Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
divideth ^ 42_LUK_11_22 But <1161> when <1875> a stronger <2478> than he <0846> shall come upon him <1904> (5631), and overcome <3528> (5661) him <0846>, he taketh <0142> (5719) from him <0846> all his armour <3833> wherein <1909> <3739> he trusted <3982> (5714), and <2532> {divideth} <1239> (5719) his <0846> spoils <4661>.

divideth ^ 40_MAT_25_32 And <2532> before <1715> him <0846> shall be gathered <4863> (5701) all <3956> nations <1484>: and <2532> he shall separate <0873> (5692) them <0846> one <0240> <0> from <0575> another <0240>, as <5618> a shepherd <4166> {divideth} <0873> (5719) his sheep <4263> from <0575> the goats <2056>: