bring not this doctrine <2JO1 -:10 >

but thou hast fully known my doctrine <2TI3 -:10 >

doctrine be not blasphemed <1TI6 -:1 >

doctrine which is according <1TI6 -:3 >

doctrine which was delivered you

doctrine which ye have learned

he may be able by sound doctrine both

my doctrine is not mine

my doctrine shall drop as

sound doctrine <1TI1 -:9 >

they teach no other doctrine <1TI1 -:2 >

they were astonished at his doctrine

they were astonished at his doctrine

they were astonished at his doctrine

things which become sound doctrine

time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine <2TI4 -
:3 >

what new doctrine

ye have filled jerusalem with your doctrine
