Bible Quick Find Phrase Concordance for fast finding of phrases

Bible Quick Find Phrase Concordance for fast finding of phrases
died ^ 13_1CH_10_05 / died /^

died ^ 46_1CO_08_11 / died /^

died ^ 11_1KI_02_25 / died /^

died ^ 11_1KI_14_17 / died /^

died ^ 11_1KI_16_18 / died /^

died ^ 11_1KI_21_13 / died /^

died ^ 09_1SA_25_38 / died /^

died ^ 14_2CH_13_20 / died /^

died ^ 14_2CH_18_34 / died /^

died ^ 14_2CH_24_15 / died /^

died ^ 12_2KI_04_20 / died /^

died ^ 12_2KI_07_20 / died /^

died ^ 10_2SA_01_15 / died /^

died ^ 10_2SA_02_31 / died /^

died ^ 01_GEN_05_05 / died /^

died ^ 01_GEN_05_08 / died /^

died ^ 01_GEN_05_11 / died /^

died ^ 01_GEN_05_14 / died /^

died ^ 01_GEN_05_17 / died /^

died ^ 01_GEN_05_20 / died /^

died ^ 01_GEN_05_27 / died /^

died ^ 01_GEN_05_31 / died /^

died ^ 01_GEN_07_22 / died /^

died ^ 01_GEN_09_29 / died /^

died ^ 28_HOS_13_01 / died /^

died ^ 43_JOH_11_21 / died /^

died ^ 43_JOH_11_32 / died /^

died ^ 43_JOH_11_37 / died /^

died ^ 07_JUD_01_07 / died /^

died ^ 07_JUD_02_21 / died /^

died ^ 07_JUD_03_11 / died /^

died ^ 07_JUD_04_21 / died /^

died ^ 07_JUD_09_54 / died /^

died ^ 03_LEV_16_01 / died /^

died ^ 42_LUK_20_31 / died /^

died ^ 04_NUM_21_06 / died /^

died ^ 45_ROM_07_09 / died /^

died ^ 45_ROM_14_15 / died /^

Died ^ 10_2SA_03_33 / Died /^Abner as a fool dieth?

died ^ 04_NUM_16_49 / died /^about the matter of Korah.

died ^ 12_2KI_01_17 / died /^according to the word of the LORD which Elijah had spoken. And Jehoram reigned in his stead in the second year of Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah; because he had no son.

died ^ 08_RUT_01_05 / died /^also both of them; and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband.

died ^ 07_JUD_09_49 / died /^also, about a thousand men and women.

died ^ 10_2SA_11_17 / died /^also.

died ^ 42_LUK_20_32 / died /^also.

died ^ 41_MAR_12_22 / died /^also.

died ^ 40_MAT_22_27 / died /^also.

died ^ 13_1CH_01_51 / died /^also. And the dukes of Edom were; duke Timnah, duke Aliah, duke Jetheth,

died ^ 14_2CH_24_15 / died /^an hundred and thirty years old [was he] when he died.

died ^ 02_EXO_01_06 / died /^and all his brethren, and all that generation.

died ^ 09_1SA_25_01 / died /^and all the Israelites were gathered together, and lamented him, and buried him in his house at Ramah. And David arose, and went down to the wilderness of Paran.

died ^ 01_GEN_36_38 / died /^and Baalhanan the son of Achbor reigned in his stead.

died ^ 12_2KI_13_24 / died /^and Benhadad his son reigned in his stead.

died ^ 13_1CH_23_22 / died /^and had no sons, but daughters: and their brethren the sons of Kish took them.

died ^ 01_GEN_36_35 / died /^and Hadad the son of Bedad, who smote Midian in the field of Moab, reigned in his stead: and the name of his city [was] Avith.

died ^ 01_GEN_36_39 / died /^and Hadar reigned in his stead: and the name of his city [was] Pau; and his wife's name [was] Mehetabel, the daughter of Matred, the daughter of Mezahab.

died ^ 10_2SA_10_01 / died /^and Hanun his son reigned in his stead.

died ^ 12_2KI_08_15 / died /^and Hazael reigned in his stead.

died ^ 13_1CH_19_01 / died /^and his son reigned in his stead.

died ^ 13_1CH_10_06 / died /^and his three sons, and all his house died together.

died ^ 09_1SA_31_06 / died /^and his three sons, and his armourbearer, and all his men, that same day together.

died ^ 01_GEN_36_34 / died /^and Husham of the land of Temani reigned in his stead.

died ^ 26_EZE_24_18 / died /^and I did in the morning as I was commanded.

died ^ 12_2KI_13_14 / died /^And Joash the king of Israel came down unto him, and wept over his face, and said, O my father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof.

died ^ 01_GEN_36_33 / died /^and Jobab the son of Zerah of Bozrah reigned in his stead.

died ^ 01_GEN_38_12 / died /^and Judah was comforted, and went up unto his sheepshearers to Timnath, he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite.

died ^ 11_1KI_16_22 / died /^and Omri reigned.

died ^ 52_1TH_04_14 / died /^and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.

died ^ 45_ROM_14_09 / died /^and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.

died ^ 01_GEN_36_36 / died /^and Samlah of Masrekah reigned in his stead.

died ^ 01_GEN_36_37 / died /^and Saul of Rehoboth [by] the river reigned in his stead.

died ^ 01_GEN_35_08 / died /^and she was buried beneath Bethel under an oak: and the name of it was called Allonbachuth.

died ^ 08_RUT_01_03 / died /^and she was left, and her two sons.

died ^ 02_EXO_02_23 / died /^and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage.

died ^ 12_2KI_25_25 / died /^and the Jews and the Chaldees that were with him at Mizpah.

died ^ 11_1KI_02_46 / died /^And the kingdom was established in the hand of Solomon.

died ^ 02_EXO_07_21 / died /^and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.

died ^ 10_2SA_12_18 / died /^And the servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead: for they said, Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spake unto him, and he would not hearken unto our voice: how will he then vex himself, if we tell him that the child is dead?

died ^ 66_REV_08_09 / died /^and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

died ^ 05_DEU_10_06 / died /^and there he was buried; and Eleazar his son ministered in the priest's office in his stead.

died ^ 06_JOS_24_33 / died /^and they buried him in a hill [that pertained to] Phinehas his son, which was given him in mount Ephraim.

died ^ 14_2CH_24_25 / died /^and they buried him in the city of David, but they buried him not in the sepulchres of the kings.

died ^ 12_2KI_12_21 / died /^and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David: and Amaziah his son reigned in his stead.

died ^ 12_2KI_13_20 / died /^and they buried him. And the bands of the Moabites invaded the land at the coming in of the year.

died ^ 11_1KI_22_37 / died /^and was brought to Samaria; and they buried the king in Samaria.

died ^ 07_JUD_12_12 / died /^and was buried in Aijalon in the country of Zebulun.

died ^ 07_JUD_10_05 / died /^and was buried in Camon.

died ^ 07_JUD_12_15 / died /^and was buried in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim, in the mount of the Amalekites.

died ^ 07_JUD_10_02 / died /^and was buried in Shamir.

died ^ 10_2SA_17_23 / died /^and was buried in the sepulchre of his father.

died ^ 01_GEN_35_19 / died /^and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which [is] Bethlehem.

died ^ 14_2CH_35_24 / died /^and was buried in [one of] the sepulchres of his fathers. And all Judah and Jerusalem mourned for Josiah.

died ^ 42_LUK_16_22 / died /^and was buried;

died ^ 42_LUK_16_22 / died /^and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;

died ^ 01_GEN_35_29 / died /^and was gathered unto his people, [being] old and full of days: and his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.

died ^ 01_GEN_25_17 / died /^and was gathered unto his people.

died ^ 04_NUM_15_36 / died /^as the LORD commanded Moses.

died ^ 12_2KI_07_17 / died /^as the man of God had said, who spake when the king came down to him.

died ^ 11_1KI_22_35 / died /^at even: and the blood ran out of the wound into the midst of the chariot.

died ^ 13_1CH_13_10 / died /^before God.

died ^ 01_GEN_11_28 / died /^before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees.

died ^ 04_NUM_20_03 / died /^before the LORD!

died ^ 04_NUM_03_04 / died /^before the LORD, when they offered strange fire before the LORD, in the wilderness of Sinai, and they had no children: and Eleazar and Ithamar ministered in the priest's office in the sight of Aaron their father.

died ^ 03_LEV_10_02 / died /^before the LORD.

died ^ 13_1CH_24_02 / died /^before their father, and had no children: therefore Eleazar and Ithamar executed the priest's office.

died ^ 06_JOS_24_29 / died /^being] an hundred and ten years old.

died ^ 07_JUD_02_08 / died /^being] an hundred and ten years old.

died ^ 01_GEN_50_26 / died /^being] an hundred and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.

died ^ 18_JOB_42_17 / died /^being] old and full of days.

died ^ 14_2CH_10_18 / died /^But king Rehoboam made speed to get him up to [his] chariot, to flee to Jerusalem.

died ^ 02_EXO_09_06 / died /^but of the cattle of the children of Israel died not one.

died ^ 01_GEN_48_07 / died /^by me in the land of Canaan in the way, when yet [there was] but a little way to come unto Ephrath: and I buried her there in the way of Ephrath; the same [is] Bethlehem.

died ^ 10_2SA_06_07 / died /^by the ark of God.

died ^ 02_EXO_16_03 / died /^by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, [and] when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger.

died ^ 04_NUM_14_37 / died /^by the plague before the LORD.

died ^ 42_LUK_20_30 / died /^childless.

died ^ 47_2CO_05_15 / died /^for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.

died ^ 47_2CO_05_14 / died /^for all, then were all dead:

died ^ 09_1SA_04_18 / died /^for he was an old man, and heavy. And he had judged Israel forty years.

died ^ 13_1CH_10_13 / died /^for his transgression which he committed against the LORD, [even] against the word of the LORD, which he kept not, and also for asking [counsel] of [one that had] a familiar spirit, to inquire [of it];

died ^ 46_1CO_15_03 / died /^for our sins according to the scriptures;

died ^ 10_2SA_03_27 / died /^for the blood of Asahel his brother.

died ^ 45_ROM_05_06 / died /^for the ungodly.

died ^ 10_2SA_18_33 / died /^for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!

died ^ 47_2CO_05_15 / died /^for them, and rose again.

died ^ 52_1TH_05_10 / died /^for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.

died ^ 45_ROM_05_08 / died /^for us.

died ^ 45_ROM_06_10 / died /^he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.

died ^ 14_2CH_24_22 / died /^he said, The LORD look upon [it], and require [it].

died ^ 44_ACT_07_15 / died /^he, and our fathers,

died ^ 05_DEU_34_07 / died /^his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated.

died ^ 18_JOB_03_11 / died /^I not from the womb? [why] did I [not] give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?

died ^ 23_ISA_06_01 / died /^I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.

died ^ 07_JUD_12_10 / died /^Ibzan, and was buried at Bethlehem.

died ^ 01_GEN_25_08 / died /^in a good old age, an old man, and full [of years]; and was gathered to his people.

died ^ 07_JUD_08_32 / died /^in a good old age, and was buried in the sepulchre of Joash his father, in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.

died ^ 13_1CH_29_28 / died /^in a good old age, full of days, riches, and honour: and Solomon his son reigned in his stead.

died ^ 58_HEB_11_13 / died /^in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of [them], and embraced [them], and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

died ^ 01_GEN_11_32 / died /^in Haran.

died ^ 04_NUM_27_03 / died /^in his own sin, and had no sons.

died ^ 01_GEN_23_02 / died /^in Kirjatharba; the same [is] Hebron in the land of Canaan: and Abraham came to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her.

died ^ 05_DEU_32_50 / died /^in mount Hor, and was gathered unto his people:

died ^ 04_NUM_33_39 / died /^in mount Hor.

died ^ 04_NUM_26_19 / died /^in the land of Canaan.

died ^ 01_GEN_46_12 / died /^in the land of Canaan. And the sons of Pharez were Hezron and Hamul.

died ^ 04_NUM_14_02 / died /^in the land of Egypt! or would God we had died in this wilderness!

died ^ 11_1KI_03_19 / died /^in the night; because she overlaid it.

died ^ 14_2CH_16_13 / died /^in the one and fortieth year of his reign.

died ^ 04_NUM_16_49 / died /^in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, beside them that died about the matter of Korah.

died ^ 04_NUM_25_09 / died /^in the plague were twenty and four thousand.

died ^ 01_GEN_25_18 / died /^in the presence of all his brethren.

died ^ 10_2SA_02_23 / died /^in the same place: and it came to pass, [that] as many as came to the place where Asahel fell down and died stood still.

died ^ 66_REV_16_03 / died /^in the sea.

died ^ 06_JOS_05_04 / died /^in the wilderness by the way, after they came out of Egypt.

died ^ 04_NUM_27_03 / died /^in the wilderness, and he was not in the company of them that gathered themselves together against the LORD in the company of Korah; but died in his own sin, and had no sons.

died ^ 10_2SA_11_21 / died /^in Thebez? why went ye nigh the wall? then say thou, Thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.

died ^ 04_NUM_14_02 / died /^in this wilderness!

died ^ 07_JUD_12_07 / died /^Jephthah the Gileadite, and was buried in [one of] the cities of Gilead.

died ^ 58_HEB_11_22 / died /^made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones.

died ^ 41_MAR_12_21 / died /^neither left he any seed: and the third likewise.

died ^ 02_EXO_09_06 / died /^not one.

died ^ 09_1SA_05_12 / died /^not were smitten with the emerods: and the cry of the city went up to heaven.

died ^ 09_1SA_14_45 / died /^not.

died ^ 04_NUM_26_11 / died /^not.

died ^ 03_LEV_17_15 / died /^of itself], or that which was torn [with beasts, whether it be] one of your own country, or a stranger, he shall both wash his clothes, and bathe [himself] in water, and be unclean until the even: then shall he be clean.

died ^ 14_2CH_21_19 / died /^of sore diseases. And his people made no burning for him, like the burning of his fathers.

died ^ 10_2SA_24_15 / died /^of the people from Dan even to Beersheba seventy thousand men.

died ^ 66_REV_08_11 / died /^of the waters, because they were made bitter.

died ^ 02_EXO_08_13 / died /^out of the houses, out of the villages, and out of the fields.

died ^ 01_GEN_50_16 / died /^saying,

died ^ 10_2SA_20_10 / died /^So Joab and Abishai his brother pursued after Sheba the son of Bichri.

died ^ 10_2SA_02_23 / died /^stood still.

died ^ 01_GEN_07_21 / died /^that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:

died ^ 01_GEN_35_18 / died /^that she called his name Benoni: but his father called him Benjamin.

died ^ 24_JER_28_17 / died /^the same year in the seventh month.

died ^ 26_EZE_11_13 / died /^Then fell I down upon my face, and cried with a loud voice, and said, Ah Lord GOD! wilt thou make a full end of the remnant of Israel?

died ^ 05_DEU_34_05 / died /^there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD.

died ^ 04_NUM_20_28 / died /^there in the top of the mount: and Moses and Eleazar came down from the mount.

died ^ 04_NUM_20_01 / died /^there, and was buried there.

died ^ 04_NUM_33_38 / died /^there, in the fortieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the first [day] of the fifth month.

died ^ 12_2KI_09_27 / died /^there.

died ^ 12_2KI_23_34 / died /^there.

died ^ 10_2SA_10_18 / died /^there.

died ^ 11_1KI_12_18 / died /^Therefore king Rehoboam made speed to get him up to his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem.

died ^ 06_JOS_10_11 / died /^they were] more which died with hailstones than [they] whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.

died ^ 10_2SA_19_06 / died /^this day, then it had pleased thee well.

died ^ 13_1CH_10_06 / died /^together.

died ^ 45_ROM_06_10 / died /^unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.

died ^ 23_ISA_14_28 / died /^was this burden.

died ^ 04_NUM_26_10 / died /^what time the fire devoured two hundred and fifty men: and they became a sign.

died ^ 04_NUM_20_03 / died /^when our brethren died before the LORD!

died ^ 04_NUM_26_61 / died /^when they offered strange fire before the LORD.

died ^ 44_ACT_09_37 / died /^whom when they had washed, they laid [her] in an upper chamber.

died ^ 06_JOS_10_11 / died /^with hailstones than [they] whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.

died ^ 09_1SA_31_05 / died /^with him.

died ^ 09_1SA_25_37 / died /^within him, and he became [as] a stone.

died ^ 13_1CH_02_30 / died /^without children.

died ^ 13_1CH_02_32 / died /^without children.

died ^ 42_LUK_20_29 / died /^without children.

died ^ 58_HEB_10_28 / died /^without mercy under two or three witnesses:

died ^ 45_ROM_08_34 / died /^yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.