Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

away 3002 ## yabesh {yaw-bashe'}; from 3001; dry: -- dried ({away}), dry.

bunch 6778 ## tsammuwq {tsam-mook'}; from 6784; a cake of dried grapes: -- {bunch} (cluster) of raisins.

cluster 6778 ## tsammuwq {tsam-mook'}; from 6784; a cake of dried grapes: -- bunch ({cluster}) of raisins.

dried 3002 ## yabesh {yaw-bashe'}; from 3001; dry: -- {dried} (away), dry.

dried 6704 ## tsicheh {tsee-kheh'}; from an unused root meaning to glow; parched: -- {dried} up.

dried 7033 ## qalah {kaw-law'}; a primitive root [rather identical with 7034 through the idea of shrinkage by heat]; to toast, i.e. scorch partially or slowly: -- {dried}, loathsome, parch, roast.

dry 3002 ## yabesh {yaw-bashe'}; from 3001; dry: -- dried (away), {dry}.

of 6778 ## tsammuwq {tsam-mook'}; from 6784; a cake of dried grapes: -- bunch (cluster) {of} raisins.

raisins 6778 ## tsammuwq {tsam-mook'}; from 6784; a cake of dried grapes: -- bunch (cluster) of {raisins}.

up 6704 ## tsicheh {tsee-kheh'}; from an unused root meaning to glow; parched: -- dried {up}.