Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
doeth ^ 46_1CO_06_18 Flee <5343> (5720) fornication <4202>. Every <3956> sin <0265> that <3739> <1437> a man <0444> {doeth} <4160> (5661) is <2076> (5748) without <1622> the body <4983>; but <1161> he that committeth fornication <4203> (5723) sinneth <0264> (5719) against <1519> his own <2398> body <4983>.

doeth ^ 46_1CO_07_37 Nevertheless <1161> he <3739> that standeth <2476> (5707) (5758) stedfast <1476> in <1722> his heart <2588>, having <2192> (5723) no <3361> necessity <0318>, but <1161> hath <2192> (5719) power <1849> over <4012> his own <2398> will <2307>, and <2532> hath <2919> <0> so <5124> decreed <2919> (5758) in <1722> his <0846> heart <2588> that he will keep <5083> (5721) his <1438> virgin <3933>, {doeth} <4160> (5719) well <2573>.

doeth ^ 46_1CO_07_38 So <5620> then <2532> he that giveth her in marriage <1547> (5723) doeth <4160> (5719) well <2573>; but <1161> he that giveth her <1547> <0> not <3361> in marriage <1547> (5723) {doeth} <4160> (5719) better <2908>.

doeth ^ 46_1CO_07_38 So <5620> then <2532> he that giveth her in marriage <1547> (5723) {doeth} <4160> (5719) well <2573>; but <1161> he that giveth her <1547> <0> not <3361> in marriage <1547> (5723) doeth <4160> (5719) better <2908>.

doeth ^ 62_1JO_03_10 In <1722> this <5129> the children <5043> of God <2316> are <2076> (5748) manifest <5318>, and <2532> the children <5043> of the devil <1228>: whosoever <3956> {doeth} <4160> (5723) not <3361> righteousness <1343> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> of <1537> God <2316>, neither <2532> he that loveth <0025> (5723) not <3361> his <0846> brother <0080>.

doeth ^ 62_1JO_02_17 And <2532> the world <2889> passeth away <3855> (5731), and <2532> the lust <1939> thereof <0846>: but <1161> he that {doeth} <4160> (5723) the will <2307> of God <2316> abideth <3306> (5719) for <1519> ever <0165>.

doeth ^ 62_1JO_02_29 If <1437> ye know <1492> (5762) that <3754> he is <2076> (5748) righteous <1342>, ye know <1097> (5719) that <3754> every one <3956> that {doeth} <4160> (5723) righteousness <1343> is born <1080> (5769) of <1537> him <0846>.

doeth ^ 62_1JO_03_07 Little children <5040>, let <4105> <0> no man <3367> deceive <4105> (5720) you <5209>: he that {doeth} <4160> (5723) righteousness <1343> is <2076> (5748) righteous <1342>, even as <2531> he <1565> is <2076> (5748) righteous <1342>.

doeth ^ 64_3JO_01_10 Wherefore <1223> <5124>, if <1437> I come <2064> (5632), I will remember <5279> (5692) his <0846> deeds <2041> which <3739> he {doeth} <4160> (5719), prating against <5396> (5723) us <2248> with malicious <4190> words <3056>: and <2532> not <3361> content <0714> (5746) therewith <1909> <5125>, neither <3777> doth <1926> <0> he himself <0846> receive <1926> (5736) the brethren <0080>, and <2532> forbiddeth <2967> (5719) them that would <1014> (5740), and <2532> casteth <1544> (5719) them out of <1537> the church <1577>.

doeth ^ 64_3JO_01_11 Beloved <0027>, follow <3401> (5737) not <3361> that which is evil <2556>, but <0235> that which is good <0018>. He that doeth good <0015> (5723) is <2076> (5748) of <1537> God <2316>: but <1161> he that {doeth} evil <2554> (5723) hath <3708> <0> not <3756> seen <3708> (5758) God <2316>.

doeth ^ 64_3JO_01_11 Beloved <0027>, follow <3401> (5737) not <3361> that which is evil <2556>, but <0235> that which is good <0018>. He that {doeth} good <0015> (5723) is <2076> (5748) of <1537> God <2316>: but <1161> he that doeth evil <2554> (5723) hath <3708> <0> not <3756> seen <3708> (5758) God <2316>.

doeth ^ 44_ACT_15_17 That <3704> <0302> the residue <2645> of men <0444> might seek after <1567> (5661) the Lord <2962>, and <2532> all <3956> the Gentiles <1484>, upon <1909> whom <3739> my <3450> name <3686> is called <1941> (5769) <1909> <0846>, saith <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962>, who <3588> {doeth} <4160> (5723) all <3956> these things <5023>.

doeth ^ 44_ACT_26_31 And <2532> when they were gone aside <0402> (5660), they talked <2980> (5707) between <4314> themselves <0240>, saying <3004> (5723), <3754> This <3778> man <0444> {doeth} <4238> (5719) nothing <3762> worthy <0514> of death <2288> or <2228> of bonds <1199>.

doeth ^ 51_COL_03_25 But <1161> he that {doeth} wrong <0091> (5723) shall receive <2865> (5695) for the wrong <0091> <0> which <3739> he hath done <0091> (5656): and <2532> there is <2076> (5748) no <3756> respect of persons <4382>.

doeth ^ 49_EPH_06_08 Knowing <1492> (5761) that <3754> whatsoever <3739> <1437> <5100> good thing <0018> any man <1538> {doeth} <4160> (5661), the same <5124> shall he receive <2865> (5695) of <3844> the Lord <2962>, whether <1535> he be bond <1401> or <1535> free <1658>.

doeth ^ 48_GAL_03_05 He therefore <3767> that ministereth <2023> (5723) to you <5213> the Spirit <4151>, and <2532> worketh <1754> (5723) miracles <1411> among <1722> you <5213>, {doeth} he it by <1537> the works <2041> of the law <3551>, or <2228> by <1537> the hearing <0189> of faith <4102>?

doeth ^ 48_GAL_03_12 And <1161> the law <3551> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> of <1537> faith <4102>: but <0235>, The man <0444> that {doeth} <4160> (5660) them <0846> shall live <2198> (5695) in <1722> them <0846>.

doeth ^ 59_JAM_04_17 Therefore <3767> to him that knoweth <1492> (5761) to do <4160> (5721) good <2570>, and <2532> {doeth} <4160> (5723) it not <3361>, to him <0846> it is <2076> (5748) sin <0266>.

doeth ^ 43_JOH_15_15 Henceforth <3765> <0> I call <3004> (5719) you <5209> not <3765> servants <1401>; for <3754> the servant <1401> knoweth <1492> (5758) not <3756> what <5101> his <0846> lord <2962> {doeth} <4160> (5719): but <1161> I have called <2046> (5758) you <5209> friends <5384>; for <3754> all things <3956> that <3739> I have heard <0191> (5656) of <3844> my <3450> Father <3962> I have made known <1107> (5656) unto you <5213>.

doeth ^ 43_JOH_16_02 They shall put <4160> (5692) you <5209> out of the synagogues <0656>: yea <0235>, the time <5610> cometh <2064> (5736), that <2443> whosoever <3956> killeth <0615> (5660) you <5209> will think <1380> (5661) that he {doeth} <4374> (5721) God <2316> service <2999>.

doeth ^ 43_JOH_03_20 For <1063> every one <3956> that {doeth} <4238> (5723) evil <5337> hateth <3404> (5719) the light <5457>, neither <2532> <3756> cometh <2064> (5736) to <4314> the light <5457>, lest <3363> his <0846> deeds <2041> should be reproved <1651> (5686).

doeth ^ 43_JOH_07_51 Doth <2919> <0> our <2257> law <3551> judge <2919> (5719) <3361> any man <0444>, before <4386> <3362> it hear <0191> (5661) <3844> him <0846>, and <2532> know <1097> (5632) what <5101> he {doeth} <4160> (5719)?

doeth ^ 43_JOH_09_31 Now <1161> we know <1492> (5758) that <3754> God <2316> heareth <0191> (5719) not <3756> sinners <0268>: but <0235> if <1437> any man <5100> be <5600> (5753) a worshipper of God <2318>, and <2532> {doeth} <4160> (5725) his <0846> will <2307>, him <5127> he heareth <0191> (5719).

doeth ^ 43_JOH_14_10 Believest thou <4100> (5719) not <3756> that <3754> I <1473> am <2076> (5748) in <1722> the Father <3962>, and <2532> the Father <3962> in <1722> me <1698>? the words <4487> that <3739> I <1473> speak <2980> (5719) unto you <5213> I speak <2980> (5719) not <3756> of <0575> myself <1683>: but <1161> the Father <3962> that dwelleth <3306> (5723) in <1722> me <1698>, he <0846> {doeth} <4160> (5719) the works <2041>.

doeth ^ 43_JOH_07_04 For <1063> there is no man <3762> that {doeth} <4160> (5719) any thing <5100> in <1722> secret <2927>, and <2532> he himself <0846> seeketh <2212> (5719) to be <1511> (5750) known openly <1722> <3954>. If <1487> thou do <4160> (5719) these things <5023>, shew <5319> (5657) thyself <4572> to the world <2889>.

doeth ^ 43_JOH_11_47 Then <3767> gathered <4863> (5627) the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the Pharisees <5330> a council <4892>, and <2532> said <3004> (5707), What <5101> do we <4160> (5719)? for <3754> this <3778> man <0444> {doeth} <4160> (5719) many <4183> miracles <4592>.

doeth ^ 43_JOH_05_20 For <1063> the Father <3962> loveth <5368> (5719) the Son <5207>, and <2532> sheweth <1166> (5719) him <0846> all things <3956> that <3739> himself <0846> {doeth} <4160> (5719): and <2532> he will shew <1166> (5692) him <0846> greater <3187> <0> works <2041> than <3187> these <5130>, that <2443> ye <5210> may marvel <2296> (5725).

doeth ^ 43_JOH_05_19 Then <3767> answered <0611> (5662) Jesus <2424> and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, The Son <5207> can <1410> (5736) <3756> do <4160> (5721) nothing <3762> of <0575> himself <1438>, but <3362> what <5100> he seeth <0991> (5725) the Father <3962> do <4160> (5723): for <1063> what things soever <3739> <0302> he <1565> {doeth} <4160> (5725), these <5023> also <2532> doeth <4160> (5719) the Son <5207> likewise <3668>.

doeth ^ 43_JOH_05_19 Then <3767> answered <0611> (5662) Jesus <2424> and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, The Son <5207> can <1410> (5736) <3756> do <4160> (5721) nothing <3762> of <0575> himself <1438>, but <3362> what <5100> he seeth <0991> (5725) the Father <3962> do <4160> (5723): for <1063> what things soever <3739> <0302> he <1565> doeth <4160> (5725), these <5023> also <2532> {doeth} <4160> (5719) the Son <5207> likewise <3668>.

doeth ^ 43_JOH_03_21 But <1161> he that {doeth} <4160> (5723) truth <0225> cometh <2064> (5736) to <4314> the light <5457>, that <2443> his <0846> deeds <2041> may be made manifest <5319> (5686), that <3754> they are <2076> (5748) wrought <2038> (5772) in <1722> God <2316>.

doeth ^ 42_LUK_06_47 Whosoever <3956> cometh <2064> (5740) to <4314> me <3165>, and <2532> heareth <0191> (5723) my <3450> sayings <3056>, and <2532> {doeth} <4160> (5723) them <0846>, I will shew <5263> (5692) you <5213> to whom <5101> he is <2076> (5748) like <3664>:

doeth ^ 42_LUK_07_08 For <1063> I <1473> also <2532> am <1510> (5748) a man <0444> set <5021> (5746) under <5259> authority <1849>, having <2192> (5723) under <5259> me <1683> soldiers <4757>, and <2532> I say <3004> (5719) unto one <5129>, Go <4198> (5676), and <2532> he goeth <4198> (5736); and <2532> to another <0243>, Come <2064> (5736), and <2532> he cometh <2064> (5736); and <2532> to my <3450> servant <1401>, Do <4160> (5657) this <5124>, and <2532> he {doeth} <4160> (5719) it.

doeth ^ 42_LUK_06_49 But <1161> he that heareth <0191> (5660), and <2532> {doeth} <4160> (5660) not <3361>, is <2076> (5748) like <3664> a man <0444> that without <5565> a foundation <2310> built <3618> (5660) an house <3614> upon <1909> the earth <1093>; against <4366> <0> which <3739> the stream <4215> did beat vehemently <4366> (5656), and <2532> immediately <2112> it fell <4098> (5627); and <2532> the ruin <4485> of that <1565> house <3614> was <1096> (5633) great <3173>.

doeth ^ 40_MAT_06_03 But <1161> when thou <4675> doest <4160> (5723) alms <1654>, let <1097> <0> not <3361> thy <4675> left hand <0710> know <1097> (5628) what <5101> thy <4675> right hand <1188> {doeth} <4160> (5719):

doeth ^ 40_MAT_08_09 For <1063> <2532> I <1473> am <1510> (5748) a man <0444> under <5259> authority <1849>, having <2192> (5723) soldiers <4757> under <5259> me <1683>: and <2532> I say <3004> (5719) to this <5129> man, Go <4198> (5676), and <2532> he goeth <4198> (5736); and <2532> to another <0243>, Come <2064> (5736), and <2532> he cometh <2064> (5736); and <2532> to my <3450> servant <1401>, Do <4160> (5657) this <5124>, and <2532> he {doeth} <4160> (5719) it.

doeth ^ 40_MAT_07_21 Not <3756> every one <3956> that saith <3004> (5723) unto me <3427>, Lord <2962>, Lord <2962>, shall enter <1525> (5695) into <1519> the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772>; but <0235> he that {doeth} <4160> (5723) the will <2307> of my <3450> Father <3962> which is in <1722> heaven <3772>.

doeth ^ 40_MAT_07_24 Therefore <3767> whosoever <3956> <3748> heareth <0191> (5719) these <5128> sayings <3056> of mine <3450>, and <2532> {doeth} <4160> (5719) them <0846>, I will liken <3666> (5692) him <0846> unto a wise <5429> man <0435>, which <3748> built <3618> (5656) his <0846> house <3614> upon <1909> a rock <4073>:

doeth ^ 40_MAT_07_26 And <2532> every one <3956> that heareth <0191> (5723) these <5128> sayings <3056> of mine <3450>, and <2532> {doeth} <4160> (5723) them <0846> not <3361>, shall be likened <3666> (5701) unto a foolish <3474> man <0435>, which <3748> built <3618> (5656) his <0846> house <3614> upon <1909> the sand <0285>:

doeth ^ 66_REV_13_13 And <2532> he {doeth} <4160> (5719) great <3173> wonders <4592>, so <2532> that <2443> he maketh <4160> (5725) fire <4442> come down <2597> (5721) from <1537> heaven <3772> on <1519> the earth <1093> in the sight <1799> of men <0444>,

doeth ^ 45_ROM_02_09 Tribulation <2347> and <2532> anguish <4730>, upon <1909> every <3956> soul <5590> of man <0444> that {doeth} <2716> (5740) evil <2556>, of the Jew <2453> first <4412>, and <5037> also <2532> of the Gentile <1672>;

doeth ^ 45_ROM_03_12 They are <1578> <0> all <3956> gone out of the way <1578> (5656), they are <0889> <0> together <0260> become unprofitable <0889> (5681); there is <2076> (5748) none <3756> that {doeth} <4160> (5723) good <5544>, no, not <3756> one <2076> (5748) <2193> <1520>.

doeth ^ 45_ROM_13_04 For <1063> he is <2076> (5748) the minister <1249> of God <2316> to thee <4671> for <1519> good <0018>. But <1161> if <1437> thou do <4160> (5725) that which is evil <2556>, be afraid <5399> (5737); for <1063> he beareth <5409> (5719) not <3756> the sword <3162> in vain <1500>: for <1063> he is <2076> (5748) the minister <1249> of God <2316>, a revenger <1558> to execute wrath <3709> upon <1519> him that {doeth} <4238> (5723) evil <2556>.

doeth ^ 45_ROM_10_05 For <1063> Moses <3475> describeth <1125> (5719) the righteousness <1343> which <3588> is of <1537> the law <3551>, That <3754> the man <0444> which {doeth} <4160> (5660) those things <0846> shall live <2198> (5695) by <1722> them <0846>.