* disputing , 1256 dialegomai , 4802 suzeteo , 4803 suzetesis ,


disputing -1256 disputed, {disputing}, preached, preaching,
reasoned, speaketh,

disputing -4802 disputed, {disputing}, question, questioned,
questioning, reasoning, together,

disputing -4803 disputation, {disputing}, reasoning,

disputings -1261 {disputings}, doubting, imaginations, thoughts,

disputings -3859 {disputings}, perverse,



disputing 3859 ** paradiatribe ** perverse {disputing}.


disputing ......... disputing 1256 -dialegomai->

disputing ......... disputing 4802 -suzeteo->

disputing ......... disputing 4803 -suzetesis->

disputings ......... and disputings 1261 -dialogismos->

disputings ......... disputings 3859 -paradiatribe->



disputing 3859 # paradiatribe {par-ad-ee-at-ree-bay'}; from a
compound of 3844 and 1304; misemployment, i.e. meddlesomeness: --
perverse {disputing}.[ql


disputing 019 008 Act /${disputing /and
persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God .

disputing 019 009 Act /${disputing /daily in the
school of one Tyrannus .

disputing 015 007 Act /${disputing /Peter rose up ,
and said unto them , Men and brethren , ye know how that a good
while ago God made choice among us , that the Gentiles by my
mouth should hear the word of the gospel , and believe .

disputing 024 012 Act /${disputing /with any man ,
neither raising up the people , neither in the synagogues , nor
in the city :

disputing 006 009 Act /${disputing /with Stephen .

disputings 006 005 ITi /${disputings /of men of
corrupt minds , and destitute of the truth , supposing that gain
is godliness : from such withdraw thyself .


disputing 5 -

disputings 2 -


disputing Then there arose certain of the synagogue,

is called the synagogue] of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and

Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, {disputing}


disputing And when there had been much {disputing},

rose up, and said unto them, Men and] brethren, ye know how that

good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my

mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe.

disputing And he went into the synagogue, and spake

boldly for the space of three months, {disputing} and persuading

things concerning the kingdom of God.

disputing But when divers were hardened, and believed

not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed

from them, and separated the disciples, {disputing} daily in the

school of one Tyrannus.

disputing And they neither found me in the temple

{disputing} with any man, neither raising up the people, neither

the synagogues, nor in the city:
