* distribute , 2130 eumetadotos ,


distribute -2130 {distribute}, ready,

distributed -1239 {distributed}, distribution, give, made,

distributed -3307 between, difference, {distributed}, divided,


distribute -5414 add , applied , appoint , appointed , ascribe ,
ascribed , assigned , bestow , bestowed , bring , bringeth ,
brought , cast , cause , caused , causeth , charge , charged ,
cometh , commit , committed , confusion , considered , count ,
cried , deliver , delivered , deliveredst , delivereth , direct ,
{distribute} , done , fasten , fastened , forth , frame , gave ,
gavest , give , given , givest , giveth , giving , gotten ,
grant , granted , hang , having , laid , lay , layeth , leave ,
left , lend , let , lift , liftest , made , make , maketh ,
occupied , offer , ordained , over , oversight , paid , pay ,
perform , place , placed , plant , pour , presented , print ,
pulled , put , puttest , putteth , putting , recompense ,
recompensed , recompensing , requite , restored , send , sendeth
, sent , set , setting , shew , shewed ,

distribute -2505 dealt , {distribute} , distributed ,
distributeth , divide , divided , dividing , flatter ,
flattereth , given , imparted , part , parted , partner ,
portion , received , separate , smoother , smootheth ,

distribute -5157 {distribute} , distributed , divide , heritage ,
inherit , inheritance , inherited , inheriteth , leave ,
possess , possession ,

distributed -2505 dealt , distribute , {distributed} ,
distributeth , divide , divided , dividing , flatter ,
flattereth , given , imparted , part , parted , partner ,
portion , received , separate , smoother , smootheth ,

distributed -5157 distribute , {distributed} , divide , heritage
, inherit , inheritance , inherited , inheriteth , leave ,
possess , possession ,

distributeth -2505 dealt , distribute , distributed ,
{distributeth} , divide , divided , dividing , flatter ,
flattereth , given , imparted , part , parted , partner ,
portion , received , separate , smoother , smootheth ,


distribute 2505 -- chalaq -- deal, {distribute}, divide,
flatter, give, (have,im-)part(-ner), take away a portion,
receive, separate self, (be)smooth(-er).

distribute 5157 -- nachal -- divide, have ([inheritance]), take
as a heritage, (causeto, give to, make to) inherit,
({distribute} for, divide [for, for an, by],give for, have,
leave for, take [for]) inheritance, (have in, cause to, bemade
to) possess(-ion).

distribute 5414 -- nathan -- add, apply, appoint, ascribe,
assign, X avenge, X be([healed]), bestow, bring (forth, hither),
cast, cause, charge, come,commit, consider, count, + cry,
deliver (up), direct, {distribute}, do, Xdoubtless, X without
fail, fasten, frame, X get, give (forth, over, up),grant, hang
(up), X have, X indeed, lay (unto charge, up), (give) leave,lend,
let (out), + lie, lift up, make, + O that, occupy, offer,
ordain,pay, perform, place, pour, print, X pull , put (forth),
recompense, render,requite, restore, send (out), set (forth),
shew, shoot forth (up), + sing,+ slander, strike, [sub-]mit,
suffer, X surely, X take, thrust, trade,turn, utter, + weep, +
willingly, + withdraw, + would (to) God, yield.

distribute 1239 ** diadidomai ** (make) {distribute}(-ion),
divide, give.

distribute 2130 ** eumetadotos ** ready to {distribute}.

distribute 2841 ** koinoneo ** communicate, {distribute}, be

distribute 3307 ** merizo ** deal, be difference between,
{distribute}, divide, giveparticiple


distribute ......... and distribute 1239 -diadidomai->

distribute ......... to distribute 2130 -eumetadotos->

distributed ......... hath distributed 3307 -merizo->

distributed ......... he distributed 1239 -diadidomai->



distribute 2505 ## chalaq {khaw-lak'}; a primitive root; to be
smooth (figuratively); by implication (as smooth stones were
used for lots) to apportion or separate: -- deal, {distribute},
divide, flatter, give, (have, im-)part(-ner), take away a
portion, receive, separate self, (be) smooth(-er). [ql

distribute 5157 ## nachal {naw-khal'}; a primitive root; to
inherit (as a [figurative] mode of descent), or (generally) to
occupy; causatively, to bequeath, or (generally) distribute,
instate: -- divide, have ([inheritance]), take as a heritage,
(cause to, give to, make to) inherit, ({distribute} for, divide
[for, for an, by], give for, have, leave for, take [for])
inheritance, (have in, cause to, be made to) possess(-ion).[ql

distribute 5414 ## nathan {naw-than'}; a primitive root; to give,
used with greatest latitude of application (put, make, etc.): --
add, apply, appoint, ascribe, assign, X avenge, X be ([healed]),
bestow, bring (forth, hither), cast, cause, charge, come,
commit, consider, count, + cry, deliver (up), direct,
{distribute}, do, X doubtless, X without fail, fasten, frame, X
get, give (forth, over, up), grant, hang (up), X have, X indeed,
lay (unto charge, up), (give) leave, lend, let (out), + lie,
lift up, make, + O that, occupy, offer, ordain, pay, perform,
place, pour, print, X pull , put (forth), recompense, render,
requite, restore, send (out), set (forth), shew, shoot forth
(up), + sing, + slander, strike, [sub-]mit, suffer, X surely, X
take, thrust, trade, turn, utter, + weep, + willingly, +
withdraw, + would (to) God, yield.[ql

distribute 1239 # diadidomai {dee-ad-id'-o-mee}; from 1223 and
1325; to give throughout a crowd, i.e. deal out; also to deliver
over (as to a successor): -- (make) {distribute}(-ion), divide,

distribute 2130 # eumetadotos {yoo-met-ad'-ot-os}; from 2095 and
a presumed derivative of 3330; good at imparting, i.e. liberal: -
- ready to {distribute}.[ql

distribute 2841 # koinoneo {koy-no-neh'-o}; from 2844; to share
with others (objectively or subjectively): -- communicate,
{distribute}, be partaker.[ql

distribute 3307 # merizo {mer-id'-zo}; from 3313; to part, i.e.
(literally) to apportion, bestow, share, or (figuratively) to
disunite, differ: -- deal, be difference between, {distribute},
divide, give participle[ql


distribute 013 032 Jos /^{distribute /for
inheritance in the plains of Moab , on the other side Jordan ,
by Jericho , eastward .

distribute 031 014 IICh /^{distribute /the oblations
of the LORD , and the most holy things .

distribute 018 022 Luk /${distribute /unto the poor
, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven : and come , follow me .

distribute 013 013 Neh /^{distribute /unto their
brethren .

distribute 006 018 ITi /${distribute /willing to
communicate ;

distributed 014 001 Jos /^{distributed /for
inheritance to them.

distributed 023 018 IICh /^{distributed /in the house
of the LORD , to offer the burnt offerings of the LORD , as it
is written in the law of Moses , with rejoicing and with singing
, as it was ordained by David .

distributed 024 003 ICh /^{distributed /them, both
Zadok of the sons of Eleazar , and Ahimelech of the sons of
Ithamar , according to their offices in their service .

distributed 007 017 ICo /${distributed /to every man
, as the Lord hath called every one , so let him walk . And so
ordain I in all churches .

distributed 006 011 Joh /${distributed /to the
disciples , and the disciples to them that were set down ; and
likewise of the fishes as much as they would .

distributed 010 013 IICo /${distributed /to us , a
measure to reach even unto you .

distributeth 021 017 Job /^{distributeth /sorrows in
his anger .


distribute 5 *

distributed 6 -

distributeth 1 -


distribute These [are the countries] which Moses did

{distribute} for inheritance in the plains of Moab, on the other

side Jordan, by Jericho, eastward.

distribute <2CH31 -14> And Kore the son of Imnah the Levite, the

porter toward the east, [was] over the freewill offerings of God,

{distribute} the oblations of the LORD, and the most holy things.

distribute And I made treasurers over the treasuries,

Shelemiah the priest, and Zadok the scribe, and of the Levites,

Pedaiah: and next to them [was] Hanan the son of Zaccur, the son

Mattaniah: for they were counted faithful, and their offi

ce [was] to {distribute} unto their brethren.

distribute Now when Jesus heard these things, he said

unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast,

{distribute} unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in

and come, follow me.

distribute <1TI6 -18> That they do good, that they be rich in

works, ready to {distribute}, willing to communicate;
