Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
down ^ 46_1CO_10_07 Neither <3366> be ye <1096> (5737) idolaters <1496>, as <2531> were some <5100> of them <0846>; as <5613> it is written <1125> (5769), The people <2992> sat {down} <2523> (5656) to eat <5315> (5629) and <2532> drink <4095> (5629), and <2532> rose up <0450> (5656) to play <3815> (5721).

down ^ 46_1CO_14_25 And <2532> thus <3779> are <1096> <0> the secrets <2927> of his <0846> heart <2588> made <1096> (5736) manifest <5318>; and <2532> so <3779> falling {down} <4098> (5631) on <1909> his face <4383> he will worship <4352> (5692) God <2316>, and report <0518> (5723) that <3754> God <2316> is <2076> (5748) in <1722> you <5213> of a truth <3689>.

down ^ 46_1CO_15_24 Then <1534> cometh the end <5056>, when <3752> he shall have delivered up <3860> (5632) the kingdom <0932> to God <2316>, even <2532> the Father <3962>; when <3752> he shall have put {down} <2673> (5661) all <3956> rule <0746> and <2532> all <3956> authority <1849> and <2532> power <1411>.

down ^ 62_1JO_03_16 Hereby <1722> <5129> perceive we <1097> (5758) the love <0026> of God, because <3754> he <1565> laid down <5087> (5656) his <0846> life <5590> for <5228> us <2257>: and <2532> we <2249> ought <3784> (5719) to lay {down} <5087> (5721) our lives <5590> for <5228> the brethren <0080>.

down ^ 62_1JO_03_16 Hereby <1722> <5129> perceive we <1097> (5758) the love <0026> of God, because <3754> he <1565> laid {down} <5087> (5656) his <0846> life <5590> for <5228> us <2257>: and <2532> we <2249> ought <3784> (5719) to lay down <5087> (5721) our lives <5590> for <5228> the brethren <0080>.

down ^ 60_1PE_01_12 Unto whom <3739> it was revealed <0601> (5681), that <3754> not <3756> unto themselves <1438>, but <1161> unto us <2254> they did minister <1247> (5707) the things <0846>, which <3739> are <0312> <0> now <3568> reported <0312> (5648) unto you <5213> by <1223> them that have preached the gospel <2097> (5671) unto you <5209> with <1722> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> sent {down} <0649> (5651) from <0575> heaven <3772>; which things <3739> the angels <0032> desire <1937> (5719) to look <3879> (5658) into <1519>.

down ^ 47_2CO_04_09 Persecuted <1377> (5746), but <0235> not <3756> forsaken <1459> (5746); cast {down} <2598> (5746), but <0235> not <3756> destroyed <0622> (5730);

down ^ 47_2CO_07_06 Nevertheless <0235> God <2316>, that comforteth <3870> (5723) those that are cast {down} <5011>, comforted <3870> (5656) us <2248> by <1722> the coming <3952> of Titus <5103>;

down ^ 47_2CO_10_04 (For <1063> the weapons <3696> of our <2257> warfare <4752> are not <3756> carnal <4559>, but <0235> mighty <1415> through God <2316> to <4314> the pulling {down} <2506> of strong holds <3794>;)

down ^ 47_2CO_10_05 Casting {down} <2507> (5723) imaginations <3053>, and <2532> every <3956> high thing <5313> that exalteth itself <1869> (5734) against <2596> the knowledge <1108> of God <2316>, and <2532> bringing into captivity <0163> (5723) every <3956> thought <3540> to <1519> the obedience <5218> of Christ <5547>;

down ^ 47_2CO_11_33 And <2532> through <1223> a window <2376> in <1722> a basket <4553> was I let {down} <5465> (5681) by <1223> the wall <5038>, and <2532> escaped <1628> (5627) his <0846> hands <5495>.

down ^ 61_2PE_02_04 For <1063> if <1487> God <2316> spared <5339> (5662) not <3756> the angels <0032> that sinned <0264> (5660), but <0235> cast them {down} to hell <5020> (5660), and delivered <3860> (5656) them into chains <4577> of darkness <2217>, to be reserved <5083> (5772) unto <1519> judgment <2920>;

down ^ 44_ACT_04_35 And <2532> laid them {down} <5087> (5707) at <3844> the apostles <0652> feet <4228>: and <1161> distribution was made <1239> (5712) unto every man <1538> according <2530> as <0302> he had <2192> (5707) need <5100> <5532>.

down ^ 44_ACT_05_05 And <1161> Ananias <0367> hearing <0191> (5723) these <5128> words <3056> fell {down} <4098> (5631), and gave up the ghost <1634> (5656): and <2532> great <3173> fear <5401> came <1096> (5633) on <1909> all <3956> them that heard <0191> (5723) these things <5023>.

down ^ 44_ACT_05_10 Then <1161> fell she {down} <4098> (5627) straightway <3916> at <3844> his <0846> feet <4228>, and <2532> yielded up the ghost <1634> (5656): and <1161> the young men <3495> came in <1525> (5631), and found <2147> (5627) her <0846> dead <3498>, and <2532>, carrying her forth <1627> (5660), buried <2290> (5656) her by <4314> her <0846> husband <0435>.

down ^ 44_ACT_07_15 So <1161> Jacob <2384> went {down} <2597> (5627) into <1519> Egypt <0125>, and <2532> died <5053> (5656), he <0846>, and <2532> our <2257> fathers <3962>,

down ^ 44_ACT_07_34 I have seen <1492> (5631), I have seen <1492> (5627) the affliction <2561> of my <3450> people <2992> which <3588> is in <1722> Egypt <0125>, and <2532> I have heard <0191> (5656) their <0846> groaning <4726>, and <2532> am come {down} <2597> (5627) to deliver <1807> (5641) them <0846>. And <2532> now <3568> come <1204> (5773), I will send <0649> (5692) thee <4571> into <1519> Egypt <0125>.

down ^ 44_ACT_07_58 And <2532> cast <1544> (5631) him out of <1854> the city <4172>, and stoned <3036> (5707) him: and <2532> the witnesses <3144> laid {down} <0659> (5639) their <0846> clothes <2440> at <3844> a young man's <3494> feet <4228>, whose name was <2564> (5746) Saul <4569>.

down ^ 44_ACT_07_60 And <1161> he kneeled {down} <5087> (5631) <1119>, and cried <2896> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, Lord <2962>, lay <2476> (5661) not <3361> this <5026> sin <0266> to their <0846> charge. And <2532> when he had said <2036> (5631) this <5124>, he fell asleep <2837> (5681).

down ^ 44_ACT_08_05 Then <1161> Philip <5376> went {down} <2718> (5631) to <1519> the city <4172> of Samaria <4540>, and preached <2784> (5707) Christ <5547> unto them <0846>.

down ^ 44_ACT_08_15 Who <3748>, when they were come {down} <2597> (5631), prayed <4336> (5662) for <4012> them <0846>, that <3704> they might receive <2983> (5632) the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>:

down ^ 44_ACT_08_26 And <1161> the angel <0032> of the Lord <2962> spake <2980> (5656) unto <4314> Philip <5376>, saying <3004> (5723), Arise <0450> (5628), and <2532> go <4198> (5737) toward <2596> the south <3314> unto <1909> the way <3598> that goeth {down} <2597> (5723) from <0575> Jerusalem <2419> unto <1519> Gaza <1048>, which <3778> is <2076> (5748) desert <2048>.

down ^ 44_ACT_08_38 And <2532> he commanded <2753> (5656) the chariot <0716> to stand still <2476> (5629): and <2532> they went {down} <2597> (5627) both <0297> into <1519> the water <5204>, both <5037> Philip <5376> and <2532> the eunuch <2135>; and <2532> he baptized <0907> (5656) him <0846>.

down ^ 44_ACT_09_25 Then <1161> the disciples <3101> took <2983> (5631) him <0846> by night <3571>, and let him {down} <2524> (5656) <5465> (5660) by <1223> the wall <5038> in <1722> a basket <4711>.

down ^ 44_ACT_09_30 Which when <1161> the brethren <0080> knew <1921> (5631), they brought <2609> <0> him <0846> {down} <2609> (5627) to <1519> Caesarea <2542>, and <2532> sent <1821> <0> him <0846> forth <1821> (5656) to <1519> Tarsus <5019>.

down ^ 44_ACT_09_32 And <1161> it came <1096> (5633) to pass, as <1330> <0> Peter <4074> passed throughout <1330> (5740) <1223> all <3956> quarters, he came {down} <2718> (5629) also <2532> to <4314> the saints <0040> which <3588> dwelt <2730> (5723) at Lydda <3069>.

down ^ 44_ACT_09_40 But <1161> Peter <4074> put <1544> (5631) them all <3956> forth <1854>, and kneeled {down} <5087> (5631) <1119>, and prayed <4336> (5662); and <2532> turning <1994> (5660) him to <4314> the body <4983> said <2036> (5627), Tabitha <5>, arise <0450> (5628). And <1161> she opened <0455> (5656) her <0846> eyes <3788>: and <2532> when she saw <1492> (5631) Peter <4074>, she sat up <0339> (5656).

down ^ 44_ACT_10_11 And <2532> saw <2334> (5719) heaven <3772> opened <0455> (5772), and <2532> a certain <5100> vessel <4632> descending <2597> (5723) unto <1909> him <0846>, as <5613> it had been a great <3173> sheet <3607> knit <1210> (5772) at the four <5064> corners <0746>, and <2532> let {down} <2524> (5746) to <1909> the earth <1093>:

down ^ 44_ACT_10_20 Arise <0450> (5631) therefore <0235>, and get thee {down} <2597> (5628), and <2532> go <4198> (5737) with <4862> them <0846>, doubting <1252> (5734) nothing <3367>: for <1360> I <1473> have sent <0649> (5758) them <0846>.

down ^ 44_ACT_10_21 Then <1161> Peter <4074> went {down} <2597> (5631) to <4314> the men <0435> which <3588> were sent <0649> (5772) unto <4314> him <0846> from <0575> Cornelius <2883>; and said <2036> (5627), Behold <2400> (5628), I <1473> am <1510> (5748) he whom <3739> ye seek <2212> (5719): what <5101> is the cause <0156> wherefore <1223> <3739> ye are come <3918> (5748)?

down ^ 44_ACT_10_25 And <1161> as <5613> Peter <4074> was <1096> (5633) coming in <1525> (5629), Cornelius <2883> met <4876> (5660) him <0846>, and fell {down} <4098> (5631) at <1909> his feet <4228>, and worshipped <4352> (5656) him.

down ^ 44_ACT_11_05 I <1473> was <2252> (5713) in <1722> the city <4172> of Joppa <2445> praying <4336> (5740): and <2532> in <1722> a trance <1611> I saw <1492> (5627) a vision <3705>, A certain <5100> vessel <4632> descend <2597> (5723), as it had been <5613> a great <3173> sheet <3607>, let {down} <2524> (5746) from <1537> heaven <3772> by four <5064> corners <0746>; and <2532> it came <2064> (5627) even <0891> to me <1700>:

down ^ 44_ACT_12_19 And <1161> when <1934> <0> Herod <2264> had sought for <1934> (5660) him <0846>, and <2532> found him <2147> (5631) not <3361>, he examined <0350> (5660) the keepers <5441>, and commanded <2753> (5656) that they should be put to death <0520> (5683). And <2532> he went {down} <2718> (5631) from <0575> Judaea <2449> to <1519> Caesarea <2542>, and there abode <1304> (5707).

down ^ 44_ACT_13_14 But <1161> when they <0846> departed <1330> (5631) from <0575> Perga <4011>, they came <3854> (5633) to <1519> Antioch <0490> in Pisidia <4099>, and <2532> went <1525> (5631) into <1519> the synagogue <4864> on the sabbath <4521> day <2250>, and sat {down} <2523> (5656).

down ^ 44_ACT_13_29 And <1161> when <5613> they had fulfilled <5055> (5656) all <0537> that was written <1125> (5772) of <4012> him <0846>, they took him {down} <2507> (5631) from <0575> the tree <3586>, and laid <5087> (5656) him in <1519> a sepulchre <3419>.

down ^ 44_ACT_14_11 And <1161> when the people <3793> saw <1492> (5631) what <3739> Paul <3972> had done <4160> (5656), they lifted up <1869> (5656) their <0846> voices <5456>, saying <3004> (5723) in the speech of Lycaonia <3072>, The gods <2316> are come {down} <2597> (5627) to <4314> us <2248> in the likeness <3666> (5685) of men <0444>.

down ^ 44_ACT_14_25 And <2532> when they had preached <2980> (5660) the word <3056> in <1722> Perga <4011>, they went {down} <2597> (5627) into <1519> Attalia <0825>:

down ^ 44_ACT_15_01 And <2532> certain men <5100> which came {down} <2718> (5631) from <0575> Judaea <2449> taught <1321> (5707) the brethren <0080>, and said, <3754> Except <3362> ye be circumcised <4059> (5747) after the manner <1485> of Moses <3475>, ye cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) be saved <4982> (5683).

down ^ 44_ACT_15_16 After <3326> this <5023> I will return <0390> (5692), and <2532> will build again <0456> (5692) the tabernacle <4633> of David <1138>, which <3588> is fallen {down} <4098> (5761); and <2532> I will build again <0456> (5692) the ruins <2679> (5772) thereof <0846>, and <2532> I will set <0461> <0> it <0846> up <0461> (5692):

down ^ 44_ACT_16_08 And <1161> they passing by <3928> (5631) Mysia <3465> came {down} <2597> (5627) to <1519> Troas <5174>.

down ^ 44_ACT_16_13 And <5037> on the sabbath <4521> <2250> we went <1831> (5627) out of <1854> the city <4172> by <3844> a river side <4215>, where <3757> prayer <4335> was wont <3543> (5712) to be made <1511> (5750); and <2532> we sat {down} <2523> (5660), and spake <2980> (5707) unto the women <1135> which resorted <4905> (5631) thither.

down ^ 44_ACT_16_29 Then <1161> he called <0154> (5660) for a light <5457>, and sprang in <1530> (5656), and <2532> came <1096> (5637) trembling <1790>, and fell {down} before <4363> (5627) Paul <3972> and <2532> Silas <4609>,

down ^ 44_ACT_17_06 And <1161> when they found <2147> (5631) them <0846> not <3361>, they drew <4951> (5707) Jason <2394> and <2532> certain <5100> brethren <0080> unto <1909> the rulers of the city <4173>, crying <0994> (5723), <3754> These <3778> that have turned <0387> <0> the world <3625> upside {down} <0387> (5660) are come <3918> (5748) hither <1759> also <2532>;

down ^ 44_ACT_18_22 And <2532> when he had landed <2718> (5631) at <1519> Caesarea <2542>, and gone up <0305> (5631), and <2532> saluted <0782> (5666) the church <1577>, he went {down} <2597> (5627) to <1519> Antioch <0490>.

down ^ 44_ACT_19_35 And <1161> when the townclerk <1122> had appeased <2687> (5660) the people <3793>, he said <5346> (5748), Ye men <0435> of Ephesus <2180>, what <5101> <1063> man <0444> is there <2076> (5748) that <3739> knoweth <1097> (5719) not <3756> how that the city <4172> of the Ephesians <2180> is <5607> (5752) a worshipper <3511> of the great <3173> goddess <2299> Diana <0735>, and <2532> of the image which fell {down} from Jupiter <1356>?

down ^ 44_ACT_20_09 And <1161> there sat <2521> (5740) in <1909> a window <2376> a certain <5100> young man <3494> named <3686> Eutychus <2161>, being fallen <2702> (5746) into a deep <0901> sleep <5258>: and as Paul <3972> was long <1909> <4119> preaching <1256> (5740), he sunk down <2702> (5685) with <0575> sleep <5258>, and fell {down} <2736> <4098> (5627) from <0575> the third loft <5152>, and <2532> was taken up <0142> (5681) dead <3498>.

down ^ 44_ACT_20_09 And <1161> there sat <2521> (5740) in <1909> a window <2376> a certain <5100> young man <3494> named <3686> Eutychus <2161>, being fallen <2702> (5746) into a deep <0901> sleep <5258>: and as Paul <3972> was long <1909> <4119> preaching <1256> (5740), he sunk {down} <2702> (5685) with <0575> sleep <5258>, and fell down <2736> <4098> (5627) from <0575> the third loft <5152>, and <2532> was taken up <0142> (5681) dead <3498>.

down ^ 44_ACT_20_10 And <1161> Paul <3972> went {down} <2597> (5631), and fell on <1968> (5627) him <0846>, and <2532> embracing <4843> (5631) him said <2036> (5627), Trouble <2350> <0> not <3361> yourselves <2350> (5744); for <1063> his <0846> life <5590> is <2076> (5748) in <1722> him <0846>.

down ^ 44_ACT_20_36 And <2532> when he had thus <5023> spoken <2036> (5631), he <0846> kneeled <1119> {down} <5087> (5631), and prayed <4336> (5662) with <4862> them <0846> all <3956>.

down ^ 44_ACT_21_05 And <1161> when <3753> we <2248> had <1096> (5633) accomplished <1822> (5658) those days <2250>, we departed <1831> (5631) and went our way <4198> (5711); and they all <3956> brought <4311> <0> us <2248> on our way <4311> (5723), with <4862> wives <1135> and <2532> children <5043>, till <2193> we were out of <1854> the city <4172>: and <2532> we kneeled {down} <5087> (5631) <1119> on <1909> the shore <0123>, and prayed <4336> (5662).

down ^ 44_ACT_21_10 And <1161> as we <2257> tarried <1961> (5723) there many <4119> days <2250>, there came {down} <2718> (5627) from <0575> Judaea <2449> a certain <5100> prophet <4396>, named <3686> Agabus <0013>.

down ^ 44_ACT_21_32 Who <3739> immediately <1824> took <3880> (5631) soldiers <4757> and <2532> centurions <1543>, and ran {down} <2701> (5627) unto <1909> them <0846>: and <1161> when they saw <1492> (5631) the chief captain <5506> and <2532> the soldiers <4757>, they left <3973> (5668) beating <5180> (5723) of Paul <3972>.

down ^ 44_ACT_22_30 <1161> On the morrow <1887>, because he would <1014> (5740) have known <1097> (5629) the certainty <0804> wherefore <5101> he was accused <2723> (5743) of <3844> the Jews <2453>, he loosed <3089> (5656) him <0846> from <0575> his bands <1199>, and <2532> commanded <2753> (5656) the chief priests <0749> and <2532> all <3650> their <0846> council <4892> to appear <2064> (5629), and <2532> brought <2609> <0> Paul <3972> {down} <2609> (5631), and set him <2476> (5656) before <1519> them <0846>.

down ^ 44_ACT_23_10 And <1161> when there arose <1096> (5637) a great <4183> dissension <4714>, the chief captain <5506>, fearing <2125> (5685) lest <3361> Paul <3972> should have been pulled in pieces <1288> (5686) of <5259> them <0846>, commanded <2753> (5656) the soldiers <4753> to go {down} <2597> (5631), and to take <0726> <0> him <0846> by force <0726> (5658) from <1537> among <3319> them <0846>, and <5037> to bring <0071> (5721) him into <1519> the castle <3925>.

down ^ 44_ACT_23_15 Now <3568> therefore <3767> ye <5210> with <4862> the council <4892> signify <1718> (5657) to the chief captain <5506> that <3704> he bring <2609> <0> him <0846> {down} <2609> (5632) unto <4314> you <5209> to morrow <0839>, as <5613> though ye would <3195> (5723) enquire <1231> (5721) something more perfectly <0197> concerning <4012> him <0846>: and <1161> we <2249>, or ever <4253> he <0846> come near <1448> (5658), are <2070> (5748) ready <2092> to kill <0337> (5629) him <0846>.

down ^ 44_ACT_23_20 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), <3754> The Jews <2453> have agreed <4934> (5639) to desire <2065> (5658) thee <4571> that <3704> thou wouldest bring {down} <2609> (5632) Paul <3972> to morrow <0839> into <1519> the council <4892>, as <5613> though they would <3195> (5723) enquire <4441> (5738) somewhat <5100> of <4012> him <0846> more perfectly <0197>.

down ^ 44_ACT_24_22 And <1161> when Felix <5344> heard <0191> (5660) these things <5023>, having more perfect <0197> knowledge <1492> (5761) of <4012> that way <3598>, he deferred <0306> (5639) them <0846>, and said <2036> (5631), When <3752> Lysias <3079> the chief captain <5506> shall come {down} <2597> (5632), I will know the uttermost <1231> (5695) of your <5209> matter <2596>.

down ^ 44_ACT_25_05 Let them therefore <3767>, said <5346> (5748) he, which among <1722> you <5213> are able <1415>, go {down} with <4782> (5631) me, and accuse <2723> (5720) this <0846> man <0435>, if <1536> <0> there be <2076> (5748) any wickedness <1536> in <1722> him <5129>.

down ^ 44_ACT_25_06 And <1161> when he had tarried <1304> (5660) among <1722> them <0846> more <4119> than <2228> ten <1176> days <2250>, he went {down} <2597> (5631) unto <1519> Caesarea <2542>; and the next day <1887> sitting <2523> (5660) on <1909> the judgment seat <0968> commanded <2753> (5656) Paul <3972> to be brought <0071> (5683).

down ^ 44_ACT_25_07 And <1161> when he <0846> was come <3854> (5637), the Jews <2453> which came {down} <2597> (5761) from <0575> Jerusalem <2414> stood round about <4026> (5627), and <2532> laid <5342> (5723) many <4183> and grievous <0926> complaints <0157> against <2596> Paul <3972>, which <3739> they could <2480> (5707) not <3756> prove <0584> (5658).

down ^ 44_ACT_27_27 But <1161> when <5613> the fourteenth <5065> night <3571> was come <1096> (5633), as we <2257> were driven up and {down} <1308> (5746) in <1722> Adria <0099>, about <2596> midnight <3319> <3571> the shipmen <3492> deemed <5282> (5707) that they <0846> drew near <4317> (5721) to some <5100> country <5561>;

down ^ 44_ACT_27_30 And <1161> as the shipmen <3492> were about <2212> (5723) to flee <5343> (5629) out of <1537> the ship <4143>, when <2532> they had let {down} <5465> (5660) the boat <4627> into <1519> the sea <2281>, under colour <4392> as though <5613> they would <3195> (5723) have cast <1614> (5721) anchors <0045> out of <1537> the foreship <4408>,

down ^ 44_ACT_28_06 Howbeit <1161> they looked <4328> (5707) when he <0846> should <3195> (5721) have swollen <4092> (5745), or <2228> fallen {down} <2667> (5721) dead <3498> suddenly <0869>: but <1161> after they <0846> had looked <4328> (5723) a great while <1909> <4183>, and <2532> saw <2334> (5723) no <3367> harm <0824> come <1096> (5740) to <1519> him <0846>, they changed their minds <3328> (5734), and said <3004> (5707) that he <0846> was <1511> (5750) a god <2316>.

down ^ 49_EPH_02_14 For <1063> he <0846> is <2076> (5748) our <2257> peace <1515>, who <3588> hath made <4160> (5660) both <0297> one <1520>, and <2532> hath broken {down} <3089> (5660) the middle wall <3320> of partition <5418> between us;

down ^ 49_EPH_04_26 Be ye angry <3710> (5744), and <2532> sin <0264> (5720) not <3361>: let <1931> <0> not <3361> the sun <2246> go {down} <1931> (5720) upon <1909> your <5216> wrath <3950>:

down ^ 58_HEB_01_03 Who <3739> being <5607> (5752) the brightness <0541> of his glory <1391>, and <2532> the express image <5481> of his <0846> person <5287>, and <5037> upholding <5342> (5723) all things <3956> by the word <4487> of his <0846> power <1411>, when he had <4160> <0> <2512> <0> by <1223> himself <1438> purged <4160> (5671) <2512> our <2257> sins <0266>, sat {down} <2523> (5656) on <1722> the right hand <1188> of the Majesty <3172> on <1722> high <5308>;

down ^ 58_HEB_10_12 But <1161> this man <0846>, after he had offered <4374> (5660) one <3391> sacrifice <2378> for <5228> sins <0266> for <1519> ever <1336>, sat {down} <2523> (5656) on <1722> the right hand <1188> of God <2316>;

down ^ 58_HEB_11_30 By faith <4102> the walls <5038> of Jericho <2410> fell {down} <4098> (5627), after they were compassed <2944> (5685) about <1909> seven <2033> days <2250>.

down ^ 58_HEB_12_02 Looking <0872> (5723) unto <1519> Jesus <2424> the author <0747> and <2532> finisher <5051> of our faith <4102>; who <3739> for <0473> the joy <5479> that was set before <4295> (5740) him <0846> endured <5278> (5656) the cross <4716>, despising <2706> (5660) the shame <0152>, and <5037> is set {down} <2523> (5656) at <1722> the right hand <1188> of the throne <2362> of God <2316>.

down ^ 58_HEB_12_12 Wherefore <1352> lift up <0461> (5657) the hands <5495> which hang {down} <3935> (5772), and <2532> the feeble <3886> (5772) knees <1119>;

down ^ 59_JAM_01_17 Every <3956> good <0018> gift <1394> and <2532> every <3956> perfect <5046> gift <1434> is <2076> (5748) from above <0509>, and cometh {down} <2597> (5723) from <0575> the Father <3962> of lights <5457>, with <3844> whom <3739> is <1762> (5748) no <3756> variableness <3883>, neither <2228> shadow <0644> of turning <5157>.

down ^ 59_JAM_05_04 Behold <2400> (5628), the hire <3408> of the labourers <2040> who <3588> have reaped {down} <0270> (5660) your <5216> fields <5561>, which <3588> is of <0575> you <5216> kept back by fraud <0650> (5772), crieth <2896> (5719): and <2532> the cries <0995> of them which have reaped <2325> (5660) are entered <1525> (5754) into <1519> the ears <3775> of the Lord <2962> of sabaoth <4519>.

down ^ 43_JOH_02_12 After <3326> this <5124> he went {down} <2597> (5627) to <1519> Capernaum <2584>, he <0846>, and <2532> his <0846> mother <3384>, and <2532> his <0846> brethren <0080>, and <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101>: and <2532> they continued <3306> (5656) there <1563> not <3756> many <4183> days <2250>.

down ^ 43_JOH_03_13 And <2532> no man <3762> hath ascended up <0305> (5758) to <1519> heaven <3772>, but <1508> he that came {down} <2597> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>, even the Son <5207> of man <0444> which <3588> is <5607> (5752) in <1722> heaven <3772>.

down ^ 43_JOH_04_47 When he <3778> heard <0191> (5660) that <3754> Jesus <2424> was come <2240> (5719) out of <1537> Judaea <2449> into <1519> Galilee <1056>, he went <0565> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, and <2532> besought <2065> (5707) him <0846> that <2443> he would come {down} <2597> (5632), and <2532> heal <2390> (5667) his <0846> son <5207>: for <1063> he was at the point <3195> (5707) of death <0599> (5721).

down ^ 43_JOH_04_49 The nobleman <0937> saith <3004> (5719) unto <4314> him <0846>, Sir <2962>, come {down} <2597> (5628) ere <4250> my <3450> child <3813> die <0599> (5629).

down ^ 43_JOH_04_51 And <1161> as he <0846> was now <2235> going {down} <2597> (5723), his <0846> servants <1401> met <0528> (5656) him <0846>, and <2532> told <0518> (5656) him, saying <3004> (5723), <3754> Thy <4675> son <3816> liveth <2198> (5719).

down ^ 43_JOH_05_04 For <1063> an angel <0032> went {down} <2597> (5707) at <2596> a certain season <2540> into <1722> the pool <2861>, and <2532> troubled <5015> (5707) the water <5204>: whosoever then <3767> first <4413> after <3326> the troubling <5016> of the water <5204> stepped in <1684> (5631) was made <1096> (5711) whole <5199> of <3739> whatsoever <1221> disease <3553> he had <2722> (5712).

down ^ 43_JOH_05_07 The impotent man <0770> (5723) answered <0611> (5662) him <0846>, Sir <2962>, I have <2192> (5719) no <3756> man <0444>, when <3752> the water <5204> is troubled <5015> (5686), to <2443> put <0906> (5725) me <3165> into <1519> the pool <2861>: but <1161> while <1722> <3739> I <1473> am coming <2064> (5736), another <0243> steppeth {down} <2597> (5719) before <4253> me <1700>.

down ^ 43_JOH_06_10 And <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627), Make <4160> (5657) the men <0444> sit down <0377> (5629). Now <1161> there was <2258> (5713) much <4183> grass <5528> in <1722> the place <5117>. So <3767> the men <0435> sat {down} <0377> (5627), in number <0706> about <5616> five thousand <4>.

down ^ 43_JOH_06_10 And <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627), Make <4160> (5657) the men <0444> sit {down} <0377> (5629). Now <1161> there was <2258> (5713) much <4183> grass <5528> in <1722> the place <5117>. So <3767> the men <0435> sat down <0377> (5627), in number <0706> about <5616> five thousand <4>.

down ^ 43_JOH_06_11 And <1161> Jesus <2424> took <2983> (5627) the loaves <0740>; and <2532> when he had given thanks <2168> (5660), he distributed <1239> (5656) to the disciples <3101>, and <1161> the disciples <3101> to them that were set {down} <0345> (5740); and <2532> likewise <3668> of <1537> the fishes <3795> as much as <3745> they would <2309> (5707).

down ^ 43_JOH_06_16 And <1161> when <5613> even <3798> was now come <1096> (5633), his <0846> disciples <3101> went {down} <2597> (5627) unto <1909> the sea <2281>,

down ^ 43_JOH_06_33 For <1063> the bread <0740> of God <2316> is he <2076> (5748) which <3588> cometh {down} <2597> (5723) from <1537> heaven <3772>, and <2532> giveth <1325> (5723) life <2222> unto the world <2889>.

down ^ 43_JOH_06_38 For <3754> I came {down} <2597> (5758) from <1537> heaven <3772>, not <3756> to <2443> do <4160> (5725) mine own <1699> will <2307>, but <0235> the will <2307> of him that sent <3992> (5660) me <3165>.

down ^ 43_JOH_06_41 The Jews <2453> then <3767> murmured <1111> (5707) at <4012> him <0846>, because <3754> he said <2036> (5627), I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the bread <0740> which <3588> came {down} <2597> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>.

down ^ 43_JOH_06_42 And <2532> they said <3004> (5707), Is <2076> (5748) not <3756> this <3778> Jesus <2424>, the son <5207> of Joseph <2501>, whose <3739> father <3962> and <2532> mother <3384> we <2249> know <1492> (5758)? how is it <4459> then <3767> that he <3778> saith <3004> (5719), <3754> I came {down} <2597> (5758) from <1537> heaven <3772>?

down ^ 43_JOH_06_50 This <3778> is <2076> (5748) the bread <0740> which <3588> cometh {down} <2597> (5723) from <1537> heaven <3772>, that <3363> <0> a man <5100> may eat <5315> (5632) thereof <1537> <0846>, and <2532> not <3363> die <0599> (5632).

down ^ 43_JOH_06_51 I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the living <2198> (5723) bread <0740> which <3588> came {down} <2597> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>: if <1437> any man <5100> eat <5315> (5632) of <1537> this <5127> bread <0740>, he shall live <2198> (5695) for <1519> ever <0165>: and <1161> <2532> the bread <0740> that <3739> I <1473> will give <1325> (5692) is <2076> (5748) my <3450> flesh <4561>, which <3739> I <1473> will give <1325> (5692) for <5228> the life <2222> of the world <2889>.

down ^ 43_JOH_06_58 This <3778> is <2076> (5748) that bread <0740> which <3588> came {down} <2597> (5631) from <1537> heaven <3772>: not <3756> as <2531> your <5216> fathers <3962> did eat <5315> (5627) manna <3131>, and <2532> are dead <0599> (5627): he that eateth <5176> (5723) of this <5126> bread <0740> shall live <2198> (5695) for <1519> ever <0165>.

down ^ 43_JOH_08_02 And <1161> early in the morning <3722> he came <3854> (5633) again <3825> into <1519> the temple <2411>, and <2532> all <3956> the people <2992> came <2064> (5711) unto <4314> him <0846>; and <2532> he sat {down} <2523> (5660), and taught <1321> (5707) them <0846>.

down ^ 43_JOH_08_06 <1161> This <5124> they said <3004> (5707), tempting <3985> (5723) him <0846>, that <2443> they might have <2192> (5725) to accuse <2723> (5721) him <0846>. But <1161> Jesus <2424> stooped <2955> (5660) {down} <2736>, and with his finger <1147> wrote <1125> (5707) on <1519> the ground <1093>, as though he heard <4364> (5740) them not <3361>.

down ^ 43_JOH_08_08 And <2532> again <3825> he stooped <2955> (5660) {down} <2736>, and wrote <1125> (5707) on <1519> the ground <1093>.

down ^ 43_JOH_10_15 As <2531> the Father <3962> knoweth <1097> (5719) me <3165>, even so <2504> <0> know <1097> (5719) I <2504> the Father <3962>: and <2532> I lay {down} <5087> (5719) my <3450> life <5590> for <5228> the sheep <4263>.

down ^ 43_JOH_10_17 Therefore <5124> <1223> doth <0025> <0> my Father <3962> love <0025> (5719) me <3165>, because <3754> I <1473> lay {down} <5087> (5719) my <3450> life <5590>, that <2443> I might take <2983> (5632) it <0846> again <3825>.

down ^ 43_JOH_10_18 No man <3762> taketh <0142> (5719) it <0846> from <0575> me <1700>, but <0235> I <1473> lay <5087> <0> it <0846> down <5087> (5719) of <0575> myself <1683>. I have <2192> (5719) power <1849> to lay <5087> <0> it <0846> {down} <5087> (5629), and <2532> I have <2192> (5719) power <1849> to take <2983> (5629) it <0846> again <3825>. This <5026> commandment <1785> have I received <2983> (5627) of <3844> my <3450> Father <3962>.

down ^ 43_JOH_10_18 No man <3762> taketh <0142> (5719) it <0846> from <0575> me <1700>, but <0235> I <1473> lay <5087> <0> it <0846> {down} <5087> (5719) of <0575> myself <1683>. I have <2192> (5719) power <1849> to lay <5087> <0> it <0846> down <5087> (5629), and <2532> I have <2192> (5719) power <1849> to take <2983> (5629) it <0846> again <3825>. This <5026> commandment <1785> have I received <2983> (5627) of <3844> my <3450> Father <3962>.

down ^ 43_JOH_11_32 Then <3767> when <5613> Mary <3137> was come <2064> (5627) where <3699> Jesus <2424> was <2258> (5713), and saw <1492> (5631) him <0846>, she fell {down} <4098> (5627) at <1519> his <0846> feet <4228>, saying <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, Lord <2962>, if <1487> thou hadst been <2258> (5713) here <5602>, my <3450> brother <0080> had <0302> not <3756> died <0599> (5627).

down ^ 43_JOH_13_12 So <3767> after <3753> he had washed <3538> (5656) their <0846> feet <4228>, and <2532> had taken <2983> (5627) his <0846> garments <2440>, and was set {down} <0377> (5631) again <3825>, he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Know ye <1097> (5719) (5720) what <5101> I have done <4160> (5758) to you <5213>?

down ^ 43_JOH_13_37 Peter <4074> said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Lord <2962>, why <1302> cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) I follow <0190> (5658) thee <4671> now <0737>? I will lay {down} <5087> (5692) my <3450> life <5590> for <5228> thy sake <4675>.

down ^ 43_JOH_13_38 Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5662) him <0846>, Wilt thou lay {down} <5087> (5692) thy <4675> life <5590> for <5228> my sake <1700>? Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto thee <4671>, The cock <0220> shall <5455> <0> not <3364> crow <5455> (5692), till <2193> <3739> thou hast denied <0533> (5695) me <3165> thrice <5151>.

down ^ 43_JOH_15_13 Greater <3187> <0> love <0026> hath <2192> (5719) no man <3762> than <3187> this <5026>, that <2443> a man <5100> lay {down} <5087> (5632) his <0846> life <5590> for <5228> his <0846> friends <5384>.

down ^ 43_JOH_19_13 When Pilate <4091> therefore <3767> heard <0191> (5660) that <5126> saying <3056>, he brought <0071> (5627) Jesus <2424> forth <1854>, and <2532> sat {down} <2523> (5656) in <1909> the judgment seat <0968> in <1519> a place <5117> that is called <3004> (5746) the Pavement <3038>, but <1161> in the Hebrew <1447>, Gabbatha <1042>.

down ^ 43_JOH_20_05 And <2532> he stooping {down} <3879> (5660), and looking in, saw <0991> (5719) the linen clothes <3608> lying <2749> (5740); yet <3305> went he <1525> <0> not <3756> in <1525> (5627).

down ^ 43_JOH_20_11 But <1161> Mary <3137> stood <2476> (5715) without <1854> at <4314> the sepulchre <3419> weeping <2799> (5723): and <3767> as <5613> she wept <2799> (5707), she stooped {down} <3879> (5656), and looked into <1519> the sepulchre <3419>,

down ^ 42_LUK_01_52 He hath put {down} <2507> (5627) the mighty <1413> from <0575> their seats <2362>, and <2532> exalted <5312> (5656) them of low degree <5011>.

down ^ 42_LUK_02_51 And <2532> he went {down} <2597> (5627) with <3326> them <0846>, and <2532> came <2064> (5627) to <1519> Nazareth <3478>, and <2532> was <2258> (5713) subject <5293> (5746) unto them <0846>: but <2532> his <0846> mother <3384> kept <1301> (5707) all <3956> these <5023> sayings <4487> in <1722> her <0846> heart <2588>.

down ^ 42_LUK_03_09 And <1161> now <2235> also <2532> the axe <0513> is laid <2749> (5736) unto <4314> the root <4491> of the trees <1186>: every <3956> tree <1186> therefore <3767> which bringeth <4160> <0> not <3361> forth <4160> (5723) good <2570> fruit <2590> is hewn {down} <1581> (5743), and <2532> cast <0906> (5743) into <1519> the fire <4442>.

down ^ 42_LUK_04_09 And <2532> he brought <0071> (5627) him <0846> to <1519> Jerusalem <2419>, and <2532> set <2476> (5656) him <0846> on <1909> a pinnacle <4419> of the temple <2411>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, If <1487> thou be <1488> (5748) the Son <5207> of God <2316>, cast <0906> (5628) thyself <4572> {down} <2736> from hence <1782>:

down ^ 42_LUK_04_20 And <2532> he closed <4428> (5660) the book <0975>, and he gave it again <0591> (5631) to the minister <5257>, and sat {down} <2523> (5656). And <2532> the eyes <3788> of all them <3956> that were <2258> (5713) in <1722> the synagogue <4864> were fastened <0816> (5723) on him <0846>.

down ^ 42_LUK_04_29 And <2532> rose up <0450> (5631), and thrust <1544> (5627) him <0846> out of <1854> the city <4172>, and <2532> led <0071> (5627) him <0846> unto <2193> the brow <3790> of the hill <3735> whereon <1909> <3739> their <0846> city <4172> was built <3618> (5718), that <1519> they might cast <2630> <0> him <0846> {down} headlong <2630> (5658).

down ^ 42_LUK_04_31 And <2532> came {down} <2718> (5627) to <1519> Capernaum <2584>, a city <4172> of Galilee <1056>, and <2532> taught <1321> (5723) them <0846> <2258> (5713) on <1722> the sabbath days <4521>.

down ^ 42_LUK_05_03 And <1161> he entered <1684> (5631) into <1519> one <1520> of the ships <4143>, which <3739> was <2258> (5713) Simon's <4613>, and prayed <2065> (5656) him <0846> that he would thrust out <1877> (5629) a little <3641> from <0575> the land <1093>. And <2532> he sat {down} <2523> (5660), and taught <1321> (5707) the people <3793> out of <1537> the ship <4143>.

down ^ 42_LUK_05_04 Now <1161> when <5613> he had left <3973> (5668) speaking <2980> (5723), he said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> Simon <4613>, Launch out <1877> (5628) into <1519> the deep <0899>, and <2532> let {down} <5465> (5657) your <5216> nets <1350> for <1519> a draught <0061>.

down ^ 42_LUK_05_05 And <2532> Simon <4613> answering <0611> (5679) said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Master <1988>, we have toiled <2872> (5660) all <3650> <1223> the night <3571>, and have taken <2983> (5627) nothing <3762>: nevertheless <1161> at <1909> thy <4675> word <4487> I will let {down} <5465> (5692) the net <1350>.

down ^ 42_LUK_05_08 When <1161> Simon <4613> Peter <4074> saw <1492> (5631) it, he fell {down} at <4363> (5627) Jesus <2424> knees <1119>, saying <3004> (5723), Depart <1831> (5628) from <0575> me <1700>; for <3754> I am <1510> (5748) a sinful <0268> man <0435>, O Lord <2962>.

down ^ 42_LUK_05_19 And <2532> when they could <2147> <0> not <3361> find <2147> (5631) by <1223> what <4169> way they might bring <1533> <0> him <0846> in <1533> (5632) because <1223> of the multitude <3793>, they went <0305> (5631) upon <1909> the housetop <1430>, and let <2524> <0> him <0846> {down} <2524> (5656) through <1223> the tiling <2766> with <4862> his couch <2826> into <1519> the midst <3319> before <1715> Jesus <2424>.

down ^ 42_LUK_05_29 And <2532> Levi <3018> made <4160> (5656) him <0846> a great <3173> feast <1403> in <1722> his own <0846> house <3614>: and <2532> there was <2258> (5713) a great <4183> company <3793> of publicans <5057> and <2532> of others <0243> that <3739> sat {down} <2258> (5713) <2621> (5740) with <3326> them <0846>.

down ^ 42_LUK_06_17 And <2532> he came {down} <2597> (5631) with <3326> them <0846>, and stood <2476> (5627) in <1909> the plain <3977> <5117>, and <2532> the company <3793> of his <0846> disciples <3101>, and <2532> a great <4183> multitude <4128> of people <2992> out of <0575> all <3956> Judaea <2449> and <2532> Jerusalem <2419>, and <2532> from the sea coast <3882> of Tyre <5184> and <2532> Sidon <4605>, which <3739> came <2064> (5627) to hear <0191> (5658) him <0846>, and <2532> to be healed <2390> (5683) of <0575> their <0846> diseases <3554>;

down ^ 42_LUK_06_38 Give <1325> (5720), and <2532> it shall be given <1325> (5701) unto you <5213>; good <2570> measure <3358>, pressed {down} <4085> (5772), and <2532> shaken together <4531> (5772), and <2532> running over <5240> (5746), shall men give <1325> (5692) into <1519> your <5216> bosom <2859>. For <1063> with the same <0846> measure <3358> that <3739> ye mete withal <3354> (5719) it shall be measured <0488> <0> to you <5213> again <0488> (5701).

down ^ 42_LUK_07_36 And <1161> one <5100> of the Pharisees <5330> desired <2065> (5707) him <0846> that <2443> he would eat <5315> (5632) with <3326> him <0846>. And <2532> he went <1525> (5631) into <1519> the Pharisee's <5330> house <3614>, and sat {down} to meat <0347> (5681).

down ^ 42_LUK_08_05 A sower <4687> (5723) went out <1831> (5627) to sow <4687> (5658) his <0846> seed <4703>: and <2532> as <1722> he <0846> sowed <4687> (5721), some <3739> <3303> fell <4098> (5627) by <3844> the way side <3598>; and <2532> it was trodden {down} <2662> (5681), and <2532> the fowls <4071> of the air <3772> devoured <2719> (5627) it <0846>.

down ^ 42_LUK_08_23 But <1161> as they <0846> sailed <4126> (5723) he fell asleep <0879> (5656): and <2532> there came {down} <2597> (5627) a storm <2978> of wind <0417> on <1519> the lake <3041>; and <2532> they were filled <4845> (5712) with water, and <2532> were in jeopardy <2793> (5707).

down ^ 42_LUK_08_28 When <1161> he saw <1492> (5631) Jesus <2424>, he cried out <0349> (5660), and <2532> fell {down} before <4363> (5627) him <0846>, and <2532> with a loud <3173> voice <5456> said <2036> (5627), What <5101> have I <1698> to do with <2532> thee <4671>, Jesus <2424>, thou Son <5207> of God <2316> most high <5310>? I beseech <1189> (5736) thee <4675>, torment <0928> (5661) me <3165> not <3361>.

down ^ 42_LUK_08_33 Then <1161> went <1831> (5631) the devils <1140> out of <0575> the man <0444>, and entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the swine <5519>: and <2532> the herd <0034> ran <3729> (5656) violently {down} <2596> a steep <2911> place into <1519> the lake <3041>, and <2532> were choked <0638> (5648).

down ^ 42_LUK_08_41 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), there came <2064> (5627) a man <0435> named <3739> <3686> Jairus <2383>, and <2532> he <0846> was <5225> (5707) a ruler <0758> of the synagogue <4864>: and <2532> he fell {down} <4098> (5631) at <3844> Jesus <2424> feet <4228>, and besought <3870> (5707) him <0846> that he would come <1525> (5629) into <1519> his <0846> house <3624>:

down ^ 42_LUK_08_47 And <1161> when the woman <1135> saw <1492> (5631) that <3754> she was <2990> <0> not <3756> hid <2990> (5627), she came <2064> (5627) trembling <5141> (5723), and <2532> falling {down} before <4363> (5631) him <0846>, she declared <0518> (5656) unto him <0846> before <1799> all <3956> the people <2992> for <1223> what <3739> cause <0156> she had touched <0680> (5662) him <0846>, and <2532> how <5613> she was healed <2390> (5681) immediately <3916>.

down ^ 42_LUK_09_14 For <1063> they were <2258> (5713) about <5616> five thousand <4> men <0435>. And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) to <4314> his <0846> disciples <3101>, Make <2625> <0> them <0846> sit {down} <2625> (5657) by <0303> fifties <4004> in a company <2828>.

down ^ 42_LUK_09_15 And <2532> they did <4160> (5656) so <3779>, and <2532> made <0347> <0> them all <0537> sit {down} <0347> (5656).

down ^ 42_LUK_09_37 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that on <1722> the next <1836> day <2250>, when they <0846> were come {down} <2718> (5631) from <0575> the hill <3735>, much <4183> people <3793> met <4876> (5656) him <0846>.

down ^ 42_LUK_09_42 And <1161> as he <0846> was <4334> <0> yet <2089> a coming <4334> (5740), the devil <1140> threw <4486> <0> him <0846> {down} <4486> (5656), and <2532> tare <4952> (5656) him. And <1161> Jesus <2424> rebuked <2008> (5656) the unclean <0169> spirit <4151>, and <2532> healed <2390> (5662) the child <3816>, and <2532> delivered <0591> <0> him <0846> again <0591> (5656) to his <0846> father <3962>.

down ^ 42_LUK_09_44 Let these <5128> sayings <3056> sink {down} <5087> (5640) into <1519> your <5210> <5216> ears <3775>: for <1063> the Son <5207> of man <0444> shall be <3195> (5719) delivered <3860> (5745) into <1519> the hands <5495> of men <0444>.

down ^ 42_LUK_09_54 And <1161> when his <0846> disciples <3101> James <2385> and <2532> John <2491> saw <1492> (5631) this, they said <2036> (5627), Lord <2962>, wilt thou <2309> (5719) that we command <2036> (5632) fire <4442> to come {down} <2597> (5629) from <0575> heaven <3772>, and <2532> consume <0355> (5658) them <0846>, even <2532> as <5613> Elias <2243> did <4160> (5656)?

down ^ 42_LUK_10_15 And <2532> thou <4771>, Capernaum <2584>, which <3588> art exalted <5312> (5685) to <2193> heaven <3772>, shalt be thrust {down} <2601> (5701) to <2193> hell <0086>.

down ^ 42_LUK_10_30 And <1161> Jesus <2424> answering <5274> (5631) said <2036> (5627), A certain <5100> man <0444> went {down} <2597> (5707) from <0575> Jerusalem <2419> to <1519> Jericho <2410>, and <2532> fell among <4045> (5627) thieves <3027>, which <3739> <2532> stripped <1562> <0> him <0846> of his raiment <1562> (5660), and <2532> wounded <4127> <2007> (5631) him, and departed <0565> (5627), leaving <0863> (5631) him half dead <2253> <5177> (5723).

down ^ 42_LUK_10_31 And <1161> by <2596> chance <4795> there came {down} <2597> (5707) a certain <5100> priest <2409> that <1722> <1565> way <3598>: and <2532> when he saw <1492> (5631) him <0846>, he passed by on the other side <0492> (5627).

down ^ 42_LUK_11_37 And <1161> as <1722> he spake <2980> (5658), a certain <5100> Pharisee <5330> besought <2065> (5707) him <0846> to <3704> dine <0709> (5661) with <3844> him <0846>: and <1161> he went in <1525> (5631), and sat {down} to meat <0377> (5627).

down ^ 42_LUK_12_18 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627), This <5124> will I do <4160> (5692): I will pull {down} <2507> (5692) my <3450> barns <0596>, and <2532> build <3618> (5692) greater <3187>; and <2532> there <1563> will I bestow <4863> (5692) all <3956> my <3450> fruits <1081> and <2532> my <3450> goods <0018>.

down ^ 42_LUK_12_37 Blessed <3107> are those <1565> servants <1401>, whom <3739> the lord <2962> when he cometh <2064> (5631) shall find <2147> (5692) watching <1127> (5723): verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, that <3754> he shall gird himself <4024> (5698), and <2532> make <0347> <0> them <0846> to sit {down} to meat <0347> (5692), and <2532> will come forth <3928> (5631) and serve <1247> (5692) them <0846>.

down ^ 42_LUK_13_07 Then <1161> said he <2036> (5627) unto <4314> the dresser of his vineyard <0289>, Behold <2400> (5628), these three <5140> years <2094> I come <2064> (5736) seeking <2212> (5723) fruit <2590> on <1722> this <5026> fig tree <4808>, and <2532> find <2147> (5719) none <3756>: cut <1581> <0> it <0846> {down} <1581> (5657); why <2444> <2532> cumbereth <2673> (5719) it <0846> the ground <1093>?

down ^ 42_LUK_13_09 And if <2579> <3303> it bear <4160> (5661) fruit <2590>, well: and if not <1490>, then after that <1519> <3195> (5723) thou shalt cut <1581> <0> it <0846> {down} <1581> (5692).

down ^ 42_LUK_13_29 And <2532> they shall come <2240> (5692) from <0575> the east <0395>, and <2532> from the west <1424>, and <2532> from <0575> the north <1005>, and <2532> from the south <3558>, and <2532> shall sit {down} <0347> (5701) in <1722> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>.

down ^ 42_LUK_14_08 When <3752> thou art bidden <2564> (5686) of <5259> any <5100> man to <1519> a wedding <1062>, sit <2625> <0> not <3361> {down} <2625> (5686) in <1519> the highest room <4411>; lest <3379> a more honourable man <1784> than thou <4675> be <5600> (5753) bidden <2564> (5772) of <5259> him <0846>;

down ^ 42_LUK_14_10 But <0235> when <3752> thou art bidden <2564> (5686), go <4198> (5679) and sit {down} <0377> (5657) in <1519> the lowest <2078> room <5117>; that <2443> when <3752> he that bade <2564> (5761) thee <4571> cometh <2064> (5632), he may say <2036> (5632) unto thee <4671>, Friend <5384>, go up <4320> (5628) higher <0511>: then <5119> shalt thou <4671> have <2071> (5704) worship <1391> in the presence <1799> of them that sit at meat <4873> (5740) with thee <4671>.

down ^ 42_LUK_14_28 For <1063> which <5101> of <1537> you <5216>, intending <2309> (5723) to build <3618> (5658) a tower <4444>, sitteth <2523> <0> not <3780> {down} <2523> (5660) first <4412>, and counteth <5585> (5719) the cost <1160>, whether <1487> he have <2192> (5719) sufficient to <4314> finish <0535> it?

down ^ 42_LUK_14_31 Or <2228> what <5101> king <0935>, going <4198> (5740) to make <4820> (5629) war <4171> against <1519> another <2087> king <0935>, sitteth <2523> <0> not <3780> {down} <2523> (5660) first <4412>, and consulteth <1011> (5736) whether <1487> he be <2076> (5748) able <1415> with <1722> ten <1176> thousand <5505> to meet <0528> (5658) him that cometh <2064> (5740) against <1909> him <0846> with <3326> twenty <1501> thousand <5505>?

down ^ 42_LUK_16_06 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), An hundred <1540> measures <0943> of oil <1637>. And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Take <1209> (5663) thy <4675> bill <1121>, and <2532> sit {down} <2523> (5660) quickly <5030>, and write <1125> (5657) fifty <4004>.

down ^ 42_LUK_17_07 But <1161> which <5101> of <1537> you <5216>, having <2192> (5723) a servant <1401> plowing <0722> (5723) or <2228> feeding cattle <4165> (5723), will say <2046> (5692) unto him <3739> by and by <2112>, when he is come <1525> (5631) from <1537> the field <0068>, Go <3928> (5631) and sit {down} to meat <0377> (5669)?

down ^ 42_LUK_17_16 And <2532> fell {down} <4098> (5627) on <1909> his face <4383> at <3844> his <0846> feet <4228>, giving <2168> <0> him <0846> thanks <2168> (5723): and <2532> he <0846> was <2258> (5713) a Samaritan <4541>.

down ^ 42_LUK_17_31 In <1722> that <1565> day <2250>, he which <3739> shall be <2071> (5704) upon <1909> the housetop <1430>, and <2532> his <0846> stuff <4632> in <1722> the house <3614>, let <2597> <0> him not <3361> come {down} <2597> (5628) to take <0142> <0> it <0846> away <0142> (5658): and <2532> he that is in <1722> the field <0068>, let him <1994> <0> likewise <3668> not <3361> return <1994> (5657) back <1519> <3694>.

down ^ 42_LUK_18_14 I tell <3004> (5719) you <5213>, this man <3778> went {down} <2597> (5627) to <1519> his <0846> house <3624> justified <1344> (5772) rather than <2228> the other <1565>: for <3754> every one <3956> that exalteth <5312> (5723) himself <1438> shall be abased <5013> (5701); and <1161> he that humbleth <5013> (5723) himself <1438> shall be exalted <5312> (5701).

down ^ 42_LUK_19_05 And <2532> when <5613> Jesus <2424> came <2064> (5627) to <1909> the place <5117>, he looked up <0308> (5660), and saw <1492> (5627) him <0846>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, Zacchaeus <2195>, make haste <4692> (5660), and come {down} <2597> (5628); for <1063> to day <4594> I <3165> must <1163> (5748) abide <3306> (5658) at <1722> thy <4675> house <3624>.

down ^ 42_LUK_19_06 And <2532> he made haste <4692> (5660), and came {down} <2597> (5627), and <2532> received <5264> (5662) him <0846> joyfully <5463> (5723).

down ^ 42_LUK_19_21 For <1063> I feared <5399> (5711) thee <4571>, because <3754> thou art <1488> (5748) an austere <0840> man <0444>: thou takest up <0142> (5719) that <3739> thou layedst <5087> <0> not <3756> {down} <5087> (5656), and <2532> reapest <2325> (5719) that <3739> thou didst <4687> <0> not <3756> sow <4687> (5656).

down ^ 42_LUK_19_22 And <1161> he saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Out of <1537> thine own <4675> mouth <4750> will I judge <2919> (5692) thee <4571>, thou wicked <4190> servant <1401>. Thou knewest <1492> (5715) that <3754> I <1473> was <1510> (5748) an austere <0840> man <0444>, taking up <0142> (5723) that <3739> I laid <5087> <0> not <3756> {down} <5087> (5656), and <2532> reaping <2325> (5723) that <3739> I did <4687> <0> not <3756> sow <4687> (5656):

down ^ 42_LUK_21_06 As for these things <5023> which <3739> ye behold <2334> (5719), the days <2250> will come <2064> (5695), in <1722> the which <3739> there shall <0863> <0> not <3756> be left <0863> (5701) one stone <3037> upon <1909> another <3037>, that <3739> shall <2647> <0> not <3756> be thrown {down} <2647> (5701).

down ^ 42_LUK_21_24 And <2532> they shall fall <4098> (5699) by the edge <4750> of the sword <3162>, and <2532> shall be led away captive <0163> (5701) into <1519> all <3956> nations <1484>: and <2532> Jerusalem <2419> shall be <2071> (5704) trodden {down} <3961> (5746) of <5259> the Gentiles <1484>, until <0891> the times <2540> of the Gentiles <1484> be fulfilled <4137> (5686).

down ^ 42_LUK_22_14 And <2532> when <3753> the hour <5610> was come <1096> (5633), he sat {down} <0377> (5627), and <2532> the twelve <1427> apostles <0652> with <4862> him <0846>.

down ^ 42_LUK_22_41 And <2532> he <0846> was withdrawn <0645> (5681) from <0575> them <0846> about <5616> a stone's <3037> cast <1>, and <2532> kneeled {down} <5087> (5631) <1119>, and prayed <4336> (5711),

down ^ 42_LUK_22_44 And <2532> being <1096> (5637) in <1722> an agony <0074> he prayed <4336> (5711) more earnestly <1617>: and <1161> his <0846> sweat <2402> was <1096> (5633) as it were <5616> great drops <2361> of blood <0129> falling {down} <2597> (5723) to <1909> the ground <1093>.

down ^ 42_LUK_22_55 And <1161> when they <0846> had kindled <0681> (5660) a fire <4442> in <1722> the midst <3319> of the hall <0833>, and <2532> were set down together <4776> (5660), Peter <4074> sat {down} <2521> (5711) among <3319> <1722> them <0846>.

down ^ 42_LUK_22_55 And <1161> when they <0846> had kindled <0681> (5660) a fire <4442> in <1722> the midst <3319> of the hall <0833>, and <2532> were set {down} together <4776> (5660), Peter <4074> sat down <2521> (5711) among <3319> <1722> them <0846>.

down ^ 42_LUK_23_53 And <2532> he took <2507> <0> it <0846> {down} <2507> (5631), and wrapped <1794> (5656) it <0846> in linen <4616>, and <2532> laid <5087> (5656) it <0846> in <1722> a sepulchre <3418> that was hewn in stone <2991>, wherein <3757> never <3756> man <3764> before <3762> was <2258> (5713) laid <2749> (5740).

down ^ 42_LUK_24_05 And <1161> as <1096> <0> they <0846> were <1096> (5637) afraid <1719>, and <2532> bowed {down} <2827> (5723) their faces <4383> to <1519> the earth <1093>, they said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Why <5101> seek ye <2212> (5719) the living <2198> (5723) among <3326> the dead <3498>?

down ^ 42_LUK_24_12 Then <1161> arose <0450> (5631) Peter <4074>, and ran <5143> (5627) unto <1909> the sepulchre <3419>; and <2532> stooping {down} <3879> (5660), he beheld <0991> (5719) the linen clothes <3608> laid <2749> (5740) by themselves <3441>, and <2532> departed <0565> (5627), wondering <2296> (5723) in <4314> himself <1438> at that which was come to pass <1096> (5756).

down ^ 41_MAR_01_07 And <2532> preached <2784> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), There cometh <2064> (5736) one mightier than <2478> I <3450> after <3694> me <3450>, the latchet <2438> of whose <3739> shoes <0846> <5266> I am <1510> (5748) not <3756> worthy <2425> to stoop {down} <2955> (5660) and unloose <3089> (5658).

down ^ 41_MAR_01_40 And <2532> there came <2064> (5736) a leper <3015> to <4314> him <0846>, beseeching <3870> (5723) him <0846>, and <2532> kneeling {down} <1120> (5723) to him <0846>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, <3754> If <1437> thou wilt <2309> (5725), thou canst <1410> (5736) make <2511> <0> me <3165> clean <2511> (5658).

down ^ 41_MAR_02_04 And <2532> when they could <1410> (5740) not <3361> come nigh <4331> (5658) unto him <0846> for <1223> the press <3793>, they uncovered <0648> (5656) the roof <4721> where <3699> he was <2258> (5713): and <2532> when they had broken it up <1846> (5660), they let {down} <5465> (5719) the bed <2895> wherein <1909> <3739> the sick of the palsy <3885> lay <2621> (5711).

down ^ 41_MAR_03_11 And <2532> unclean <0169> spirits <4151>, when <3752> they saw <2334> (5707) him <0846>, fell {down} before <4363> (5707) him <0846>, and <2532> cried <2896> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), <3754> Thou <4771> art <1488> (5748) the Son <5207> of God <2316>.

down ^ 41_MAR_03_22 And <2532> the scribes <1122> which <3588> came {down} <2597> (5631) from <0575> Jerusalem <2414> said <3004> (5707), <3754> He hath <2192> (5719) Beelzebub <0954>, <3754> and <2532> by <1722> the prince <0758> of the devils <1140> casteth he out <1544> (5719) devils <1140>.

down ^ 41_MAR_05_13 And <2532> forthwith <2112> Jesus <2424> gave <2010> <0> them <0846> leave <2010> (5656). And <2532> the unclean <0169> spirits <4151> went out <1831> (5631), and entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the swine <5519>: and <2532> the herd <0034> ran <3729> (5656) violently {down} <2596> a steep place <2911> into <1519> the sea <2281>, <1161> (they were <2258> (5713) about <5613> two thousand <1367>;) and <2532> were choked <4155> (5712) in <1722> the sea <2281>.

down ^ 41_MAR_05_33 But <1161> the woman <1135> fearing <5399> (5679) and <2532> trembling <5141> (5723), knowing <1492> (5761) what <3739> was done <1096> (5754) in <1909> her <0846>, came <2064> (5627) and <2532> fell {down} before <4363> (5627) him <0846>, and <2532> told <2036> (5627) him <0846> all <3956> the truth <0225>.

down ^ 41_MAR_06_39 And <2532> he commanded <2004> (5656) them <0846> to make <0347> <0> all <3956> sit {down} <0347> (5658) by companies <4849> <4849> upon <1909> the green <5515> grass <5528>.

down ^ 41_MAR_06_40 And <2532> they sat {down} <0377> (5627) in ranks <4237> <4237>, by <0303> hundreds <1540>, and <2532> by <0303> fifties <4004>.

down ^ 41_MAR_08_06 And <2532> he commanded <3853> (5656) the people <3793> to sit {down} <0377> (5629) on <1909> the ground <1093>: and <2532> he took <2983> (5631) the seven <2033> loaves <0740>, and gave thanks <2168> (5660), and brake <2806> (5656), and <2532> gave <1325> (5707) to his <0846> disciples <3101> to <2443> set before <3908> (5632) them; and <2532> they did set them before <3908> (5656) the people <3793>.

down ^ 41_MAR_09_09 And <1161> as they <0846> came {down} <2597> (5723) from <0575> the mountain <3735>, he charged <1291> (5668) them <0846> that <2443> they should tell <1334> (5667) no man <3367> what things <3739> they had seen <1492> (5627), till <1508> <3752> the Son <5207> of man <0444> were risen <0450> (5632) from <1537> the dead <3498>.

down ^ 41_MAR_09_35 And <2532> he sat {down} <2523> (5660), and called <5455> (5656) the twelve <1427>, and <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, If any man <1536> desire <2309> (5719) to be <1511> (5750) first <4413>, the same shall be <2071> (5704) last <2078> of all <3956>, and <2532> servant <1249> of all <3956>.

down ^ 41_MAR_11_08 And <1161> many <4183> spread <4766> (5656) their <0846> garments <2440> in <1519> the way <3598>: and <1161> others <0243> cut {down} <2875> (5707) branches <4746> off <1537> the trees <1186>, and <2532> strawed <4766> (5707) them in <1519> the way <3598>.

down ^ 41_MAR_13_02 And <2532> Jesus <2424> answering <0611> (5679) said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Seest thou <0991> (5719) these <5025> great <3173> buildings <3619>? there shall <0863> <0> not <3364> be left <0863> (5686) one stone <3037> upon <1909> another <3037>, that <3739> shall <2647> <0> not <3364> be thrown {down} <2647> (5686).

down ^ 41_MAR_13_15 And <1161> let him <2597> <0> that is on <1909> the housetop <1430> not <3361> go {down} <2597> (5628) into <1519> the house <3614>, neither <3366> enter <1525> (5628) therein, to take <0142> (5658) any thing <5100> out of <1537> his <0846> house <3614>:

down ^ 41_MAR_15_30 Save <4982> (5657) thyself <4572>, and <2532> come {down} <2597> (5628) from <0575> the cross <4716>.

down ^ 41_MAR_15_36 And <1161> one <1520> ran <5143> (5631) and <2532> filled <1072> <0> a spunge <4699> full <1072> (5660) of vinegar <3690>, and <5037> put it on <4060> (5631) a reed <2563>, and gave <4222> <0> him <0846> to drink <4222> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), Let alone <0863> (5628); let us see <1492> (5632) whether <1487> Elias <2243> will come <2064> (5736) to take <2507> <0> him <0846> {down} <2507> (5629).

down ^ 41_MAR_15_46 And <2532> he bought <0059> (5660) fine linen <4616>, and <2532> took him {down} <2507> (5631), and wrapped <1750> (5656) him <0846> in the linen <4616>, and <2532> laid <2698> (5656) him <0846> in <1722> a sepulchre <3419> which <3739> was <2258> (5713) hewn <2998> (5772) out of <1537> a rock <4073>, and <2532> rolled <4351> (5656) a stone <3037> unto <1909> the door <2374> of the sepulchre <3419>.

down ^ 40_MAT_02_11 And <2532> when they were come <2064> (5631) into <1519> the house <3614>, they saw <2147> (5627) (5625) <1492> (5627) the young child <3813> with <3326> Mary <3137> his <0846> mother <3384>, and <2532> fell {down} <4098> (5631), and worshipped <4352> (5656) him <0846>: and <2532> when they had opened <0455> (5660) their <0846> treasures <2344>, they presented <4374> (5656) unto him <0846> gifts <1435>; gold <5557>, and <2532> frankincense <3030>, and <2532> myrrh <4666>.

down ^ 40_MAT_03_10 And <1161> now <2235> also <2532> the axe <0513> is laid <2749> (5736) unto <4314> the root <4491> of the trees <1186>: therefore <3767> every <3956> tree <1186> which bringeth <4160> <0> not <3361> forth <4160> (5723) good <2570> fruit <2590> is hewn {down} <1581> (5743), and <2532> cast <0906> (5743) into <1519> the fire <4442>.

down ^ 40_MAT_04_06 And <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, If <1487> thou be <1488> (5748) the Son <5207> of God <2316>, cast <0906> (5628) thyself <4572> {down} <2736>: for <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), <3754> He shall give <1781> <0> his <0846> angels <0032> charge <1781> (5699) concerning <4012> thee <4675>: and <2532> in <1909> their hands <5495> they shall bear <0142> <0> thee <4571> up <0142> (5692), lest at any time <3379> thou dash <4350> (5661) thy <4675> foot <4228> against <4314> a stone <3037>.

down ^ 40_MAT_04_09 And <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, All <3956> these things <5023> will I give <1325> (5692) thee <4671>, if <1437> thou wilt fall {down} <4098> (5631) and worship <4352> (5661) me <3427>.

down ^ 40_MAT_07_19 Every <3956> tree <1186> that bringeth <4160> <0> not <3361> forth <4160> (5723) good <2570> fruit <2590> is hewn {down} <1581> (5743), and <2532> cast <0906> (5743) into <1519> the fire <4442>.

down ^ 40_MAT_08_01 When <1161> he <0846> was come {down} <2597> (5631) from <0575> the mountain <3735>, great <4183> multitudes <3793> followed <0190> (5656) him <0846>.

down ^ 40_MAT_08_11 And <1161> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> many <4183> shall come <2240> (5692) from <0575> the east <0395> and <2532> west <1424>, and <2532> shall sit {down} <0347> (5701) with <3326> Abraham <0011>, and <2532> Isaac <2464>, and <2532> Jacob <2384>, in <1722> the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772>.

down ^ 40_MAT_08_32 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Go <5217> (5720). And <1161> when they were come out <1831> (5631), they went <0565> (5627) into <1519> the herd <0034> of swine <5519>: and <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), the whole <3956> herd <0034> of swine <5519> ran violently <3729> (5656) {down} <2596> a steep place <2911> into <1519> the sea <2281>, and <2532> perished <0599> (5627) in <1722> the waters <5204>.

down ^ 40_MAT_09_10 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), as Jesus <2424> sat at meat <0345> (5740) in <1722> the house <3614>, <2532> behold <2400> (5628), many <4183> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268> came <2064> (5631) and sat {down} <4873> (5711) with him <0846> and <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101>.

down ^ 40_MAT_11_23 And <2532> thou <4771>, Capernaum <2584>, which <3588> art exalted <5312> (5685) unto <2193> heaven <3772>, shalt be brought {down} <2601> (5701) to <2193> hell <0086>: for <3754> if <1487> the mighty works <1411>, which <3588> have been done <1096> (5637) in <1722> thee <4671>, had been done <1096> (5633) in <1722> Sodom <4670>, it would have remained <0302> <3306> (5656) until <3360> this day <4594>.

down ^ 40_MAT_13_48 Which <3739>, when <3753> it was full <4137> (5681), they drew <0307> (5660) to <1909> shore <0123>, and <2532> sat {down} <2523> (5660), and gathered <4816> (5656) the good <2570> into <1519> vessels <0030>, but <1161> cast <0906> (5627) the bad <4550> away <1854>.

down ^ 40_MAT_14_19 And <2532> he commanded <2753> (5660) the multitude <3793> to sit {down} <0347> (5683) on <1909> the grass <5528>, and <2532> took <2983> (5631) the five <4002> loaves <0740>, and <2532> the two <1417> fishes <2486>, and looking up <0308> (5660) to <1519> heaven <3772>, he blessed <2127> (5656), and <2532> brake <2806> (5660), and gave <1325> (5656) the loaves <0740> to his disciples <3101>, and <1161> the disciples <3101> to the multitude <3793>.

down ^ 40_MAT_14_29 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), Come <2064> (5628). And <2532> when Peter <4074> was come {down} <2597> (5631) out of <0575> the ship <4143>, he walked <4043> (5656) on <1909> the water <5204>, to go <2064> (5629) to <4314> Jesus <2424>.

down ^ 40_MAT_15_29 And <2532> Jesus <2424> departed <3327> (5631) from thence <1564>, and came <2064> (5627) nigh unto <3844> the sea <2281> of Galilee <1056>; and <2532> went up <0305> (5631) into <1519> a mountain <3735>, and sat {down} <2521> (5711) there <1563>.

down ^ 40_MAT_15_30 And <2532> great <4183> multitudes <3793> came <4334> (5656) unto him <0846>, having <2192> (5723) with <3326> them those that were <1438> lame <5560>, blind <5185>, dumb <2974>, maimed <2948>, and <2532> many <4183> others <2087>, and <2532> cast <4496> <0> them <0846> {down} <4496> (5656) at <3844> Jesus <2424> feet <4228>; and <2532> he healed <2323> (5656) them <0846>:

down ^ 40_MAT_15_35 And <2532> he commanded <2753> (5656) the multitude <3793> to sit {down} <0377> (5629) on <1909> the ground <1093>.

down ^ 40_MAT_17_09 And <2532> as they <0846> came {down} <2597> (5723) from <0575> the mountain <3735>, Jesus <2424> charged <1781> (5662) them <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Tell <2036> (5632) the vision <3705> to no man <3367>, until <2193> <3739> the Son <5207> of man <0444> be risen again <0450> (5632) from <1537> the dead <3498>.

down ^ 40_MAT_17_14 And <2532> when they <0846> were come <2064> (5631) to <4314> the multitude <3793>, there came <4334> (5627) to him <0846> a certain man <0444>, kneeling {down} <1120> (5723) to him <0846>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5723),

down ^ 40_MAT_18_26 The servant <1401> therefore <3767> fell {down} <4098> (5631), and worshipped <4352> (5707) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, have patience <3114> (5657) with <1909> me <1698>, and <2532> I will pay <0591> (5692) thee <4671> all <3956>.

down ^ 40_MAT_18_29 And <3767> his <0846> fellowservant <4889> fell {down} <4098> (5631) at <1519> his <0846> feet <4228>, and besought <3870> (5707) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Have patience <3114> (5657) with <1909> me <1698>, and <2532> I will pay <0591> (5692) thee <4671> all <3956>.

down ^ 40_MAT_21_08 And <1161> a very great <4118> multitude <3793> spread <4766> (5656) their <1438> garments <2440> in <1722> the way <3598>; others <1161> <0243> cut {down} <2875> (5707) branches <2798> from <0575> the trees <1186>, and <2532> strawed <4766> (5707) them in <1722> the way <3598>.

down ^ 40_MAT_24_02 And <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, See ye <0991> (5719) not <3756> all <3956> these things <5023>? verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, There shall <0863> <0> not <3364> be left <0863> (5686) here <5602> one stone <3037> upon <1909> another <3037>, that <3739> shall <2647> <0> not <3364> be thrown {down} <2647> (5701).

down ^ 40_MAT_24_17 Let him which is on <1909> the housetop <1430> not <3361> come {down} <2597> (5720) to take <0142> (5658) any thing <5100> out of <1537> his <0846> house <3614>:

down ^ 40_MAT_26_20 Now <1161> when the even <3798> was come <1096> (5637), he sat {down} <0345> (5711) with <3326> the twelve <1427>.

down ^ 40_MAT_27_05 And <2532> he cast {down} <4496> (5660) the pieces of silver <0694> in <1722> the temple <3485>, and departed <0402> (5656), and <2532> went <0565> (5631) and hanged himself <0519> (5668).

down ^ 40_MAT_27_19 When <1161> he <0846> was set {down} <2521> (5740) on <1909> the judgment seat <0968>, his <0846> wife <1135> sent <0649> (5656) unto <4314> him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), <2532> Have thou <4671> nothing <3367> to do with that <1565> just man <1342>: for <1063> I have suffered <3958> (5627) many things <4183> this day <4594> in <2596> a dream <3677> because <1223> of him <0846>.

down ^ 40_MAT_27_36 And <2532> sitting {down} <2521> (5740) they watched <5083> (5707) him <0846> there <1563>;

down ^ 40_MAT_27_40 And <2532> saying <3004> (5723), Thou that destroyest <2647> (5723) the temple <3485>, and <2532> buildest <3618> (5723) it in <1722> three <5140> days <2250>, save <4982> (5657) thyself <4572>. If <1487> thou be <1488> (5748) the Son <5207> of God <2316>, come {down} <2597> (5628) from <0575> the cross <4716>.

down ^ 40_MAT_27_42 He saved <4982> (5656) others <0243>; himself <1438> he cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) save <4982> (5658). If <1487> he be <2076> (5748) the King <0935> of Israel <2474>, let him <2597> <0> now <3568> come {down} <2597> (5628) from <0575> the cross <4716>, and <2532> we will believe <4100> (5692) him <0846>.

down ^ 66_REV_01_13 And <2532> in <1722> the midst <3319> of the seven <2033> candlesticks <3087> one like <3664> unto the Son <5207> of man <0444>, clothed with a garment <1746> (5765) {down} to the foot <4158>, and <2532> girt <4024> (5772) about <4314> the paps <3149> with a golden <5552> girdle <2223>.

down ^ 66_REV_03_12 Him <0846> that overcometh <3528> (5723) will I make <4160> (5692) a pillar <4769> in <1722> the temple <3485> of my <3450> God <2316>, and <2532> he shall go <1831> (5632) no <3364> more <2089> out <1854>: and <2532> I will write <1125> (5692) upon <1909> him <0846> the name <3686> of my <3450> God <2316>, and <2532> the name <3686> of the city <4172> of my <3450> God <2316>, which is <3588> new <2537> Jerusalem <2419>, which <3588> cometh {down} <2597> (5723) (5625) <2597> (5719) out of <1537> heaven <3772> from <0575> my <3450> God <2316>: and <2532> I will write upon him my <3450> new <2537> name <3686>.

down ^ 66_REV_03_21 To him <0846> that overcometh <3528> (5723) will I grant <1325> (5692) to sit <2523> (5658) with <3326> me <1700> in <1722> my <3450> throne <2362>, even <2504> <0> as <5613> I also <2504> overcame <3528> (5656), and <2532> am set {down} <2523> (5656) with <3326> my <3450> Father <3962> in <1722> his <0846> throne <2362>.

down ^ 66_REV_04_10 The four <5064> and <2532> twenty <1501> elders <4245> fall {down} <4098> (5699) before <1799> him that sat <2521> (5740) on <1909> the throne <2362>, and <2532> worship <4352> (5719) him that liveth <2198> (5723) for <1519> ever <0165> and ever <0165>, and <2532> cast <0906> (5719) their <0846> crowns <4735> before <1799> the throne <2362>, saying <3004> (5723),

down ^ 66_REV_05_08 And <2532> when <3753> he had taken <2983> (5627) the book <0975>, the four <5064> beasts <2226> and <2532> four <5064> and twenty <1501> elders <4245> fell {down} <4098> (5627) before <1799> the Lamb <0721>, having <2192> (5723) every one of them <1538> harps <2788>, and <2532> golden <5552> vials <5357> full <1073> (5723) of odours <2368>, which <3739> are <1526> (5748) the prayers <4335> of saints <0040>.

down ^ 66_REV_05_14 And <2532> the four <5064> beasts <2226> said <3004> (5707), Amen <0281>. And <2532> the four <5064> and twenty <1501> elders <4245> fell {down} <4098> (5627) and <2532> worshipped <4352> (5656) him that liveth <2198> (5723) for <1519> ever <0165> and ever <0165>.

down ^ 66_REV_10_01 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) another <0243> mighty <2478> angel <0032> come {down} <2597> (5723) from <1537> heaven <3772>, clothed <4016> (5772) with a cloud <3507>: and <2532> a rainbow <2463> was upon <1909> his <0846> head <2776>, and <2532> his <0846> face <4383> was as it were <5613> the sun <2246>, and <2532> his <0846> feet <4228> as <5613> pillars <4769> of fire <4442>:

down ^ 66_REV_12_10 And <2532> I heard <0191> (5656) a loud <3173> voice <5456> saying <3004> (5723) in <1722> heaven <3772>, Now <0737> is come <1096> (5633) salvation <4991>, and <2532> strength <1411>, and <2532> the kingdom <0932> of our <2257> God <2316>, and <2532> the power <1849> of his <0846> Christ <5547>: for <3754> the accuser <2723> (5723) of our <2257> brethren <0080> is cast {down} <2598> (5681), which <3588> accused <2725> them <0846> before <1799> our <2257> God <2316> day <2250> and <2532> night <3571>.

down ^ 66_REV_12_12 Therefore <1223> <5124> rejoice <2165> (5744), ye heavens <3772>, and <2532> ye that dwell <4637> (5723) in <1722> them <0846>. Woe <3759> to the inhabiters <2730> (5723) of the earth <1093> and <2532> of the sea <2281>! for <3754> the devil <1228> is come {down} <2597> (5627) unto <4314> you <5209>, having <2192> (5723) great <3173> wrath <2372>, because he knoweth <1492> (5761) that <3754> he hath <2192> (5719) but a short <3641> time <2540>.

down ^ 66_REV_13_13 And <2532> he doeth <4160> (5719) great <3173> wonders <4592>, so <2532> that <2443> he maketh <4160> (5725) fire <4442> come {down} <2597> (5721) from <1537> heaven <3772> on <1519> the earth <1093> in the sight <1799> of men <0444>,

down ^ 66_REV_18_01 And <2532> after <3326> these things <5023> I saw <1492> (5627) another <0243> angel <0032> come {down} <2597> (5723) from <1537> heaven <3772>, having <2192> (5723) great <3173> power <1849>; and <2532> the earth <1093> was lightened <5461> (5681) with <1537> his <0846> glory <1391>.

down ^ 66_REV_18_21 And <2532> a <1520> mighty <2478> angel <0032> took up <0142> (5656) a stone <3037> like <5613> a great <3173> millstone <3458>, and <2532> cast <0906> (5627) it into <1519> the sea <2281>, saying <3004> (5723), Thus <3779> with violence <3731> shall <0906> <0> that great <3173> city <4172> Babylon <0897> be thrown {down} <0906> (5701), and <2532> shall be found <2147> (5686) no more <3364> at all <2089>.

down ^ 66_REV_19_04 And <2532> the four <5064> and <2532> twenty <1501> elders <4245> and <2532> the four <5064> beasts <2226> fell {down} <4098> (5627) and <2532> worshipped <4352> (5656) God <2316> that sat <2521> (5740) on <1909> the throne <2362>, saying <3004> (5723), Amen <0281>; Alleluia <0239>.

down ^ 66_REV_20_01 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) an angel <0032> come {down} <2597> (5723) from <1537> heaven <3772>, having <2192> (5723) the key <2807> of the bottomless pit <0012> and <2532> a great <3173> chain <0254> in <1909> his <0846> hand <5495>.

down ^ 66_REV_20_09 And <2532> they went up <0305> (5627) on <1909> the breadth <4114> of the earth <1093>, and <2532> compassed <2944> <0> the camp <3925> of the saints <0040> about <2944> (5656), and <2532> the beloved <0025> (5772) city <4172>: and <2532> fire <4442> came {down} <2597> (5627) from <0575> God <2316> out of <1537> heaven <3772>, and <2532> devoured <2719> (5627) them <0846>.

down ^ 66_REV_21_02 And <2532> I <1473> John <2491> saw <1492> (5627) the holy <0040> city <4172>, new <2537> Jerusalem <2419>, coming {down} <2597> (5723) from <0575> God <2316> out of <1537> heaven <3772>, prepared <2090> (5772) as <5613> a bride <3565> adorned <2885> (5772) for her <0846> husband <0435>.

down ^ 66_REV_22_08 And <2532> I <1473> John <2491> saw <0991> (5723) these things <5023>, and <2532> heard <0191> (5723) them. And <2532> when <3753> I had heard <0191> (5656) and <2532> seen <0991> (5656), I fell {down} <4098> (5627) to worship <4352> (5658) before <1715> the feet <4228> of the angel <0032> which <3588> shewed <1166> (5723) me <3427> these things <5023>.

down ^ 45_ROM_10_06 But <1161> the righteousness <1343> which is of <1537> faith <4102> speaketh <3004> (5719) on this wise <3779>, Say <2036> (5632) not <3361> in <1722> thine <4675> heart <2588>, Who <5101> shall ascend <0305> (5695) into <1519> heaven <3772>? (that is <5123> (5748), to bring <2609> <0> Christ <5547> {down} <2609> (5629) from above:)

down ^ 45_ROM_11_03 Lord <2962>, they have killed <0615> (5656) thy <4675> prophets <4396>, and <2532> digged {down} <2679> (5656) thine <4675> altars <2379>; and I <2504> am left <5275> (5681) alone <3441>, and <2532> they seek <2212> (5719) my <3450> life <5590>.

down ^ 45_ROM_11_10 Let <4654> <0> their <0846> eyes <3788> be darkened <4654> (5682), that they may <0991> <0> not <3361> see <0991> (5721), and <2532> bow {down} <4781> (5657) their <0846> back <3577> alway <1275>.

down ^ 45_ROM_16_04 Who <3748> have <5294> <0> for <5228> my <3450> life <5590> laid {down} <5294> (5656) their own <1438> necks <5137>: unto whom <3739> not <3756> only <3441> I <1473> give thanks <2168> (5719), but <0235> also <2532> all <3956> the churches <1577> of the Gentiles <1484>.