denied Joh_18_27 /${denied /again : and
immediately the cock crew .

denied Luk_12_09 /${denied /before the angels
of God .

denied Mat_26_70 /${denied /before them all ,
saying , I know not what thou sayest .

denied Luk_22_57 /${denied /him , saying ,
Woman , I know him not .

denied Act_03_13 /${denied /him in the presence
of Pilate , when he was determined to let him go .

denied 1Ki_20_07 /^{denied /him not.

denied Mar_14_70 /${denied /it again . And a
little after , they that stood by said again to Peter , Surely
thou art one of them : for thou art a Galilaean , and thy speech
agreeth thereto.

denied Joh_18_25 /${denied /it, and said , I am
not .

denied Joh_13_38 /${denied /me thrice .

denied Rev_02_13 /${denied /my faith , even in
those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr , who was
slain among you , where Satan dwelleth .

denied Rev_03_08 /${denied /my name .

denied Joh_01_20 /${denied /not ; but confessed
, I am not the Christ .

denied Luk_08_45 /${denied /Peter and they that
were with him said , Master , the multitude throng thee and
press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me ?

denied Mar_14_68 /${denied /saying , I know not
, neither understand I what thou sayest . And he went out into
the porch ; and the cock crew .

denied Gen_18_15 /^{denied /saying , I laughed
not; for she was afraid . And he said , Nay ; but thou didst
laugh .

denied 1Ti_05_08 /${denied /the faith , and is
worse than an infidel .

denied Job_31_28 /^{denied /the God that is
above .

denied Act_03_14 /${denied /the Holy One and
the Just , and desired a murderer to be granted unto you ;

denied Mat_26_72 /${denied /with an oath , I do
not know the man .
