done Jer_18_13 /^{done /a very horrible thing

done Psa_53_01 /^{done /abominable iniquity :
there is none that doeth good .

done Psa_14_01 /^{done /abominable works ,
there is none that doeth good .

done Jer_40_03 /^{done /according as he hath
said : because ye have sinned against the LORD , and have not
obeyed his voice , therefore this thing is come upon you.

done Gen_27_19 /^{done /according as thou
badest me: arise , I pray thee, sit and eat of my venison , that
thy soul may bless me.

done Jer_35_10 /^{done /according to all that
Jonadab our father commanded us.

done Deu_26_14 /^{done /according to all that
thou hast commanded me.

done Eze_05_07 /^{done /according to the
judgments of the nations that are round about you;

done Ezr_10_03 /^{done /according to the law .

done 1Ki_03_12 /^{done /according to thy
words : lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart ;
so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after
thee shall any arise like unto thee.

done Jer_35_18 /^{done /according unto all
that he hath commanded you:

done Eze_11_12 /^{done /after the manners of
the heathen that are round about you.

done Eze_16_47 /^{done /after their
abominations : but, as if that were a very little thing, thou
wast corrupted more than they in all thy ways .

done Mal_02_13 /^{done /again , covering the
altar of the LORD with tears , with weeping , and with crying
out , insomuch that he regardeth not the offering any more, or
receiveth it with good will at your hand .

done Job_34_29 /^{done /against a nation , or
against a man only :

done 2Ki_23_17 /^{done /against the altar of
Bethel .

done Jer_11_17 /^{done /against themselves to
provoke me to anger in offering incense unto Baal .

done Eph_06_13 /${done /all , to stand .

done Eze_18_13 /^{done /all these
abominations ; he shall surely die ; his blood shall be upon him.

done 2Sa_07_21 /^{done /all these great things
, to make thy servant know them.

done 1Ki_18_36 /^{done /all these things at
thy word .

done Eze_17_18 /^{done /all these things, he
shall not escape .

done Jer_03_07 /^{done /all these things,
Turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous
sister Judah saw it.

done Jer_07_13 /^{done /all these works ,
saith the LORD , and I spake unto you, rising up early and
speaking , but ye heard not; and I called you, but ye answered

done Mar_07_37 /${done /all things well : he
maketh both the deaf to hear , and the dumb to speak .

done 1Ch_17_19 /^{done /all this greatness ,
in making known all these great things .

done 1Sa_12_20 /^{done /all this wickedness :
yet turn not aside from following the LORD , but serve the LORD
with all your heart ;

done Deu_32_27 /^{done /all this.

done Luk_17_10 /${done /all those things
which are commanded you , say , We are unprofitable servants :
we have done that which was our duty to do .

done Jos_10_39 /^{done /also to Libnah , and
to her king .

done Gen_18_21 /^{done /altogether according
to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know

done 2Ch_06_37 /^{done /amiss , and have dealt
wickedly ;

done Joh_15_24 /${done /among them the works
which none other man did , they had not had sin : but now have
they both seen and hated both me and my Father .

done Exo_10_02 /^{done /among them; that ye
may know how that I am the LORD .

done Jud_20_12 /^{done /among you?

done Lev_04_13 /^{done /and are guilty ;

done Lev_04_27 /^{done /and be guilty ;

done Luk_08_35 /${done /and came to Jesus ,
and found the man , out of whom the devils were departed ,
sitting at the feet of Jesus , clothed , and in his right mind :
and they were afraid .

done Eze_18_14 /^{done /and considereth , and
doeth not such like ,

done Num_05_07 /^{done /and he shall
recompense his trespass with the principal thereof, and add unto
it the fifth part thereof, and give it unto him against whom he
hath trespassed .

done Luk_09_10 /${done /And he took them ,
and went aside privately into a desert place belonging to the
city called Bethsaida .

done Psa_50_21 /^{done /and I kept silence ;
thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself:
but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes

done Lev_04_22 /^{done /and is guilty ;

done 1Sa_14_43 /^{done /And Jonathan told him,
and said , I did but taste a little honey with the end of the
rod that was in mine hand , and, lo , I must die .

done Mat_23_23 /${done /and not to leave the
other undone .

done Luk_11_42 /${done /and not to leave the
other undone .

done 2Sa_24_10 /^{done /and now, I beseech
thee, O LORD , take away the iniquity of thy servant ; for I
have done very foolishly .

done 1Sa_13_11 /^{done /And Saul said ,
Because I saw that the people were scattered from me, and that
thou camest not within the days appointed , and that the
Philistines gathered themselves together at Michmash ;

done Lev_04_02 /^{done /and shall do against
any of them :

done Est_09_14 /^{done /and the decree was
given at Shushan ; and they hanged Haman's ten sons .

done Lev_19_22 /^{done /and the sin which he
hath done shall be forgiven him.

done Gen_03_13 /^{done /And the woman said ,
The serpent beguiled me , and I did eat .

done Ecc_01_09 /^{done /and there is no new
thing under the sun .

done Col_03_25 /${done /and there is no
respect of persons .

done Mar_15_14 /${done /And they cried out
the more exceedingly , Crucify him .

done Psa_40_05 /^{done /and thy thoughts
which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto
thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than
can be numbered .

done 1Sa_29_08 /^{done /and what hast thou
found in thy servant so long as I have been with thee unto this
day , that I may not go fight against the enemies of my lord the
king ?

done Mar_06_30 /${done /and what they had
taught .

done Est_02_01 /^{done /and what was decreed
against her.

done Eze_05_09 /^{done /and whereunto I will
not do any more the like, because of all thine abominations .

done 1Ki_19_01 /^{done /and withal how he had
slain all the prophets with the sword .

done Isa_33_13 /^{done /and, ye that are near
, acknowledge my might .

done Rom_09_11 /${done /any good or evil ,
that the purpose of God according to election might stand , not
of works , but of him that calleth ;

done Jer_03_16 /^{done /any more.

done Dan_09_12 /^{done /as hath been done
upon Jerusalem .

done Luk_11_02 /${done /as in heaven , so in
earth .

done Jon_01_14 /^{done /as it pleased thee.

done 1Sa_26_16 /^{done /As the LORD liveth ,
ye are worthy to die , because ye have not kept your master ,
the LORD'S anointed . And now see where the king's spear is, and
the cruse of water that was at his bolster .

done Luk_14_22 /${done /as thou hast
commanded , and yet there is room .

done Eze_09_11 /^{done /as thou hast
commanded me.

done Neh_06_08 /^{done /as thou sayest , but
thou feignest them out of thine own heart .

done 1Co_13_10 /${done /away .

done 2Co_03_07 /${done /away :

done Num_27_04 /^{done /away from among his
family , because he hath no son ? Give unto us therefore a
possession among the brethren of our father .

done 2Co_03_14 /${done /away in Christ .

done 2Co_03_11 /${done /away was glorious ,
much more that which remaineth is glorious .

done Mat_26_13 /${done /be told for a
memorial of her .

done Exo_13_08 /^{done /because of that which
the LORD did unto me when I came forth out of Egypt .

done Mat_11_20 /${done /because they repented
not :

done 1Ki_15_03 /^{done /before him: and his
heart was not perfect with the LORD his God , as the heart of
David his father .

done 2Sa_03_24 /^{done /behold, Abner came
unto thee; why is it that thou hast sent him away , and he is
quite gone ?

done Act_13_12 /${done /believed , being
astonished at the doctrine of the Lord .

done Tit_03_05 /${done /but according to his
mercy he saved us , by the washing of regeneration , and
renewing of the Holy Ghost ;

done Exo_31_15 /^{done /but in the seventh is
the sabbath of rest , holy to the LORD : whosoever doeth any
work in the sabbath day , he shall surely be put to death .

done Exo_35_02 /^{done /but on the seventh
day there shall be to you an holy day , a sabbath of rest to the
LORD : whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death .

done Lev_23_03 /^{done /but the seventh day
is the sabbath of rest , an holy convocation ; ye shall do no
work therein: it is the sabbath of the LORD in all your
dwellings .

done Mat_27_23 /${done /But they cried out
the more , saying , Let him be crucified .

done Luk_13_17 /${done /by him .

done Luk_23_08 /${done /by him .

done Luk_09_07 /${done /by him : and he was
perplexed , because that it was said of some , that John was
risen from the dead ;

done 1Ki_01_27 /^{done /by my lord the king ,
and thou hast not shewed it unto thy servant , who should sit on
the throne of my lord the king after him?

done Act_12_09 /${done /by the angel ; but
thought he saw a vision .

done Act_02_43 /${done /by the apostles .

done Lev_05_17 /^{done /by the commandments
of the LORD ; though he wist it not, yet is he guilty , and
shall bear his iniquity .

done Act_04_30 /${done /by the name of thy
holy child Jesus .

done Act_14_03 /${done /by their hands .

done Act_04_16 /${done /by them is manifest
to all them that dwell in Jerusalem ; and we cannot deny it.

done Act_05_07 /${done /came in .

done Jos_05_08 /^{done /circumcising all the
people , that they abode in their places in the camp , till they
were whole .

done 1Co_14_40 /${done /decently and in order

done Gen_20_09 /^{done /deeds unto me that
ought not to be done .

done Heb_10_29 /${done /despite unto the
Spirit of grace ?

done 2Sa_11_27 /^{done /displeased the LORD .

done Jer_50_15 /^{done /do unto her.

done Jer_50_29 /^{done /do unto her: for she
hath been proud against the LORD , against the Holy One of
Israel .

done Gen_24_22 /^{done /drinking , that the
man took a golden earring of half a shekel weight , and two
bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold ;

done Gen_24_19 /^{done /drinking .

done Rut_03_03 /^{done /eating and drinking .

done Jer_08_06 /^{done /every one turned to
his course , as the horse rusheth into the battle .

done Joh_05_29 /${done /evil , unto the
resurrection of damnation .

done 1Ki_14_09 /^{done /evil above all that
were before thee: for thou hast gone and made thee other gods ,
and molten images , to provoke me to anger , and hast cast me
behind thy back :

done Jer_32_30 /^{done /evil before me from
their youth : for the children of Israel have only provoked me
to anger with the work of their hands , saith the LORD .

done Jer_38_09 /^{done /evil in all that they
have done to Jeremiah the prophet , whom they have cast into the
dungeon ; and he is like to die for hunger in the place where he
is: for there is no more bread in the city .

done Jer_07_30 /^{done /evil in my sight ,
saith the LORD : they have set their abominations in the house
which is called by my name , to pollute it.

done Gen_44_05 /^{done /evil in so doing .

done Num_32_13 /^{done /evil in the sight of
the LORD , was consumed .

done Jud_03_12 /^{done /evil in the sight of
the LORD .

done 1Ch_21_17 /^{done /evil indeed ; but as
for these sheep , what have they done ? let thine hand , I pray
thee, O LORD my God , be on me, and on my father's house ; but
not on thy people , that they should be plagued .

done Jer_03_05 /^{done /evil things as thou
couldest .

done Exo_05_23 /^{done /evil to this people ;
neither hast thou delivered thy people at all .

done Isa_12_05 /^{done /excellent things :
this is known in all the earth .

done Num_12_11 /^{done /foolishly , and
wherein we have sinned .

done 2Ch_16_09 /^{done /foolishly : therefore
from henceforth thou shalt have wars .

done 1Sa_13_13 /^{done /foolishly : thou hast
not kept the commandment of the LORD thy God , which he
commanded thee: for now would the LORD have established thy
kingdom upon Israel for ever .

done Pro_30_32 /^{done /foolishly in lifting
up thyself, or if thou hast thought evil , lay thine hand upon
thy mouth .

done Gen_31_28 /^{done /foolishly in so doing

done 1Ki_08_66 /^{done /for David his servant
, and for Israel his people .

done 2Ki_04_14 /^{done /for her? And Gehazi
answered , Verily she hath no child , and her husband is old .

done Mar_05_20 /${done /for him : and all men
did marvel .

done Est_06_03 /^{done /for him.

done Jud_02_10 /^{done /for Israel .

done 027 031 Jos /^{done /for Israel .

done Jud_11_37 /^{done /for me: let me alone
two months , that I may go up and down upon the mountains , and
bewail my virginity , I and my fellows .

done Exo_18_01 /^{done /for Moses , and for
Israel his people , and that the LORD had brought Israel out of
Egypt ;

done Psa_66_16 /^{done /for my soul .

done Num_15_11 /^{done /for one bullock , or
for one ram , or for a lamb , or a kid .

done Neh_13_14 /^{done /for the house of my
God , and for the offices thereof.

done Ezr_07_23 /^{done /for the house of the
God of heaven : for why should there be wrath against the realm
of the king and his sons ?

done Mar_05_19 /${done /for thee , and hath
had compassion on thee .

done Deu_10_21 /^{done /for thee these great
and terrible things , which thine eyes have seen .

done 2Ki_04_13 /^{done /for thee? wouldest
thou be spoken for to the king , or to the captain of the host ?
And she answered , I dwell among mine own people .

done Mat_18_19 /${done /for them of my Father
which is in heaven .

done Neh_05_19 /^{done /for this people .

done 1Sa_12_24 /^{done /for you.

done Gen_24_19 /^{done /giving him drink ,
she said , I will draw water for thy camels also, until they
have done drinking .

done Joh_05_29 /${done /good , unto the
resurrection of life ; and they that have done evil , unto the
resurrection of damnation .

done Mat_25_23 /${done /good and faithful
servant ; thou hast been faithful over a few things , I will
make thee ruler over many things : enter thou into the joy of
thy lord .

done 2Ch_24_16 /^{done /good in Israel , both
toward God , and toward his house .

done Joe_02_20 /^{done /great things .

done Psa_71_19 /^{done /great things : O God ,
who is like unto thee!

done Psa_126_02 /^{done /great things for

done Psa_126_03 /^{done /great things for us;
whereof we are glad .

done Psa_106_21 /^{done /great things in
Egypt ;

done Psa_33_09 /^{done /he commanded , and it
stood fast .

done 2Ki_15_09 /^{done /he departed not from
the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat , who made Israel to sin .

done Luk_23_47 /${done /he glorified God ,
saying , Certainly this was a righteous man .

done Eze_18_22 /^{done /he shall live .

done Col_03_09 /${done /here .

done Jos_07_19 /^{done /hide it not from me.

done 1Sa_20_34 /^{done /him shame .

done 1Ch_16_12 /^{done /his wonders , and the
judgments of his mouth ;

done Psa_105_05 /^{done /his wonders , and
the judgments of his mouth ;

done 1Sa_28_09 /^{done /how he hath cut off
those that have familiar spirits , and the wizards , out of the
land : wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life , to cause
me to die ?

done Rev_21_06 /${done /I am Alpha and Omega ,
the beginning and the end . I will give unto him that is
athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely .

done Luk_23_22 /${done /I have found no cause
of death in him : I will therefore chastise him , and let him go

done Act_26_26 /${done /in a corner .

done Exo_34_10 /^{done /in all the earth ,
nor in any nation : and all the people among which thou art
shall see the work of the LORD : for it is a terrible thing that
I will do with thee.

done Joh_01_28 /${done /in Bethabara beyond
Jordan , where John was baptizing .

done 2Ki_23_19 /^{done /in Bethel .

done Luk_04_23 /${done /in Capernaum , do
also here in thy country .

done Mat_06_10 /${done /in earth , as it is
in heaven .

done 027 007 Jos /^{done /in Egypt : and ye
dwelt in the wilderness a long season .

done Mar_05_33 /${done /in her , came and
fell down before him , and told him all the truth .

done 2Co_05_10 /${done /in his body ,
according to that he hath done , whether it be good or bad .

done 2Sa_13_12 /^{done /in Israel : do not
thou this folly .

done Eze_14_23 /^{done /in it, saith the Lord

done Isa_05_04 /^{done /in it? wherefore ,
when I looked that it should bring forth grapes , brought it
forth wild grapes ?

done Gen_29_26 /^{done /in our country , to
give the younger before the firstborn .

done Mar_04_11 /${done /in parables :

done Mat_11_23 /${done /in Sodom , it would
have remained until this day .

done Eze_16_54 /^{done /in that thou art a
comfort unto them.

done Luk_23_31 /${done /in the dry ?

done Lev_05_16 /^{done /in the holy thing ,
and shall add the fifth part thereto, and give it unto the
priest : and the priest shall make an atonement for him with the
ram of the trespass offering , and it shall be forgiven him.

done 2Ch_32_31 /^{done /in the land , God left
him, to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart .

done Eze_23_39 /^{done /in the midst of mine
house .

done Eze_09_04 /^{done /in the midst thereof.

done Est_09_12 /^{done /in the rest of the
king's provinces ? now what is thy petition ? and it shall be
granted thee: or what is thy request further ? and it shall be
done .

done 1Sa_12_17 /^{done /in the sight of the
LORD , in asking you a king .

done Luk_24_35 /${done /in the way , and how
he was known of them in breaking of bread .

done Mat_11_23 /${done /in thee , had been
done in Sodom , it would have remained until this day .

done Exo_12_16 /^{done /in them, save that
which every man must eat , that only may be done of you.

done Lev_06_07 /^{done /in trespassing

done Psa_33_04 /^{done /in truth .

done Psa_111_08 /^{done /in truth and
uprightness .

done Mat_11_21 /${done /in Tyre and Sidon ,
they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes .

done Luk_10_13 /${done /in Tyre and Sidon ,
which have been done in you , they had a great while ago
repented , sitting in sackcloth and ashes .

done Mat_11_21 /${done /in you , had been
done in Tyre and Sidon , they would have repented long ago in
sackcloth and ashes .

done Luk_10_13 /${done /in you , they had a
great while ago repented , sitting in sackcloth and ashes .

done Jer_51_24 /^{done /in Zion in your sight
, saith the LORD .

done Job_34_32 /^{done /iniquity , I will do
no more.

done Ecc_01_09 /^{done /is that which shall
be done : and there is no new thing under the sun .

done 1Sa_17_29 /^{done /Is there not a cause ?

done Exo_39_43 /^{done /it as the LORD had
commanded , even so had they done it: and Moses blessed them.

done Jos_22_24 /^{done /it for fear of this
thing , saying , In time to come your children might speak unto
our children , saying , What have ye to do with the LORD God of
Israel ?

done Lev_11_32 /^{done /it must be put into
water , and it shall be unclean until the even ; so it shall be
cleansed .

done 2Ch_30_05 /^{done /it of a long time in
such sort as it was written .

done Oba_01_15 /^{done /it shall be done unto
thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head .

done Mat_25_40 /${done /it unto me .

done Mat_25_40 /${done /it unto one of the
least of these my brethren , ye have done it unto me .

done Isa_10_13 /^{done /it, and by my wisdom ;
for I am prudent : and I have removed the bounds of the people ,
and have robbed their treasures , and I have put down the
inhabitants like a valiant man:

done 2Ki_19_25 /^{done /it, and of ancient
times that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that
thou shouldest be to lay waste fenced cities into ruinous heaps .

done Jer_30_24 /^{done /it, and until he have
performed the intents of his heart : in the latter days ye shall
consider it.

done Isa_41_04 /^{done /it, calling the
generations from the beginning ? I the LORD , the first , and
with the last ; I am he.

done Eze_17_24 /^{done /it.

done Psa_109_27 /^{done /it.

done Psa_52_09 /^{done /it: and I will wait
on thy name ; for it is good before thy saints .

done Exo_39_43 /^{done /it: and Moses blessed

done Isa_38_15 /^{done /it: I shall go softly
all my years in the bitterness of my soul .

done Isa_44_23 /^{done /it: shout , ye lower
parts of the earth : break forth into singing , ye mountains , O
forest , and every tree therein: for the LORD hath redeemed
Jacob , and glorified himself in Israel .

done Lam_01_21 /^{done /it: thou wilt bring
the day that thou hast called , and they shall be like unto me.

done Isa_37_26 /^{done /it; and of ancient
times , that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass,
that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced cities into ruinous
heaps .

done Amo_03_06 /^{done /it?

done 2Ki_05_13 /^{done /it? how much rather
then , when he saith to thee, Wash , and be clean ?

done Psa_119_012 /^{done /judgment and
justice : leave me not to mine oppressors .

done 2Sa_24_17 /^{done /let thine hand , I
pray thee, be against me, and against my father's house .

done 1Ch_21_17 /^{done /let thine hand , I
pray thee, O LORD my God , be on me, and on my father's house ;
but not on thy people , that they should be plagued .

done 2Sa_23_20 /^{done /many acts , he slew
two lionlike men of Moab : he went down also and slew a lion in
the midst of a pit in time of snow :

done 1Ch_11_22 /^{done /many acts ; he slew
two lionlike men of Moab : also he went down and slew a lion in
a pit in a snowy day .

done Mat_07_22 /${done /many wonderful works ?

done Psa_98_01 /^{done /marvellous things :
his right hand , and his holy arm , hath gotten him the victory .

done Pro_04_16 /^{done /mischief ; and their
sleep is taken away , unless they cause some to fall .

done Est_04_01 /^{done /Mordecai rent his
clothes , and put on sackcloth with ashes , and went out into
the midst of the city , and cried with a loud and a bitter cry ;

done Isa_05_04 /^{done /more to my vineyard ,
that I have not done in it? wherefore , when I looked that it
should bring forth grapes , brought it forth wild grapes ?

done 1Sa_04_16 /^{done /my son ?

done Dan_06_22 /^{done /no hurt .

done Isa_53_09 /^{done /no violence , neither
was any deceit in his mouth .

done Pro_30_20 /^{done /no wickedness .

done Act_25_10 /${done /no wrong , as thou
very well knowest .

done Dan_11_24 /^{done /nor his fathers
fathers ; he shall scatter among them the prey , and spoil , and
riches : yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the
strong holds , even for a time .

done Jud_19_30 /^{done /nor seen from the day
that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt
unto this day : consider of it, take advice , and speak your

done Luk_23_41 /${done /nothing amiss .

done Jer_32_23 /^{done /nothing of all that
thou commandedst them to do : therefore thou hast caused all
this evil to come upon them:

done Gen_40_15 /^{done /nothing that they
should put me into the dungeon .

done Jud_08_02 /^{done /now in comparison of
you? Is not the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim better than
the vintage of Abiezer ?

done Neh_06_09 /^{done /Now therefore, O God,
strengthen my hands .

done 2Ch_11_04 /^{done /of me. And they obeyed
the words of the LORD , and returned from going against Jeroboam

done 1Ki_11_11 /^{done /of thee, and thou
hast not kept my covenant and my statutes , which I have
commanded thee, I will surely rend the kingdom from thee, and
will give it to thy servant .

done Eph_05_12 /${done /of them in secret .

done Exo_12_16 /^{done /of you.

done Joh_07_21 /${done /one work , and ye all
marvel .

done 1Sa_26_18 /^{done /or what evil is in
mine hand ?

done Act_28_09 /${done /others also , which
had diseases in the island , came , and were healed :

done 2Sa_15_24 /^{done /passing out of the
city .

done 1Ki_08_47 /^{done /perversely , we have
committed wickedness ;

done Neh_09_33 /^{done /right , but we have
done wickedly :

done Jer_34_15 /^{done /right in my sight ,
in proclaiming liberty every man to his neighbour ; and ye had
made a covenant before me in the house which is called by my
name :

done Act_14_18 /${done /sacrifice unto them .

done Act_14_13 /${done /sacrifice with the
people .

done Jer_31_37 /^{done /saith the LORD .

done Eze_16_63 /^{done /saith the Lord GOD .

done Eze_12_28 /^{done /saith the Lord GOD .

done Eze_39_08 /^{done /saith the Lord GOD ;
this is the day whereof I have spoken .

done Isa_46_10 /^{done /saying , My counsel
shall stand , and I will do all my pleasure :

done Lev_19_22 /^{done /shall be forgiven him.

done Mar_14_09 /${done /shall be spoken of
for a memorial of her .

done Eze_18_26 /^{done /shall he die .

done Eze_18_24 /^{done /shall not be
mentioned : in his trespass that he hath trespassed , and in his
sin that he hath sinned , in them shall he die .

done Eze_03_20 /^{done /shall not be
remembered ; but his blood will I require at thine hand .

done Eze_24_24 /^{done /shall ye do : and
when this cometh , ye shall know that I am the Lord GOD .

done Hos_02_05 /^{done /shamefully : for she
said , I will go after my lovers , that give me my bread and my
water , my wool and my flax , mine oil and my drink .

done Jer_03_06 /^{done /she is gone up upon
every high mountain and under every green tree , and there hath
played the harlot .

done Eze_16_48 /^{done /she nor her daughters
, as thou hast done , thou and thy daughters .

done Eze_43_11 /^{done /shew them the form of
the house , and the fashion thereof, and the goings out thereof,
and the comings in thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all
the ordinances thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the
laws thereof: and write it in their sight , that they may keep
the whole form thereof, and all the ordinances thereof, and do

done 1Sa_08_08 /^{done /since the day that I
brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day , wherewith they
have forsaken me, and served other gods , so do they also unto

done Luk_23_48 /${done /smote their breasts ,
and returned .

done Neh_08_17 /^{done /so . And there was
very great gladness .

done 2Sa_16_10 /^{done /so ?

done 1Ki_01_06 /^{done /so ? and he also was
a very goodly man; and his mother bare him after Absalom .

done Jud_01_07 /^{done /so God hath requited
me. And they brought him to Jerusalem , and there he died .

done Joh_12_37 /${done /so many miracles
before them , yet they believed not on him :

done Lev_24_19 /^{done /so shall it be done
to him;

done Eze_12_11 /^{done /so shall it be done
unto them: they shall remove and go into captivity .

done Lev_04_13 /^{done /somewhat against any
of the commandments of the LORD concerning things which should
not be done , and are guilty ;

done Lev_04_22 /^{done /somewhat through
ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD his God
concerning things which should not be done , and is guilty ;

done Gen_24_15 /^{done /speaking , that,
behold, Rebekah came out , who was born to Bethuel , son of
Milcah , the wife of Nahor , Abraham's brother , with her
pitcher upon her shoulder .

done Gen_24_45 /^{done /speaking in mine
heart , behold, Rebekah came forth with her pitcher on her
shoulder ; and she went down unto the well , and drew water: and
I said unto her, Let me drink , I pray thee.

done Exo_34_33 /^{done /speaking with them,
he put a vail on his face .

done Ezr_07_21 /^{done /speedily ,

done 2Ch_29_36 /^{done /suddenly .

done 1Ki_13_11 /^{done /that day in Bethel :
the words which he had spoken unto the king , them they told
also to their father .

done Mat_21_04 /${done /that it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet , saying ,

done Mat_01_22 /${done /that it might be
fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet , saying ,

done Joh_19_36 /${done /that the scripture
should be fulfilled , A bone of him shall not be broken .

done Mat_26_56 /${done /that the scriptures
of the prophets might be fulfilled . Then all the disciples
forsook him , and fled .

done Act_10_33 /${done /that thou art come .
Now therefore are we all here present before God , to hear all
things that are commanded thee of God .

done Gen_31_26 /^{done /that thou hast stolen
away unawares to me, and carried away my daughters , as captives
taken with the sword ?

done Lam_02_17 /^{done /that which he had
devised ; he hath fulfilled his word that he had commanded in
the days of old : he hath thrown down , and hath not pitied :
and he hath caused thine enemy to rejoice over thee, he hath set
up the horn of thine adversaries .

done Jer_51_12 /^{done /that which he spake
against the inhabitants of Babylon .

done 2Ki_10_10 /^{done /that which he spake by
his servant Elijah .

done Gen_28_15 /^{done /that which I have
spoken to thee of.

done Isa_38_03 /^{done /that which is good in
thy sight . And Hezekiah wept sore .

done 2Ki_20_03 /^{done /that which is good in
thy sight . And Hezekiah wept sore .

done Eze_18_19 /^{done /that which is lawful
and right , and hath kept all my statutes , and hath done them,
he shall surely live .

done Eze_33_16 /^{done /that which is lawful
and right ; he shall surely live .

done 2Ki_21_15 /^{done /that which was evil in
my sight , and have provoked me to anger , since the day their
fathers came forth out of Egypt , even unto this day .

done 2Ch_29_06 /^{done /that which was evil in
the eyes of the LORD our God , and have forsaken him, and have
turned away their faces from the habitation of the LORD , and
turned their backs .

done Luk_17_10 /${done /that which was our
duty to do .

done Php_04_14 /${done /that ye did
communicate with my affliction .

done Ezr_09_01 /^{done /the princes came to
me, saying , The people of Israel , and the priests , and the
Levites , have not separated themselves from the people of the
lands , doing according to their abominations , even of the
Canaanites , the Hittites , the Perizzites , the Jebusites , the
Ammonites , the Moabites , the Egyptians , and the Amorites .

done Gen_04_10 /^{done /the voice of thy
brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground .

done Heb_10_36 /${done /the will of God , ye
might receive the promise .

done 2Co_07_12 /${done /the wrong , nor for
his cause that suffered wrong , but that our care for you in the
sight of God might appear unto you .

done Pro_03_30 /^{done /thee no harm .

done Gen_30_26 /^{done /thee.

done Num_16_28 /^{done /them of mine own mind

done Isa_48_05 /^{done /them, and my graven
image , and my molten image , hath commanded them.

done Eze_18_19 /^{done /them, he shall surely
live .

done Eze_44_14 /^{done /therein.

done 2Ki_21_11 /^{done /these abominations ,
and hath done wickedly above all that the Amorites did , which
were before him, and hath made Judah also to sin with his idols :

done Zec_07_03 /^{done /these so many years ?

done Joh_05_16 /${done /these things on the
sabbath day .

done Joh_12_16 /${done /these things unto him

done Jer_30_15 /^{done /these things unto

done Mat_27_54 /${done /they feared greatly ,
saying , Truly this was the Son of God .

done Luk_08_34 /${done /they fled , and went
and told it in the city and in the country .

done Luk_05_06 /${done /they inclosed a great
multitude of fishes : and their net brake .

done Act_14_11 /${done /they lifted up their
voices , saying in the speech of Lycaonia , The gods are come
down to us in the likeness of men .

done Mat_18_31 /${done /they were very sorry ,
and came and told unto their lord all that was done .

done Jud_15_07 /^{done /this , yet will I be
avenged of you, and after that I will cease .

done Lam_02_20 /^{done /this . Shall the
women eat their fruit , and children of a span long ? shall the
priest and the prophet be slain in the sanctuary of the Lord ?

done Mat_13_28 /${done /this . The servants
said unto him , Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up ?

done Act_04_07 /${done /this ?

done Lev_08_34 /^{done /this day , so the
LORD hath commanded to do , to make an atonement for you.

done 1Co_05_03 /${done /this deed ,

done 1Co_05_02 /${done /this deed might be
taken away from among you .

done Psa_51_04 /^{done /this evil in thy
sight : that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest , and
be clear when thou judgest .

done Ecc_08_10 /^{done /this is also vanity .

done Joh_12_18 /${done /this miracle .

done Gen_22_16 /^{done /this thing , and hast
not withheld thy son , thine only son:

done Exo_01_18 /^{done /this thing , and have
saved the men children alive ?

done 2Sa_02_06 /^{done /this thing .

done Jud_06_29 /^{done /this thing .

done Jos_09_24 /^{done /this thing .

done Mar_05_32 /${done /this thing .

done 2Sa_14_20 /^{done /this thing : and my
lord is wise , according to the wisdom of an angel of God , to
know all things that are in the earth .

done 1Ch_21_08 /^{done /this thing : but now,
I beseech thee, do away the iniquity of thy servant ; for I have
done very foolishly .

done 2Sa_14_21 /^{done /this thing : go
therefore, bring the young man Absalom again .

done Gen_21_26 /^{done /this thing : neither
didst thou tell me, neither yet heard I of it, but to day .

done Gen_20_10 /^{done /this thing ?

done Jud_06_29 /^{done /this thing ? And when
they enquired and asked , they said , Gideon the son of Joash
hath done this thing .

done 2Sa_12_05 /^{done /this thing shall
surely die :

done 1Sa_28_18 /^{done /this thing unto thee
this day .

done 2Ch_25_16 /^{done /this, and hast not
hearkened unto my counsel .

done Isa_41_20 /^{done /this, and the Holy
One of Israel hath created it.

done Exo_14_05 /^{done /this, that we have
let Israel go from serving us?

done Gen_03_14 /^{done /this, thou art cursed
above all cattle , and above every beast of the field ; upon thy
belly shalt thou go , and dust shalt thou eat all the days of
thy life :

done Psa_22_31 /^{done /this.

done Gen_20_05 /^{done /this.

done Psa_07_03 /^{done /this; if there be
iniquity in my hands ;

done Jud_02_02 /^{done /this?

done Jud_15_06 /^{done /this? And they
answered , Samson , the son in law of the Timnite , because he
had taken his wife , and given her to his companion . And the
Philistines came up , and burnt her and her father with fire .

done Jon_01_10 /^{done /this? For the men
knew that he fled from the presence of the LORD , because he had
told them.

done Eze_16_48 /^{done /thou and thy
daughters .

done Jer_02_23 /^{done /thou art a swift
dromedary traversing her ways ;

done 2Sa_12_21 /^{done /thou didst fast and
weep for the child , while it was alive ; but when the child was
dead , thou didst rise and eat bread .

done Mat_25_21 /${done /thou good and
faithful servant : thou hast been faithful over a few things , I
will make thee ruler over many things : enter thou into the joy
of thy lord .

done Act_11_10 /${done /three times : and all
were drawn up again into heaven .

done Act_10_16 /${done /thrice : and the
vessel was received up again into heaven .

done Php_02_03 /${done /through strife or
vainglory ; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other
better than themselves .

done Jer_22_08 /^{done /thus unto this great
city ?

done 1Ki_09_08 /^{done /thus unto this land ,
and to this house ?

done 2Ch_07_21 /^{done /thus unto this land ,
and unto this house ?

done Deu_29_24 /^{done /thus unto this land ?
what meaneth the heat of this great anger ?

done Psa_119_016 /^{done /thy commandments .

done Jos_10_01 /^{done /to Ai and her king ;
and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel ,
and were among them;

done 2Ki_19_11 /^{done /to all lands , by
destroying them utterly : and shalt thou be delivered ?

done Isa_37_11 /^{done /to all lands by
destroying them utterly ; and shalt thou be delivered ?

done Jos_10_37 /^{done /to Eglon ; but
destroyed it utterly, and all the souls that were therein.

done Jos_10_39 /^{done /to Hebron , so he did
to Debir , and to the king thereof; as he had done also to
Libnah , and to her king .

done Rut_03_16 /^{done /to her.

done Lev_24_20 /^{done /to him again.

done 1Sa_28_17 /^{done /to him, as he spake
by me : for the LORD hath rent the kingdom out of thine hand ,
and given it to thy neighbour , even to David :

done 2Ch_24_22 /^{done /to him, but slew his
son . And when he died , he said , The LORD look upon it, and
require it.

done Num_15_34 /^{done /to him.

done Exo_02_04 /^{done /to him.

done 1Sa_19_18 /^{done /to him. And he and
Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth .

done Gen_27_45 /^{done /to him: then I will
send , and fetch thee from thence: why should I be deprived also
of you both in one day ?

done Lev_24_19 /^{done /to him;

done Exo_18_09 /^{done /to Israel , whom he
had delivered out of the hand of the Egyptians .

done Jer_38_09 /^{done /to Jeremiah the
prophet , whom they have cast into the dungeon ; and he is like
to die for hunger in the place where he is: for there is no more
bread in the city .

done Jos_10_01 /^{done /to Jericho and her
king , so he had done to Ai and her king ; and how the
inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel , and were
among them;

done Jos_10_35 /^{done /to Lachish .

done Jos_10_32 /^{done /to Libnah .

done Jer_51_35 /^{done /to me and to my flesh
be upon Babylon , shall the inhabitant of Zion say ; and my
blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea , shall Jerusalem say .

done Luk_01_49 /${done /to me great things ;
and holy is his name .

done Pro_24_29 /^{done /to me: I will render
to the man according to his work .

done Est_06_03 /^{done /to Mordecai for this?
Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him, There is
nothing done for him.

done 1Sa_25_30 /^{done /to my lord according
to all the good that he hath spoken concerning thee, and shall
have appointed thee ruler over Israel ;

done Jer_32_32 /^{done /to provoke me to
anger , they, their kings , their princes , their priests , and
their prophets , and the men of Judah , and the inhabitants of
Jerusalem .

done 1Ch_10_11 /^{done /to Saul ,

done 1Sa_31_11 /^{done /to Saul ;

done Jer_07_14 /^{done /to Shiloh .

done Num_22_02 /^{done /to the Amorites .

done Mat_21_21 /${done /to the fig tree , but
also if ye shall say unto this mountain , Be thou removed , and
be thou cast into the sea ; it shall be done .

done Act_04_09 /${done /to the impotent man ,
by what means he is made whole ;

done 1Sa_17_27 /^{done /to the man that
killeth him.

done 1Sa_17_26 /^{done /to the man that
killeth this Philistine , and taketh away the reproach from
Israel ? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine , that he
should defy the armies of the living God ?

done Est_06_09 /^{done /to the man whom the
king delighteth to honour .

done Jud_09_24 /^{done /to the threescore and
ten sons of Jerubbaal might come , and their blood be laid upon
Abimelech their brother , which slew them; and upon the men of
Shechem , which aided him in the killing of his brethren .

done 1Ki_19_20 /^{done /to thee?

done Act_09_13 /${done /to thy saints at
Jerusalem :

done Jud_15_10 /^{done /to us.

done 2Ki_07_12 /^{done /to us. They know that
we be hungry ; therefore are they gone out of the camp to hide
themselves in the field , saying , When they come out of the
city , we shall catch them alive , and get into the city .

done Joh_13_15 /${done /to you .

done Joh_13_12 /${done /to you ?

done Exo_03_16 /^{done /to you in Egypt :

done Num_05_27 /^{done /trespass against her
husband , that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into
her, and become bitter , and her belly shall swell , and her
thigh shall rot : and the woman shall be a curse among her
people .

done Jud_09_16 /^{done /truly and sincerely ,
in that ye have made Abimelech king , and if ye have dealt well
with Jerubbaal and his house , and have done unto him according
to the deserving of his hands ;

done Ecc_01_13 /^{done /under heaven : this
sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised

done Ecc_09_03 /^{done /under the sun , that
there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of
men is full of evil , and madness is in their heart while they
live , and after that they go to the dead .

done Ecc_09_06 /^{done /under the sun .

done Ecc_04_03 /^{done /under the sun .

done Ecc_04_01 /^{done /under the sun : and
behold the tears of such as were oppressed , and they had no
comforter ; and on the side of their oppressors there was power ;
but they had no comforter .

done Ecc_08_17 /^{done /under the sun :
because though a man labour to seek it out , yet he shall not
find it; yea further; though a wise man think to know it, yet
shall he not be able to find it.

done Ecc_08_09 /^{done /under the sun : there
is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt .

done Ecc_01_14 /^{done /under the sun ; and,
behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit .

done 2Ch_32_13 /^{done /unto all the people of
other lands ? were the gods of the nations of those lands any
ways able to deliver their lands out of mine hand ?

done Jos_23_03 /^{done /unto all these
nations because of you; for the LORD your God is he that hath
fought for you.

done 1Co_14_26 /${done /unto edifying .

done Luk_08_39 /${done /unto him .

done Luk_23_15 /${done /unto him .

done Jud_09_16 /^{done /unto him according to
the deserving of his hands ;

done Mar_09_13 /${done /unto him whatsoever
they listed , as it is written of him .

done Mat_17_12 /${done /unto him whatsoever
they listed . Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them .

done Gen_09_24 /^{done /unto him.

done Exo_21_31 /^{done /unto him.

done 2Ch_32_25 /^{done /unto him; for his
heart was lifted up : therefore there was wrath upon him, and
upon Judah and Jerusalem .

done Deu_19_19 /^{done /unto his brother : so
shalt thou put the evil away from among you.

done 1Sa_11_07 /^{done /unto his oxen . And
the fear of the LORD fell on the people , and they came out with
one consent .

done Jos_09_03 /^{done /unto Jericho and to
Ai ,

done 1Co_09_15 /${done /unto me : for it were
better for me to die , than that any man should make my glorying
void .

done Lam_01_22 /^{done /unto me for all my
transgressions : for my sighs are many , and my heart is faint .

done 1Sa_24_19 /^{done /unto me this day .

done Lam_01_12 /^{done /unto me, wherewith
the LORD hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger .

done Eze_23_38 /^{done /unto me: they have
defiled my sanctuary in the same day , and have profaned my
sabbaths .

done Gen_29_25 /^{done /unto me? did not I
serve with thee for Rachel ? wherefore then hast thou beguiled

done Num_23_11 /^{done /unto me? I took thee
to curse mine enemies , and, behold, thou hast blessed them
altogether .

done Gen_12_18 /^{done /unto me? why didst
thou not tell me that she was thy wife ?

done Exo_18_08 /^{done /unto Pharaoh and to
the Egyptians for Israel's sake , and all the travail that had
come upon them by the way , and how the LORD delivered them.

done Isa_10_11 /^{done /unto Samaria and her
idols , so do to Jerusalem and her idols ?

done Deu_25_09 /^{done /unto that man that
will not build up his brother's house .

done 2Ki_10_30 /^{done /unto the house of Ahab
according to all that was in mine heart , thy children of the
fourth generation shall sit on the throne of Israel .

done Est_06_11 /^{done /unto the man whom the
king delighteth to honour .

done Est_06_06 /^{done /unto the man whom the
king delighteth to honour ? Now Haman thought in his heart , To
whom would the king delight to do honour more than to myself?

done Luk_08_39 /${done /unto thee . And he
went his way , and published throughout the whole city how great
things Jesus had done unto him .

done Mat_08_13 /${done /unto thee . And his
servant was healed in the selfsame hour .

done Gen_26_29 /^{done /unto thee nothing but
good , and have sent thee away in peace : thou art now the
blessed of the LORD .

done Num_22_28 /^{done /unto thee, that thou
hast smitten me these three times ?

done Psa_120_03 /^{done /unto thee, thou
false tongue ?

done Gen_21_23 /^{done /unto thee, thou shalt
do unto me, and to the land wherein thou hast sojourned .

done Oba_01_15 /^{done /unto thee: thy reward
shall return upon thine own head .

done Mic_06_03 /^{done /unto thee? and
wherein have I wearied thee? testify against me.

done Deu_12_31 /^{done /unto their gods ; for
even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire
to their gods .

done Deu_20_18 /^{done /unto their gods ; so
should ye sin against the LORD your God .

done Mar_15_08 /${done /unto them .

done Eze_39_24 /^{done /unto them, and hid my
face from them.

done Jer_05_13 /^{done /unto them.

done Jud_15_11 /^{done /unto them.

done Eze_12_11 /^{done /unto them: they shall
remove and go into captivity .

done Deu_03_21 /^{done /unto these two kings :
so shall the LORD do unto all the kingdoms whither thou passest

done Jos_23_08 /^{done /unto this day .

done Act_24_02 /${done /unto this nation by
thy providence ,

done Rut_02_11 /^{done /unto thy mother in
law since the death of thine husband : and how thou hast left
thy father and thy mother , and the land of thy nativity , and
art come unto a people which thou knewest not heretofore .

done Gen_42_28 /^{done /unto us?

done Jud_15_11 /^{done /unto us? And he said
unto them, As they did unto me, so have I done unto them.

done Gen_20_09 /^{done /unto us? and what
have I offended thee, that thou hast brought on me and on my
kingdom a great sin ? thou hast done deeds unto me that ought
not to be done .

done Gen_26_10 /^{done /unto us? one of the
people might lightly have lien with thy wife , and thou
shouldest have brought guiltiness upon us.

done Joh_15_07 /${done /unto you .

done Jer_42_10 /^{done /unto you.

done Dan_09_12 /^{done /upon Jerusalem .

done Ecc_08_16 /^{done /upon the earth :
sleep with his eyes :

done Ecc_08_14 /^{done /upon the earth ; that
there be just men, unto whom it happeneth according to the work
of the wicked ; again, there be wicked men, to whom it happeneth
according to the work of the righteous : I said that this also
is vanity .

done 1Sa_06_09 /^{done /us this great evil :
but if not, then we shall know that it is not his hand that
smote us: it was a chance that happened to us .

done 1Ch_21_08 /^{done /very foolishly .

done 2Sa_24_10 /^{done /very foolishly .

done Zep_03_04 /^{done /violence to the law .

done Pro_31_29 /^{done /virtuously , but thou
excellest them all.

done Jer_44_17 /^{done /we, and our fathers ,
our kings , and our princes , in the cities of Judah , and in
the streets of Jerusalem : for then had we plenty of victuals ,
and were well , and saw no evil .

done 2Ki_10_30 /^{done /well in executing that
which is right in mine eyes , and hast done unto the house of
Ahab according to all that was in mine heart , thy children of
the fourth generation shall sit on the throne of Israel .

done 1Sa_20_01 /^{done /what is mine iniquity
? and what is my sin before thy father , that he seeketh my life

done Mar_14_08 /${done /what she could : she
is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying .

done Psa_115_03 /^{done /whatsoever he hath
pleased .

done 2Co_05_10 /${done /whether it be good or
bad .

done Eze_16_59 /^{done /which hast despised
the oath in breaking the covenant .

done Dan_09_05 /^{done /wickedly , and have
rebelled , even by departing from thy precepts and from thy
judgments :

done Psa_106_06 /^{done /wickedly .

done Dan_09_15 /^{done /wickedly .

done Neh_09_33 /^{done /wickedly :

done 2Sa_24_17 /^{done /wickedly : but these
sheep , what have they done ? let thine hand , I pray thee, be
against me, and against my father's house .

done 2Ki_21_11 /^{done /wickedly above all
that the Amorites did , which were before him, and hath made
Judah also to sin with his idols :

done Psa_74_03 /^{done /wickedly in the
sanctuary .

done Luk_16_08 /${done /wisely : for the
children of this world are in their generation wiser than the
children of light .

done 1Co_16_14 /${done /with charity .

done Ezr_06_12 /^{done /with speed .

done Act_14_27 /${done /with them , and how
he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles .

done Act_15_04 /${done /with them .

done Eze_14_23 /^{done /without cause all
that I have done in it, saith the Lord GOD .

done Isa_25_01 /^{done /wonderful things; thy
counsels of old are faithfulness and truth .

done Jer_16_12 /^{done /worse than your
fathers ; for, behold , ye walk every one after the imagination
of his evil heart , that they may not hearken unto me:

done Gen_44_15 /^{done /wot ye not that such
a man as I can certainly divine ?

done Est_01_16 /^{done /wrong to the king
only, but also to all the princes , and to all the people that
are in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus .

done Eze_24_22 /^{done /ye shall not cover
your lips , nor eat the bread of men .

done 2Ki_17_04 /^{done /year by year :
therefore the king of Assyria shut him up , and bound him in
prison .

done 027 020 Jos /^{done /you good .

pardoned Num_14_20 /^{pardoned /according to thy
word :

pardoned Isa_40_02 /^{pardoned /for she hath
received of the LORD'S hand double for all her sins .

pardoneth Mic_07_18 /^{pardoneth /iniquity , and
passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage ? he
retaineth not his anger for ever , because he delighteth in
mercy .

undone Isa_06_05 /^{undone /because I am a man
of unclean lips , and I dwell in the midst of a people of
unclean lips : for mine eyes have seen the King , the LORD of
hosts .

undone Num_21_29 /^{undone /O people of Chemosh
: he hath given his sons that escaped , and his daughters , into
captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites .

undone Jos_11_15 /^{undone /of all that the
LORD commanded Moses .
