bring 5044 # teknotropheo {tek-not-rof-eh'-o}; from a compound
of 5043 and 5142; to be a childrearer, i.e. fulfil the duties of
a female parent: -- {bring} up children.[ql

children 5044 # teknotropheo {tek-not-rof-eh'-o}; from a
compound of 5043 and 5142; to be a childrearer, i.e. fulfil the
duties of a female parent: -- bring up {children}.[ql

go 4754 # strateuomai {strat-yoo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from
the base of 4756; to serve in a military campaign; figuratively,
to execute the apostolate (with its arduous duties and
functions), to contend with carnal inclinations: -- soldier,
({go} to) war(-fare).[ql

soldier 4754 # strateuomai {strat-yoo'-om-ahee}; middle voice
from the base of 4756; to serve in a military campaign;
figuratively, to execute the apostolate (with its arduous duties
and functions), to contend with carnal inclinations: --
{soldier}, (go to) war(-fare).[ql

to 4754 # strateuomai {strat-yoo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from
the base of 4756; to serve in a military campaign; figuratively,
to execute the apostolate (with its arduous duties and
functions), to contend with carnal inclinations: -- soldier, (go
{to}) war(-fare).[ql

up 5044 # teknotropheo {tek-not-rof-eh'-o}; from a compound of
5043 and 5142; to be a childrearer, i.e. fulfil the duties of a
female parent: -- bring {up} children.[ql

war 4754 # strateuomai {strat-yoo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from
the base of 4756; to serve in a military campaign; figuratively,
to execute the apostolate (with its arduous duties and
functions), to contend with carnal inclinations: -- soldier, (go
to) {war}(-fare).[ql
