dog 1Sa_24_14 /^{dog /after a flea .

dog Psa_59_06 /^{dog /and go round about the
city .

dog Psa_59_14 /^{dog /and go round about the
city .

dog 2Sa_09_08 /^{dog /as I am?

dog Pro_26_17 /^{dog /by the ears .

dog 2Sa_16_09 /^{dog /curse my lord the king
? let me go over , I pray thee, and take off his head .

dog Deu_23_18 /^{dog /into the house of the
LORD thy God for any vow : for even both these are abomination
unto the LORD thy God .

dog Ecc_09_04 /^{dog /is better than a dead
lion .

dog 2Pe_02_22 /${dog /is turned to his own
vomit again ; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in
the mire .

dog Jud_07_05 /^{dog /lappeth , him shalt
thou set by himself; likewise every one that boweth down upon
his knees to drink .

dog Exo_11_07 /^{dog /move his tongue ,
against man or beast : that ye may know how that the LORD doth
put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel .

dog Pro_26_11 /^{dog /returneth to his vomit
, so a fool returneth to his folly .

dog 2Ki_08_13 /^{dog /that he should do this
great thing ? And Elisha answered , The LORD hath shewed me that
thou shalt be king over Syria .

dog 1Sa_17_43 /^{dog /that thou comest to me
with staves ? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods .

dog's 2Sa_03_08 /^{dog's /head , which against
Judah do shew kindness this day unto the house of Saul thy
father , to his brethren , and to his friends , and have not
delivered thee into the hand of David , that thou chargest me to
day with a fault concerning this woman ?

dog's Isa_66_03 /^{dog's /neck ; he that
offereth an oblation , as if he offered swine's blood ; he that
burneth incense , as if he blessed an idol . Yea, they have
chosen their own ways , and their soul delighteth in their
abominations .

dogs Rev_22_15 /${dogs /and sorcerers , and
whoremongers , and murderers , and idolaters , and whosoever
loveth and maketh a lie .

dogs Php_03_02 /${dogs /beware of evil
workers , beware of the concision .

dogs Luk_16_21 /${dogs /came and licked his
sores .

dogs 1Ki_14_11 /^{dogs /eat ; and him that
dieth in the field shall the fowls of the air eat : for the LORD
hath spoken it.

dogs 1Ki_16_04 /^{dogs /eat ; and him that
dieth of his in the fields shall the fowls of the air eat .

dogs Mat_15_27 /${dogs /eat of the crumbs
which fall from their masters table .

dogs 2Ki_09_36 /^{dogs /eat the flesh of
Jezebel :

dogs Psa_22_16 /^{dogs /have compassed me:
the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my
hands and my feet .

dogs Psa_68_23 /^{dogs /in the same.

dogs 1Ki_21_19 /^{dogs /lick thy blood , even

dogs 1Ki_21_19 /^{dogs /licked the blood of
Naboth shall dogs lick thy blood , even thine.

dogs 1Ki_22_38 /^{dogs /licked up his blood ;
and they washed his armour ; according unto the word of the LORD
which he spake .

dogs Mat_07_06 /${dogs /neither cast ye your
pearls before swine , lest they trample them under their feet ,
and turn again and rend you .

dogs Job_30_01 /^{dogs /of my flock .

dogs 1Ki_21_24 /^{dogs /shall eat ; and him
that dieth in the field shall the fowls of the air eat .

dogs 1Ki_21_23 /^{dogs /shall eat Jezebel by
the wall of Jezreel .

dogs 2Ki_09_10 /^{dogs /shall eat Jezebel in
the portion of Jezreel , and there shall be none to bury her.
And he opened the door , and fled .

dogs Isa_56_10 /^{dogs /they cannot bark ;
sleeping , lying down , loving to slumber .

dogs Jer_15_03 /^{dogs /to tear , and the
fowls of the heaven , and the beasts of the earth , to devour
and destroy .

dogs Mar_07_28 /${dogs /under the table eat
of the children's crumbs .

dogs Isa_56_11 /^{dogs /which can never have
enough , and they are shepherds that cannot understand : they
all look to their own way , every one for his gain , from his
quarter .
