desire Heb_11_16 /${desire /a better country,
that is , an heavenly : wherefore God is not ashamed to be
called their God : for he hath prepared for them a city .

desire Php_04_17 /${desire /a gift : but I
desire fruit that may abound to your account .

desire Pro_18_01 /^{desire /a man, having
separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom .

desire Jud_08_24 /^{desire /a request of you,
that ye would give me every man the earrings of his prey .

desire 2Ki_04_28 /^{desire /a son of my lord ?
did I not say , Do not deceive me?

desire Pro_13_19 /^{desire /accomplished is
sweet to the soul : but it is abomination to fools to depart
from evil .

desire Gal_04_09 /${desire /again to be in
bondage ?

desire 2Sa_23_05 /^{desire /although he make it
not to grow .

desire Psa_10_03 /^{desire /and blesseth the
covetous , whom the LORD abhorreth .

desire Psa_21_02 /^{desire /and hast not
withholden the request of his lips . Selah .

desire 2Ch_15_15 /^{desire /and he was found of
them: and the LORD gave them rest round about .

desire Rom_10_01 /${desire /and prayer to God
for Israel is , that they might be saved .

desire Exo_10_11 /^{desire /And they were
driven out from Pharaoh's presence .

desire Gen_04_07 /^{desire /and thou shalt rule
over him.

desire Pro_03_15 /^{desire /are not to be
compared unto her.

desire Hab_02_05 /^{desire /as hell , and is as
death , and cannot be satisfied , but gathereth unto him all
nations , and heapeth unto him all people :

desire Psa_73_25 /^{desire /beside thee.

desire Pro_13_12 /^{desire /cometh , it is a
tree of life .

desire 1Ki_05_08 /^{desire /concerning timber
of cedar , and concerning timber of fir .

desire Php_04_17 /${desire /fruit that may
abound to your account .

desire Mar_15_08 /${desire /him to do as he had
ever done unto them .

desire Isa_53_02 /^{desire /him.

desire Luk_22_15 /${desire /I have desired to
eat this passover with you before I suffer :

desire 1Ki_05_09 /^{desire /in giving food for
my household .

desire Psa_38_09 /^{desire /is before thee; and
my groaning is not hid from thee.

desire Job_34_36 /^{desire /is that Job may be
tried unto the end because of his answers for wicked men .

desire Son_07_10 /^{desire /is toward me.

desire Job_31_35 /^{desire /is, that the
Almighty would answer me, and that mine adversary had written a
book .

desire Dan_02_18 /^{desire /mercies of the God
of heaven concerning this secret ; that Daniel and his fellows
should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon .

desire Psa_40_06 /^{desire /mine ears hast thou
opened : burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required .

desire Psa_70_02 /^{desire /my hurt .

desire Job_21_14 /^{desire /not the knowledge
of thy ways .

Desire Job_36_20 /^{Desire /not the night ,
when people are cut off in their place.

desire 2Co_11_12 /${desire /occasion ; that
wherein they glory , they may be found even as we .

desire Pro_19_22 /^{desire /of a man is his
kindness : and a poor man is better than a liar .

desire Hag_02_07 /^{desire /of all nations
shall come : and I will fill this house with glory , saith the
LORD of hosts .

desire Psa_145_16 /^{desire /of every living
thing .

desire Deu_18_06 /^{desire /of his mind unto
the place which the LORD shall choose ;

desire 1Sa_09_20 /^{desire /of Israel ? Is it
not on thee, and on all thy father's house ?

desire Isa_26_08 /^{desire /of our soul is to
thy name , and to the remembrance of thee.

desire Psa_10_17 /^{desire /of the humble :
thou wilt prepare their heart , thou wilt cause thine ear to
hear :

desire Pro_11_23 /^{desire /of the righteous is
only good : but the expectation of the wicked is wrath .

desire Pro_10_24 /^{desire /of the righteous
shall be granted .

desire Pro_21_25 /^{desire /of the slothful
killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour .

desire Psa_112_10 /^{desire /of the wicked
shall perish .

desire Psa_92_11 /^{desire /of the wicked that
rise up against me.

desire Eze_24_25 /^{desire /of their eyes , and
that whereupon they set their minds , their sons and their
daughters ,

desire Psa_145_19 /^{desire /of them that fear
him: he also will hear their cry , and will save them.

desire Eze_24_16 /^{desire /of thine eyes with
a stroke : yet neither shalt thou mourn nor weep , neither shall
thy tears run down .

desire 1Sa_23_20 /^{desire /of thy soul to come
down ; and our part shall be to deliver him into the king's hand

desire Dan_11_37 /^{desire /of women , nor
regard any god : for he shall magnify himself above all.

desire Eze_24_21 /^{desire /of your eyes , and
that which your soul pitieth ; and your sons and your daughters
whom ye have left shall fall by the sword .

desire Psa_92_11 /^{desire /on mine enemies ,
and mine ears shall hear my desire of the wicked that rise up
against me.

desire 1Ki_02_20 /^{desire /one small petition
of thee; I pray thee, say me not nay . And the king said unto
her, Ask on , my mother : for I will not say thee nay .

desire Job_31_16 /^{desire /or have caused the
eyes of the widow to fail ;

desire Gen_03_16 /^{desire /shall be to thy
husband , and he shall rule over thee.

desire Ecc_12_05 /^{desire /shall fail :
because man goeth to his long home , and the mourners go about
the streets :

desire Mic_07_03 /^{desire /so they wrap it up .

desire 1Co_14_01 /${desire /spiritual gifts,
but rather that ye may prophesy .

desire Heb_06_11 /${desire /that every one of
you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope
unto the end :

desire Hos_10_10 /^{desire /that I should
chastise them; and the people shall be gathered against them,
when they shall bind themselves in their two furrows .

desire 1Ki_09_11 /^{desire /that then king
Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee .

desire Eph_03_13 /${desire /that ye faint not
at my tribulations for you , which is your glory .

desire Col_01_09 /${desire /that ye might be
filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and
spiritual understanding ;

desire Amo_05_18 /^{desire /the day of the LORD
! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness ,
and not light .

desire 1Ti_03_01 /${desire /the office of a
bishop , he desireth a good work .

desire Deu_07_25 /^{desire /the silver or gold
that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared
therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God .

desire 1Pe_02_02 /${desire /the sincere milk of
the word , that ye may grow thereby :

desire Act_23_20 /${desire /thee that thou
wouldest bring down Paul to morrow into the council , as though
they would enquire somewhat of him more perfectly .

desire Rom_15_23 /${desire /these many years to
come unto you ;

desire Ecc_06_09 /^{desire /this is also vanity
and vexation of spirit .

desire Pro_23_06 /^{desire /thou his dainty
meats :

desire Psa_45_11 /^{desire /thy beauty : for he
is thy Lord ; and worship thou him.

desire Exo_34_24 /^{desire /thy land , when
thou shalt go up to appear before the LORD thy God thrice in the
year .

desire Deu_05_21 /^{desire /thy neighbour's
wife , neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house , his
field , or his manservant , or his maidservant , his ox , or his
ass , or any thing that is thy neighbour's .

desire Mar_09_35 /${desire /to be first , the
same shall be last of all , and servant of all .

desire Gal_04_20 /${desire /to be present with
you now , and to change my voice ; for I stand in doubt of you .

desire Gal_04_21 /${desire /to be under the law
, do ye not hear the law ?

desire Pro_24_01 /^{desire /to be with them.

desire Php_01_23 /${desire /to depart , and to
be with Christ ; which is far better :

desire Rev_09_06 /${desire /to die , and death
shall flee from them .

desire Neh_01_11 /^{desire /to fear thy name :
and prosper , I pray thee, thy servant this day , and grant him
mercy in the sight of this man . For I was the king's cupbearer .

desire 2Co_12_06 /${desire /to glory , I shall
not be a fool ; for I will say the truth : but now I forbear ,
lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to
be, or that he heareth of me .

desire Jer_42_22 /^{desire /to go and to
sojourn .

desire Jam_04_02 /${desire /to have , and
cannot obtain : ye fight and war , yet ye have not , because ye
ask not .

desire Gal_06_13 /${desire /to have you
circumcised , that they may glory in your flesh .

desire Act_28_22 /${desire /to hear of thee
what thou thinkest : for as concerning this sect , we know that
every where it is spoken against .

desire Job_33_32 /^{desire /to justify thee.

desire 1Pe_01_12 /${desire /to look into .

desire Gal_06_12 /${desire /to make a fair shew
in the flesh , they constrain you to be circumcised ; only lest
they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ .

desire Job_13_03 /^{desire /to reason with God .

desire Jer_22_27 /^{desire /to return , thither
shall they not return .

desire Jer_44_14 /^{desire /to return to dwell
there: for none shall return but such as shall escape .

desire Luk_17_22 /${desire /to see one of the
days of the Son of man , and ye shall not see it.

desire Job_14_15 /^{desire /to the work of
thine hands .

desire Luk_20_46 /${desire /to walk in long
robes , and love greetings in the markets , and the highest
seats in the synagogues , and the chief rooms at feasts ;

desire Deu_21_11 /^{desire /unto her, that thou
wouldest have her to thy wife ;

desire Psa_112_08 /^{desire /upon his enemies .

desire Psa_59_10 /^{desire /upon mine enemies .

desire Psa_54_07 /^{desire /upon mine enemies .

desire Psa_118_07 /^{desire /upon them that
hate me.

desire 2Ch_09_12 /^{desire /whatsoever she asked
, beside that which she had brought unto the king . So she
turned , and went away to her own land , she and her servants .

desire 1Ki_10_13 /^{desire /whatsoever she
asked , beside that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty .
So she turned and went to her own country , she and her servants

desire Mar_11_24 /${desire /when ye pray ,
believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

desire 1Ki_09_01 /^{desire /which he was
pleased to do ,

desire 2Co_07_11 /${desire /yea , what zeal ,
yea , what revenge ! In all things ye have approved yourselves
to be clear in this matter .

desire 2Co_07_07 /${desire /your mourning , your
fervent mind toward me ; so that I rejoiced the more .

desired Act_13_21 /${desired /a king : and God
gave unto them Saul the son of Cis , a man of the tribe of
Benjamin , by the space of forty years .

desired Act_03_14 /${desired /a murderer to be
granted unto you ;

desired Pro_21_20 /^{desired /and oil in the
dwelling of the wise ; but a foolish man spendeth it up .

desired Isa_01_29 /^{desired /and ye shall be
confounded for the gardens that ye have chosen .

desired 1Sa_12_13 /^{desired /and, behold, the
LORD hath set a king over you.

desired Pro_08_11 /^{desired /are not to be
compared to it.

desired Psa_19_10 /^{desired /are they than gold
, yea, than much fine gold : sweeter also than honey and the
honeycomb .

desired Luk_23_25 /${desired /but he delivered
Jesus to their will .

desired Act_25_03 /${desired /favour against him
, that he would send for him to Jerusalem , laying wait in the
way to kill him .

desired Psa_107_30 /^{desired /haven .

desired Joh_12_21 /${desired /him , saying , Sir
, we would see Jesus .

desired Luk_07_36 /${desired /him that he would
eat with him . And he went into the Pharisee's house , and sat
down to meat .

desired Mat_16_01 /${desired /him that he would
shew them a sign from heaven .

desired 1Co_16_12 /${desired /him to come unto
you with the brethren : but his will was not at all to come at
this time; but he will come when he shall have convenient time .

desired Act_18_20 /${desired /him to tarry
longer time with them , he consented not ;

desired 2Ch_21_20 /^{desired /Howbeit they buried
him in the city of David , but not in the sepulchres of the
kings .

desired Ecc_02_10 /^{desired /I kept not from
them, I withheld not my heart from any joy ; for my heart
rejoiced in all my labour : and this was my portion of all my
labour .

desired Psa_132_13 /^{desired /it for his
habitation .

desired Psa_132_14 /^{desired /it.

desired 2Ch_11_23 /^{desired /many wives .

desired Hos_06_06 /^{desired /mercy , and not
sacrifice ; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings .

desired 1Jo_05_15 /${desired /of him .

desired Act_09_02 /${desired /of him letters to
Damascus to the synagogues , that if he found any of this way ,
whether they were men or women , he might bring them bound unto
Jerusalem .

desired Dan_02_16 /^{desired /of the king that
he would give him time , and that he would shew the king the
interpretation .

desired Psa_27_04 /^{desired /of the LORD , that
will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all
the days of my life , to behold the beauty of the LORD , and to
enquire in his temple .

desired Dan_02_23 /^{desired /of thee : for thou
hast now made known unto us the king's matter .

desired Act_12_20 /${desired /peace ; because
their country was nourished by the king's country.

desired Act_08_31 /${desired /Philip that he
would come up and sit with him .

desired Mic_07_01 /^{desired /the firstripe
fruit .

desired Jer_17_16 /^{desired /the woeful day ;
thou knowest : that which came out of my lips was right before
thee .

desired Isa_26_09 /^{desired /thee in the night ;
yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early : for when
thy judgments are in the earth , the inhabitants of the world
will learn righteousness .

desired Act_16_39 /${desired /them to depart out
of the city .

desired Act_13_28 /${desired /they Pilate that
he should be slain .

desired 2Co_12_18 /${desired /Titus , and with
him I sent a brother . Did Titus make a gain of you ? walked we
not in the same spirit ? walked we not in the same steps ?

desired 2Co_08_06 /${desired /Titus , that as he
had begun , so he would also finish in you the same grace also .

desired 1Ki_09_19 /^{desired /to build in
Jerusalem , and in Lebanon , and in all the land of his dominion

desired 2Ch_08_06 /^{desired /to build in
Jerusalem , and in Lebanon , and throughout all the land of his
dominion .

desired Luk_22_15 /${desired /to eat this
passover with you before I suffer :

desired Act_07_46 /${desired /to find a
tabernacle for the God of Jacob .

desired Luk_22_31 /${desired /to have you , that
he may sift you as wheat :

desired Act_13_07 /${desired /to hear the word
of God .

desired Gen_03_06 /^{desired /to make one wise ,
she took of the fruit thereof , and did eat , and gave also unto
her husband with her; and he did eat .

desired Luk_09_09 /${desired /to see him .

desired Luk_10_24 /${desired /to see those
things which ye see , and have not seen them; and to hear those
things which ye hear , and have not heard them.

desired Mat_13_17 /${desired /to see those
things which ye see , and have not seen them; and to hear those
things which ye hear , and have not heard them.

desired Act_28_14 /${desired /to tarry with them
seven days : and so we went toward Rome .

desired Est_02_13 /^{desired /was given her to
go with her out of the house of the women unto the king's house .

desiredst Mat_18_32 /${desiredst /me :

desiredst Deu_18_16 /^{desiredst /of the LORD thy
God in Horeb in the day of the assembly , saying , Let me not
hear again the voice of the LORD my God , neither let me see
this great fire any more, that I die not.

desires Eph_02_03 /${desires /of the flesh and
of the mind ; and were by nature the children of wrath , even as
others .

desires Psa_140_08 /^{desires /of the wicked :
further not his wicked device ; lest they exalt themselves.
Selah .

desires Psa_37_04 /^{desires /of thine heart .

desirest Psa_51_16 /^{desirest /not sacrifice ;
else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering .

desirest Psa_51_06 /^{desirest /truth in the
inward parts : and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know
wisdom .

desireth 1Ti_03_01 /${desireth /a good work .

desireth 2Sa_03_21 /^{desireth /And David sent
Abner away ; and he went in peace .

desireth Pro_13_04 /^{desireth /and hath nothing:
but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat .

desireth 1Ki_11_37 /^{desireth /and shalt be king
over Israel .

desireth Deu_14_26 /^{desireth /and thou shalt
eat there before the LORD thy God , and thou shalt rejoice ,
thou, and thine household ,

desireth Luk_14_32 /${desireth /conditions of
peace .

desireth Job_23_13 /^{desireth /even that he
doeth .

desireth Pro_21_10 /^{desireth /evil : his
neighbour findeth no favour in his eyes .

desireth 1Sa_20_04 /^{desireth /I will even do it
for thee.

desireth Psa_34_12 /^{desireth /life , and loveth
many days , that he may see good ?

desireth Luk_05_39 /${desireth /new : for he
saith , The old is better .

desireth 1Sa_18_25 /^{desireth /not any dowry ,
but an hundred foreskins of the Philistines , to be avenged of
the king's enemies . But Saul thought to make David fall by the
hand of the Philistines .

desireth Pro_12_12 /^{desireth /the net of evil
men: but the root of the righteous yieldeth fruit.

desireth Job_07_02 /^{desireth /the shadow , and
as an hireling looketh for the reward of his work :

desireth 1Sa_02_16 /^{desireth /then he would
answer him, Nay; but thou shalt give it me now: and if not, I
will take it by force .

desireth Psa_68_16 /^{desireth /to dwell in ; yea,
the LORD will dwell in it for ever .

desireth Ecc_06_02 /^{desireth /yet God giveth
him not power to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth it: this is
vanity , and it is an evil disease .
