dorcas , AC , 9:36 , AC , 9:39


Dorcas 1393 # Dorkas {dor-kas'}; gazelle; Dorcas, a Christian
woman: -- {Dorcas}.[ql


Dorcas Interlinear Index Study

Dorcas ACT 009 036 . Now <1161 -de -> there was at <1722 -en ->
Joppa <2445 -Ioppe -> a certain <5100 -tis -> disciple <3102 -
mathetria -> named <3686 -onoma -> Tabitha <5000 -Tabitha -> ,
which <3739 -hos -> by interpretation <1329 -diermeneuo -> is
called <3004 -lego -> {Dorcas} <1393 -Dorkas -> : this <3778 -
houtos -> woman was full <4134 -pleres -> of good <0018 -agathos
-> works <2041 -ergon -> and almsdeeds <1654 -eleemosune ->
which <3739 -hos -> she did <4160 -poieo -> .

Dorcas ACT 009 039 Then <1161 -de -> Peter <4074 -Petros ->
arose <0450 -anistemi -> and went <4905 -sunerchomai -> with
them . When he was come <3854 -paraginomai -> , they brought
<0321 -anago -> him into <1519 -eis -> the upper <5253 -
huperoion -> chamber <5253 -huperoion -> : and all <3956 -pas ->
the widows <5503 -chera -> stood <3936 -paristemi -> by him
weeping <2799 -klaio -> , and shewing <1925 -epideiknumi -> the
coats <5509 -chiton -> and garments <2440 -himation -> which
<3745 -hosos -> {Dorcas} <1393 -Dorkas -> made <4160 -poieo -> ,
while she was with them .


garments which dorcas made

which by interpretation is called dorcas

* dorcas , 1393 ,

* dorcas , 1393 Dorkas ,


dorcas -1393 {dorcas},



Dorcas 1393 ** Dorkas ** {Dorcas}.


Dorcas ......... Dorcas 1393 -Dorkas->



Dorcas 1393 # Dorkas {dor-kas'}; gazelle; Dorcas, a Christian
woman: -- {Dorcas}.[ql


Dorcas 009 039 Act /${Dorcas /made , while she
was with them .

Dorcas 009 036 Act /${Dorcas /this woman was
full of good works and almsdeeds which she did .



dorcas Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple
named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called {Dorcas}: this
woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did.

dorcas Then Peter arose and went with them. When he
was come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the
widows stood by him weeping, and showing the coats and garments
which {Dorcas} made, while she was with them.
