English Word Index which lists every word with Greek and Hebrew Transliteration of every Bible word

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

displease 09_1SA_29_07 Wherefore now (06258 +(attah ) return (07725 +shuwb ) , and go (03212 +yalak ) in peace (07965 +shalowm ) , that thou {displease} not the lords (05633 +ceren ) of the Philistines (06430 +P@lishtiy ) .

displease 10_2SA_11_25 Then David (01732 +David ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto the messenger (04397 +mal)ak ) , Thus (03541 +koh ) shalt thou say (00559 +)amar ) unto Joab (03097 +Yow)ab ) , Let not this (02088 +zeh ) thing (01697 +dabar ) {displease} thee , for the sword (02719 +chereb ) devoureth (00398 +)akal ) one (02088 +zeh ) as well (02090 +zoh ) as another (02090 +zoh ):make thy battle (04421 +milchamah ) more strong (02388 +chazaq ) against (00413 +)el ) the city (05892 +(iyr ) , and overthrow (02040 +harac ) it:and encourage (02388 +chazaq ) thou him .

displease 01_GEN_31_35 And she said (00559 +)amar ) to her father (1) , Let it not {displease} (02734 +charah ) my lord (00113 +)adown ) that I cannot rise (06965 +quwm ) up before (06440 +paniym ) thee ; for the custom (01870 +derek ) of women (00802 +)ishshah ) [ is ] upon me . And he searched (02664 +chaphas ) , but found (04672 +matsa) ) not the images (08655 +t@raphiym ) .

displease 04_NUM_22_34 And Balaam (01109 +Bil(am ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto the angel (04397 +mal)ak ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , I have sinned (02398 +chata) ) ; for I knew (03045 +yada( ) not that thou stoodest (05324 +natsab ) in the way (01870 +derek ) against (07125 +qir)ah ) me:now (06258 +(attah ) therefore , if (00518 +)im ) it {displease} thee , I will get me back (07725 +shuwb ) again (07725 +shuwb ) .

displease 20_PRO_24_18 Lest (06435 +pen ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) see (07200 +ra)ah ) [ it ] , and it {displease} him , and he turn (07725 +shuwb ) away his wrath (00639 +)aph ) from him .

displeased 13_1CH_13_11 And David (01732 +David ) was {displeased} (02734 +charah ) , because (03588 +kiy ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) had made a breach (06556 +perets ) upon Uzza (05798 +(Uzza) ):wherefore (04100 +mah ) that place (04725 +maqowm ) is called (07121 +qara) ) Perezuzza (06560 +Perets (Uzza) ) to this (02088 +zeh ) day (03117 +yowm ) .

displeased 13_1CH_21_07 . And God (00430 +)elohiym ) was {displeased} with this (02088 +zeh ) thing (01697 +dabar ) ; therefore he smote (05221 +nakah ) Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) .

displeased 11_1KI_01_06 And his father (1) had not {displeased} (06087 +(atsab ) him at any time (03117 +yowm ) in saying (00559 +)amar ) , Why (04069 +madduwa( ) hast thou done (06213 +(asah ) so (03602 +kakah ) ? and he also (01571 +gam ) [ was a ] very (03966 +m@(od ) goodly (02896 +towb ) [ man ] ; and [ his mother ] bare him after (00310 +)achar ) Absalom (53) .

displeased 11_1KI_20_43 And the king (04428 +melek ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) went (03212 +yalak ) to his house (01004 +bayith ) heavy (05620 +car ) and {displeased} (02198 +za(eph ) , and came (00935 +bow) ) to Samaria (08111 +Shom@rown ) .

displeased 11_1KI_21_04 And Ahab (00256 +)Ach)ab ) came (00935 +bow) ) into (00413 +)el ) his house (01004 +bayith ) heavy (05620 +car ) and {displeased} (02198 +za(eph ) because (05921 +(al ) of the word (01697 +dabar ) which (00834 +)aher ) Naboth (05022 +Nabowth ) the Jezreelite (03158 +Yizr@(e)liy ) had spoken (01696 +dabar ) to him:for he had said (00559 +)amar ) , I will not give (05414 +nathan ) thee the inheritance (05159 +nachalah ) of my fathers (1) . And he laid (07901 +shakab ) him down (07901 +shakab ) upon his bed (04296 +mittah ) , and turned (05437 +cabab ) away his face (06440 +paniym ) , and would eat (00398 +)akal ) no (03808 +lo) ) bread (03899 +lechem ) .

displeased 09_1SA_08_06 But the thing (01697 +dabar ) {displeased} Samuel (08050 +Sh@muw)el ) , when (00834 +)aher ) they said (00559 +)amar ) , Give (05414 +nathan ) us a king (04428 +melek ) to judge (08199 +shaphat ) us . And Samuel (08050 +Sh@muw)el ) prayed (06419 +palal ) unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

displeased 09_1SA_18_08 And Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) was very (03966 +m@(od ) wroth (02734 +charah ) , and the saying (01697 +dabar ) {displeased} him ; and he said (00559 +)amar ) , They have ascribed (05414 +nathan ) unto David (01732 +David ) ten (07233 +r@babah ) thousands (07233 +r@babah ) , and to me they have ascribed (05414 +nathan ) [ but ] thousands (00505 +)eleph ):and [ what ] can he have more (05750 +(owd ) but the kingdom (04410 +m@luwkah ) ?

displeased 10_2SA_06_08 And David (01732 +David ) was {displeased} (02734 +charah ) , because the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) had made (06555 +parats ) a breach (06556 +perets ) upon Uzzah (05798 +(Uzza) ):and he called (07121 +qara) ) the name of the place (04725 +maqowm ) Perezuzzah (06560 +Perets (Uzza) ) to this (02088 +zeh ) day (03117 +yowm ) .

displeased 10_2SA_11_27 And when the mourning (60) was past (05493 +cuwr ) , David (01732 +David ) sent (07971 +shalach ) and fetched (00622 +)acaph ) her to his house (01004 +bayith ) , and she became (01961 +hayah ) his wife (00802 +)ishshah ) , and bare (03205 +yalad ) him a son (01121 +ben ) . But the thing (01697 +dabar ) that David (01732 +David ) had done (06213 +(asah ) {displeased} the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

displeased 44_ACT_12_20 . And Herod (2264 -Herodes -) was highly (2371 -thumomacheo -) {displeased} (2371 -thumomacheo -) with them of Tyre (5183 -Turios -) and Sidon (4605 -Sidon -):but they came (3918 -pareimi -) with one (3661 -homothumadon -) accord (3661 -homothumadon -) to him , and , having made (3982 -peitho -) Blastus (0986 -Blastos -) the king s (0935 -basileus -) chamberlain (2846 -koiton -) their friend (3982 -peitho -) , desired (0154 -aiteo -) peace (1515 -eirene -) ; because (1223 -dia -) their country (5561 -chora -) was nourished (5142 -trepho -) by the king s (0937 -basilikos -) [ country (5561 -chora -) ] .

displeased 27_DAN_06_14 Then (00116 +)edayin ) the king (04430 +melek ) , when (01768 +diy ) he heard (08086 +sh@ma( ) [ these ] words (04406 +millah ) , was sore (07690 +saggiy) ) {displeased} (00888 +b@)esh ) with himself , and set (07761 +suwm ) [ his ] heart (01079 +bal ) on (05922 +(al ) Daniel (01841 +Daniye)l ) to deliver (07804 +sh@zab ) him:and he laboured (07712 +sh@dar ) till (05704 +(ad ) the going (04606 +me(al ) down (04606 +me(al ) of the sun (08122 +shemesh ) to deliver (05338 +n@tsal ) him .

displeased 01_GEN_38_10 And the thing which (00834 +)aher ) he did (06213 +(asah ) {displeased} the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ):wherefore he slew (04191 +muwth ) him also (01571 +gam ) .

displeased 01_GEN_48_17 And when Joseph (03130 +Yowceph ) saw (07200 +ra)ah ) that his father (1) laid (07896 +shiyth ) his right (03225 +yamiyn ) hand (03027 +yad ) upon the head (07218 +ro)sh ) of Ephraim (00669 +)Ephrayim ) , it {displeased} him:and he held (08557 +temec ) up his father s (1) hand (03027 +yad ) , to remove (05493 +cuwr ) it from Ephraim s (00669 +)Ephrayim ) head (07218 +ro)sh ) unto Manasseh s (04519 +M@nashsheh ) head (07218 +ro)sh ) .

displeased 35_HAB_03_08 Was the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) {displeased} (02734 +charah ) against the rivers (05104 +nahar ) ? [ was ] thine anger (00639 +)aph ) against the rivers (05104 +nahar ) ? [ was ] thy wrath (05678 +(ebrah ) against the sea (03220 +yam ) , that thou didst ride (07392 +rakab ) upon thine horses (05483 +cuwc ) [ and ] thy chariots (04818 +merkabah ) of salvation (03444 +y@shuw(ah ) ?

displeased 23_ISA_59_15 Yea , truth (00571 +)emeth ) faileth (05737 +(adar ) ; and he [ that ] departeth(05493 +cuwr ) from evil (07451 +ra( ) maketh himself a prey (07997 +shalal ):and the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) saw (07200 +ra)ah ) [ it ] , and it {displeased} him that [ there was ] no (00369 +)ayin ) judgment (04941 +mishpat ) .

displeased 32_JON_04_01 . But it {displeased} Jonah (03124 +Yonah ) exceedingly (01419 +gadowl ) , and he was very angry (02734 +charah ) .

displeased 41_MAR_10_14 But when Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) saw (1492 -eido -) [ it ] , he was much (0023 -aganakteo -) {displeased} (0023 -aganakteo -) , and said (2036 -epo -) unto them , Suffer (0863 -aphiemi -) the little (3813 -paidion -) children (3813 -paidion -) to come (2064 -erchomai -) unto me , and forbid (2967 -koluo -) them not:for of such (5108 -toioutos -) is the kingdom (0932 -basileia -) of God (2316 -theos -) .

displeased 41_MAR_10_41 And when the ten (1176 -deka -) heard (0191 -akouo -) [ it ] , they began (0756 -archomai -) to be much (0023 -aganakteo -) {displeased} (0023 -aganakteo -) with James (2385 -Iakobos -) and John (2491 -Ioannes -) .

displeased 40_MAT_21_15 And when the chief (0749 -archiereus -) priests (0749 -archiereus -) and scribes (1122 -grammateus -) saw (1492 -eido -) the wonderful (2297 -thaumasios -) things that he did (4160 -poieo -) , and the children (3816 -pais -) crying (2896 -krazo -) in the temple (2411 -hieron -) , and saying (3004 -lego -) , Hosanna (5614 -hosanna -) to the Son (5207 -huios -) of David (1138 -Dabid -) ; they were sore (0023 -aganakteo -) {displeased} (0023 -aganakteo -) ,

displeased 04_NUM_11_01 . And [ when ] the people (05971 +(am ) complained (00596 +)anan ) , it {displeased} the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ):and the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) heard (08085 +shama( ) [ it ] ; and his anger (00639 +)aph ) was kindled (02734 +charah ) ; and the fire (00784 +)esh ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) burnt (01197 +ba(ar ) among them , and consumed (00398 +)akal ) [ them that were ] in the uttermost (07097 +qatseh ) parts of the camp (04264 +machaneh ) .

displeased 04_NUM_11_10 Then Moses (04872 +Mosheh ) heard (08085 +shama( ) the people (05971 +(am ) weep (01058 +bakah ) throughout their families (04940 +mishpachah ) , every man (00376 +)iysh ) in the door (06607 +pethach ) of his tent (00168 +)ohel ):and the anger (00639 +)aph ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) was kindled (02734 +charah ) greatly (03966 +m@(od ) ; Moses (04872 +Mosheh ) also was {displeased} .

displeased 19_PSA_60_01 . To the chief Musician (05329 +natsach ) upon (05921 +(al ) Shushaneduth (07799 +shuwshan ) (5715) , Michtam (04387 +miktam ) of David (01732 +David ) , to teach (03925 +lamad ) ; when he strove (05327 +natsah ) with Aramnaharaim (00763 +)Aram Naharayim ) (05104 +nahar ) and with Aramzobah (00758 +)Aram ) (06678 +Tsowba) ) , when Joab (03097 +Yow)ab ) returned (07725 +shuwb ) , and smote (05221 +nakah ) of Edom (00123 +)Edom ) in the valley (01516 +gay) ) of salt (04417 +melach ) twelve (08147 +sh@nayim ) thousand (06240 +(asar ) (00505 +)eleph ) . O God (00430 +)elohiym ) , thou hast cast (02186 +zanach ) us off , thou hast scattered (06555 +parats ) us , thou hast been {displeased} (00599 +)anaph ) ; O turn (07725 +shuwb ) thyself to us again (07725 +shuwb ) .

displeased 38_ZEC_01_02 The LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) hath been sore {displeased} (07107 +qatsaph ) with your fathers (1) .

displeased 38_ZEC_01_15 And I am very sore displeased (07107 +qatsaph ) with the heathen (01471 +gowy) [ that are ] at ease (07600 +sha)anan ):for I was but a little (04592 +m@(at ) {displeased} (07107 +qatsaph ) , and they helped (05826 +(azar ) forward the affliction (07451 +ra( ) .

displeased 38_ZEC_01_15 And I am very sore {displeased} (07107 +qatsaph ) with the heathen (01471 +gowy) [ that are ] at ease (07600 +sha)anan ):for I was but a little (04592 +m@(at ) displeased (07107 +qatsaph ) , and they helped (05826 +(azar ) forward the affliction (07451 +ra( ) .

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