Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
didst ^ 46_1CO_04_07 For <1063> who <5101> maketh <1252> <0> thee <4571> to differ <1252> (5719) from another? and <1161> what <5101> hast thou <2192> (5719) that <3739> thou didst <2983> <0> not <3756> receive <2983> (5627)? <1161> now if <1499> thou {didst} receive <2983> (5627) it, why <5101> dost thou glory <2744> (5736), as <5613> if thou hadst <2983> <0> not <3361> received <2983> (5631) it?

didst ^ 46_1CO_04_07 For <1063> who <5101> maketh <1252> <0> thee <4571> to differ <1252> (5719) from another? and <1161> what <5101> hast thou <2192> (5719) that <3739> thou {didst} <2983> <0> not <3756> receive <2983> (5627)? <1161> now if <1499> thou didst receive <2983> (5627) it, why <5101> dost thou glory <2744> (5736), as <5613> if thou hadst <2983> <0> not <3361> received <2983> (5631) it?

didst ^ 44_ACT_11_03 Saying <3004> (5723), <3754> Thou wentest in <1525> (5627) to <4314> men <0435> uncircumcised <0203> <2192> (5723), and <2532> {didst} eat <4906> (5627) with them <0846>.

didst ^ 58_HEB_02_07 Thou madest <1642> <0> him <0846> a little <1024> <5100> lower <1642> (5656) than <3844> the angels <0032>; thou crownedst <4737> (5656) him <0846> with glory <1391> and <2532> honour <5092>, and <2532> {didst} set <2525> (5656) him <0846> over <1909> the works <2041> of thy <4675> hands <5495>:

didst ^ 43_JOH_17_08 For <3754> I have given <1325> (5758) unto them <0846> the words <4487> which <3739> thou gavest <1325> (5758) me <3427>; and <2532> they <0846> have received <2983> (5627) them, and <2532> have known <1097> (5627) surely <0230> that <3754> I came out <1831> (5627) from <3844> thee <4675>, and <2532> they have believed <4100> (5656) that <3754> thou <4771> {didst} send <0649> (5656) me <3165>.

didst ^ 42_LUK_19_21 For <1063> I feared <5399> (5711) thee <4571>, because <3754> thou art <1488> (5748) an austere <0840> man <0444>: thou takest up <0142> (5719) that <3739> thou layedst <5087> <0> not <3756> down <5087> (5656), and <2532> reapest <2325> (5719) that <3739> thou {didst} <4687> <0> not <3756> sow <4687> (5656).

didst ^ 42_LUK_07_46 My <3450> head <2776> with oil <1637> thou {didst} <0218> <0> not <3756> anoint <0218> (5656): but <1161> this woman <3778> (5625) <0846> hath anointed <0218> (5656) my <3450> feet <4228> with ointment <3464>.

didst ^ 40_MAT_14_31 And <1161> immediately <2112> Jesus <2424> stretched forth <1614> (5660) his hand <5495>, and caught <1949> (5633) him <0846>, and <2532> said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, O thou of little faith <3640>, wherefore <1519> <5101> {didst} thou doubt <1365> (5656)?

didst ^ 40_MAT_20_13 But <1161> he answered <0611> (5679) one <1520> of them <0846>, and said <2036> (5627), Friend <2083>, I do <0091> <0> thee <4571> no <3756> wrong <0091> (5719): {didst} <4856> <0> not <3780> thou agree <4856> (5656) with me <3427> for a penny <1220>?

didst ^ 40_MAT_13_27 So <1161> the servants <1401> of the householder <3617> came <4334> (5631) and said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Sir <2962>, {didst} <4687> <0> not <3780> thou sow <4687> (5656) good <2570> seed <4690> in <1722> thy <4674> field <0068>? from whence <4159> then <3767> hath it <2192> (5719) tares <2215>?

didst ^ 66_REV_17_07 And <2532> the angel <0032> said <2036> (5627) unto me <3427>, Wherefore <1302> {didst} thou marvel <2296> (5656)? I <1473> will tell <2046> (5692) thee <4671> the mystery <3466> of the woman <1135>, and <2532> of the beast <2342> that carrieth <0941> (5723) her <0846>, which <3588> hath <2192> (5723) the seven <2033> heads <2776> and <2532> ten <1176> horns <2768>.