dwell ......... and he will dwell 4637 -skenoo->

dwell ......... and them that dwell 4637 -skenoo->

dwell ......... and them which dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... and they that dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... And they that dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... and ye that dwell 4637 -skenoo->

dwell ......... dwell 1774 -enoikeo->

dwell ......... dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... dwell 3611 -oikeo->

dwell ......... dwell 4924 -sunoikeo->

dwell ......... For they that dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... for to dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... I will dwell 1774 -enoikeo->

dwell ......... in , and dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... in and dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... man dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... may dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... shall dwell 4637 -skenoo->

dwell ......... that dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... them that dwell 2521 -kathemai->

dwell ......... them that dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... to dwell 3306 -meno->

dwell ......... to dwell 3611 -oikeo->

dwell ......... to them that dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... unto them that dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwell ......... we that we dwell 3306 -meno->

dwell ......... ye that dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

dwellers ......... and the dwellers 2730 -katoikeo->

dwellers ......... the dwellers 2730 -katoikeo->

dwellest ......... dwellest 3306 -meno->

dwellest ......... thou dwellest 2730 -katoikeo->

dwelleth ......... and he that dwelleth 3306 -meno->

dwelleth ......... by it , and by him that dwelleth 2730 -

dwelleth ......... dwelleth 1774 -enoikeo->

dwelleth ......... dwelleth 2730 -katoikeo->

dwelleth ......... dwelleth 3306 -meno->

dwelleth ......... dwelleth 3306->

dwelleth ......... dwelleth 3306->

dwelleth ......... dwelleth 3611 -oikeo->

dwelleth ......... For in him dwelleth 2730 -katoikeo->

dwelleth ......... him ; for he dwelleth 3306 -meno->

dwelleth ......... that dwelleth 1774 -enoikeo->

dwelleth ......... that dwelleth 2730 -katoikeo->

dwelleth ......... that dwelleth 3306 -meno->

dwelleth ......... that dwelleth 3611 -oikeo->

dwelling ......... And there were dwelling 2730 -katoikeo->

dwelling ......... country , dwelling 2730 -katoikeo->

dwelling ......... dwelling 2730 -katoikeo->

dwelling ......... dwelling 3611 -oikeo->

dwelling ......... his dwelling 2731 -katoikesis->

dwelling ......... man dwelling 1460 -egkatoikeo->

dwellingplace ......... dwellingplace 0790 -astateo->
