dough Neh_10_37 /^{dough /and our offerings ,
and the fruit of all manner of trees , of wine and of oil , unto
the priests , to the chambers of the house of our God ; and the
tithes of our ground unto the Levites , that the same Levites
might have the tithes in all the cities of our tillage .

dough Exo_12_34 /^{dough /before it was
leavened , their kneadingtroughs being bound up in their clothes
upon their shoulders .

dough Num_15_20 /^{dough /for an heave
offering : as ye do the heave offering of the threshingfloor ,
so shall ye heave it.

dough Eze_44_30 /^{dough /that he may cause
the blessing to rest in thine house .

dough Jer_07_18 /^{dough /to make cakes to the
queen of heaven , and to pour out drink offerings unto other
gods , that they may provoke me to anger .

dough Hos_07_04 /^{dough /until it be leavened

dough Exo_12_39 /^{dough /which they brought
forth out of Egypt , for it was not leavened ; because they were
thrust out of Egypt , and could not tarry , neither had they
prepared for themselves any victual .

dough Num_15_21 /^{dough /ye shall give unto
the LORD an heave offering in your generations .
