devise Jer_18_11 /^{devise /a device against
you: return ye now every one from his evil way , and make your
ways and your doings good .

devise Mic_02_03 /^{devise /an evil , from
which ye shall not remove your necks ; neither shall ye go
haughtily : for this time is evil .

devise Exo_35_35 /^{devise /cunning work .

devise Exo_31_04 /^{devise /cunning works , to
work in gold , and in silver , and in brass ,

devise Exo_35_32 /^{devise /curious works , to
work in gold , and in silver , and in brass ,

devise Psa_35_20 /^{devise /deceitful matters
against them that are quiet in the land .

devise Jer_18_18 /^{devise /devices against
Jeremiah ; for the law shall not perish from the priest , nor
counsel from the wise , nor the word from the prophet . Come ,
and let us smite him with the tongue , and let us not give heed
to any of his words .

devise Pro_14_22 /^{devise /evil ? but mercy
and truth shall be to them that devise good .

devise Pro_16_30 /^{devise /froward things :
moving his lips he bringeth evil to pass .

devise Pro_14_22 /^{devise /good .

devise Mic_02_01 /^{devise /iniquity , and work
evil upon their beds ! when the morning is light , they practise
it, because it is in the power of their hand .

devise 2Sa_14_14 /^{devise /means , that his
banished be not expelled from him.

devise Eze_11_02 /^{devise /mischief , and give
wicked counsel in this city :

devise Psa_41_07 /^{devise /my hurt .

devise Psa_35_04 /^{devise /my hurt .

Devise Pro_03_29 /^{Devise /not evil against
thy neighbour , seeing he dwelleth securely by thee.

devised Est_09_25 /^{devised /against the Jews ,
should return upon his own head , and that he and his sons
should be hanged on the gallows .

devised Est_08_03 /^{devised /against the Jews .

devised Est_09_24 /^{devised /against the Jews
to destroy them, and had cast Pur , that is, the lot , to
consume them, and to destroy them;

devised 2Sa_21_05 /^{devised /against us that we
should be destroyed from remaining in any of the coasts of
Israel ,

devised Jer_51_12 /^{devised /and done that
which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon .

devised Est_08_05 /^{devised /by Haman the son
of Hammedatha the Agagite , which he wrote to destroy the Jews
which are in all the king's provinces :

devised Jer_11_19 /^{devised /devices against me,
saying, Let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof, and let
us cut him off from the land of the living , that his name may
be no more remembered .

devised Jer_48_02 /^{devised /evil against it;
come , and let us cut it off from being a nation . Also thou
shalt be cut down , O Madmen ; the sword shall pursue thee .

devised 2Pe_01_16 /${devised /fables , when we
made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ , but were eyewitnesses of his majesty .

devised Lam_02_17 /^{devised /he hath fulfilled
his word that he had commanded in the days of old : he hath
thrown down , and hath not pitied : and he hath caused thine
enemy to rejoice over thee, he hath set up the horn of thine
adversaries .

devised 1Ki_12_33 /^{devised /of his own heart ;
and ordained a feast unto the children of Israel : and he
offered upon the altar , and burnt incense .

devised Psa_31_13 /^{devised /to take away my
life .

deviseth Pro_16_09 /^{deviseth /his way : but the
LORD directeth his steps .

deviseth Isa_32_08 /^{deviseth /liberal things ;
and by liberal things shall he stand .

deviseth Pro_06_14 /^{deviseth /mischief
continually ; he soweth discord .

deviseth Psa_36_04 /^{deviseth /mischief upon his
bed ; he setteth himself in a way that is not good ; he
abhorreth not evil .

deviseth Psa_52_02 /^{deviseth /mischiefs ; like
a sharp razor , working deceitfully .

deviseth Pro_24_08 /^{deviseth /to do evil shall
be called a mischievous person .

deviseth Isa_32_07 /^{deviseth /wicked devices to
destroy the poor with lying words , even when the needy speaketh
right .

deviseth Pro_06_18 /^{deviseth /wicked
imaginations , feet that be swift in running to mischief ,
