Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies
Bible Translation Phrase lists
-phrear- ......... a pit 5421 -phrear- >
-phrear- ......... of the pit 5421 -phrear- >
-phrear- ......... out of the pit 5421 -phrear- >
-phrear- ......... pit 5421 -phrear- >
-phrear- ......... us the well 5421 -phrear- >
-phrear- ......... with , and the well 5421 -phrear- >
appear ......... appear 0082 -adelos->
appear ......... appear 0398 -anaphaino->
appear ......... appear 5316 -phaino->
appear ......... appear 5319 -phaneroo->
appear ......... do not appear 5319 -phaneroo->
appear ......... for him shall he appear 3700 -optanomai->
appear ......... he shall appear 5319 -phaneroo->
appear ......... I will appear 3700 -optanomai->
appear ......... may appear 5600 -o->
appear ......... might appear 5319 -phaneroo->
appear ......... not that we should appear 5316 -phaino->
appear ......... of things which do appear 5316 -phaino->
appear ......... shall appear 5316 -phaino->
appear ......... shall appear 5319 -phaneroo->
appear ......... that it might appear 5316 -phaino->
appear ......... that they may appear 5316 -phaino->
appear ......... That thou appear 5316 -phaino->
appear ......... to appear 1718 -emphanizo->
appear ......... to appear 2064 -erchomai->
appearance ......... appearance 1491 -eidos->
appearance ......... appearance 4383 -prosopon->
appearance ......... in appearance 4383 -prosopon->
appearance ......... to the appearance 3799 -opsis->
appeared ......... and appeared 1718 -emphanizo->
appeared ......... and hath appeared 3700 -optanomai->
appeared ......... And there appeared 3700 -optanomai->
appeared ......... appeared 2014 -epiphaino->
appeared ......... appeared 3700 -optanomai->
appeared ......... appeared 5316 -phaino->
appeared ......... for I have appeared 3700 -optanomai->
appeared ......... had appeared 5316 -phaino->
appeared ......... hath appeared 2014 -epiphaino->
appeared ......... hath he appeared 5319 -phaneroo->
appeared ......... he appeared 5316 -phaino->
appeared ......... he appeared 5319 -phaneroo->
appeared ......... man appeared 2014 -epiphaino->
appeared ......... that appeared 3700 -optanomai->
appeared ......... that he appeared 5319 -phaneroo->
appeared ......... there appeared 3700 -optanomai->
appeareth ......... appeareth 5316 -phaino->
appeareth ......... that appeareth 5316 -phaino->
appearing ......... appearing 2015 -epiphaneia->
appearing ......... by the appearing 2015 -epiphaneia->
appearing ......... his appearing 2015 -epiphaneia->
appearing ......... the appearing 0602 -apokalupsis->
appearing ......... the appearing 2015 -epiphaneia->
bear ......... and bear 5342 -phero->
bear ......... bear 0430 -anechomai->
Bear ......... Bear 0941 -bastazo->
bear ......... bear 0941 -bastazo->
bear ......... bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... bear 4160 -poieo->
bear ......... bear 5041 -teknogoneo->
bear ......... bear 5342 -phero->
bear ......... bear 5409 -phoreo->
bear ......... bear record 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... but was sent to bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... Do not bear 5576 -pseudomartureo->
bear ......... doth bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... doth not bear 0941 -bastazo->
bear ......... For I bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... he bear 3114 -makrothumeo->
bear ......... I bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... it , and bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... it bear 4160 -poieo->
bear ......... man shall bear 0941 -bastazo->
bear ......... me : for I bear 0941 -bastazo->
bear ......... not bear 0503 -antophthalmeo->
bear ......... not bear 0941 -bastazo->
bear ......... of a bear 0715 -arktos->
bear ......... one that bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... shall bear 1080 -gennao->
bear ......... shall bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... that bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... that he might bear 5342 -phero->
bear ......... that I should bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... that ye bear 5342 -phero->
bear ......... they bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... they shall bear 0142 -airo->
bear ......... thou bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... Thou shalt not bear 5576 -pseudomartureo->
bear ......... to bear 0142 -airo->
bear ......... to bear 0399 -anaphero->
bear ......... to bear 0941 -bastazo->
bear ......... to bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... to bear 5297 -hupophero->
bear ......... to bear it , neither 3777 -oute->
bear ......... to God ye could bear 0430 -anechomai->
bear ......... unto me , to bear 0941 -bastazo->
bear ......... would that I should bear 0430 -anechomai->
bear ......... ye bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... ye spake of ? for I bear 3140 -martureo->
bear ......... you shall bear 0941 -bastazo->
bearest ......... that bearest 5088 -tikto->
bearest ......... thou boast , thou bearest 0941 -bastazo->
bearest ......... unto him , Thou bearest 3140 -martureo->
beareth ......... beareth 2592 -karpophoreo->
Beareth ......... Beareth 4722 -stego->
beareth ......... beareth 4828 -summartureo->
beareth ......... branch that beareth 5342 -phero->
beareth ......... But that which beareth 1627 -ekphero->
beareth ......... for he beareth 5409 -phoreo->
beareth ......... in me that beareth 5342 -phero->
beareth ......... me beareth 3140 -martureo->
beareth ......... that beareth 3140 -martureo->
bearing ......... And he bearing 0941 -bastazo->
bearing ......... bearing 0941 -bastazo->
bearing ......... bearing 4064 -periphero->
bearing ......... bearing 4828 -summartureo->
bearing ......... bearing 4901 -sunepimartureo->
bearing ......... bearing 5342 -phero->
bearing ......... you , bearing 0941 -bastazo->
brokenhearted ......... the brokenhearted 2588 -kardia->
childbearing ......... in childbearing 5042 -teknogonia->
clear ......... clear 2929 -krustallizo->
clear ......... clear 2986 -lampros->
clear ......... to be clear 0053 -hagnos->
clear ......... unto clear 2513 -katharos->
clearing ......... what clearing 0627 -apologia->
clearly ......... are clearly 2529 -kathorao->
clearly ......... clearly 1227 -diablepo->
clearly ......... man clearly 5081 -telaugos->
dear ......... as dear 0027 -agapetos->
dear ......... dear 5093 -timios->
dear ......... of his dear 0026 -agape->
dear ......... our dear 0027 -agapetos->
dear ......... was dear 1784 -entimos->
dear ......... ye were dear 0027 -agapetos->
Dearly ......... Dearly beloved 0027 -agapetos->
dearly ......... dearly beloved 0027 -agapetos->
dearly ......... my dearly beloved 0027 -agapetos->
dearly ......... our dearly beloved 0027 -agapetos->
dearly ......... things , dearly beloved 0027 -agapetos->
dearth ......... a dearth 3042 -limos->
dearth ......... dearth 3042 -limos->
ear ......... an ear 3775 -ous->
ear ......... ear 3775 -ous->
ear ......... ear 5621 -otion->
ear ......... his ear 5621 -otion->
ear ......... in the ear 3775 -ous->
ear ......... in the ear 4719 -stachus->
ear ......... the ear 3775 -ous->
ear ......... the ear 4719 -stachus->
early ......... And early 3722 -orthros->
early ......... and it was early 4405 -proia->
early ......... came 3719 early 3719 in the morning to him in the temple 2411 -hieron->
early ......... early 3722 -orthros->
early ......... early 4404 -proi->
early ......... out early 4404 -proi->
early ......... the early 4406 -proimos->
early ......... very early 3722 -orthros->
early ......... which were early 3721 -orthrios->
earnest ......... earnest 1972 -epipothesis->
earnest ......... earnest 4056 -perissoteros->
earnest ......... earnest 4710 -spoude->
earnest ......... For the earnest 0603 -apokaradokia->
earnest ......... is the earnest 0728 -arrhabon->
earnest ......... the earnest 0728 -arrhabon->
earnest ......... to my earnest 0603 -apokaradokia->
earnest ......... unto us the earnest 0728 -arrhabon->
earnestly ......... and earnestly 0816 -atenizo->
earnestly ......... earnestly 0816 -atenizo->
earnestly ......... earnestly 1617 -ektenesteron->
earnestly ......... earnestly 1971 -epipotheo->
earnestly ......... earnestly 2206 -zeloo->
earnestly ......... earnestly 4335 -proseuche->
earnestly ......... ye so earnestly 0816 -atenizo->
earnestly ......... you that ye should earnestly 1864 -epagonizomai->
ears ......... and ears 3775 -ous->
ears ......... and his ears 3775 -ous->
ears ......... and their ears 3775 -ous->
ears ......... ears 0189 -akoe->
ears ......... ears 0191 -akouo->
ears ......... ears 3775 -ous->
ears ......... his ears 0189 -akoe->
ears ......... his ears 3775 -ous->
ears ......... the ears 3775 -ous->
ears ......... the ears 4719 -stachus->
ears ......... their ears 0189 -akoe->
ears ......... their ears 3775 -ous->
ears ......... things to our ears 0189 -akoe->
ears ......... unto the ears 3775 -ous->
ears ......... with their ears 3775 -ous->
earth ......... a fellow from the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... and digged 3736 > in the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... and digged 3736> in the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... and earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... and in earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... and of earth 3749 -ostrakinos->
earth ......... and of the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... and that are in earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... And the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... and the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... and things in earth 1919 -epigeios->
earth ......... and upon the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... are , and the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... are upon the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... by the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... For the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... from the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... he that is of the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... in earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... in the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... is of the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... men of the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... not the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... of earth 1093 -ge->
EARTH ......... OF THE EARTH 1093 -ge->
earth ......... of the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... part of the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... parts of the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... sake : for the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... that be in the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... the earth 2709 -katachthonios->
earth ......... the earth 3625 -oikoumene->
earth ......... them to the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... they be things in earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... to the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... unto the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... up from the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... up out of the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... upon earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... upon the earth 1093 -ge->
earth ......... were upon the earth 1093 -ge->
earthen ......... in earthen 3749 -ostrakinos->
earthly ......... but is earthly 1919 -epigeios->
earthly ......... earthly 1919 -epigeios->
earthly ......... is earthly 1093 -ge->
earthly ......... our earthly 1919 -epigeios->
earthly ......... you earthly 1919 -epigeios->
earthquake ......... an earthquake 4578 -seismos->
earthquake ......... and an earthquake 4578 -seismos->
earthquake ......... and in the earthquake 4578 -seismos->
earthquake ......... earthquake 4578 -seismos->
earthquake ......... the earthquake 4578 -seismos->
earthquakes ......... and earthquakes 4578 -seismos->
earthquakes ......... and there shall be earthquakes 4578 -seismos->
earthquakes ......... earthquakes 4578 -seismos->
earthy ......... As is the earthy 5517 -choikos->
earthy ......... earthy 5517 -choikos->
earthy ......... of the earthy 5517 -choikos->
earthy ......... that are earthy 5517 -choikos->
fear ......... a fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... And fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... and fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... And fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... And for fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... and godly fear 2124 -eulabeia->
fear ......... and I will not fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... and in fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... and them that fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... and ye that fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... but fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... But I fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... coupled with fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... Dost not thou fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... fear 0870 -aphobos->
fear ......... fear 1510 -eimi->
Fear ......... Fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... for fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... For I fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... for the fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... here in fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... I fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... in the fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... is on them that fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... may fear 2192 -echo->
fear ......... of fear 1167 -deilia->
fear ......... of him for fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... out fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... out for fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... shall not fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... them for fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... through fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... to fear 5401 -phobos->
Fear ......... unto her , Fear 5399 -phobeo->
Fear ......... unto him , Fear 5399 -phobeo->
Fear ......... unto me , Fear 5399 -phobeo->
Fear ......... unto them , Fear 5399 -phobeo->
Fear ......... unto you , Fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... we fear 5399 -phobeo->
fear ......... what fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... with fear 2125 -eulabeomai->
fear ......... with fear 5401 -phobos->
fear ......... ye shall fear 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... and they feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... And they feared 5401 -phobos->
feared ......... feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... For I feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... for they feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... he feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... him : for they feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... him ; and they feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... him ; for they feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... in that he feared 2124 -eulabeia->
feared ......... it not : and they feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... man , and one that feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... on him , but feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... on him , they feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... them : and they feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... they feared 5399 -phobeo->
feared ......... which feared 5399 -phobeo->
feareth ......... and one that feareth 5399 -phobeo->
feareth ......... he that feareth 5399 -phobeo->
feareth ......... He that feareth 5399 -phobeo->
feareth ......... you feareth 5399 -phobeo->
fearful ......... and fearful 5400 -phobetron->
fearful ......... are ye fearful 1169 -deilos->
fearful ......... But the fearful 1169 -deilos->
fearful ......... fearful 1169 -deilos->
fearful ......... fearful 5398 -phoberos->
fearful ......... It is a fearful 5398 -phoberos->
fearing ......... and , fearing 5399 -phobeo->
fearing ......... fearing 2125 -eulabeomai->
fearing ......... fearing 5399 -phobeo->
fearing ......... not fearing 5399 -phobeo->
fears ......... were fears 5401 -phobos->
forbear ......... but now I forbear 5339 -pheidomai->
forbear ......... forbear 4722 -stego->
forbear ......... to forbear 3361 -me->
forbearance ......... and forbearance 0463 -anoche->
forbearance ......... the forbearance 0463 -anoche->
Forbearing ......... Forbearing 0430 -anechomai->
forbearing ......... forbearing 0430 -anechomai->
forbearing ......... things unto them , forbearing 0447 -aniemi->
forswear ......... Thou shalt not forswear 1964 -epiorkeo->
hear ......... and hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... and that they will hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... and them that hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... and they shall hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... and they that hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... and to hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... and ye did not hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... And ye shall hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... are they that hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... as hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... as I hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... did not hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... do ye not hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... for they hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... for they will hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... for to hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... For we hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... he , thou shalt hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... he shall hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... he will not hear 0191 -akouo->
Hear ......... Hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... I hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... I may hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... I will hear 1251 -diakouomai->
Hear ......... is , Hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... is it that I hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... it hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... let him hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... let them hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... man hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... might hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... One , and shouldest hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... shall hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... shall they hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... should hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... than to hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... that he hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... that hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... that they should not hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... that will they not hear 1522 -eisakouo->
hear ......... thee that thou wouldest hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... thee to hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... them ; and to hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... they hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... they may hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... to hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... to hear 3878 -parakouo->
hear ......... to you : and unto you that hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... unto me ; him shall ye hear 0191 -akouo->
Hear ......... unto them , Hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... unto you which hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... upon him to hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... we do hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... We will hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... will not hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... ye do hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... ye hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... ye shall hear 0191 -akouo->
hear ......... ye will hear 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... after I heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... after they heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... And as they heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... and as ye have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... and have not heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... and having heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... and heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... and I have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... and I heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... And I heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... And the things that thou hast heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... And they , when they had heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... And they heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... and they that have not heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... And they that heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... And they which heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... and upon as many as heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... and was heard 1522 -eisakouo->
heard ......... And when he heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... And when they heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... are they , which , when they have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... as heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... as soon as she heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... As soon as she heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... as though he heard them not .
heard ......... as we have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... be that ye have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... began was it not heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... But they had heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... but they heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... But when he heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... by , and heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... by , when they heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... For they heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... for we have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... For we have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... for we ourselves have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... For ye have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... had heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... Have they not heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... having heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... he had heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... he heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... heard 1874 -epakroaomai->
heard ......... him , for that they heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... him , We have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... him ; and when he heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... I had heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... I have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... I have heard 1873 -epakouo->
heard ......... I heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... in them that heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... is heard 1522 -eisakouo->
heard ......... meat with him heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... of them which heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... saith he , ye have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... shall be heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... Since we heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... That , as ye have heard 0191->
heard ......... That , as ye have heard 0191->
heard ......... that are in them , heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... that hath heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... that heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... that they shall be heard 1522 -eisakouo->
heard ......... that ye had heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... that ye heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... the things that they had heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... thee that thou hast heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... them that heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... them which heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... they have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... they have not heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... they heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... they that heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... things , and heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... things I heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... things that I have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... thou hast heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... to him , and heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... to the things which we have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... trusted , after that ye heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... unto us by them that heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... voice they that heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... we have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... We have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... We heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... we heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... were with him heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... When he heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... When she had heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... when they had heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... When they had heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... When they heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... when they heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... which ye have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... which ye heard 0189 -akoe->
heard ......... Ye have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... ye have heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... ye heard 0191 -akouo->
heard ......... ye heard 4257 -proakouo->
hearer ......... be a hearer 0202 -akroates->
hearer ......... hearer 0202 -akroates->
hearers ......... and not hearers 0202 -akroates->
hearers ......... For not the hearers 0202 -akroates->
hearers ......... of the hearers 0191 -akouo->
hearers ......... unto the hearers 0191 -akouo->
hearest ......... and thou hearest 0191 -akouo->
hearest ......... that thou hearest 0191 -akouo->
Hearest ......... unto him , Hearest 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... and heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... And let him that heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... But he that heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... he heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... He that heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... him he heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... is he that heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... one heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... one that heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... that he heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... that heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... to me , and heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... unto you , He that heareth 0191 -akouo->
heareth ......... you heareth 0191 -akouo->
hearing ......... and hearing 0189 -akoe->
hearing ......... And hearing 0191 -akouo->
hearing ......... and hearing 0191 -akouo->
hearing ......... By hearing 0189 -akoe->
hearing ......... by the hearing 0189 -akoe->
hearing ......... cometh by hearing 0189 -akoe->
Hearing ......... Hearing 0189 -akoe->
Hearing ......... Hearing 0191 -akouo->
hearing ......... hearing 0191 -akouo->
hearing ......... not ; and hearing 0191 -akouo->
hearing ......... of hearing 0189 -akoe->
hearing ......... of hearing 0191 -akouo->
hearing ......... of hearing 0201 -akroaterion->
hearing ......... unto the hearing 1233 -diagnosis->
hearing ......... were hearing 0189 -akoe->
hearing ......... were the hearing 0189 -akoe->
Hearken ......... Hearken 0191 -akouo->
hearken ......... hearken 0191 -akouo->
hearken ......... to hearken 0191 -akouo->
hearken ......... to hearken 5219 -hupakouo->
Hearken ......... unto them , Hearken 0191 -akouo->
hearken ......... unto you , and hearken 1801 -enotizomai->
hearkened ......... have hearkened 3980 -peitharcheo->
heart ......... an heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... and in thy heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... and not in heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... but their heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... did my heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... Did not our heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... For out of the heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... For the heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... for their heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... for thy heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... For with the heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... from the heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... from the heart 5590 -psuche->
heart ......... heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... heart 4641 -sklerokardia->
heart ......... his heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... in heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... in her heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... in his heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... in my heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... in the heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... in their heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... is that of the heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... is upon their heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... my heart s 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... not in heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... of heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... of heart 4641 -sklerokardia->
heart ......... of his heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... of the heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... of their heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... our heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... out of the heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... own heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... than our heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... the heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... their heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... them in her heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... thing that the heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... thy heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... to the heart , and took 1011 -bouleuo->
heart ......... to the heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... unto you , our heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... were of one heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... with their heart 2588 -kardia->
heart ......... you in my heart 2588 -kardia->
heartily ......... it heartily 5590 -psuche->
hearts ......... and hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... having our hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... hearts 0674 -apopsucho->
hearts ......... hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... hearts 4641 -sklerokardia->
hearts ......... him from them , and in their hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... in our hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... in their hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... of the hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... of their hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... of their own hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... our hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... out of their hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... That their hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... that ye are in our hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... the hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... the hearts 2589 -kardiognostes->
hearts ......... their hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... them in their hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... them up in their hearts 2588 -kardia->
hearts ......... your hearts 2588 -kardia->
learn ......... I learn 3129 -manthano->
learn ......... learn 3129 -manthano->
learn ......... let them learn 3129 -manthano->
learn ......... may learn 3129 -manthano->
learn ......... sakes ; that ye might learn 3129 -manthano->
learn ......... that they may learn 3811 -paideuo->
learn ......... they learn 3129 -manthano->
learn ......... upon you , and learn 3129 -manthano->
learn ......... ye and learn 3129 -manthano->
learned ......... and hath learned 3129 -manthano->
learned ......... for I have learned 3129 -manthano->
learned ......... learned 3129 -manthano->
learned ......... thou hast learned 3129 -manthano->
learned ......... was learned 3811 -paideuo->
learned ......... ye have learned 3129 -manthano->
learned ......... yet learned 3129 -manthano->
learning ......... for our learning 1319 -didaskalia->
learning ......... learning 1121 -gramma->
learning ......... learning 3129 -manthano->
near ......... and near 0316 -anagkaios->
near ......... draweth near 1448 -eggizo->
near ......... drew near 1448 -eggizo->
near ......... is near 1451 -eggus->
near ......... near 1448 -eggizo->
near ......... near 1451 -eggus->
near ......... near 4139 -plesion->
near ......... near 4317 -prosago->
near ......... near 4334 -proserchomai->
near ......... that it is near 1451 -eggus->
near ......... them , and drew near 1448 -eggizo->
nearer ......... nearer 1452 -egguteron->
pearl ......... pearl 1328 -diermeneutes->
pearl ......... pearl 3135 -margarites->
pearls ......... and of pearls 3135 -margarites->
pearls ......... and pearls 3135 -margarites->
pearls ......... pearls 3135 -margarites->
rear ......... and wilt thou rear 1453 -egeiro->
rehearsed ......... rehearsed 0756 -archomai->
rehearsed ......... they rehearsed 0312 -anaggello->
search ......... and search 1833 -exetazo->
Search ......... Search 2045 -ereunao->
searched ......... and searched 0350 -anakrino->
searched ......... and searched 1830 -exereunao->
searcheth ......... And he that searcheth 2045 -ereunao->
searcheth ......... searcheth 2045 -ereunao->
Searching ......... Searching 2045 -ereunao->
seared ......... seared 2743 -kauteriazo->
shearer ......... his shearer 2751 -keiro->
spear ......... with a spear 3057 -logche->
spearmen ......... and ten , and spearmen 1187 -dexiolabos->
swear ......... And he that shall swear 3660 -omnuo->
swear ......... and to swear 3660 -omnuo->
swear ......... shall swear 3660 -omnuo->
swear ......... shalt thou swear 3660 -omnuo->
swear ......... swear 3660 -omnuo->
Swear ......... unto you , Swear 3660 -omnuo->
sweareth ......... sweareth 3660 -omnuo->
teareth ......... him , he teareth 4486 -rhegnumi->
teareth ......... out ; and it teareth 4682 -sparasso->
tears ......... and tears 1144 -dakru->
tears ......... of thy tears 1144 -dakru->
tears ......... tears 1144 -dakru->
tears ......... with tears 1144 -dakru->
tenderhearted ......... tenderhearted 2155 -eusplagchnos->
unlearned ......... and unlearned 0521 -apaideutos->
unlearned ......... in those that are unlearned 2399 -idiotes->
unlearned ......... of the unlearned 2399 -idiotes->
unlearned ......... one unlearned 2399 -idiotes->
unlearned ......... that they were unlearned 0062 -agrammatos->
unlearned ......... they that are unlearned 0261 -amathes->
unsearchable ......... the unsearchable 0421 -anexichniastos->
unsearchable ......... unsearchable 0419 -anexereunetos->
wear ......... they that wear 5409 -phoreo->
wear ......... to wear 2827 -klino->
weareth ......... to him that weareth 5409 -phoreo->
wearied ......... being wearied 2872 -kopiao->
wearied ......... ye be wearied 2577 -kamno->
weariness ......... In weariness 2873 -kopos->
wearing ......... and of wearing 4025 -perithesis->
wearing ......... wearing 5409 -phoreo->
weary ......... And let us not be weary 1573 -ekkakeo->
weary ......... be not weary 1573 -ekkakeo->
weary ......... she weary 5299 -hupopiazo->
year ......... a year 1763 -eniautos->
year ......... a year 4070 -perusi->
year ......... and a year 1763 -eniautos->
year ......... by year 1763 -eniautos->
year ......... every year 1763 -eniautos->
year ......... that year 1763 -eniautos->
year ......... there a year 1763 -eniautos->
year ......... year 1763 -eniautos->
year ......... year 2094 -etos->
years ......... and thy years 2094 -etos->
years ......... and years 1763 -eniautos->
years ......... in years 2250 -hemera->
years ......... to years 3173 -megas->
years ......... years 1332 -dietes->
years ......... years 1333 -dietia->
years ......... years 1541 -hekatontaetes->
years ......... years 1763 -eniautos->
years ......... years 2094 -etos->
years ......... years 5063 -tessarakontaetes->
years ......... years 5148 -trietia->