drank Gen_24_46 /^{drank /and she made the
camels drink also.

drank Num_20_11 /^{drank /and their beasts

drank Gen_43_34 /^{drank /and were merry with

drank Dan_05_03 /^{drank /in them.

drank 2Sa_12_03 /^{drank /of his own cup , and
lay in his bosom , and was unto him as a daughter .

drank Mar_14_23 /${drank /of it .

drank 1Co_10_04 /${drank /of that spiritual
Rock that followed them : and that Rock was Christ .

drank 1Ki_17_06 /^{drank /of the brook .

drank Gen_09_21 /^{drank /of the wine , and
was drunken ; and he was uncovered within his tent .

drank Dan_01_05 /^{drank /so nourishing them
three years , that at the end thereof they might stand before
the king .

drank Deu_32_38 /^{drank /the wine of their
drink offerings ? let them rise up and help you, and be your
protection .

drank Dan_01_08 /^{drank /therefore he
requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile

drank Joh_04_12 /${drank /thereof himself ,
and his children , and his cattle ?

drank Luk_17_28 /${drank /they bought , they
sold , they planted , they builded ;

drank Luk_17_27 /${drank /they married wives ,
they were given in marriage , until the day that Noe entered
into the ark , and the flood came , and destroyed them all .

drank 1Ki_13_19 /^{drank /water .

drank Dan_05_04 /^{drank /wine , and praised
the gods of gold , and of silver , of brass , of iron , of wood ,
and of stone .

drank Dan_05_01 /^{drank /wine before the
thousand .
