drave 1Sa_30_20 /^{drave /before those other
cattle , and said , This is David's spoil .

drave 2Ki_17_21 /^{drave /Israel from following
the LORD , and made them sin a great sin .

drave Jos_16_10 /^{drave /not out the
Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer : but the Canaanites dwell among
the Ephraimites unto this day , and serve under tribute .

drave Act_07_45 /${drave /out before the face
of our fathers , unto the days of David ;

drave 027 018 Jos /^{drave /out from before us
all the people , even the Amorites which dwelt in the land :
therefore will we also serve the LORD ; for he is our God .

drave Jud_01_19 /^{drave /out the inhabitants
of the mountain ; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the
valley , because they had chariots of iron .

drave 1Ch_13_07 /^{drave /the cart .

drave 2Ki_16_06 /^{drave /the Jews from Elath :
and the Syrians came to Elath , and dwelt there unto this day .

drave 2Sa_06_03 /^{drave /the new cart .

drave Act_18_16 /${drave /them from the
judgment seat .

drave Exo_14_25 /^{drave /them heavily : so
that the Egyptians said , Let us flee from the face of Israel ;
for the LORD fighteth for them against the Egyptians .

drave Jud_06_09 /^{drave /them out from before
you, and gave you their land ;

drave 027 012 Jos /^{drave /them out from
before you, even the two kings of the Amorites ; but not with
thy sword , nor with thy bow .
