disobedient Rom_10_21 /${disobedient /and gainsaying
people .

disobedient Neh_09_26 /^{disobedient /and rebelled
against thee, and cast thy law behind their backs , and slew thy
prophets which testified against them to turn them to thee, and
they wrought great provocations .

disobedient Tit_01_16 /${disobedient /and unto every
good work reprobate .

disobedient Tit_03_03 /${disobedient /deceived ,
serving divers lusts and pleasures , living in malice and envy ,
hateful , and hating one another .

disobedient 1Ti_01_09 /${disobedient /for the
ungodly and for sinners , for unholy and profane , for murderers
of fathers and murderers of mothers , for manslayers ,

disobedient 1Pe_02_07 /${disobedient /the stone
which the builders disallowed , the same is made the head of the
corner ,

disobedient Rom_01_30 /${disobedient /to parents ,

disobedient 2Ti_03_02 /${disobedient /to parents ,
unthankful , unholy ,

disobedient Luk_01_17 /${disobedient /to the wisdom
of the just ; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord .

disobedient Act_26_19 /${disobedient /unto the
heavenly vision :

disobedient 1Ki_13_26 /^{disobedient /unto the word
of the LORD : therefore the LORD hath delivered him unto the
lion , which hath torn him, and slain him, according to the word
of the LORD , which he spake unto him.

disobedient 1Pe_03_20 /${disobedient /when once the
longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah , while the ark
was a preparing , wherein few , that is , eight souls were saved
by water .

disobedient 1Pe_02_08 /${disobedient /whereunto also
they were appointed .
