devils LEV 017 007 And they shall no <03808 +lo> > more <05750
+ offer <02076 +zabach > their sacrifices <02077
+zebach > unto {devils} <08163 +sa , after <00310
+>achar > whom they have gone a whoring <02181 +zanah > . This
<02063 +zo>th > shall be a statute <02708 +chuqqah > for ever
<05769 + unto them throughout their generations <01755
+dowr > .

devils DEU 032 017 They sacrificed <02076 +zabach > unto
{devils} <07700 +shed > , not to God <00433 +>elowahh > ; to
gods <00430 +>elohiym > whom they knew <03045 +yada< > not ,
to new <02319 +chadash > [ gods that ] came <00935 +bow> >
newly <07138 +qarowb > up , whom your fathers <1> feared
<08175 +sa not .
