desolate Isa_49_21 /^{desolate /a captive , and
removing to and fro ? and who hath brought up these? Behold, I
was left alone; these, where had they been?

desolate Jer_06_08 /^{desolate /a land not
inhabited .

desolate Zec_07_14 /^{desolate /after them, that
no man passed through nor returned : for they laid the pleasant
land desolate .

desolate Job_16_07 /^{desolate /all my company .

desolate Jer_10_22 /^{desolate /and a den of
dragons .

desolate Jer_18_16 /^{desolate /and a perpetual
hissing ; every one that passeth thereby shall be astonished ,
and wag his head .

desolate Psa_25_16 /^{desolate /and afflicted .

desolate Eze_25_03 /^{desolate /and against the
house of Judah , when they went into captivity ;

desolate Jer_19_08 /^{desolate /and an hissing ;
every one that passeth thereby shall be astonished and hiss
because of all the plagues thereof.

desolate Jer_12_11 /^{desolate /and being
desolate it mourneth unto me; the whole land is made desolate ,
because no man layeth it to heart .

desolate Eze_35_07 /^{desolate /and cut off from
it him that passeth out and him that returneth .

desolate Lam_01_13 /^{desolate /and faint all the
day .

desolate Job_15_34 /^{desolate /and fire shall
consume the tabernacles of bribery .

desolate Isa_13_09 /^{desolate /and he shall
destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

desolate Eze_29_12 /^{desolate /and her cities
among the cities that are laid waste shall be desolate forty
years : and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations , and
will disperse them through the countries .

desolate Eze_30_07 /^{desolate /and her cities
shall be in the midst of the cities that are wasted .

desolate Act_01_20 /${desolate /and let no man
dwell therein : and his bishoprick let another take .

desolate Psa_69_25 /^{desolate /and let none
dwell in their tents .

desolate Rev_17_16 /${desolate /and naked , and
shall eat her flesh , and burn her with fire .

desolate Jer_50_03 /^{desolate /and none shall
dwell therein: they shall remove , they shall depart , both man
and beast .

desolate Eze_36_35 /^{desolate /and ruined cities
are become fenced , and are inhabited .

desolate Eze_36_03 /^{desolate /and swallowed you
up on every side , that ye might be a possession unto the
residue of the heathen , and ye are taken up in the lips of
talkers , and are an infamy of the people :

desolate Exo_23_29 /^{desolate /and the beast of
the field multiply against thee.

desolate Eze_32_15 /^{desolate /and the country
shall be destitute of that whereof it was full , when I shall
smite all them that dwell therein, then shall they know that I
am the LORD .

desolate Eze_19_07 /^{desolate /and the fulness
thereof, by the noise of his roaring .

desolate Isa_27_10 /^{desolate /and the
habitation forsaken , and left like a wilderness : there shall
the calf feed , and there shall he lie down , and consume the
branches thereof.

desolate Eze_33_28 /^{desolate /and the pomp of
her strength shall cease ; and the mountains of Israel shall be
desolate , that none shall pass through .

desolate Amo_07_09 /^{desolate /and the
sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste ; and I will rise
against the house of Jeroboam with the sword .

desolate Eze_35_04 /^{desolate /and thou shalt
know that I am the LORD .

desolate Jer_04_07 /^{desolate /and thy cities
shall be laid waste , without an inhabitant .

desolate Luk_13_35 /${desolate /and verily I say
unto you , Ye shall not see me , until the time come when ye
shall say , Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord .

desolate Job_30_03 /^{desolate /and waste .

desolate Eze_29_09 /^{desolate /and waste ; and
they shall know that I am the LORD : because he hath said , The
river is mine, and I have made it.

desolate Job_38_27 /^{desolate /and waste ground;
and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth ?

desolate Eze_30_14 /^{desolate /and will set fire
in Zoan , and will execute judgments in No .

desolate Lev_26_34 /^{desolate /and ye be in your
enemies land ; even then shall the land rest , and enjoy her
sabbaths .

desolate Eze_12_20 /^{desolate /and ye shall know
that I am the LORD .

desolate Lev_26_33 /^{desolate /and your cities
waste .

desolate Eze_06_06 /^{desolate /and your idols
may be broken and cease , and your images may be cut down , and
your works may be abolished .

desolate Eze_06_04 /^{desolate /and your images
shall be broken : and I will cast down your slain men before
your idols .

desolate Jer_44_06 /^{desolate /as at this day .

desolate Isa_01_07 /^{desolate /as overthrown by
strangers .

desolate Jer_12_11 /^{desolate /because no man
layeth it to heart .

desolate Eze_33_29 /^{desolate /because of all
their abominations which they have committed .

desolate Jer_25_38 /^{desolate /because of the
fierceness of the oppressor , and because of his fierce anger .

desolate Mic_07_13 /^{desolate /because of them
that dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings .

desolate Mic_06_13 /^{desolate /because of thy
sins .

desolate Lam_01_16 /^{desolate /because the enemy
prevailed .

desolate Eze_15_08 /^{desolate /because they have
committed a trespass , saith the Lord GOD .

Desolate Isa_62_04 /^{Desolate /but thou shalt be
called Hephzibah , and thy land Beulah : for the LORD delighteth
in thee, and thy land shall be married .

desolate Job_15_28 /^{desolate /cities , and in
houses which no man inhabiteth , which are ready to become heaps

desolate Isa_54_03 /^{desolate /cities to be
inhabited .

desolate Eze_26_19 /^{desolate /city , like the
cities that are not inhabited ; when I shall bring up the deep
upon thee, and great waters shall cover thee;

desolate Isa_05_09 /^{desolate /even great and
fair , without inhabitant .

desolate Dan_09_27 /^{desolate /even until the
consummation , and that determined shall be poured upon the
desolate .

desolate Jer_50_13 /^{desolate /every one that
goeth by Babylon shall be astonished , and hiss at all her
plagues .

desolate Psa_40_15 /^{desolate /for a reward of
their shame that say unto me, Aha , aha .

desolate Jer_51_26 /^{desolate /for ever , saith
the LORD .

desolate Jer_51_62 /^{desolate /for ever .

desolate Mic_01_07 /^{desolate /for she gathered
it of the hire of an harlot , and they shall return to the hire
of an harlot .

desolate Hos_13_16 /^{desolate /for she hath
rebelled against her God : they shall fall by the sword : their
infants shall be dashed in pieces , and their women with child
shall be ripped up .

desolate Isa_15_06 /^{desolate /for the hay is
withered away , the grass faileth , there is no green thing .

desolate Dan_09_17 /^{desolate /for the Lord's

desolate Eze_29_12 /^{desolate /forty years : and
I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations , and will
disperse them through the countries .

desolate Eze_12_19 /^{desolate /from all that is
therein , because of the violence of all them that dwell therein.

desolate Eze_25_13 /^{desolate /from Teman ; and
they of Dedan shall fall by the sword .

desolate Eze_29_10 /^{desolate /from the tower of
Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia .

desolate Gal_04_27 /${desolate /hath many more
children than she which hath an husband .

desolate Jer_49_02 /^{desolate /heap , and her
daughters shall be burned with fire : then shall Israel be heir
unto them that were his heirs , saith the LORD .

desolate Lam_01_04 /^{desolate /her priests sigh ,
her virgins are afflicted , and she is in bitterness .

desolate Isa_49_08 /^{desolate /heritages ;

desolate Isa_13_22 /^{desolate /houses , and
dragons in their pleasant palaces : and her time is near to come
, and her days shall not be prolonged .

desolate Zep_03_06 /^{desolate /I made their
streets waste , that none passeth by : their cities are
destroyed , so that there is no man , that there is none
inhabitant .

desolate Eze_36_36 /^{desolate /I the LORD have
spoken it, and I will do it.

desolate 2Sa_13_20 /^{desolate /in her brother
Absalom's house .

desolate Hos_05_09 /^{desolate /in the day of
rebuke : among the tribes of Israel have I made known that which
shall surely be .

desolate Eze_29_12 /^{desolate /in the midst of
the countries that are desolate , and her cities among the
cities that are laid waste shall be desolate forty years : and I
will scatter the Egyptians among the nations , and will disperse
them through the countries .

desolate Eze_30_07 /^{desolate /in the midst of
the countries that are desolate , and her cities shall be in the
midst of the cities that are wasted .

desolate Eze_36_34 /^{desolate /in the sight of
all that passed by .

desolate Lam_04_05 /^{desolate /in the streets :
they that were brought up in scarlet embrace dunghills .

desolate Eze_36_35 /^{desolate /is become like
the garden of Eden ; and the waste and desolate and ruined
cities are become fenced , and are inhabited .

desolate Jer_12_11 /^{desolate /it mourneth unto
me; the whole land is made desolate , because no man layeth it
to heart .

desolate Lev_26_35 /^{desolate /it shall rest ;
because it did not rest in your sabbaths , when ye dwelt upon it.

desolate Eze_36_34 /^{desolate /land shall be
tilled , whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed
by .

desolate Eze_35_15 /^{desolate /O mount Seir ,
and all Idumea , even all of it: and they shall know that I am
the LORD .

desolate Eze_26_20 /^{desolate /of old , with
them that go down to the pit , that thou be not inhabited ; and
I shall set glory in the land of the living ;

desolate Eze_19_07 /^{desolate /palaces , and he
laid waste their cities ; and the land was desolate , and the
fulness thereof, by the noise of his roaring .

desolate Isa_49_19 /^{desolate /places , and the
land of thy destruction , shall even now be too narrow by reason
of the inhabitants , and they that swallowed thee up shall be
far away .

desolate Psa_109_10 /^{desolate /places .

desolate Mal_01_04 /^{desolate /places ; thus
saith the LORD of hosts , They shall build , but I will throw
down ; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness , and,
The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever .

desolate Isa_59_10 /^{desolate /places as dead

desolate Job_03_14 /^{desolate /places for

desolate Eze_38_12 /^{desolate /places that are
now inhabited , and upon the people that are gathered out of the
nations , which have gotten cattle and goods , that dwell in the
midst of the land .

desolate Jer_02_12 /^{desolate /saith the LORD .

desolate Dan_12_11 /^{desolate /set up , there
shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days .

desolate Isa_03_26 /^{desolate /shall sit upon
the ground .

desolate 2Ch_36_21 /^{desolate /she kept sabbath ,
to fulfil threescore and ten years .

desolate Eze_35_15 /^{desolate /so will I do unto
thee: thou shalt be desolate , O mount Seir , and all Idumea ,
even all of it: and they shall know that I am the LORD .

desolate Isa_54_01 /^{desolate /than the children
of the married wife , saith the LORD .

desolate Eze_06_14 /^{desolate /than the
wilderness toward Diblath , in all their habitations : and they
shall know that I am the LORD .

desolate Eze_14_15 /^{desolate /that no man may
pass through because of the beasts :

desolate Eze_33_28 /^{desolate /that none shall
pass through .

desolate Eze_06_06 /^{desolate /that your altars
may be laid waste and made desolate , and your idols may be
broken and cease , and your images may be cut down , and your
works may be abolished .

desolate Joe_01_17 /^{desolate /the barns are
broken down ; for the corn is withered .

desolate Lam_05_18 /^{desolate /the foxes walk
upon it.

desolate Isa_24_06 /^{desolate /therefore the
inhabitants of the earth are burned , and few men left .

desolate Eze_35_12 /^{desolate /they are given us
to consume .

desolate Eze_20_26 /^{desolate /to the end that
they might know that I am the LORD .

desolate 1Ti_05_05 /${desolate /trusteth in God ,
and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day .

desolate Isa_07_19 /^{desolate /valleys , and in
the holes of the rocks , and upon all thorns , and upon all
bushes .

desolate Eze_36_04 /^{desolate /wastes , and to
the cities that are forsaken , which became a prey and derision
to the residue of the heathen that are round about ;

desolate Joe_03_19 /^{desolate /wilderness , for
the violence against the children of Judah , because they have
shed innocent blood in their land .

desolate Jer_12_10 /^{desolate /wilderness .

desolate Joe_02_03 /^{desolate /wilderness ; yea,
and nothing shall escape them.

desolate Joe_02_20 /^{desolate /with his face
toward the east sea , and his hinder part toward the utmost sea ,
and his stink shall come up , and his ill savour shall come up ,
because he hath done great things .

desolate Jer_50_45 /^{desolate /with them.

desolate Jer_49_20 /^{desolate /with them.

desolate Jer_46_19 /^{desolate /without an
inhabitant .

desolate Jer_09_11 /^{desolate /without an
inhabitant .

desolate Jer_26_09 /^{desolate /without an
inhabitant ? And all the people were gathered against Jeremiah
in the house of the LORD .

desolate Jer_48_09 /^{desolate /without any to
dwell therein .

desolate Jer_33_10 /^{desolate /without man , and
without inhabitant , and without beast ,

desolate Jer_33_12 /^{desolate /without man and
without beast , and in all the cities thereof, shall be an
habitation of shepherds causing their flocks to lie down .

desolate Jer_33_10 /^{desolate /without man and
without beast , even in the cities of Judah , and in the streets
of Jerusalem , that are desolate , without man , and without
inhabitant , and without beast ,

desolate Jer_32_43 /^{desolate /without man or
beast ; it is given into the hand of the Chaldeans .

desolate Lev_26_43 /^{desolate /without them: and
they shall accept of the punishment of their iniquity : because ,
even because they despised my judgments , and because their
soul abhorred my statutes .

desolate Eze_06_14 /^{desolate /yea, more
desolate than the wilderness toward Diblath , in all their
habitations : and they shall know that I am the LORD .

desolate Jer_04_27 /^{desolate /yet will I not
make a full end .

desolate Isa_01_07 /^{desolate /your cities are
burned with fire : your land , strangers devour it in your
presence, and it is desolate , as overthrown by strangers .
