Drive 2Ki_04_24 /^{Drive /and go forward ;
slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee.

drive Job_24_03 /^{drive /away the ass of the
fatherless , they take the widow's ox for a pledge .

drive Joe_02_20 /^{drive /him into a land
barren and desolate , with his face toward the east sea , and
his hinder part toward the utmost sea , and his stink shall come
up , and his ill savour shall come up , because he hath done
great things .

drive Job_18_11 /^{drive /him to his feet .

drive Pro_22_15 /^{drive /it far from him.

drive Num_33_52 /^{drive /out all the
inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their
pictures , and destroy all their molten images , and quite pluck
down all their high places :

drive Deu_11_23 /^{drive /out all these
nations from before you, and ye shall possess greater nations
and mightier than yourselves.

drive Jud_02_21 /^{drive /out any from before
them of the nations which Joshua left when he died :

drive Jos_23_13 /^{drive /out any of these
nations from before you; but they shall be snares and traps unto
you, and scourges in your sides , and thorns in your eyes ,
until ye perish from off this good land which the LORD your God
hath given you.

drive Zep_02_04 /^{drive /out Ashdod at the
noon day , and Ekron shall be rooted up .

drive Exo_34_11 /^{drive /out before thee the
Amorite , and the Canaanite , and the Hittite , and the
Perizzite , and the Hivite , and the Jebusite .

drive Jos_13_06 /^{drive /out from before the
children of Israel : only divide thou it by lot unto the
Israelites for an inheritance , as I have commanded thee.

drive Jud_11_24 /^{drive /out from before us,
them will we possess .

drive Jos_03_10 /^{drive /out from before you
the Canaanites , and the Hittites , and the Hivites , and the
Perizzites , and the Girgashites , and the Amorites , and the
Jebusites .

drive Deu_04_38 /^{drive /out nations from
before thee greater and mightier than thou art, to bring thee in,
to give thee their land for an inheritance , as it is this day .

drive Exo_33_02 /^{drive /out the Canaanite ,
the Amorite , and the Hittite , and the Perizzite , the Hivite ,
and the Jebusite :

drive Jos_17_18 /^{drive /out the Canaanites ,
though they have iron chariots , and though they be strong .

drive Jud_01_29 /^{drive /out the Canaanites
that dwelt in Gezer ; but the Canaanites dwelt in Gezer among

drive Psa_44_02 /^{drive /out the heathen with
thy hand , and plantedst them; how thou didst afflict the people
, and cast them out .

drive Exo_23_28 /^{drive /out the Hivite , the
Canaanite , and the Hittite , from before thee.

drive Jud_01_31 /^{drive /out the inhabitants
of Accho , nor the inhabitants of Zidon , nor of Ahlab , nor of
Achzib , nor of Helbah , nor of Aphik , nor of Rehob :

drive Jud_01_27 /^{drive /out the inhabitants
of Bethshean and her towns , nor Taanach and her towns , nor the
inhabitants of Dor and her towns , nor the inhabitants of Ibleam
and her towns , nor the inhabitants of Megiddo and her towns :
but the Canaanites would dwell in that land .

drive Jud_01_33 /^{drive /out the inhabitants
of Bethshemesh , nor the inhabitants of Bethanath ; but he dwelt
among the Canaanites , the inhabitants of the land :
nevertheless the inhabitants of Bethshemesh and of Bethanath
became tributaries unto them.

drive Jud_01_30 /^{drive /out the inhabitants
of Kitron , nor the inhabitants of Nahalol ; but the Canaanites
dwelt among them, and became tributaries .

drive Num_33_55 /^{drive /out the inhabitants
of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that
those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes ,
and thorns in your sides , and shall vex you in the land wherein
ye dwell .

drive Jud_01_19 /^{drive /out the inhabitants
of the valley , because they had chariots of iron .

drive 2Ch_20_07 /^{drive /out the inhabitants
of this land before thy people Israel , and gavest it to the
seed of Abraham thy friend for ever ?

drive Jos_17_12 /^{drive /out the inhabitants
of those cities ; but the Canaanites would dwell in that land .

drive Jud_01_21 /^{drive /out the Jebusites
that inhabited Jerusalem ; but the Jebusites dwell with the
children of Benjamin in Jerusalem unto this day .

drive Dan_04_25 /^{drive /thee from men , and
thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field , and they
shall make thee to eat grass as oxen , and they shall wet thee
with the dew of heaven , and seven times shall pass over thee,
till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men ,
and giveth it to whomsoever he will .

drive Dan_04_32 /^{drive /thee from men , and
thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field : they shall
make thee to eat grass as oxen , and seven times shall pass over
thee, until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom
of men , and giveth it to whomsoever he will .

drive Isa_22_19 /^{drive /thee from thy
station , and from thy state shall he pull thee down .

drive Psa_68_02 /^{drive /them away : as wax
melteth before the fire , so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God .

drive Jos_23_05 /^{drive /them from out of
your sight ; and ye shall possess their land , as the LORD your
God hath promised unto you.

drive Deu_09_03 /^{drive /them out , and
destroy them quickly , as the LORD hath said unto thee.

drive Jos_14_12 /^{drive /them out , as the
LORD said .

drive Jos_17_13 /^{drive /them out .

drive Num_22_11 /^{drive /them out .

drive Jud_01_32 /^{drive /them out .

drive Jud_01_28 /^{drive /them out .

drive Jos_15_63 /^{drive /them out : but the
Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem unto
this day .

drive Exo_23_31 /^{drive /them out before thee.

drive Exo_23_29 /^{drive /them out from before
thee in one year ; lest the land become desolate , and the beast
of the field multiply against thee.

drive Deu_09_05 /^{drive /them out from before
thee, and that he may perform the word which the LORD sware unto
thy fathers , Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob .

drive Exo_23_30 /^{drive /them out from before
thee, until thou be increased , and inherit the land .

drive Deu_09_04 /^{drive /them out from before

drive Deu_18_12 /^{drive /them out from before

drive Jud_02_03 /^{drive /them out from before
you; but they shall be as thorns in your sides , and their gods
shall be a snare unto you.

drive Exo_06_01 /^{drive /them out of his land

drive Hos_09_15 /^{drive /them out of mine
house , I will love them no more : all their princes are
revolters .

drive Num_22_06 /^{drive /them out of the land
: for I wot that he whom thou blessest is blessed , and he whom
thou cursest is cursed .

drive Jer_46_15 /^{drive /them.

drive Eze_04_13 /^{drive /them.

drive Jer_24_09 /^{drive /them.

drive Jer_27_15 /^{drive /you out , and that
ye might perish , ye, and the prophets that prophesy unto you.

drive Jer_27_10 /^{drive /you out , and ye
should perish .

driven Jer_40_12 /^{driven /and came to the
land of Judah , to Gedaliah , unto Mizpah , and gathered wine
and summer fruits very much .

driven Isa_19_07 /^{driven /away , and be no

driven Eze_34_16 /^{driven /away , and will
bind up that which was broken , and will strengthen that which
was sick : but I will destroy the fat and the strong ; I will
feed them with judgment .

driven Eze_34_04 /^{driven /away , neither have
ye sought that which was lost ; but with force and with cruelty
have ye ruled them.

driven Exo_22_10 /^{driven /away , no man
seeing it:

driven Psa_68_02 /^{driven /away , so drive
them away : as wax melteth before the fire , so let the wicked
perish at the presence of God .

driven Pro_14_32 /^{driven /away in his
wickedness : but the righteous hath hope in his death .

driven Psa_114_03 /^{driven /back .

driven Psa_114_05 /^{driven /back ?

driven Psa_40_14 /^{driven /backward and put to
shame that wish me evil .

driven Job_30_05 /^{driven /forth from among
men, after them as after a thief ;

driven Job_18_18 /^{driven /from light into
darkness , and chased out of the world .

driven Dan_04_33 /^{driven /from men , and did
eat grass as oxen , and his body was wet with the dew of heaven ,
till his hairs were grown like eagles feathers, and his nails
like birds claws.

driven Dan_05_21 /^{driven /from the sons of
men ; and his heart was made like the beasts , and his dwelling
was with the wild asses : they fed him with grass like oxen ,
and his body was wet with the dew of heaven ; till he knew that
the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men , and that he
appointeth over it whomsoever he will .

driven Jer_50_17 /^{driven /him away : first
the king of Assyria hath devoured him; and last this
Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon hath broken his bones .

driven Eze_31_11 /^{driven /him out for his
wickedness .

driven 1Sa_26_19 /^{driven /me out this day
from abiding in the inheritance of the LORD , saying , Go ,
serve other gods .

driven Gen_04_14 /^{driven /me out this day
from the face of the earth ; and from thy face shall I be hid ;
and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth ; and it
shall come to pass , that every one that findeth me shall slay
me .

driven Jam_03_04 /${driven /of fierce winds ,
yet are they turned about with a very small helm , whithersoever
the governor listeth .

driven Luk_08_29 /${driven /of the devil into
the wilderness .

driven Jer_23_12 /^{driven /on , and fall
therein: for I will bring evil upon them, even the year of their
visitation , saith the LORD .

driven Mic_04_06 /^{driven /out , and her that
I have afflicted ;

driven Zep_03_19 /^{driven /out ; and I will
get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put
to shame .

driven Jer_49_05 /^{driven /out every man right
forth ; and none shall gather up him that wandereth .

driven Jos_23_09 /^{driven /out from before you
great nations and strong : but as for you, no man hath been able
to stand before you unto this day .

driven Exo_10_11 /^{driven /out from Pharaoh's
presence .

driven Num_32_21 /^{driven /out his enemies
from before him,

driven Deu_30_04 /^{driven /out unto the
outmost parts of heaven , from thence will the LORD thy God
gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee:

driven Job_06_13 /^{driven /quite from me?

driven Isa_41_02 /^{driven /stubble to his bow .

driven Deu_30_01 /^{driven /thee,

driven Jer_46_28 /^{driven /thee: but I will
not make a full end of thee, but correct thee in measure ; yet
will I not leave thee wholly unpunished .

driven Jer_23_02 /^{driven /them away , and
have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of
your doings , saith the LORD .

driven Jer_32_37 /^{driven /them in mine anger ,
and in my fury , and in great wrath ; and I will bring them
again unto this place , and I will cause them to dwell safely :

driven Jer_23_03 /^{driven /them, and will
bring them again to their folds ; and they shall be fruitful and
increase .

driven Dan_09_07 /^{driven /them, because of
their trespass that they have trespassed against thee.

driven Jer_08_03 /^{driven /them, saith the
LORD of hosts .

driven Jer_29_18 /^{driven /them:

driven Jer_16_15 /^{driven /them: and I will
bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers .

driven Jer_23_08 /^{driven /them; and they
shall dwell in their own land .

driven Job_13_25 /^{driven /to and fro ? and
wilt thou pursue the dry stubble ?

driven Isa_08_22 /^{driven /to darkness .

driven Jer_43_05 /^{driven /to dwell in the
land of Judah ;

driven Deu_04_19 /^{driven /to worship them,
and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all
nations under the whole heaven .

driven Act_27_27 /${driven /up and down in
Adria , about midnight the shipmen deemed that they drew near to
some country ;

driven Hos_13_03 /^{driven /with the whirlwind
out of the floor , and as the smoke out of the chimney .

driven Jam_01_06 /${driven /with the wind and
tossed .

driven Jer_29_14 /^{driven /you, saith the LORD
; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you
to be carried away captive .

driver 1Ki_22_34 /^{driver /of his chariot ,
Turn thine hand , and carry me out of the host ; for I am
wounded .

driveth Psa_01_04 /^{driveth /away .

driveth Pro_25_23 /^{driveth /away rain : so
doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue .

driveth 2Ki_09_20 /^{driveth /furiously .

driveth Mar_01_12 /${driveth /him into the
wilderness .

overdrive Gen_33_13 /^{overdrive /them one day ,
all the flock will die .
