sha on <05921 + the hole <02356 +chowr > of
the asp <06620 +pethen > , and the weaned <01580 +gamal > child
shall put <01911 +hadah > his hand <03027 +yad > on <05921 + > the cockatrice <06848 +tsepha< > {den} <03975 +m@uwrah > .

den JER 007 011 Is this <02088 +zeh > house <01004 +bayith > ,
which <00834 +>aher > is called <07121 +qara> > by my name
<08034 +shem > , become <01961 +hayah > a {den} <04631 +m@ > of robbers <06530 +p@riyts > in your eyes <05869 + ?
Behold <02009 +hinneh > , even <01571 +gam > I have seen <07200
+ra>ah > [ it ] , saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah
> .

den JER 009 011 And I will make <05414 +nathan > Jerusalem
<03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > heaps <01530 +gal > , [ and ] a {den}
<04583 +ma of dragons <08577 +tanniyn > ; and I will make
<05414 +nathan > the cities <05892 + of Judah <03063
+Y@huwdah > desolate <08077 +sh@mamah > , without <01097 +b@liy
> an inhabitant <03427 +yashab > .

den JER 010 022 Behold <02009 +hinneh > , the noise <06963 +qowl
> of the bruit <08052 +sh@muw is come <00935 +bow> > , and
a great <01419 +gadowl > commotion <07494 +ra out of the
north <06828 +tsaphown > country <00776 +>erets > , to make
<07760 +suwm > the cities <05892 + of Judah <03063
+Y@huwdah > desolate <08077 +sh@mamah > , [ and ] a {den}
<04583 +ma of dragons <08577 +tanniyn > .

den DAN 006 007 All <03606 +kol > the presidents <05632 +carek >
of the kingdom <04437 +malkuw > , the governors <05461 +cagan > ,
and the princes <00324 +>achashdarpan > , the counsellors
<01907 +haddabar > , and the captains <06347 +pechah > , have
consulted <03272 +y@ together to establish <06966 +quwm > a
royal <04430 +melek > statute <07010 +q@yam > , and to make a
firm <08631 +t@qeph > decree <00633 +>ecar > , that whosoever
<03605 +kol > shall ask <01156 +b@ > a petition <01159 +ba > of any <03606 +kol > God <00426 +>elahh > or man <00606
+>enash > for thirty <08533 +t@lathiyn > days <03118 +yowm > ,
save <03861 +lawhen > of thee , O king <04430 +melek > , he
shall be cast <07412 +r@mah > into the {den} <01358 +gob > of
lions <00744 +>aryeh > .

den DAN 006 012 Then <00116 +>edayin > they came <07127 +q@reb >
near <07127 +q@reb > , and spake <00560 +>amar > before <06925
+qodam > the king <04430 +melek > concerning <05922 + the
king s <04430 +melek > decree <00633 +>ecar > ; Hast thou not
signed <07560 +r@sham > a decree <00633 +>ecar > , that every
<03606 +kol > man <00606 +>enash > that shall ask <01156 +b@

> [ a petition ] of any <03606 +kol > God <00426 +>elahh > or
man <00606 +>enash > within <05705 + thirty <08533
+t@lathiyn > days <03118 +yowm > , save <03861 +lawhen > of thee
, O king <04430 +melek > , shall be cast <07412 +r@mah > into
the {den} <01358 +gob > of lions <00744 +>aryeh > ? The king
<04430 +melek > answered <06032 + and said <00560 +>amar
> , The thing <04406 +millah > [ is ] true <03330 +yatstsiyb > ,
according to the law <01882 +dath > of the Medes <04076 +Maday >
and Persians <06540 +Parac > , which <01768 +diy > altereth
<05709 + > not .

den DAN 006 016 Then <00116 +>edayin > the king <04430 +melek >
commanded <00560 +>amar > , and they brought <00858 +>athah >
Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > , and cast <07412 +r@mah > [ him ]
into the {den} <01358 +gob > of lions <00744 +>aryeh > . [ Now
<00116 +>edayin > ] the king <04430 +melek > spake <06032 + > and said <00560 +>amar > unto Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > , Thy
God <00426 +>elahh > whom <01768 +diy > thou servest <06399
+p@lach > continually <08411 +t@diyra> > , he will deliver
<07804 +sh@zab > thee .

den DAN 006 017 And a stone <69> was brought <00858 +>athah > ,
and laid <07760 +suwm > upon the mouth <06433 +pum > of the
{den} <01358 +gob > ; and the king <04430 +melek > sealed <02857
+chatham > it with his own signet <05824 + > , and with
the signet <05824 + > of his lords <07261 +rabr@ban > ;
that the purpose <06640 +ts@buw > might not be changed <08133
+sh@na> > concerning Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > .

den DAN 006 019 Then <00116 +>edayin > the king <04430 +melek >
arose <06966 +quwm > very early <08238 +sh@pharphar > in the
morning <05053 +nogahh > , and went <00236 +>azal > in haste
<00927 +b@hal > unto the {den} <01358 +gob > of lions <00744
+>aryeh > .

den DAN 006 020 And when he came <07127 +q@reb > to the {den}
<01358 +gob > , he cried <02200 +z@ with a lamentable
<06088 + voice <07032 +qal > unto Daniel <01841
+Daniye>l > : [ and ] the king <04430 +melek > spake <06032
+ and said <00560 +>amar > to Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > ,
O Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > , servant <05649 + of the
living <02417 +chay > God <00426 +>elahh > , is thy God <00426
+>elahh > , whom <01768 +diy > thou servest <06399 +p@lach >
continually <08411 +t@diyra> > , able <03202 +y@kel > to deliver
<07804 +sh@zab > thee from the lions <00744 +>aryeh > ?

den DAN 006 023 Then <00116 +>edayin > was the king <04430
+melek > exceeding <07689 +saggiy> > glad <02868 +t@>eb > for
him , and commanded <00560 +>amar > that they should take <05267
+n@caq > Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > up out of the den <01358 +gob
> . So Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > was taken <05267 +n@caq > up
out of the {den} <01358 +gob > , and no manner of hurt <02257
+chabal > was found <07912 +sh@kach > upon him , because <01768
+diy > he believed <00540 +>aman > in his God <00426 +>elahh > .

den DAN 006 023 Then <00116 +>edayin > was the king <04430
+melek > exceeding <07689 +saggiy> > glad <02868 +t@>eb > for
him , and commanded <00560 +>amar > that they should take <05267
+n@caq > Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > up out of the {den} <01358
+gob > . So Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > was taken <05267 +n@caq >
up out of the den <01358 +gob > , and no manner of hurt <02257
+chabal > was found <07912 +sh@kach > upon him , because <01768
+diy > he believed <00540 +>aman > in his God <00426 +>elahh > .

den DAN 006 024 And the king <04430 +melek > commanded <00560
+>amar > , and they brought <00858 +>athah > those <00479
+>illek > men <01400 +g@bar > which <01768 +diy > had accused
<07170 +q@rats > Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > , and they cast
<07412 +r@mah > [ them ] into the den <01358 +gob > of lions
<00744 +>aryeh > , them , their children <01123 +ben > , and
their wives <05389 +nashiyn > ; and the lions <00744 +>aryeh >
had the mastery <06981 +Qowre> > of them , and brake <01855
+d@qaq > all <03606 +kol > their bones <01635 +gerem > in pieces
or ever <03809 +la> > they came <04291 +m@ta> > at the bottom
<00773 +>ar of the {den} <01358 +gob > .

den DAN 006 024 And the king <04430 +melek > commanded <00560
+>amar > , and they brought <00858 +>athah > those <00479
+>illek > men <01400 +g@bar > which <01768 +diy > had accused
<07170 +q@rats > Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > , and they cast
<07412 +r@mah > [ them ] into the {den} <01358 +gob > of lions
<00744 +>aryeh > , them , their children <01123 +ben > , and
their wives <05389 +nashiyn > ; and the lions <00744 +>aryeh >
had the mastery <06981 +Qowre> > of them , and brake <01855
+d@qaq > all <03606 +kol > their bones <01635 +gerem > in pieces
or ever <03809 +la> > they came <04291 +m@ta> > at the bottom
<00773 +>ar of the den <01358 +gob > .

den AMO 003 004 Will a lion <00738 +>ariy > roar <07580 +sha>ag
> in the forest <03293 +ya , when he hath no <00369 +>ayin
> prey <02964 +tereph > ? will a young <03715 +k@phiyr > lion
<03715 +k@phiyr > cry out of his {den} <04585 +m@ , if
<00518 +>im > he have taken <03920 +lakad > nothing <01115
+biltiy > ?

den MAT 021 013 And said <3004 -lego -> unto them , It is
written <1125 -grapho -> , My house <3624 -oikos -> shall be
called <2564 -kaleo -> the house <3624 -oikos -> of prayer <4335
-proseuche -> ; but ye have made <4160 -poieo -> it a {den}
<4693 -spelaion -> of thieves <3027 -leistes -> .

den MAR 011 017 And he taught <1321 -didasko -> , saying <3004 -
lego -> unto them , Is it not written <1125 -grapho -> , My
house <3624 -oikos -> shall be called <2564 -kaleo -> of all
<3956 -pas -> nations <1484 -ethnos -> the house <3624 -oikos ->
of prayer <4335 -proseuche -> ? but ye have made <4160 -poieo ->
it a {den} <4693 -spelaion -> of thieves <3027 -leistes -> .

den LUK 019 046 Saying 3004 -lego - unto them , It is written
1125 -grapho - , My house 3624 -oikos - is the house 3624 -oikos
- of prayer 4335 -proseuche - : but ye have made 4160 -poieo -
it a {den} 4693 -spelaion - of thieves 3027 -leistes - .
