door 2Sa_13_18 /^{door /after her.

door 2Sa_13_17 /^{door /after her.

door Gen_19_06 /^{door /after him ,

door Eze_40_13 /^{door /against door .

door Exo_33_10 /^{door /and all the people
rose up and worshipped , every man in his tent door .

door Gen_18_02 /^{door /and bowed himself
toward the ground ,

door Joh_18_16 /${door /and brought in Peter .

door 1Co_16_09 /${door /and effectual is
opened unto me , and there are many adversaries .

door 2Ki_09_10 /^{door /and fled .

door 2Ki_09_03 /^{door /and flee , and tarry

door Mar_02_02 /${door /and he preached the
word unto them .

door Deu_15_17 /^{door /and he shall be thy
servant for ever . And also unto thy maidservant thou shalt do

door 2Ki_06_32 /^{door /and hold him fast at
the door : is not the sound of his master's feet behind him?

door Rev_03_20 /${door /and knock : if any
man hear my voice , and open the door , I will come in to him ,
and will sup with him , and he with me .

door Exo_33_08 /^{door /and looked after
Moses , until he was gone into the tabernacle .

door Son_05_04 /^{door /and my bowels were
moved for him.

door Rev_03_08 /${door /and no man can shut
it : for thou hast a little strength , and hast kept my word ,
and hast not denied my name .

door Mat_28_02 /${door /and sat upon it .

door Act_12_16 /${door /and saw him , they
were astonished .

door Act_05_09 /${door /and shall carry thee
out .

door Jud_19_22 /^{door /and spake to the
master of the house , the old man , saying , Bring forth the man
that came into thine house , that we may know him.

door Eze_42_02 /^{door /and the breadth was
fifty cubits .

door Eze_41_24 /^{door /and two leaves for
the other door.

door Gen_04_07 /^{door /And unto thee shall
be his desire , and thou shalt rule over him.

door Exo_12_23 /^{door /and will not suffer
the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.

door Luk_13_25 /${door /and ye begin to stand
without , and to knock at the door , saying , Lord , Lord , open
unto us ; and he shall answer and say unto you , I know you not
whence ye are :

door Exo_35_15 /^{door /at the entering in of
the tabernacle ,

door Joh_10_09 /${door /by me if any man
enter in , he shall be saved , and shall go in and out , and
find pasture .

door Eze_41_16 /^{door /cieled with wood
round about , and from the ground up to the windows , and the
windows were covered ;

door Eze_41_17 /^{door /even unto the inner
house , and without , and by all the wall round about within and
without , by measure .

door 1Ki_06_08 /^{door /for the middle
chamber was in the right side of the house : and they went up
with winding stairs into the middle chamber, and out of the
middle into the third .

door 2Ki_22_04 /^{door /have gathered of the
people :

door Rev_03_20 /${door /I will come in to him
, and will sup with him , and he with me .

door Eze_42_12 /^{door /in the head of the
way , even the way directly before the wall toward the east , as
one entereth into them.

door Gen_18_01 /^{door /in the heat of the
day ;

door Joh_10_01 /${door /into the sheepfold ,
but climbeth up some other way , the same is a thief and a
robber .

door 2Ki_06_32 /^{door /is not the sound of
his master's feet behind him?

door Luk_11_07 /${door /is now shut , and my
children are with me in bed ; I cannot rise and give thee .

door Joh_10_02 /${door /is the shepherd of
the sheep .

door Act_12_06 /${door /kept the prison .

door Isa_06_04 /^{door /moved at the voice of
him that cried , and the house was filled with smoke .

door Exo_36_37 /^{door /of blue , and purple ,
and scarlet , and fine twined linen , of needlework ;

door Act_14_27 /${door /of faith unto the
Gentiles .

door Deu_22_21 /^{door /of her father's house
, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she
die : because she hath wrought folly in Israel , to play the
whore in her father's house : so shalt thou put evil away from
among you.

door Pro_09_14 /^{door /of her house , on a
seat in the high places of the city ,

door Pro_05_08 /^{door /of her house :

door Exo_12_22 /^{door /of his house until
the morning .

door Num_11_10 /^{door /of his tent : and the
anger of the LORD was kindled greatly ; Moses also was
displeased .

door Hos_02_15 /^{door /of hope : and she
shall sing there, as in the days of her youth , and as in the
day when she came up out of the land of Egypt .

door Psa_141_03 /^{door /of my lips .

door Gen_06_16 /^{door /of the ark shalt thou
set in the side thereof ; with lower , second , and third
stories shalt thou make it.

door Exo_35_17 /^{door /of the court ,

door Num_03_26 /^{door /of the court , which
is by the tabernacle , and by the altar round about , and the
cords of it for all the service thereof.

door Eze_08_07 /^{door /of the court ; and
when I looked , behold a hole in the wall .

door Eze_10_19 /^{door /of the east gate of
the LORD'S house ; and the glory of the God of Israel was over
them above .

door Act_12_13 /${door /of the gate , a
damsel came to hearken , named Rhoda .

door Eze_11_01 /^{door /of the gate five and
twenty men ; among whom I saw Jaazaniah the son of Azur , and
Pelatiah the son of Benaiah , princes of the people .

door Num_04_26 /^{door /of the gate of the
court , which is by the tabernacle and by the altar round about ,
and their cords , and all the instruments of their service ,
and all that is made for them: so shall they serve .

door Eze_08_14 /^{door /of the gate of the
LORD'S house which was toward the north ; and, behold, there sat
women weeping for Tammuz .

door Gen_43_19 /^{door /of the house ,

door Jud_19_27 /^{door /of the house , and
her hands were upon the threshold .

door Lev_14_38 /^{door /of the house , and
shut up the house seven days :

door Eze_47_01 /^{door /of the house ; and,
behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house
eastward : for the forefront of the house stood toward the east ,
and the waters came down from under from the right side of the
house , at the south side of the altar .

door Neh_03_21 /^{door /of the house of
Eliashib even to the end of the house of Eliashib .

door Neh_03_20 /^{door /of the house of
Eliashib the high priest .

door 2Ki_05_09 /^{door /of the house of Elisha

door Gen_19_11 /^{door /of the house with
blindness , both small and great : so that they wearied
themselves to find the door .

door Eze_08_03 /^{door /of the inner gate
that looketh toward the north ; where was the seat of the image
of jealousy , which provoketh to jealousy .

door 1Ki_14_27 /^{door /of the king's house .

door 2Sa_11_09 /^{door /of the king's house
with all the servants of his lord , and went not down to his
house .

door Jud_19_26 /^{door /of the man's house
where her lord was, till it was light .

door Mat_27_60 /${door /of the sepulchre ,
and departed .

door Mar_15_46 /${door /of the sepulchre .

door Mar_16_03 /${door /of the sepulchre ?

door Joh_10_07 /${door /of the sheep .

door Num_12_05 /^{door /of the tabernacle ,
and called Aaron and Miriam : and they both came forth .

door Exo_33_09 /^{door /of the tabernacle ,
and the LORD talked with Moses .

door Deu_31_15 /^{door /of the tabernacle .

door Exo_40_28 /^{door /of the tabernacle .

door Num_04_25 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation ,

door Num_03_25 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation ,

door Lev_17_06 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , and burn the fat for a sweet savour unto the

door Lev_15_14 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , and give them unto the priest :

door Num_06_18 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , and shall take the hair of the head of his
separation , and put it in the fire which is under the sacrifice
of the peace offerings .

door Exo_29_04 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , and shalt wash them with water .

door Exo_38_30 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , and the brasen altar , and the brasen grate
for it, and all the vessels of the altar ,

door Num_20_06 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , and they fell upon their faces : and the
glory of the LORD appeared unto them.

door Exo_40_12 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , and wash them with water .

door Lev_14_23 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , before the LORD .

door Lev_19_21 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , even a ram for a trespass offering .

door Lev_10_07 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , lest ye die : for the anointing oil of the
LORD is upon you. And they did according to the word of Moses .

door Num_27_02 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , saying ,

door Lev_17_04 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , to offer an offering unto the LORD before the
tabernacle of the LORD ; blood shall be imputed unto that man ;
he hath shed blood ; and that man shall be cut off from among
his people :

door Lev_17_09 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , to offer it unto the LORD ; even that man
shall be cut off from among his people .

door Lev_17_05 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , unto the priest , and offer them for peace
offerings unto the LORD .

door Lev_12_06 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation , unto the priest :

door 1Sa_02_22 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Lev_16_07 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Num_25_06 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Lev_15_29 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Lev_08_04 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Exo_38_08 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door 1Ch_09_21 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Lev_04_18 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Lev_01_05 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Lev_08_03 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Num_10_03 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Exo_29_32 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Exo_29_11 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Lev_04_07 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

door Jos_19_51 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation . So they made an end of dividing the country .

door Num_06_10 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation :

door Lev_14_11 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation :

door Num_06_13 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation :

door Lev_03_02 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation : and Aaron's sons the priests shall sprinkle
the blood upon the altar round about .

door Num_16_19 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation : and the glory of the LORD appeared unto all
the congregation .

door Num_16_50 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation : and the plague was stayed .

door Lev_08_31 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation : and there eat it with the bread that is in
the basket of consecrations , as I commanded , saying , Aaron
and his sons shall eat it.

door Lev_01_03 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation before the LORD .

door Exo_29_42 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation before the LORD : where I will meet you, to
speak there unto thee.

door Lev_04_04 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation before the LORD ; and shall lay his hand upon
the bullock's head , and kill the bullock before the LORD .

door Lev_08_35 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation day and night seven days , and keep the charge
of the LORD , that ye die not: for so I am commanded .

door Lev_08_33 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation in seven days , until the days of your
consecration be at an end : for seven days shall he consecrate

door Num_16_18 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the congregation with Moses and Aaron .

door Exo_40_29 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the tent of the congregation , and offered upon it the burnt
offering and the meat offering ; as the LORD commanded Moses .

door Exo_40_06 /^{door /of the tabernacle of
the tent of the congregation .

door Eze_08_16 /^{door /of the temple of the
LORD , between the porch and the altar , were about five and
twenty men , with their backs toward the temple of the LORD ,
and their faces toward the east ; and they worshipped the sun
toward the east .

door 1Ki_06_33 /^{door /of the temple posts
of olive tree , a fourth part of the wall.

door Jud_04_20 /^{door /of the tent , and it
shall be, when any man doth come and enquire of thee, and say ,
Is there any man here ? that thou shalt say , No.

door Exo_26_36 /^{door /of the tent , of blue
, and purple , and scarlet , and fine twined linen , wrought
with needlework .

door Jud_09_52 /^{door /of the tower to burn
it with fire .

door Num_16_27 /^{door /of their tents , and
their wives , and their sons , and their little children .

door Eze_46_03 /^{door /of this gate before
the LORD in the sabbaths and in the new moons .

door Col_03_03 /${door /of utterance , to
speak the mystery of Christ , for which I am also in bonds :

door Exo_21_06 /^{door /or unto the door post
; and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul ; and he
shall serve him for ever .

door Exo_21_06 /^{door /post ; and his master
shall bore his ear through with an aul ; and he shall serve him
for ever .

door Exo_12_07 /^{door /post of the houses ,
wherein they shall eat it.

door Eze_41_16 /^{door /posts , and the
narrow windows , and the galleries round about on their three
stories , over against the door , cieled with wood round about ,
and from the ground up to the windows , and the windows were
covered ;

door Deu_11_20 /^{door /posts of thine house ,
and upon thy gates :

door Mat_06_06 /${door /pray to thy Father
which is in secret ; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall
reward thee openly .

door 2Ki_12_09 /^{door /put therein all the
money that was brought into the house of the LORD .

door Luk_13_25 /${door /saying , Lord , Lord ,
open unto us ; and he shall answer and say unto you , I know
you not whence ye are :

door Eze_41_03 /^{door /seven cubits .

door Eze_41_03 /^{door /six cubits ; and the
breadth of the door , seven cubits .

door 1Ki_14_06 /^{door /that he said , Come
in , thou wife of Jeroboam ; why feignest thou thyself to be
another ? for I am sent to thee with heavy tidings.

door Amo_09_01 /^{door /that the posts may
shake : and cut them in the head , all of them; and I will slay
the last of them with the sword : he that fleeth of them shall
not flee away , and he that escapeth of them shall not be
delivered .

door 1Ki_14_17 /^{door /the child died ;

door 2Ki_23_04 /^{door /to bring forth out of
the temple of the LORD all the vessels that were made for Baal ,
and for the grove , and for all the host of heaven : and he
burned them without Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron , and
carried the ashes of them unto Bethel .

door Exo_40_05 /^{door /to the tabernacle .

door Eze_41_11 /^{door /toward the north ,
and another door toward the south : and the breadth of the place
that was left was five cubits round about .

door Eze_41_11 /^{door /toward the south :
and the breadth of the place that was left was five cubits round
about .

door Pro_26_14 /^{door /turneth upon his
hinges , so doth the slothful upon his bed .

door Eze_41_03 /^{door /two cubits ; and the
door , six cubits ; and the breadth of the door , seven cubits .

door Joh_18_17 /${door /unto Peter , Art not
thou also one of this man's disciples ? He saith , I am not .

door Gen_19_06 /^{door /unto them, and shut
the door after him ,

door 2Ki_04_05 /^{door /upon her and upon her
sons , who brought the vessels to her; and she poured out .

door 2Ki_04_21 /^{door /upon him, and went out

door 2Ki_04_04 /^{door /upon thee and upon thy
sons , and shalt pour out into all those vessels , and thou
shalt set aside that which is full .

door 2Ki_04_33 /^{door /upon them twain , and
prayed unto the LORD .

door Rev_04_01 /${door /was opened in heaven :
and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet
talking with me ; which said , Come up hither , and I will shew
thee things which must be hereafter .

door 2Co_02_12 /${door /was opened unto me of
the Lord ,

door Mat_25_10 /${door /was shut .

door Eze_41_02 /^{door /was ten cubits ; and
the sides of the door were five cubits on the one side, and five
cubits on the other side: and he measured the length thereof,
forty cubits : and the breadth , twenty cubits .

door Son_08_09 /^{door /we will inclose her
with boards of cedar .

door Eze_41_20 /^{door /were cherubims and
palm trees made , and on the wall of the temple .

door Eze_41_02 /^{door /were five cubits on
the one side, and five cubits on the other side: and he measured
the length thereof, forty cubits : and the breadth , twenty
cubits .

door 1Ki_06_34 /^{door /were folding , and
the two leaves of the other door were folding .

door 1Ki_06_34 /^{door /were folding .

door Est_02_21 /^{door /were wroth , and
sought to lay hand on the king Ahasuerus .

door Gen_18_10 /^{door /which was behind him .

door Est_06_02 /^{door /who sought to lay
hand on the king Ahasuerus .

door Joh_18_16 /${door /without . Then went
out that other disciple , which was known unto the high priest ,
and spake unto her that kept the door , and brought in Peter .

door Mar_11_04 /${door /without in a place
where two ways met ; and they loose him .

doorkeeper Psa_84_10 /^{doorkeeper /in the house of
my God , than to dwell in the tents of wickedness .

doorkeepers 1Ch_15_24 /^{doorkeepers /for the ark .

doorkeepers 1Ch_15_23 /^{doorkeepers /for the ark .

doors Isa_26_20 /^{doors /about thee: hide
thyself as it were for a little moment , until the indignation
be overpast .

doors Isa_57_08 /^{doors /also and the posts
hast thou set up thy remembrance : for thou hast discovered
thyself to another than me, and art gone up ; thou hast enlarged
thy bed , and made thee a covenant with them; thou lovedst their
bed where thou sawest it.

doors 1Ki_06_32 /^{doors /also were of olive
tree ; and he carved upon them carvings of cherubims and palm
trees and open flowers , and overlaid them with gold , and
spread gold upon the cherubims , and upon the palm trees .

doors Neh_07_03 /^{doors /and bar them: and
appoint watches of the inhabitants of Jerusalem , every one in
his watch , and every one to be over against his house .

doors Act_05_19 /${doors /and brought them
forth , and said ,

doors 1Ki_07_05 /^{doors /and posts were
square , with the windows : and light was against light in three
ranks .

doors Psa_24_09 /^{doors /and the King of
glory shall come in .

doors Psa_24_07 /^{doors /and the King of
glory shall come in .

doors Neh_07_01 /^{doors /and the porters and
the singers and the Levites were appointed ,

doors Joh_20_26 /${doors /being shut , and
stood in the midst , and said , Peace be unto you .

doors Act_05_23 /${doors /but when we had
opened , we found no man within .

doors Mal_01_10 /^{doors /for nought? neither
do ye kindle fire on mine altar for nought . I have no pleasure
in you, saith the LORD of hosts , neither will I accept an
offering at your hand .

doors 2Ch_03_09 /^{doors /for the court , and
overlaid the doors of them with brass .

doors 2Ch_34_09 /^{doors /had gathered of the
hand of Manasseh and Ephraim , and of all the remnant of Israel ,
and of all Judah and Benjamin ; and they returned to Jerusalem .

doors Eze_41_24 /^{doors /had two leaves
apiece, two turning leaves ; two leaves for the one door , and
two leaves for the other door.

doors Zec_11_01 /^{doors /O Lebanon , that the
fire may devour thy cedars .

doors Psa_78_23 /^{doors /of heaven ,

doors Job_41_14 /^{doors /of his face ? his
teeth are terrible round about .

doors Neh_03_01 /^{doors /of it; even unto the
tower of Meah they sanctified it, unto the tower of Hananeel .

doors Jud_11_31 /^{doors /of my house to meet
me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon , shall
surely be the LORD'S , and I will offer it up for a burnt
offering .

doors Job_03_10 /^{doors /of my mother's womb ,
nor hid sorrow from mine eyes .

doors 1Ki_06_31 /^{doors /of olive tree : the
lintel and side posts were a fifth part of the wall.

doors Eze_42_12 /^{doors /of the chambers that
were toward the south was a door in the head of the way , even
the way directly before the wall toward the east , as one
entereth into them.

doors 1Sa_21_13 /^{doors /of the gate , and
let his spittle fall down upon his beard .

doors Jud_16_03 /^{doors /of the gate of the
city , and the two posts , and went away with them, bar and all,
and put them upon his shoulders , and carried them up to the top
of an hill that is before Hebron .

doors 1Ch_22_03 /^{doors /of the gates , and
for the joinings ; and brass in abundance without weight ;

doors Jud_19_27 /^{doors /of the house , and
went out to go his way : and, behold, the woman his concubine
was fallen down at the door of the house , and her hands were
upon the threshold .

doors 1Ki_07_50 /^{doors /of the house , to
wit, of the temple .

doors 2Ch_28_24 /^{doors /of the house of the
LORD , and he made him altars in every corner of Jerusalem .

doors 2Ch_29_03 /^{doors /of the house of the
LORD , and repaired them.

doors 1Sa_03_15 /^{doors /of the house of the
LORD . And Samuel feared to shew Eli the vision .

doors 003 022 IICh /^{doors /of the house of
the temple , were of gold .

doors Eze_33_30 /^{doors /of the houses , and
speak one to another , every one to his brother , saying , Come ,
I pray you, and hear what is the word that cometh forth from
the LORD .

doors 1Ki_07_50 /^{doors /of the inner house ,
the most holy place, and for the doors of the house , to wit, of
the temple .

doors Jud_03_25 /^{doors /of the parlour ;
therefore they took a key , and opened them: and, behold, their
lord was fallen down dead on the earth .

doors Jud_03_23 /^{doors /of the parlour upon
him, and locked them.

doors Jud_03_24 /^{doors /of the parlour were
locked , they said , Surely he covereth his feet in his summer
chamber .

doors 2Ch_29_07 /^{doors /of the porch , and
put out the lamps , and have not burned incense nor offered
burnt offerings in the holy place unto the God of Israel .

doors Job_38_17 /^{doors /of the shadow of
death ?

doors Eze_41_11 /^{doors /of the side chambers
were toward the place that was left , one door toward the north ,
and another door toward the south : and the breadth of the
place that was left was five cubits round about .

doors Eze_41_25 /^{doors /of the temple ,
cherubims and palm trees , like as were made upon the walls ;
and there were thick planks upon the face of the porch without .

doors Neh_06_10 /^{doors /of the temple : for
they will come to slay thee; yea, in the night will they come to
slay thee.

doors 2Ki_18_16 /^{doors /of the temple of the
LORD , and from the pillars which Hezekiah king of Judah had
overlaid , and gave it to the king of Assyria .

doors 2Ch_03_09 /^{doors /of them with brass .

doors Jos_02_19 /^{doors /of thy house into
the street , his blood shall be upon his head , and we will be
guiltless : and whosoever shall be with thee in the house , his
blood shall be on our head , if any hand be upon him.

doors Mic_07_05 /^{doors /of thy mouth from
her that lieth in thy bosom .

doors Act_16_27 /${doors /open , he drew out
his sword , and would have killed himself , supposing that the
prisoners had been fled .

doors Ecc_12_04 /^{doors /shall be shut in the
streets , when the sound of the grinding is low , and he shall
rise up at the voice of the bird , and all the daughters of
musick shall be brought low ;

doors 003 022 IICh /^{doors /thereof for the
most holy place, and the doors of the house of the temple , were
of gold .

doors Neh_03_06 /^{doors /thereof, and the
locks thereof, and the bars thereof.

doors Neh_03_13 /^{doors /thereof, the locks
thereof, and the bars thereof, and a thousand cubits on the wall
unto the dung gate .

doors Neh_03_15 /^{doors /thereof, the locks
thereof, and the bars thereof, and the wall of the pool of
Siloah by the king's garden , and unto the stairs that go down
from the city of David .

doors Neh_03_14 /^{doors /thereof, the locks
thereof, and the bars thereof.

doors Neh_03_03 /^{doors /thereof, the locks
thereof, and the bars thereof.

doors 2Ch_02_07 /^{doors /thereof, with gold ;
and graved cherubims on the walls .

doors Job_31_32 /^{doors /to the traveller .

doors Eze_42_04 /^{doors /toward the north .

doors Neh_06_01 /^{doors /upon the gates ;

doors 1Ki_06_34 /^{doors /were of fir tree :
the two leaves of the one door were folding , and the two leaves
of the other door were folding .

doors Act_16_26 /${doors /were opened , and
every one's bands were loosed .

doors Act_21_30 /${doors /were shut .

doors Joh_20_19 /${doors /were shut where the
disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews , came Jesus and
stood in the midst , and saith unto them , Peace be unto you .

doors Job_38_08 /^{doors /when it brake forth ,
as if it had issued out of the womb ?
