burdens Lam_02_14 /^{burdens /and causes of
banishment .

burdens 1Ki_05_15 /^{burdens /and fourscore
thousand hewers in the mountains ;

burdens 2Ch_02_18 /^{burdens /and fourscore
thousand to be hewers in the mountain , and three thousand and
six hundred overseers to set the people a work .

burdens 2Ch_02_02 /^{burdens /and fourscore
thousand to hew in the mountain , and three thousand and six
hundred to oversee them.

burdens Mat_23_04 /${burdens /and grievous to be
borne , and lay them on men's shoulders ; but they themselves
will not move them with one of their fingers .

burdens Exo_02_11 /^{burdens /and he spied an
Egyptian smiting an Hebrew , one of his brethren .

burdens Num_04_27 /^{burdens /and in all their
service : and ye shall appoint unto them in charge all their
burdens .

burdens Gal_06_02 /${burdens /and so fulfil the
law of Christ .

burdens Exo_01_11 /^{burdens /And they built for
Pharaoh treasure cities , Pithom and Raamses .

burdens Isa_58_06 /^{burdens /and to let the
oppressed go free , and that ye break every yoke ?

burdens 2Ch_34_13 /^{burdens /and were overseers
of all that wrought the work in any manner of service : and of
the Levites there were scribes , and officers , and porters .

burdens Luk_11_46 /${burdens /grievous to be
borne , and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your
fingers .

burdens Neh_04_10 /^{burdens /is decayed , and
there is much rubbish ; so that we are not able to build the
wall .

burdens 2Ch_24_27 /^{burdens /laid upon him, and
the repairing of the house of God , behold, they are written in
the story of the book of the kings . And Amaziah his son reigned
in his stead.

burdens Exo_06_06 /^{burdens /of the Egyptians ,
and I will rid you out of their bondage , and I will redeem you
with a stretched out arm , and with great judgments :

burdens Exo_06_07 /^{burdens /of the Egyptians .

burdens Amo_05_11 /^{burdens /of wheat : ye have
built houses of hewn stone , but ye shall not dwell in them; ye
have planted pleasant vineyards , but ye shall not drink wine of

burdens Neh_13_15 /^{burdens /which they brought
into Jerusalem on the sabbath day : and I testified against them
in the day wherein they sold victuals .

burdens Luk_11_46 /${burdens /with one of your
fingers .

burdens Neh_04_17 /^{burdens /with those that
laded , every one with one of his hands wrought in the work ,
and with the other hand held a weapon .

burdensome 1Th_02_06 /${burdensome /as the apostles
of Christ .

burdensome Zec_12_03 /^{burdensome /stone for all
people : all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in
pieces , though all the people of the earth be gathered together
against it.

burdensome 2Co_12_14 /${burdensome /to you : for I
seek not yours , but you : for the children ought not to lay up
for the parents , but the parents for the children .

burdensome 2Co_12_13 /${burdensome /to you ? forgive
me this wrong .

burdensome 2Co_11_09 /${burdensome /unto you , and
so will I keep myself.

dens Job_38_40 /^{dens /and abide in the
covert to lie in wait ?

dens Heb_11_38 /${dens /and caves of the
earth .

dens Rev_06_15 /${dens /and in the rocks of
the mountains ;

dens Job_37_08 /^{dens /and remain in their
places .

dens Isa_32_14 /^{dens /for ever , a joy of
wild asses , a pasture of flocks ;

dens Son_04_08 /^{dens /from the mountains of
the leopards .

dens Jud_06_02 /^{dens /which are in the
mountains , and caves , and strong holds .

dens Nah_02_12 /^{dens /with ravin .

gardens Son_04_15 /^{gardens /a well of living
waters , and streams from Lebanon .

gardens Isa_65_03 /^{gardens /and burneth
incense upon altars of brick ;

gardens Jer_29_28 /^{gardens /and eat the fruit
of them.

gardens Amo_09_14 /^{gardens /and eat the fruit
of them.

gardens Jer_29_05 /^{gardens /and eat the fruit
of them;

gardens Ecc_02_05 /^{gardens /and orchards , and
I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits :

gardens Son_06_02 /^{gardens /and to gather
lilies .

gardens Amo_04_09 /^{gardens /and your vineyards
and your fig trees and your olive trees increased , the
palmerworm devoured them: yet have ye not returned unto me,
saith the LORD .

gardens Isa_66_17 /^{gardens /behind one tree in
the midst , eating swine's flesh , and the abomination , and the
mouse , shall be consumed together , saith the LORD .

gardens Num_24_06 /^{gardens /by the river's
side , as the trees of lign aloes which the LORD hath planted ,
and as cedar trees beside the waters .

gardens Isa_01_29 /^{gardens /that ye have
chosen .

gardens Son_08_13 /^{gardens /the companions
hearken to thy voice : cause me to hear it.

handmaidens Gen_33_06 /^{handmaidens /came near ,
they and their children , and they bowed themselves .

handmaidens Act_02_18 /${handmaidens /I will pour
out in those days of my Spirit ; and they shall prophesy :

maidens Ecc_02_07 /^{maidens /and had servants
born in my house ; also I had great possessions of great and
small cattle above all that were in Jerusalem before me:

maidens Luk_12_45 /${maidens /and to eat and
drink , and to be drunken ;

maidens 1Sa_09_11 /^{maidens /going out to draw
water , and said unto them, Is the seer here?

maidens Rut_02_23 /^{maidens /of Boaz to glean
unto the end of barley harvest and of wheat harvest ; and dwelt
with her mother in law .

maidens Eze_44_22 /^{maidens /of the seed of the
house of Israel , or a widow that had a priest before.

maidens Psa_148_12 /^{maidens /old men , and
children :

maidens Pro_09_03 /^{maidens /she crieth upon
the highest places of the city ,

maidens Rut_02_22 /^{maidens /that they meet
thee not in any other field .

maidens Rut_03_02 /^{maidens /thou wast? Behold,
he winnoweth barley to night in the threshingfloor .

maidens Exo_02_05 /^{maidens /walked along by
the river's side ; and when she saw the ark among the flags ,
she sent her maid to fetch it.

maidens Est_02_08 /^{maidens /were gathered
together unto Shushan the palace , to the custody of Hegai ,
that Esther was brought also unto the king's house , to the
custody of Hegai , keeper of the women .

maidens Psa_78_63 /^{maidens /were not given to
marriage .

maidens Est_02_09 /^{maidens /which were meet to
be given her, out of the king's house : and he preferred her and
her maids unto the best place of the house of the women .

maidens Est_04_16 /^{maidens /will fast likewise;
and so will I go in unto the king , which is not according to
the law : and if I perish , I perish .

Pudens 2Ti_04_21 /${Pudens /and Linus , and
Claudia , and all the brethren .
