devote 2763 ## charam {khaw-ram'}; a primitive root; to seclude;
specifically (by a ban) to devote to religious uses (especially
destruction); physical and reflexive, to be blunt as to the nose:
-- make accursed, consecrate, (utterly) destroy, {devote},
forfeit, have a flat nose, utterly (slay, make away). [ql

devoted 2764 ## cherem {khay'-rem}; or (Zecheriah 14:11) cherem
{kheh'-rem}; from 2763; physical (as shutting in) a net (either
literally or figuratively); usually a doomed object; abstr.
extermination: -- (ac-)curse(-d, -d thing), dedicated thing,
things which should have been utterly destroyed, (appointed to)
utter destruction, {devoted} (thing), net. [ql
