become like dust

dust again

dust before

dust by threshing <2KI13 -:7 >

dust groweth into hardness

dust like

dust praise thee

dust return

dust shall bow before him

dust shalt thou eat all

dust thereof

dust thereof into

dust thereof into brimstone

dust together

dust under your feet for

for dust thou

his horses their dust shall cover thee

put dust upon their heads

shall cast up dust upon their heads

small dust

sprinkled dust upon their heads toward heaven

their blood shall be poured out as dust

their blossom shall go up as dust

their dust

their dust made fat with fatness

then shalt thou lay up gold as dust

they cast dust on their heads

they have cast up dust upon their heads

threw dust into

thy dust

thy strangers shall be like small dust

unto dust shalt thou return

very dust from your feet for

will also scrape her dust from her

wilt thou bring me into dust again
