dust Ecc_03_20 /^{dust /again .

dust Job_10_09 /^{dust /again ?

dust Ecc_03_20 /^{dust /and all turn to dust
again .

dust Job_42_06 /^{dust /and ashes .

dust Job_30_19 /^{dust /and ashes .

dust Gen_18_27 /^{dust /and ashes :

dust Psa_78_27 /^{dust /and feathered fowls
like as the sand of the sea :

dust Zec_09_03 /^{dust /and fine gold as the
mire of the streets .

dust Deu_09_21 /^{dust /and I cast the dust
thereof into the brook that descended out of the mount .

dust 1Ki_18_38 /^{dust /and licked up the
water that was in the trench .

dust Psa_113_07 /^{dust /and lifteth the
needy out of the dunghill ;

dust 1Sa_02_08 /^{dust /and lifteth up the
beggar from the dunghill , to set them among princes , and to
make them inherit the throne of glory : for the pillars of the
earth are the LORD'S , and he hath set the world upon them.

dust 1Ki_16_02 /^{dust /and made thee prince
over my people Israel ; and thou hast walked in the way of
Jeroboam , and hast made my people Israel to sin , to provoke me
to anger with their sins ;

dust Job_27_16 /^{dust /and prepare raiment
as the clay ;

dust Hab_01_10 /^{dust /and take it.

dust Job_22_24 /^{dust /and the gold of Ophir
as the stones of the brooks .

dust Isa_29_05 /^{dust /and the multitude of
the terrible ones shall be as chaff that passeth away : yea, it
shall be at an instant suddenly .

dust Job_21_26 /^{dust /and the worms shall
cover them.

dust Zep_01_17 /^{dust /and their flesh as
the dung .

dust Job_07_21 /^{dust /and thou shalt seek
me in the morning , but I shall not be.

dust Isa_29_04 /^{dust /and thy voice shall
be, as of one that hath a familiar spirit , out of the ground ,
and thy speech shall whisper out of the dust .

dust Isa_52_02 /^{dust /arise , and sit down ,
O Jerusalem : loose thyself from the bands of thy neck , O
captive daughter of Zion .

dust Isa_05_24 /^{dust /because they have
cast away the law of the LORD of hosts , and despised the word
of the Holy One of Israel .

dust Psa_18_42 /^{dust /before the wind : I
did cast them out as the dirt in the streets .

dust 2Ki_13_07 /^{dust /by threshing .

dust Isa_02_10 /^{dust /for fear of the LORD ,
and for the glory of his majesty .

dust Isa_26_19 /^{dust /for thy dew is as the
dew of herbs , and the earth shall cast out the dead .

dust Deu_28_24 /^{dust /from heaven shall it
come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed .

dust Eze_26_04 /^{dust /from her, and make
her like the top of a rock .

dust Luk_09_05 /${dust /from your feet for a
testimony against them .

dust Job_38_38 /^{dust /groweth into hardness
, and the clods cleave fast together ?

dust Lam_03_29 /^{dust /if so be there may be
hope .

dust Exo_09_09 /^{dust /in all the land of
Egypt , and shall be a boil breaking forth with blains upon man ,
and upon beast , throughout all the land of Egypt .

dust Eze_26_12 /^{dust /in the midst of the
water .

dust Act_22_23 /${dust /into the air ,

dust Mic_07_17 /^{dust /like a serpent , they
shall move out of their holes like worms of the earth : they
shall be afraid of the LORD our God , and shall fear because of

dust Isa_34_07 /^{dust /made fat with fatness

dust Job_07_05 /^{dust /my skin is broken ,
and become loathsome .

dust Job_05_06 /^{dust /neither doth trouble
spring out of the ground ;

dust Isa_47_01 /^{dust /O virgin daughter of
Babylon , sit on the ground : there is no throne , O daughter of
the Chaldeans : for thou shalt no more be called tender and
delicate .

dust Psa_22_15 /^{dust /of death .

dust Job_28_06 /^{dust /of gold .

dust Nah_01_03 /^{dust /of his feet .

dust Num_23_10 /^{dust /of Jacob , and the
number of the fourth part of Israel ? Let me die the death of
the righteous , and let my last end be like his!

dust 1Ki_20_10 /^{dust /of Samaria shall
suffice for handfuls for all the people that follow me.

dust Isa_40_15 /^{dust /of the balance :
behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing .

dust Exo_08_17 /^{dust /of the earth , and it
became lice in man , and in beast ; all the dust of the land
became lice throughout all the land of Egypt .

dust Gen_28_14 /^{dust /of the earth , and
thou shalt spread abroad to the west , and to the east , and to
the north , and to the south : and in thee and in thy seed shall
all the families of the earth be blessed .

dust 2Sa_22_43 /^{dust /of the earth , I did
stamp them as the mire of the street , and did spread them
abroad .

dust Gen_13_16 /^{dust /of the earth , then
shall thy seed also be numbered .

dust Gen_13_16 /^{dust /of the earth : so
that if a man can number the dust of the earth , then shall thy
seed also be numbered .

dust Job_14_19 /^{dust /of the earth ; and
thou destroyest the hope of man .

dust Isa_40_12 /^{dust /of the earth in a
measure , and weighed the mountains in scales , and the hills in
a balance ?

dust 2Ch_01_09 /^{dust /of the earth in
multitude .

dust Amo_02_07 /^{dust /of the earth on the
head of the poor , and turn aside the way of the meek : and a
man and his father will go in unto the same maid , to profane my
holy name :

dust Dan_12_02 /^{dust /of the earth shall
awake , some to everlasting life , and some to shame and
everlasting contempt .

dust Gen_02_07 /^{dust /of the ground , and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ; and man became a
living soul .

dust Exo_08_16 /^{dust /of the land , that it
may become lice throughout all the land of Egypt .

dust Exo_08_17 /^{dust /of the land became
lice throughout all the land of Egypt .

dust Pro_08_26 /^{dust /of the world .

dust Act_13_51 /${dust /of their feet against
them , and came unto Iconium .

dust 2Ki_23_12 /^{dust /of them into the brook
Kidron .

dust 2Ch_34_04 /^{dust /of them, and strowed
it upon the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them.

dust Isa_49_23 /^{dust /of thy feet ; and
thou shalt know that I am the LORD : for they shall not be
ashamed that wait for me.

dust Luk_10_11 /${dust /of your city , which
cleaveth on us , we do wipe off against you : notwithstanding be
ye sure of this , that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you .

dust Mat_10_14 /${dust /of your feet .

dust Rev_18_19 /${dust /on their heads , and
cried , weeping and wailing , saying , Alas , alas , that great
city , wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by
reason of her costliness ! for in one hour is she made desolate .

dust Psa_44_25 /^{dust /our belly cleaveth
unto the earth .

dust Psa_30_09 /^{dust /praise thee? shall it
declare thy truth ?

dust Psa_119_002 /^{dust /quicken thou me
according to thy word .

dust Ecc_12_07 /^{dust /return to the earth
as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

dust Psa_07_05 /^{dust /Selah .

dust Isa_65_25 /^{dust /shall be the
serpent's meat . They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy
mountain , saith the LORD .

dust Psa_22_29 /^{dust /shall bow before him:
and none can keep alive his own soul .

dust Eze_26_10 /^{dust /shall cover thee: thy
walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen , and of the
wheels , and of the chariots , when he shall enter into thy
gates , as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach .

dust Gen_03_14 /^{dust /shalt thou eat all
the days of thy life :

dust Gen_03_19 /^{dust /shalt thou return .

dust Num_05_17 /^{dust /that is in the floor
of the tabernacle the priest shall take , and put it into the
water :

dust Lev_14_41 /^{dust /that they scrape off
without the city into an unclean place :

dust Isa_34_09 /^{dust /thereof into
brimstone , and the land thereof shall become burning pitch .

dust Deu_09_21 /^{dust /thereof into the
brook that descended out of the mount .

dust Psa_102_14 /^{dust /thereof.

dust Gen_03_19 /^{dust /thou art, and unto
dust shalt thou return .

dust Nah_03_18 /^{dust /thy people is
scattered upon the mountains , and no man gathereth them.

dust Isa_41_02 /^{dust /to his sword , and as
driven stubble to his bow .

dust Job_40_13 /^{dust /together ; and bind
their faces in secret .

dust Mar_06_11 /${dust /under your feet for a
testimony against them . Verily I say unto you , It shall be
more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment ,
than for that city .

dust Eze_27_30 /^{dust /upon their heads ,
they shall wallow themselves in the ashes :

dust Jos_07_06 /^{dust /upon their heads .

dust Lam_02_10 /^{dust /upon their heads ;
they have girded themselves with sackcloth : the virgins of
Jerusalem hang down their heads to the ground .

dust Job_02_12 /^{dust /upon their heads
toward heaven .

dust Job_04_19 /^{dust /which are crushed
before the moth ?

industrious 1Ki_11_28 /^{industrious /he made him
ruler over all the charge of the house of Joseph .
