disannul 0208 # akuroo {ak-oo-ro'-o}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 2964; to invalidate: -- {disannul}, make of none

disannul 0114 # atheteo {ath-et-eh'-o}; from a compound of 1
(as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5087; to set aside,
i.e. (by implication) to disesteem, neutralize or violate: --
cast off, despise, {disannul}, frustrate, bring to nought,


disannul Interlinear Index Study

disannul JOB 040 008 Wilt thou also <00637 +>aph > {disannul}
<06565 +parar > my judgment <04941 +mishpat > ? wilt thou
condemn <07561 +rasha< > me , that thou mayest be righteous
<06663 +tsadaq > ?

disannul ISA 014 027 For the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts
<06635 +tsaba> > hath purposed <03289 +ya , and who <04310
+miy > shall {disannul} <06565 +parar > [ it ] ? and his hand
<03027 +yad > [ is ] stretched <05186 +natah > out , and who
<04310 +miy > shall turn <07725 +shuwb > it back <07725 +shuwb >

disannul GAL 003 017 And this <5124 -touto -> I say <3004 -lego -
> , [ that ] the covenant <1242 -diatheke -> , that was
confirmed <4300 -prokuroo -> before <4300 -prokuroo -> of God
<2316 -theos -> in Christ <5547 -Christos -> , the law <3551 -
nomos -> , which was four <5071 -tetrakosioi -> hundred <5071 -
tetrakosioi -> and thirty <5144 -triakonta -> years <2094 -etos -
> after <3326 -meta -> , cannot <3756 -ou -> {disannul} <0208 -
akuroo -> , that it should make <2673 -katargeo -> the promise
<1860 -epaggelia -> of none <0208 -akuroo -> effect <2673 -
katargeo -> .

disannulled ISA 028 018 And your covenant <01285 +b@riyth > with
death <04194 +maveth > shall be {disannulled} <03722 +kaphar > ,
and your agreement <02380 +chazuwth > with hell <07585 +sh@>owl
> shall not stand <06965 +quwm > ; when <03588 +kiy > the
overflowing <07857 +shataph > scourge <07752 +showt > shall pass
<05674 + through , then ye shall be trodden <04823
+mirmac > down by it .

disannulleth GAL 003 015 Brethren <0080 -adephos -> , I speak
<3004 -lego -> after <2596 -kata -> the manner of men <0444 -
anthropos -> ; Though <3676 -homos -> [ it be ] but a man s
<0444 -anthropos -> covenant <1242 -diatheke -> , yet [ if it be
] confirmed <2964 -kuroo -> , no <3762 -oudeis -> man <3762 -
oudeis -> {disannulleth} <0114 -atheteo -> , or <2228 -e ->
addeth <1928 -epidiatassomai -> thereto <1928 -epidiatassomai ->

disannulling HEB 007 018 For there is verily <3303 -men -> a
{disannulling} <0115 -athetesis -> of the commandment <1785 -
entole -> going <4254 -proago -> before <4254 -proago -> for the
weakness <0772 -asthenes -> and unprofitableness <0512 -
anopheles -> thereof <0846 -autos -> .


who shall disannul

wilt thou also disannul my judgment

* disannulling , 0115 ,

* disannul , 0208 akuroo ,


disannul -0208 {disannul}, effect, made, making, none,

disannulleth -0114 bring, cast, despise, despised, despiseth,
{disannulleth}, frustrate, nothing, off, reject, rejecteth,

disannulling -0115 away, {disannulling}, put,


disannul -6565 brake , break , breaking , broken , brought ,
castest , cease , clean , defeat , {disannul} , disappointed ,
disappointeth , dissolved , divide , effect , fail , frustrateth
, none , nought , void ,

disannulled -3722 atonement , cleansed , {disannulled} , forgave
, forgive , forgiven , merciful , pacified , pacify , pardon ,
purge , purged , put , reconcile , reconciliation , reconciling ,


disannul 3722 -- kaphar -- appease, make (an atonement, cleanse,
{disannul}, forgive,be merciful, pacify, pardon, purge (away),
put off, (make)reconcile(-liation).

disannul 6565 -- parar -- X any ways, break (asunder), cast off,
cause to cease, Xclean, defeat, {disannul}, disappoint, dissolve,
divide, make of noneeffect, fail, frustrate, bring (come) to
nought, X utterly, make void.

disannul 0114 ** atheteo ** cast off, despise, {disannul},
frustrate, bring to nought,reject.

disannul 0208 ** akuroo ** {disannul}, make of none effect.

disannulling 0115 ** athetesis ** {disannulling}, put away.


disannul ......... disannul 0208 -akuroo->

disannulleth ......... disannulleth 0114 -atheteo->

disannulling ......... a disannulling 0115 -athetesis->



disannul 3722 ## kaphar {kaw-far'}; a primitive root; to cover
(specifically with bitumen); figuratively, to expiate or condone,
to placate or cancel: -- appease, make (an atonement, cleanse,
{disannul}, forgive, be merciful, pacify, pardon, purge (away),
put off, (make) reconcile(-liation). [ql

disannul 6565 ## parar {paw-rar'}; a primitive root; to break up
(usually figuratively, i.e. to violate, frustrate: -- X any ways,
break (asunder), cast off, cause to cease, X clean, defeat,
{disannul}, disappoint, dissolve, divide, make of none effect,
fail, frustrate, bring (come) to nought, X utterly, make void.[ql

disannul 0114 # atheteo {ath-et-eh'-o}; from a compound of 1 (as
a negative particle) and a derivative of 5087; to set aside, i.e.
(by implication) to disesteem, neutralize or violate: -- cast
off, despise, {disannul}, frustrate, bring to nought, reject.[ql

disannul 0208 # akuroo {ak-oo-ro'-o}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 2964; to invalidate: -- {disannul}, make of none

disannulling 0115 # athetesis {ath-et'-ay-sis}; from 114;
cancellation (literally or figuratively): -- {disannulling}, put


disannul 014 027 Isa /^{disannul /it? and his
hand is stretched out , and who shall turn it back ?

disannul 040 008 Job /^{disannul /my judgment ?
wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous ?

disannul 003 017 Gal /${disannul /that it should
make the promise of none effect .

disannulled 028 018 Isa /^{disannulled /and your
agreement with hell shall not stand ; when the overflowing
scourge shall pass through , then ye shall be trodden down by it.

disannulleth 003 015 Gal /${disannulleth /or addeth
thereto .

disannulling 007 018 Heb /${disannulling /of the
commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness
thereof .


disannul 3 *

disannulled 1 -

disannulleth 1 -

disannulling 1 -


disannul Wilt thou also {disannul} my judgment? wilt

condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous?

disannul For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who

shall {disannul} [it]? and his hand [is] stretched out, and who

shall turn it back?

disannul And this I say, that] the covenant, that was

confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four

and thirty years after, cannot {disannul}, that it should make

promise of none effect.
