60 plus Audio and Video Media KJV Bible Products eBibleProductions.com KJV Bible Word Studies for ESCAPE Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies escape 0006 ## &abad {aw-bad'}; a primitive root; properly, to wander away, i.e. lose oneself; by implication to perish (causative, destroy): -- break, destroy(-uction), + not {escape}, fail, lose, (cause to, make) perish, spend, X and surely, take, be undone, X utterly, be void of, have no way to flee. escape 0668 # apopheugo {ap-of-yoo'-go}; from 575 and 5343; (figuratively) to escape: -- {escape}. escape 1295 # diasozo {dee-as-odze'-o}; from 1223 and 4982; to save thoroughly, i.e. (by implication or analogy) to cure, preserve, rescue, etc.: -- bring safe, {escape} (safe), heal, make perfectly whole, save. escape 1309 # diapheugo {dee-af-yoo'-go}; from 1223 and 5343; to flee through, i.e. escape: -- {escape}. escape 1545 # ekbasis {ek'-bas-is}; from a compound of 1537 and the base of 939 (meaning to go out); an exit (literally or figuratively): -- end, way to {escape}. escape 1628 # ekpheugo {ek-fyoo'-go}; from 1537 and 5343; to flee out: -- {escape}, flee. escape 1831 # exerchomai {ex-er'-khom-ahee}; from 1537 and 2064; to issue (literally or figuratively): -- come (forth, out), depart (out of), {escape}, get out, go (abroad, away, forth, out, thence), proceed (forth), spread abroad. escape 3318 ## yatsa& {yaw-tsaw'}; a primitive root; to go (causatively, bring) out, in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively, direct and proxim.: -- X after, appear, X assuredly, bear out, X begotten, break out, bring forth (out, up), carry out, come (abroad, out, thereat, without), + be condemned, depart(-ing, -- ure), draw forth, in the end, {escape}, exact, fail, fall (out), fetch forth (out), get away (forth, hence, out), (able to, cause to, let) go abroad (forth, on, out), going out, grow, have forth (out), issue out, lay (lie) out, lead out, pluck out, proceed, pull out, put away, be risen, X scarce, send with commandment, shoot forth, spread, spring out, stand out, X still, X surely, take forth (out), at any time, X to [and fro], utter. escape 4422 ## malat {maw-lat'}; a primitive root; properly, to be smooth, i.e. (by implication) to escape (as if by slipperiness); causatively, to release or rescue; specifically, to bring forth young, emit sparks: -- deliver (self), {escape}, lay, leap out, let alone, let go, preserve, save, X speedily, X surely. escape 4498 ## manowc {maw-noce'}; from 5127; a retreat (literally or figuratively); abstractly, a fleeing: -- X apace, {escape}, way to flee, flight, refuge. escape 4655 ## miphlat {mif-lawt'}; from 6403; an escape: -- {escape}. escape 5337 ## natsal {naw-tsal'}; a primitive root; to snatch away, whether in a good or a bad sense: -- X at all, defend, deliver (self), {escape}, X without fail, part, pluck, preserve, recover, rescue, rid, save, spoil, strip, X surely, take (out). escape 5343 # pheugo {fyoo'-go}; apparently a primary verb; to run away (literally or figuratively); by implication, to shun; by analogy, to vanish: -- {escape}, flee (away). escape 5674 ## `abar {aw-bar'}; a primitive root; to cross over; used very widely of any transition (literal or figurative; transitive, intransitive, intensive, causative); specifically, to cover (in copulation): -- alienate, alter, X at all, beyond, bring (over, through), carry over, (over-)come (on, over), conduct (over), convey over, current, deliver, do away, enter, {escape}, fail, gender, get over, (make) go (away, beyond, by, forth, his way, in, on, over, through), have away (more), lay, meddle, overrun, make partition, (cause to, give, make to, over) pass(-age, along, away, beyond, by, -enger, on, out, over, through), (cause to, make) + proclaim(-amation), perish, provoke to anger, put away, rage, + raiser of taxes, remove, send over, set apart, + shave, cause to (make) sound, X speedily, X sweet smelling, take (away), (make to) transgress(-or), translate, turn away, [way-]faring man, be wr ath. escape 6403 ## palat {paw-lat'}; a primitive root; to slip out, i.e. escape; causatively, to deliver: -- calve, carry away safe, deliver, (cause to) {escape}. escape 6405 ## pallet {pal-late'}; from 6403; escape: -- deliverance, {escape}. escape 6412 ## paliyt {paw-leet'}; or paleyt {paw-late'}; or palet {paw-late'}; from 6403; a refugee: -- (that have) {escape}(-d, -th), fugitive. escape 6413 ## p@leytah {pel-ay-taw'}; or p@letah {pel-ay-taw'}; feminine of 6412; deliverance; concretely, an escaped portion: -- deliverance, (that is) {escape}(-d), remnant. out 1579 # ekkolumbao {ek-kol-oom-bah'-o}; from 1537 and 2860; to escape by swimming: -- swim {out}. past 3944 # paroichomai {par-oy'-khom-ahee}; from 3844 and oichomai (to depart); to escape along, i.e. be gone: -- {past}. swim 1579 # ekkolumbao {ek-kol-oom-bah'-o}; from 1537 and 2860; to escape by swimming: -- {swim} out. Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions. Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order. escape 00006 ## ) abad {aw-bad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to wander away , i . e . lose oneself ; by implication to perish (causative , destroy) : -- break , destroy (- uction) , + not {escape} , fail , lose , (cause to , make) perish , spend , X and surely , take , be undone , X utterly , be void of , have no way to flee . escape 01046 ## Beyth Pelet {bayth peh'- let} ; from 01004 and 06412 ; house of {escape} ; Beth-Palet , a place in Palestine : -- Beth-palet . escape 03318 ## yatsa'{yaw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to go (causatively , bring) out , in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively , direct and proxim . : -- X after , appear , X assuredly , bear out , X begotten , break out , bring forth (out , up) , carry out , come (abroad , out , thereat , without) , + be condemned , depart (- ing ,-- ure) , draw forth , in the end , {escape} , exact , fail , fall (out) , fetch forth (out) , get away (forth , hence , out) , (able to , cause to , let) go abroad (forth , on , out) , going out , grow , have forth (out) , issue out , lay (lie) out , lead out , pluck out , proceed , pull out , put away , be risen , X scarce , send with commandment , shoot forth , spread , spring out , stand out , X still , X surely , take forth (out) , at any time , X to [and fro ] , utter . escape 04422 ## malat {maw-lat'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be smooth , i . e . (by implication) to {escape} (as if by slipperiness) ; causatively , to release or rescue ; specifically , to bring forth young , emit sparks : -- deliver (self) , escape , lay , leap out , let alone , let go , preserve , save , X speedily , X surely . escape 04498 ## manowc {maw-noce'} ; from 05127 ; a retreat (literally or figuratively) ; abstractly , a fleeing : -- X apace , {escape} , way to flee , flight , refuge . escape 04655 ## miphlat {mif-lawt'} ; from 06403 ; an escape : -- {escape} . escape 04655 ## miphlat {mif-lawt'} ; from 06403 ; an {escape} : -- escape . escape 05127 ## nuwc {noos} ; a primitive root ; to flit , i . e . vanish away (subside , {escape} ; causatively , chase , impel , deliver) : -- X abate , away , be displayed , (make to) flee (away ,-ing) , put to flight , X hide , lift up a standard . escape 05337 ## natsal {naw-tsal'} ; a primitive root ; to snatch away , whether in a good or a bad sense : -- X at all , defend , deliver (self) , {escape} , X without fail , part , pluck , preserve , recover , rescue , rid , save , spoil , strip , X surely , take (out) . escape 05674 ## ` abar {aw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to cross over ; used very widely of any transition (literal or figurative ; transitive , intransitive , intensive , causative) ; specifically , to cover (in copulation) : -- alienate , alter , X at all , beyond , bring (over , through) , carry over , (over-) come (on , over) , conduct (over) , convey over , current , deliver , do away , enter , {escape} , fail , gender , get over , (make) go (away , beyond , by , forth , his way , in , on , over , through) , have away (more) , lay , meddle , overrun , make partition , (cause to , give , make to , over) pass (- age , along , away , beyond , by ,-enger , on , out , over , through) , (cause to , make) + proclaim (- amation) , perish , provoke to anger , put away , rage , + raiser of taxes , remove , send over , set apart , + shave , cause to (make) sound , X speedily , X sweet smelling , take (away) , (make to) transgress (- or) , translate , turn away , [way-] faring man , be wrath . escape 06403 ## palat {paw-lat'} ; a primitive root ; to slip out , i . e . escape ; causatively , to deliver : -- calve , carry away safe , deliver , (cause to) {escape} . escape 06404 ## Pelet {peh'- let} ; from 06403 ; {escape} ; Pelet , the name of two Israelites : -- Pelet . See also 01046 . escape 06405 ## pallet {pal-late'} ; from 06403 ; escape : -- deliverance , {escape} . escape 06405 ## pallet {pal-late'} ; from 06403 ; {escape} : -- deliverance , escape . escape 06412 ## paliyt {paw-leet'} ; or paleyt {paw-late'} ; or palet {paw-late'} ; from 06403 ; a refugee : -- (that have) {escape} (- d ,-th) , fugitive . escape 06413 ## p@leytah {pel-ay-taw'} ; or p@letah {pel-ay-taw'} ; feminine of 06412 ; deliverance ; concretely , an escaped portion : -- deliverance , (that is) {escape} (- d) , remnant . escape 08277 ## sarad {saw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to puncture [compare 08279 ] , i . e . (figuratively through the idea of slipping out) to {escape} or survive : -- remain . escape 0668 - apopheugo {ap-of-yoo'-go}; from 0575 and 5343; (figuratively) to escape: -- {escape}. escape 0668 - apopheugo {ap-of-yoo'-go}; from 0575 and 5343; (figuratively) to {escape}: -- escape. escape 1295 - diasozo {dee-as-odze'-o}; from 1223 and 4982; to save thoroughly, i.e. (by implication or analogy) to cure, preserve, rescue, etc.: -- bring safe, {escape} (safe), heal, make perfectly whole, save. escape 1309 - diapheugo {dee-af-yoo'-go}; from 1223 and 5343; to flee through, i.e. {escape}: -- escape. escape 1545 - ekbasis {ek'-bas-is}; from a compound of 1537 and the base of 0939 (meaning to go out); an exit (literally or figuratively): -- end, way to {escape}. escape 1579 - ekkolumbao {ek-kol-oom-bah'-o}; from 1537 and 2860; to {escape} by swimming: -- swim out. escape 1628 - ekpheugo {ek-fyoo'-go}; from 1537 and 5343; to flee out: -- {escape}, flee. escape 1826 - exeimi {ex'-i-mee}; from 1537 and eimi (to go); to issue, i.e. leave (a place), {escape} (to the shore): -- depart, get [to land], go out. escape 1831 - exerchomai {ex-er'-khom-ahee}; from 1537 and 2064; to issue (literally or figuratively): -- come (forth, out), depart (out of), {escape}, get out, go (abroad, away, forth, out, thence), proceed (forth), spread abroad. escape 3944 - paroichomai {par-oy'-khom-ahee}; from 3844 and oichomai (to depart); to {escape} along, i.e. be gone: -- past. escape 5343 - pheugo {fyoo'-go}; apparently a primary verb; to run away (literally or figuratively); by implication, to shun; by analogy, to vanish: -- {escape}, flee (away). escape 5437 - phuge {foog-ay'}; from 5343; a fleeing, i.e. {escape}: -- flight. escaped 06413 ## p@leytah {pel-ay-taw'} ; or p@letah {pel-ay-taw'} ; feminine of 06412 ; deliverance ; concretely , an {escaped} portion : -- deliverance , (that is) escape (- d) , remnant . escaped 07611 ## sh@'eriyth {sheh-ay-reeth'} ; from 07604 ; a remainder or residual (surviving , final) portion : -- that had {escaped} , be left , posterity , remain (- der) , remnant , residue , rest . Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions. 0518 + tell + shew + word + told + again + shewed + Go shew + declare + to tell + me word + it told + and shew + to bring + and told + him bring + that told + But shewed + and shewed + and report + in and told + and reported + him and told + And they told + thing to tell + And he shewed + I will declare + And it was told + him she declared + upon him and he shall shew +/ . apaggello {ap-ang-el'-lo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 0032 + angel + angels + An angel + an angel + of angels + the angel + his angel + by angels + the angels + messengers + his angels + of an angel + For an angel + my messenger + by the angel + of the angel + their angels + as the angel + for the angel + nd the angels + of the angels + But the angel + and the angel + by the angels + the messenger + And the angel + and to angels + and of angels + and the angels + unto the angel + are the angels + with the angel + me as an angel + not the angels + the messengers + And the angels + Unto the angel + and his angels + than the angels + with his angels + it by his angel + And to the angel + no not the angels + unto him an angel + And of the angels + things the angels + out of the angel s + And unto the angel + For unto the angels + that is of the angel + to pass as the angels + but are as the angels + them which is the angel + them which is the angel + And when the messengers + there was with the angel + him the nature of angels + He shall give his angels +/ ; to announce: --bring word (again), declare, report, shew (again), tell . 0519 + and hanged +/ . apagchomai {ap-ang'-khom-ahee} from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and agcho (to choke; akin to the base of 0043 + he him up in his arms +/ ); to strangle oneself off (i .e . to death): --hang himself . 0520 + led + took + away + Bring + And led + leadeth + and led + carried + to death + him away + and lead + him and led + him and lead + And they led + that leadeth + him they led + And as they led + that they should be put +/ . apago {ap-ag'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 0071 + go + led + bring + and led + I bring + is open + leadeth + brought + to bring + was kept + let us go + Let us go + and bring + ye be led + He was led + as are led + he brought + them bring + and was led + me to bring + And brought + and brought + was brought + up let us go + They brought + him and bring + being brought + to be brought + as ye were led + And he brought + him he brought + he might bring + them and bring + they shall lead + him and brought + let us be going + they him and led + And they brought + him to be carried + them and to bring + him to be brought + things in bringing + For ye have brought + have ye not brought + unto them Let us go + to have them brought + And ye shall be brought + And when they had brought + for that intent that he might bring +/ ; to take off (in various senses): --bring, carry away, lead (away), put to death, take away . 0522 + away + shall be taken +/ . apairo {ap-ah'-ee-ro}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 0142 + Take + take + Away + away + took + taken + taking + lifted + be put + taketh + loosing + by Take + to bear + to take + is taken + and took + and take + him away + out Away + was taken + they took + he taketh + and taketh + thou takest + for to take + it up taketh + let him take + unto me Take + them and took + him he taketh + with him away + and was taken + And they took + and they took + to us and took + unto thee Take + unto them Take + shall be taken + dost thou make + they have taken + Be thou removed + they shall bear + unto us he took + which was borne + therein to take + man should take + They shall take + And they lifted + that they lifted + for ye have taken + for thee to carry + that he might take + not shall be taken + when they had taken + and there was taken + and him that taketh + him and I will take + unto them They have taken + them that they should take + not from him shall be taken + and that they might be taken + not that thou shouldest take + of thee ; and of him that taketh +/ ; to lift off, i .e . remove: --take (away) . 0523 + ask + them not again + shall be required +/ . apaiteo {ap-ah'-ee-teh-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 0154 + ask + Ask + Ye ask + ye ask + to ask + askest + we ask + he ask + require + desired + I desire + shall ask + he called + to desire + ye desire + and asked + requiring + and craved + and begged + me desiring + that we ask + And desired + let him ask + shall I ask + and desired + they desired + he shall ask + ye shall ask + And he asked + unto you Ask + she would ask + thou wilt ask + have ye asked + thou shalt ask + man that asketh + that we desired + But let him ask + one that asketh + we shall desire + to them that ask + him and desiring + they had desired + to him that asketh + in him yet desired + in you ye shall ask + that they should ask + of him they will ask + for you and to desire + things to them that ask + thou wouldest have asked + thing that they shall ask +/ ; to demand back: --ask again, require . 0524 + feeling + being past +/ . apalgeo {ap-alg-eh'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and algeo (to smart); to grieve out, i .e . become apathetic: --be past feeling . 0525 + departed + And deliver + that thou mayest be delivered +/ . apallasso {ap-al-las'-so}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 0236 + be changed + And changed + and to change + and shall change + and we shall be changed + them up and they shall be changed +/ ; to change away, i .e . release, (reflexively) remove: --deliver, depart . 0526 + alienated + being aliens +/ . apallotrioo {ap-al-lot-ree-o'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and a derivative of 0245 + man s + another + of other + of others + in another + upon another + in a strange + of strangers + of the aliens + And a stranger + as in a strange + that is of other + unto him Of strangers + in that which is another +/ ; to estrange away, i .e . (passively and figuratively) to be non-participant: --alienate, be alien . 0528 + met + to meet + there met + and there shall meet +/ . apantao {ap-an-tah'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and a derivative of 0473 + in the room +/ ; to meet away, i .e . encounter: --meet . 0533 + deny + thou shalt deny + me let him deny + shall be denied + will I not deny + thou hast denied + with thee I will not deny +/ . aparneomai {ap-ar-neh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 0720 + deny + denied + we deny + refused + denieth + denying + will deny + they deny + he denied + He denied + and denied + shall deny + but denying + and denying + that denieth + they refused + But he denied + But ye denied + And he denied + up and denied + he hath denied + us that denying + but he that denieth + But he that denieth + and hast not denied +/ ; to deny utterly, i .e . disown, abstain: --deny . 0534 + from henceforth +/ . aparti {ap-ar'-tee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 0737 + day + now + Now + I now + But now + For now + not now + present + is even + you now + thee now + hitherto + them now + Hitherto + unto this + though now + he who now + henceforth + doth he now + For do I now + with you now + me henceforth + them Do ye now + it to be so now + things unto this + unto this present + in whom though now + unto you Hereafter + and from henceforth +/ ; from now, i .e . henceforth (already): --from henceforth . 0536 + of firstfruits + the firstfruit + the firstfruits + is the firstfruits + being the firstfruits + that it is the firstfruits +/ . aparche {ap-ar-khay'}; from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 0756 + began + it begin + he began + and begin + and began + beginning + And began + rehearsed + Beginning + must begin + them began + it he began + Do we begin + forth began + things begin + and ye begin + up and began + and he began + But he began + And he began + it they began + him and began + And beginning + consent began + out and began + and beginning + and thou begin + And they began + And as I began + shall ye begin + and shall begin + And shall begin + shall they begin + meat with him began + And when he had begun + the matter from the beginning +/ ; a beginning of sacrifice, i .e . the (Jewish) first-fruit (figuratively): --first-fruits . 0541 + Who being the brightness +/ . apaugasma {ap-ow'-gas-mah}; from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 0826 + should shine +/ ; an off-flash, i .e . effulgence: --brightness . 0542 . apeido {ap-i'-do}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the same as 1492 + Wot + saw + see + tell + know + wist + Know + knew + I wot + I saw + he saw + to see + He saw + I wist + we wot + ye see + we wot + ye can + we saw + I know + Ye see + I knew + beheld + seeing + ye saw + Behold + Knowing + Ye know + did see + him saw + him saw + And saw + out saw + me wist + and see + knowing + not see + man see + knowest + knoweth + ye know + and saw + We know + we know + to know + him knew + them saw + they see + they saw + I cannot + I beheld + I looked + and knew + and look + and seen + maid saw + may know + and know + not tell + which saw + but canst + part knew + We cannot + by he saw + he beheld + as ye can + And I saw + and I saw + knowledge + hath seen + shall see + had known + have seen + us I know + they know + they knew + for I know + out to see + up and saw + and looked + and seeing + shall know + For I know + let us see + And seeing + and he saw + One to see + and I know + And I knew + As ye know + of knowing + perceiving + But I know + And I know + me and saw + And he saw + me and see + as ye know + you I know + For we know + For he knew + For ye know + For he wist + I shall see + But he knew + by they saw + he had seen + When he saw + But we know + I have seen + for we know + And we know + And ye know + not to know + not knowing + for ye know + was and saw + and ye know + when he saw + are we sure + and we know + and knowing + thou sawest + and knoweth + and knowest + that ye know + things I saw + And I beheld + that ye knew + thou knewest + when ye knew + thou knowest + We have seen + ye had known + thou knowing + thing I know + ye shall see + we have seen + And I looked + Thou knewest + and had seen + to have seen + or no I know + Thou knowest + when they saw + and shall see + up he knoweth + that I looked + and have seen + I say ye know + but ye cannot + saying I know + be let us see + for they knew + And I am sure + Did not I see + I do not know + When they saw + And hath seen + hath not seen + have you know + me and ye know + fellow we know + him ; and wist + and understand + But he knowing + that I may see + that they know + and he knoweth + and perceiving + Do ye not know + for you to see + and when I saw + thou shalt see + thou hast seen + unto them Know + they have seen + unto you I know + while we cannot + And when he saw + but having seen + thou hast known + because ye know + having not seen + that we do know + they should see + unto him I know + that we may see + One and ye know + that he knoweth + for to consider + unto thee I saw + him when he saw + But when he saw + him but ye know + and when he saw + But we are sure + and when she saw + that thou sawest + and not perceive + that ye may know + that when ye see + And that knowing + And when she saw + he understandeth + when they beheld + unto him Knowest + but him they saw + the door and saw + for we have seen + him ; but I know + And they that saw + and when they saw + that they may see + that we might see + him for they know + that thou knowest + And when they saw + unto them Ye know + and have not seen + But when they saw + not ye for I know + on them that know + ye out for to see + him when they see + her when they saw + unto thee knowing + of me ; and I know + when they had seen + things and we know + thing that ye know + that we might know + And because he saw + because he knoweth + them are not aware + things that he saw + him and perceiving + of them when he saw + unto him and he saw + to him that knoweth + for I had not known + unto you but I know + to pass and ye know + things ye have seen + things they had seen + forasmuch as ye know + Forasmuch as ye know + them ; for they know + But that ye may know + one of you should know + he was and when he saw + And when they had seen + that he should not see + from him for they know + and when they had seen + and shall not perceive + him ourselves and know + we shall be but we know + but that they might see + me ye should have known + thou not unto me knowest + that they should not see + works that they had seen + unto you Ye shall not see + long that thou mayest know + him and ye when ye had seen + unto them and when they saw + are they that have not seen + him unto him and when he saw +/ ; to see fully: --see . 0548 + as absent + I be absent + else be absent + when we are absent + things being absent + time ; and being absent +/ . apeimi {ap'-i-mee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1510 + you Am + am + had + make + I am + fear + used + I am + And am + and am + as I am + that am + man had + for I am + For I am + but I am + was I am + which had + ye belong + belongeth + that I am + For he had + not ; I am + while I am + state I am + for so I am + And she had + and yet I am + And they had + him for I am + unto me I am + unto thee am + but they had + but that I am + unto him I am + meat but I am + unto her I am + unto you I am + not that I am + unto them I am + thee that I am + as long as I am + of me ; for I am + should not stand + that he belonged + from me ; for I am + thou do it not I am + unto him Have I been + not thyself for I am + thou do it not for I am +/ ; to be away: --be absent . Compare 0549 + went +/ . 0549 + went +/ . apeimi {ap'-i-mee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and eimi (to go); to go away: --go . Compare 0548 + as absent + I be absent + else be absent + when we are absent + things being absent + time ; and being absent +/ . 0550 + But have renounced +/ . apeipomen {ap-i-pom'-ane}; reflexive past of a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2036 + bid + say + Say + tell + Tell + bade + Said + said + told + speak + spake + spoken + we say + I said + in say + Saying + I tell + saying + Saying + to say + it said + I speak + And say + He told + command + by said + as said + and say + He said + ye tell + man say + he said + I bring + I spake + he spake + and tell + him said + man said + he saith + She said + had said + And said + speaketh + they bid + thou say + and told + here say + and bade + and said + but said + this said + shall say + by I said + They said + them tell + hath said + commanded + they said + and spake + And spake + them said + a man say + hast said + as I said + thou tell + he called + but speak + thee word + of you say + that speak + he may say + But I said + had spoken + him saying + as he said + And I said + and answer + should say + it he said + words spake + I have said + And he said + shall speak + And he said + him to tell + he had said + shall I say + and he said + them I told + I have told + them saying + him he said + her he said + But he said + things said + it and said + time saying + that I told + that I said + ye and tell + up and said + it he spake + by and said + thereof said + him and told + that he said + that I spake + ye shall say + of them said + him and said + I should say + him and said + them to tell + that he said + them he said + And he spake + And she said + her and said + ye They said + also he said + we shall say + he commanded + it they said + them and said + things I said + and commanded + a man and say + and they said + man shall say + unto her Tell + And they said + that he spake + them and said + unto her Said + they shall say + him hence tell + unto him Grant + him as he said + words and said + ye have spoken + things he said + as he had said + that thou tell + of that I said + to him he said + thou hast said + this they said + unto them said + and to him said + by him and said + her but he said + place ; and say + pieces and said + to him and said + thee and sayest + intent he spake + and having said + not that I said + thereof he said + ye And they said + thou And he said + them I have told + but that he said + of them and said + me and as I said + me . But he said + When he had said + us . And he said + For he that said + away and I spake + to them and said + him away and say + unto him and said + unto thee but say + upon him and said + him and they said + unto you They said + it ; and commanded + unto him they said + him that hath said + unto him that told + of his hand saying + unto them and said + that he had spoken + thing And they said + thou me And he said + her to him and said + up himself and said + occupation and said + himself . They said + ye up And they said + things And they said + And when he had said + unto him And he said + thou that we command + in unto her and said + have him for he said + in to him and saying + they how that he bade + that they should tell + unto thee And he said + them unto him and said + and that he had spoken + And when he had spoken + out unto them and said + unto him Thou hast said + them that they should tell + And as soon as he had spoken + it were not so I would have told + and they that were with him said +/ ; to say off for oneself, i .e . disown: --renounce . 0553 + wait + absent + waiteth + waiting + we look + to be absent + we are absent + and unto them that look +/ . apekdechomai {ap-ek-dekh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1551 + tarry + waited + waiteth + waiting + expecting + For he looked + unto me for I look +/ ; to expect fully: --look (wait) foreign 0554 + off + And having spoiled + seeing that ye have put +/ . apekduomai {ap-ek-doo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1562 + off + stripped + be unclothed + him they took + And they stripped +/ ; to divest wholly oneself, or (for oneself) despoil: --put off, spoil . 0556 + And he drave +/ . apelauno {ap-el-ow'-no}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1643 + in rowing + and was driven + and are driven + that are carried + when they had rowed +/ ; to dismiss: --drive . 0557 + nought +/ . apelegmos {ap-el-eg-mos'}; from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1651 + rebuke + reprove + I rebuke + and rebuke + him his fault + being reproved + he is convinced + and to convince + he will reprove + of you convinceth + and are convinced + should be reproved + it being convicted + when thou art rebuked + things that are reproved +/ ; refutation, i .e . (by implication) contempt: --nought . 0558 + freeman +/ . apeleutheros {ap-el-yoo'-ther-os}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1658 + free + liberty + is free + As free + nor free + I not free + being free + she is free + ye were free + by a freewoman + but of the free + ye shall be free + of the freewoman + For though I be free + but he of the freewoman +/ ; one freed away, i .e . a freedman: --freeman . 0560 + again + hoping +/ . apelpizo {ap-el-pid'-zo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1679 + but I trust 1679- but I trust 1679- hope + trust + hoped + I hope + hope s + ye hope + trusted + we hope + He hoped + and hope + ye trust + we trust + trusteth + and I trust + for I trust + but I trust + But I trust + things hopeth + But we trusted + doth he yet hope + to you for I trust + I unto thee hoping + things of him ; and he hoped + And this they did not as we hoped +/ ; to hope out, i .e . fully expect: --hope for again . 0561 + over + before + against + contrary + in the presence +/ . apenanti {ap-en'-an-tee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1725 + before + And were continually +/ ; from in front, i .e . opposite, before or against: --before, contrary, over against, in the presence of .*** . apepo . See 0550 + But have renounced +/ . 0565 + Go + go + I go + went + away + to go + aside + but go + he went + is gone + is past + He went + not away + And went + and went + she went + departed + shall go + but went + us to go + and going + and goeth + were gone + to depart + thou goest + them to go + and I went + not depart + that we go + And I went + shall we go + And he went + I will come + and he went + he departed + not but went + he they went + and departed + of them went + are departed + was departed + him and went + them and went + were departed + out they went + and they came + And they went + him to depart + of it and went + And Jesus went + they were come + thou that we go + And he departed + me ; but I went + him and departed + out and departed + that they may go + for you that I go + them and departed + And they departed + things are passed + after are departed + And while they went + unto him Shall we go + And when she was come + unto thee . And he went + of them which were with us went + I will give you . And they went +/ . aperchomai {ap-erkh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2064 + to come 2064- to come 2064- is come 2064- is come 2064- there come 2064- there come 2064- go + Came + came + come + went + Come + grew + to go + cometh + I came + I come + coming + passing + is come + it came + we came + he come + we went + he went + brought + to come + me come + it came + he came + He came + be come + she came + I cometh + And came + and came + men come + may come + but come + not come + and come + man come + and went + was come + resorted + were come + have come + will come + it cometh + they went + they come + is coming + to be set + They came + I am come + me cometh + am I come + doth come + by coming + he cometh + to appear + they came + his coming + would come + and coming + is to come + There came + was coming + and I come + cause came + there come + which came + he is come + and cometh + are coming + which came + is to come + shall come + there came + I am coming + and ye came + when I come + is not come + and it came + in her came + when I came + for to come + thee cometh + and am come + and he came + I will come + him to come + will I come + he was come + to you came + and to come + it and went + from coming + and we came + things came + and entered + And he came + thou comest + should come + that cometh + let him come + was not come + and lighting + There cometh + and had come + And the next + do they come + and was come + and are come + and she came + he will come + they entered + there cometh + him and came + He shall come + and they come + things cometh + I am not come + And they came + he shall come + art thou come + And he cometh + and were come + For I am come + and he cometh + them and came + unto him Come + will not come + and they came + And they come + he that cometh + unto them Come + and as he came + as thou camest + they were come + that were come + He that cometh + I had not come + And there came + bread and came + when he cometh + that if I come + of him and came + it for she came + was for to come + and art to come + him in and came + and then cometh + ye shall I come + him that cometh + of it they came + is he that came + that I may come + But I will come + meat there came + That I may come + that should come + And when he came + and when he came + I pray thee come + but he will come + them not to come + that he may come + that when I come + when thou comest + when he was come + time I am coming + that at my coming + for I am not come + thee and him come + but let them come + them for she came + the thing he came + is he that cometh + and I am not come + him and they went + myself shall come + And when they came + it not then cometh + him not for I came + And when he cometh + Howbeit there came + but he that cometh + and shall not come + with them and came + of thee and comest + to pass as he went + not that I am come + that thou art come + for you I will come + And when he is come + are they which came + with them then came + that it should come + that when he cometh + After they were come + him and we will come + that they might come + unto him I will come + And when he was come + them . And they came + and then at my coming + For when we were come + him which should come + that there shall come + that they should come + unto you I shall come + that I would not come + That upon you may come + him that he would come + and he that shall come + but that it should come + things that should come + And when they were come + ye that he will not come + unto them ( he that came + thou he that should come + in the morning they came + was and is and is to come + out ; and when he is come + And as soon as he was come + to me ; and him that cometh + for that day shall not come + up as though I would not come + of them that were with me I came + that the things which happened unto me have fallen 206 / ; to go off (i .e . depart), aside (i .e . apart) or behind (i .e . follow), literally or figuratively: --come, depart, go (aside, away, back, out, . . .ways), pass away, be past . 0568 + off + But I have + unto you They have + for ye have received + that thou shouldest receive +/ . apecho {ap- ekh'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2192 + hath 2192- hath 2192- we had 2192- we had 2192- Having 2192- Having 2192- he hath 2192- he hath 2192- had + hold + Hold + have + hath + Have + hast + Hast + Hath + lieth + I had + count + he had + having + as had + ye had + Having + it had + I have + he hath + they do + to have + man had + him had + and had + ye have + as have + But had + me hath + it hath + me hath + Holding + He hath + me have + he have + it Have + We have + we have + And had + and hold + And have + will eat + man have + may have + but have + but hath + she hath + the next + and hast + man hath + that had + and hath + may fear + and have + he could + that had + they had + he began + Which had + she could + Which had + that have + thee have + as having + We having + thou hast + they held + as he had + in we had + which had + to retain + it lacked + possessed + Thou hast + they took + they have + but having + which hast + which have + which hath + and I must + and he had + As we have + And having + shall have + might have + as ye have + for he had + woman have + parts have + And he had + not having + But I have + and having + off having + But we had + thou count + and having + For I have + And ye have + things have + with me had + men counted + I have kept + tongue hath + but to have + him We have + let us have + tongue hath + that he had + that I have + should have + them having + we may have + for he hath + For ye have + For we have + But we have + And he hath + And to have + But ye have + he that had + that she had + he that hath + And they had + him that had + covenant had + hope we have + And they had + that ye have + they counted + that we have + as they have + him may have + that he hath + I might have + He that hath + such as have + and the next + and they had + ye might have + and not using + had conceived + thee and have + they that had + man that hath + And she being + of you having + I should have + he which hath + For thou hast + things having + we might have + and they have + one that hath + ye shall have + them that had + shall he have + for they have + uncircumcised + myself to have + For as we have + she which hath + unto them Have + that they have + seeing we have + not that I had + that thou hast + they that have + things ye have + ye should have + but shall have + them that have + them which had + but me ye have + for they cannot + to him that had + unto you having + unto him having + him But we have + is he that hath + to that he hath + one of you hath + there thou hast + that I may have + for thee to have + unto him We have + they had not had + and he that hath + For he that hath + to me and I have + and that ye have + us not then have + that he had been + it for thou hast + that ye may have + that he may have + to him that hath + unto them I have + that we may have + And when they had + ye not and having + of you shall have + me unto thee hath + in him not having + that I might have + unto them Ye have + unto him Thou art + Let him that hath + and ye shall have + is that thou hast + that were diseased + Thou couldest have + it down and I have + that ye might have + unto thee who hath + that which he hath + unto him They have + And they that have + thee not thou hast + is it that ye have + them as one having + but such as I have + and to let him have + and thou shalt have + out they might have + that ye may be able + that were possessed + it to him that hath + shall they that have + and that ye may have + that they might have + with them they could + thou not that I have + them as one that had + and the day following + be as though they had + it out . He that hath + it unto him which hath + but from him that hath + and from him that hath + But that which ye have + unto them He that hath + which are with him have + But forasmuch as he had + him that they might have + and that they might have + to me that ye might have + those things that we have + out of that which ye have + with you ; but me ye have + unto them they had not had + unto you that in me ye might have + but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath + things of you and things that accompany +/ ; (actively) to have out, i .e . receive in full; (intransitively) to keep (oneself) away, i .e . be distant (literally or figuratively): --be, have, receive . 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ . apo {apo'}; a primary particle; "off," i .e . away (from something near), in various senses (of place, time, or relation; literal or figurative): --(X here-)after, ago, at, because of, before, by (the space of), for(-th), from, in, (out) of, off, (up-)on(-ce), since, with . In composition (as a prefix) it usually denotes separation, departure, cessation, completion, reversal, etc . 0576 + were gone + shall turn + as they were come + And it shall turn +/ . apobaino {ap-ob-ah'-ee-no}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ ; literally, to disembark; figuratively, to eventuate: --become, go out, turn . 0577 + away + Cast + not away + And he casting +/ . apoballo {ap-ob-al'-lo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 0906 + put + Put + laid + cast + lying + lieth + thrust + we put + to put + was put + to cast + and put + casteth + to send + casting + putteth + is cast + and cast + And cast + but cast + did cast + was cast + was laid + They cast + hath cast + were cast + be thrown + and threw + to be cast + do men put + for to put + I will put + and thrust + did strike + shall cast + should cast + must be put + men casting + not to send + he was cast + and to cast + I will cast + to have put + but men cast + it hath cast + but they put + and did cast + did they cast + and she threw + them and cast + they did cast + that was cast + them was cast + and have cast + And they cast + but to be cast + And shall cast + should be cast + unto them Cast + that he poureth + it out and cast + and be thou cast + and thou be cast + that he was cast + and he were cast + after there arose + and they were cast + upon them they cast + they which have cast + not in me he is cast + For in that she hath poured +/ ; to throw off; figuratively, to lose: --cast away . 0578 + for he had respect +/ . apoblepo {ap-ob-lep'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 0991 + Look 0991- on + saw + See + see + Look + seeth + sight + I see + Seest + ye see + Beware + looked + we see + We see + Behold + to see + behold + he saw + beware + seeing + and see + and saw + looketh + to look + are seen + he seeth + and seen + they saw + take heed + and lieth + and seeth + he beheld + shall see + as ye see + beholdest + But I see + Take heed + But we see + and do see + and seeing + not seeing + thou seest + For ye see + in may see + thou seest + Do ye look + That seeing + that seeing + and looking + they seeing + Take ye heed + ye shall see + that is seen + for they see + and they see + they may see + and beholding + when they saw + But take heed + And beholding + not might see + unto them See + man take heed + for I perceive + unto him Seest + they shall see + for that we see + But when he saw + when they behold + But take ye heed + and looking in saw + of things not seen + they might not see + for thou regardest + unto him Thou seest + that they which see + unto them Take heed + that thou mayest see + that they may not see + the things that ye see + and that they which see + that they should not see + things while they beheld + the things which are seen + of God of things not seen + the things which are not seen + for the things which are seen + but the things which are not seen +/ ; to look away from everything else, i .e . (figuratively) intently regard: --have respect . 0581 + that we being dead +/ . apogenomenos {ap-og-en-om'-en-os}; past participle of a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1096 + God + had + made + laid + come + done + came + grow + Give + waxed + doing + being + arose + became + become + cometh + abroad + forbid + ariseth + is past + am made + But God + wrought + require + it come + it came + he came + sounded + be done + as soon + to come + is made + be made + is come + was come + was done + are done + I became + was made + are made + But made + he would + trembled + and made + was past + man have + is found + continued + he became + I am made + but being + it befell + and being + and waxed + And being + were made + were done + were come + have lost + have been + is become + hath been + is become + to become + was coming + shall come + being made + it is done + was shewed + and become + was become + it is come + It is done + would grow + there came + he is made + and became + and shewed + Being made + I was made + we behaved + may become + thing made + thing kept + thing come + that arose + might come + are become + to be done + to be made + as it came + there arose + was divided + And it came + he be taken + is happened + unto me God + I have been + I am become + when camest + in and came + be ordained + being ended + and falling + things come + may be done + And at even + may be made + and brought + we had been + in was made + and drawing + we are made + is preferred + and was made + thou be made + be fulfilled + might become + and becometh + ye have been + day was come + was now come + and it cometh + And ye became + were finished + shall be done + that by means + that was made + shall be made + might be made + and were made + that was done + were not made + there is made + so be it done + and is become + And he became + thou art made + and it became + hath been done + things be done + and there fell + which was made + she be married + let him become + and are become + thou hast been + And there came + have been done + and it becometh + and they became + and he becometh + thou art become + And there arose + for we are made + old having been + things are done + For we are made + up and becometh + that it be made + me is preferred + shall be turned + which were done + works were done + it shall be done + things were made + when he was come + things were done + therein he being + whilst ye became + shall be brought + ye have not been + things shall come + things are become + works are wrought + we should be made + that it thundered + unto me It is done + unto me It is done + them that had been + they should be put + and there followed + works had been done + me not ; I was made + which was published + things be fulfilled + it was that was done + in you had been done + And when there arose + that he might become + and it shall be done + things which are done + things that were done + in thee had been done + thou Ye shall be made + that we might be made + though she be married + And when we were come + things that shall come + that shall not be made + at that which was come + for that which was done + And when there had been + And when there was made + of you for she hath been + the things that were done + that ye should be married + things shall be performed + the things which are come + the things which were done + good unto us being assembled +/ ; absent, i .e . deceased (figuratively, renounced): --being dead . 0583 + taxing + of the taxing + which are written +/ . apographo {ap-og-raf'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1125 + write + Write + wrote + write + things to write 1125- things to write 1125- I write + I wrote + written + ye wrote + To write + he wrote + to write + did write + and write + and wrote + describeth + is written + did I write + And I wrote + are written + was written + were written + For we write + things write + that I write + have written + And he wrote + not as though I wrote 1125- not as though I wrote 1125- one . I write + it is written + unto me Write + It is written + thing to write + I have written + it was written + And they wrote + And the writing + me for he wrote + for me to write + this is written + that is written + things to write + are not written + were not written + things and wrote + that are written + that was written + as it is written + As it is written + not that I write + for it is written + For it is written + and it was written + it was not written + I have not written + that it was written + things were written + but as it is written + out and I will write + and they are written + But as it is written + unto him hath written + things have I written + them Is it not written + that should be written + they should be written + unto him It is written + things that are written + unto them It is written + for us for it is written + things which are written + things which were written + of them ; as it is written + According as it is written + but they which are written + unto them Is it not written + that the things that I write + things neither have I written + and from the things which are written +/ ; to write off (a copy or list), i .e . enrol: --tax, write . 0584 + forth + shewing + approved + hath set + not prove +/ . apodeiknumi {ap-od-ike'-noo-mee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1166 + shew + shewed + shewest + to shew + and shew + he shewed + and shewed + hath shewed + and sheweth + I will shew + thy way shew + I shall shew + And he shewed + have I shewed + he shall shew + thou then Shew + and I will shew + and he will shew + unto him to shew + And he will shew + And he shall shew +/ ; to show off, i .e . exhibit; figuratively, to demonstrate, i .e . accredit: --(ap-)prove, set forth, shew . 0586 + tithe + for ye pay + for ye tithe + I give tithes + to take tithes +/ . apodekatoo {ap-od-ek-at-o'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1183 + payed + tithes + from them received +/ ; to tithe (as debtor or creditor): --(give, pay, take) tithe . 0588 + received + We accept + to receive + gladly received + house and received + they were received +/ . apodechomai {ap-od-ekh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1209 + took + receive + received + And take + receiveth + I received + ye received + And he took + he accepted + and receive + me receiveth + but received + me receiveth + had received + unto him Take + they received + shall receive + that ye receive + having received + unto you receive + and they receive + they may receive + will not receive + of us ye received + shall not receive + him and he received + that we would receive + in that they received + And they did not receive + not when she had received + which ye have not accepted +/ ; to take fully, i .e . welcome (persons), approve (things): --accept, receive (gladly) . 0590 + taking a far journey +/ . apodemos {ap-od'-ay-mos}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1218 + And the people + unto the people + in unto the people + them out to the people +/ ; absent from one's own people, i .e . a foreign traveller: --taking a far journey . 0591 + Pay + give + sold + gave + Render + reward + to pay + Reward + render + ye sold + and give + it again + I restore + him again + Recompense + not to pay + to be made + shall give + and he gave + and yielded + will render + and payment + it yieldeth + shall reward + of thee give + shall render + I will repay + he should pay + and delivered + Not rendering + thou hast paid + to be delivered + he shall reward + they shall give + as she rewarded + unto them Render + is with me to give + he unto them Render + as they that must give + with me and I will pay + thyself but shalt perform +/ . apodidomi {ap-od-eed'-o-mee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1325 + put + give + Give + gave + grant + given + I give + taking + gavest + giveth + giving + Giving + granted + He gave + he gave + we gave + To give + ye give + to give + it gave + ye utter + and gave + And gave + man give + be given + him gave + may give + bestowed + is given + hath put + and give + was given + had given + and given + and grant + will give + they gave + They gave + delivered + they give + and giveth + as he gave + were given + me he gave + but giveth + And I give + And I gave + hath given + shall give + I will put + I have set + to receive + and granted + and brought + And he gave + I will make + will I give + I will give + he may give + how to give + not to give + I will give + but to make + that giveth + thou gavest + Thou gavest + for to give + it is given + it be given + and to give + it and gave + and ye gave + he will give + that he gave + it was given + may be given + And to offer + us and given + he had power + I have given + will I grant + let him give + to thee Give + he had given + having given + and delivered + unto him Give + them and gave + and will give + would deliver + Shall we give + it were given + that is given + unto her Give + and did yield + he hath given + hath bestowed + And they gave + him had given + hath he given + But he giveth + him ; and put + for us to give + it to be given + that thou give + that was given + of us is given + shall men give + shall be given + shall not give + might be given + hath not given + which is given + And hath given + and shall give + and hath given + and shall shew + and have given + unto them Give + unto him Grant + me I have given + For I will give + thou hast given + And I will shew + And I will give + is he that gave + and I will give + but rather give + there was given + that thou gavest + wilt thou suffer + that I will give + And it was given + For I have given + And he had power + him to them gave + we should hinder + And he delivered + of me I will give + us and hath given + unto you but give + unto me they gave + that I shall give + from him and give + it and it yielded + shall we not give + and he shall give + from you and given + As thou hast given + that he would give + to him will I give + but hath committed + That he would grant + which he hath given + and thou hast given + And there was given + and have been given + and there was given + and power was given + that he should give + and to him was given + one of us shall give + that it may minister + that he should offer + Unto you it is given + that they should give + and it shall be given + thou that we may give + for it shall be given + to him shall be given + should have been given + And to her was granted + and to them were given + thing seeing he giveth + and unto them was given + notwithstanding ye give + it not ; for it is given + hand is not mine to give + And to them it was given + they were and thou gavest + which is by him hath given + not ; and it shall be given + but to them it is not given + psalm Thou shalt not suffer + and that thou shouldest give + to as many as thou hast given + that something should be given + of him and he would have given + unto them Unto you it is given + him that he would not adventure +/ ; to give away, i .e . up, over, back, etc . (in various applications): --deliver (again), give (again), (re-)pay(-ment be made), perform, recompense, render, requite, restore, reward, sell, yield . 0592 + be they who separate +/ . apodiorizo {ap-od-ee-or-id'-zo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and a compound of 0223 + Alexander + of Alexander + And Alexander + and Alexander +/ and 3724 + determined + he limiteth + And declared + was ordained + he hath ordained + by the determinate + and hath determined + as it was determined +/ ; to disjoin (by a boundary, figuratively, a party): --separate . 0593 + rejected + disallowed + he was rejected + things and be rejected +/ . apodokimazo {ap-od-ok-ee-mad'-zo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 1381 + Prove + prove + proved + Proving + examine + discern + but try + to prove + shall try + be proved + me proved + man prove + he alloweth + which trieth + and to prove + and approvest + ye shall approve + that ye may prove + though it be tried + That ye may approve + as they did not like + But as we were allowed +/ ; to disapprove, i .e . (by implication) to repudiate: --disallow, reject . 0597 + Laying + up in store +/ . apothesaurizo {ap-oth-ay-sow-rid'-zo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2343 + are kept + treasure + in store + treasurest + not to lay + Ye have heaped + by him in store + is he that layeth up treasure +/ ; to treasure away: --lay up in store . 0598 + thee and press +/ . apothlibo {ap-oth-lee'-bo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2346 + afflicted + and narrow + the afflicted + We are troubled + we be afflicted + suffer tribulation + they should throng + but we were troubled + to them that trouble + And to you who are troubled +/ ; to crowd (from every side): --press . 0599 + die + dead + died + dieth + I die + it die + to die + we die + he died + and die + am dead + be dead + is dead + and died + of death + as dying + they die + was dead + are dead + that die + that died + and dying + not to die + were slain + and I died + and he die + and to die + should die + ye be dead + He is dead + we be dead + is not dead + and not die + and he died + her and died + had not died + he were dead + and are dead + and perished + ye shall die + for me to die + should not die + that we may die + he ye shall die + that being dead + For ye are dead + me and shall die + And that he died + that she was dead + For in that he died + when he was a dying + For he that is dead + not ; she is not dead + shall we that are dead + but unto him which died + and by it he being dead + man should not have died + unto you that ye shall die + of age and she lay a dying + not unto him He shall not die +/ . apothnesko {ap-oth-nace'- ko}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2348 + dead + is dead + the dead + had been dead + which was dead + he had been dead + there was a dead + that he was dead + for they are dead + And he that was dead + of him that was dead +/ ; to die off (literally or figuratively): --be dead, death, die, lie a-dying, be slain (X with) . 0600 + again + restore + and restore + was restored + and restoreth + and it was restored + that I may be restored + up and he was restored +/ . apokathistemi {ap-ok-ath-is'-tay-mee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2525 + made + ruler + maketh + be made + they make + him ruler + hath made + were made + shall make + and ordain + thee ruler + is ordained + and he made + and didst set + we may appoint + things I will make + And they that conducted + unto you that he will make + unto you That he shall make +/ ; to reconstitute (in health, home or organization): --restore (again) . 0601 + reveal + revealed + To reveal + is revealed + be revealed + shall reveal + hath revealed + been revealed + to be revealed + it was revealed + may be revealed + and hast revealed + hath not revealed + it shall be revealed + any thing be revealed + that shall be revealed + afterwards be revealed + which shall be revealed + that he might be revealed + that shall not be revealed +/ . apokalupto {ap-ok-al-oop'-to}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2572 + Cover + be hid + covered + covereth + it is hid + was covered + shall cover + and shall hide +/ ; to take off the cover, i .e . disclose: -- reveal . 0603 + expectation + to my earnest + For the earnest +/ . apokaradokia {ap-ok-ar-ad-ok-ee'-ah}; from a comparative of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and a compound of kara (the head) and 1380 + think + seemed + Suppose + suppose + thought + seemeth + pleased + pleasure + man seem + Thinkest + you seem + we think + thinkest + supposing + It seemed + And think + man think + which seem + he seemeth + them think + He seemeth + him I trow + but thought + For I think + Do ye think + and I think + you seemeth + as ye think + and supposed + man thinketh + Do not think + they supposed + when ye think + For it seemed + For it seemeth + of them thought + but they thought + do for they think + unto them Suppose + of you should seem + thou She supposing + for they who seemed + That I may not seem + for in them ye think + let him that thinketh + But of these who seemed + and because they thought + Notwithstanding it pleased + of them should be accounted + that they which are accounted + to them which were of reputation +/ (in the sense of watching); intense anticipation: --earnest expectation . 0604 + hath he reconciled + by him to reconcile + And that he might reconcile +/ . apokatallasso {ap-ok-at-al-las'-so}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2644 + reconciling + be reconciled + hath reconciled + be ye reconciled + being reconciled + we were reconciled +/ ; to reconcile fully: --reconcile . 0606 + laid + is laid + there is laid + And as it is appointed +/ . apokeimai {ap-ok'-i-mahee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2749 + lie + lay + laid + lieth + lying + is laid + was set + had lain + was laid + not lying + is not made + that is set + child is set + that I am set + there was set + And there were set + that we are appointed +/ ; to be reserved; figuratively, to await: - -be appointed, (be) laid up . 0607 + I beheaded + and beheaded + have I beheaded +/ . apokephalizo {ap-ok-ef-al-id'-zo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2776 + head + heads + My head + her head + the head + His head + the Head + his head + The head + own heads + their heads + and my head + of her head + by thy head + is the head + of his heads + And his head + and the head + that the head + from the head + and the heads + with her head + upon his heads + him on the head + it upon his head + was upon his head + and upon her head + were as the heads + and upon his heads + And he is the head + him to be the head +/ ; to decapitate: --behead . 0608 + up and hath shut +/ . apokleio {ap-ok-li'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2808 + shut + to shut + we shut + was shut + shutteth + were shut + being shut + for ye shut + pit and shut + and shutteth + of it shall not be shut + and when thou hast shut +/ ; to close fully: --shut up . 0609 + off + cut + it off + and cut + thee cut +/ . apokopto {ap-ok-op'-to}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2875 + cut + down + mourn + bewailed + shall wail + and bewailed + her and lament + unto you and ye have not lamented +/ ; to amputate; reflexively (by irony) to mutilate (the privy parts): --cut off . Compare 2699 + of the concision +/ . 0611 + answer + answered + to answer + answereth + Answerest + answering + I answered + and answer + He answered + he answered + shall answer + And answered + he answering + He answereth + man answered + him answered + and answered + They answered + And I answered + They answering + it he answered + But he answered + shall he answer + And he answered + but he answered + ye They answered + it They answered + And he answering + that he answered + And she answered + And they answered + unto him Answerest + that he had answered + things but he answered + unto him Thou hast answered + unto us ; and he shall answer +/ . apokrinomai {ap-ok-ree'-nom- ahee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and krino; to conclude for oneself, i .e . (by implication) to respond; by Hebraism [compare 6030] to begin to speak (where an adress is expected): --answer . 0613 + and hid + hath been hid + thou hast hid + even the hidden + that thou hast hid +/ . apokrupto {ap-ok-roop'-to}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2928 + hid + is hid + be hid + and hid + man hid + was hid + he hideth + us and hide + and did hide + but secretly + they are hid + of the hidden + things which have been kept secret +/ ; to conceal away (i .e . fully); figuratively, to keep secret: --hide . 0615 + kill + killed + killeth + killest + and put + to kill + to slay + to death + have put + and kill + and slew + be killed + was slain + were slain + And killed + and killed + for to put + have killed + him and put + let us kill + for to slay + was to kill + and killing + having slain + and be slain + him to death + Will he kill + them and kill + for us to put + we have slain + and be killed + and shall kill + he hath killed + him and killed + And I will kill + they had killed + he that killeth + were not killed + have been killed + they have killed + should be killed + me and by it slew + thou that killest + of them that kill + that they might put + and they have slain + and they shall kill + And they shall kill + and him they killed + upon him and shall kill + that they should not kill + and some of them ye shall kill + and some of them they shall slay + him ; and after that he is killed +/ . apokteino {ap-ok-ti'-no}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and kteino (to slay); to kill outright; figuratively, to destroy: --put to death, kill, slay . 0616 + forth + begat + it bringeth +/ . apokueo {ap-ok-oo-eh'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 2949 + waves + with waves + of the waves + and the waves + with the waves +/ ; to breed forth, i .e . (by transf .) to generate (figuratively): --beget, produce . 0617 + back + away + rolled + us away + and rolled + was rolled + shall roll +/ . apokulio {ap-ok-oo-lee'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2947 + and wallowed +/ ; to roll away: --roll away (back) . 0618 + again + but that we receive 0618- but that we receive 0618- receivedst + to receive + And he took + and receiving + for we receive + he hath received + ye shall receive + shall not receive + that we might receive +/ . apolambano {ap-ol-am-ban'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2983 + receive 2983- receive 2983- had + Took + took + take + Take + began + taken + amazed + taking + taketh + taketh + to take + receive + ye took + he took + and have + and take + received + and took + assaying + attained + I caught + they took + had taken + receiveth + accepteth + I receive + that take + acceptest + to receive + And I took + he receive + and taketh + we receive + as we have received 2983- as we have received 2983- but receive + we received + day receive + may receive + as received + And he took + ye received + and he took + When I call + and receive + should take + unto me Take + out and held + had received + he had taken + me receiveth + and did take + which receive + we have taken + have received + might receive + they received + as I received + and had taken + if ye receive + And they took + But I receive + and receiving + ye have taken + shall receive + unto them Take + and ye receive + they that take + and have taken + And there came + he may receive + than to receive + of you Received + For he received + ye have brought + thou hast taken + I have received + And they caught + have I received + that ye receive + but he received + having received + And he received + he shall receive + me and receiveth + ye shall receive + the law and take + ye have received + That he may take + we have received + unto them Receive + that I might take + man hath received + man shall receive + upon him and took + that had received + he that receiveth + if it be received + thou hast received + that we may obtain + they that received + thou didst receive + they which receive + And he that taketh + and that ye receive + with him ; and took + not having received + him ye will receive + and having received + he that had received + But he shall receive + I that he shall take + they do it to obtain + and ye shall receive + but ye have received + one of them may take + But ye shall receive + in him shall receive + ye have not received + that he might receive + that shall ye receive + that he shall receive + he which had received + that we have received + that we might receive + that they may receive + And when he had taken + that we shall receive + He that hath received + them that had received + meat with them he took + them and they received + off and hath forgotten + me for he shall receive + And when they had taken + that they might receive + But he that had received + For ye have not received + And when he had received + And when they had received + me ; and he that receiveth + unto them Have ye received + unto you He that receiveth + me ; and they have received + as if thou hadst not received + that they should have received + for them that they might receive + thou that thou didst not receive +/ ; to receive (specially, in full, or as a host); also to take aside: --receive, take . 0619 + to enjoy + things to enjoy +/ . apolausis {ap-ol'-ow-sis}; from a comparative of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and lauo (to enjoy); full enjoyment: --enjoy(-ment) . 0620 + have I left + that I left + it remaineth + there remaineth + There remaineth + estate but left +/ . apoleipo {ap- ol-ipe'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3007 + saying + Saying + lackest + wanting + be wanting + of you lack + and destitute + upon God and saying + the things that are wanting +/ ; to leave behind (passively, remain); by implication, to forsake: --leave, remain . 0621 + and licked +/ . apoleicho {ap-ol-i'-kho}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and leicho (to "lick"); to lick clean: --lick . 0622 + that we lose 0622- that we lose 0622- perish + destroy + be lost + Destroy + perished + and lose + was lost + she lose + will lose + we perish + perisheth + destroyed + if he lose + shall lose + should die + I had lost + to destroy + and destroy + he was lost + to the lost + and perished + are perished + and I perish + shall perish + and was lost + us we perish + should perish + and destroyed + me have I lost + and to destroy + that perisheth + will be marred + I will destroy + of it perisheth + of them is lost + me I should lose + but unto the lost + but not destroyed + They shall perish + they might destroy + and were destroyed + ones should perish + that which is lost + that which was lost + in them that perish + to them that are lost + is to them that perish + thou not that we perish + and in them that perish + in him should not perish + unto you he shall not lose +/ . apollumi {ap-ol'-loo-mee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 3639 + therein + destruction + in destruction + for the destruction +/ ; to destroy fully (reflexively, to perish, or lose), literally or figuratively: --destroy, die, lose, mar, perish . 0626 + spake + answer + excusing + have made + his defence + and answered + While he answered + ye that we excuse + what ye shall answer + thing ye shall answer + because I shall answer +/ . apologeomai {ap-ol-og-eh'-om- ahee}; middle voice from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3056 + work + word + thing + words + saying + speech + reason + intent + rumour + things + a word + a shew + matter + my word + by word + account + speaker + in word + tidings + sayings + and word + The Word + my words + the word + of words + question + The word + treatise + a matter + thy word + our word + his word + in words + the work + the Word + the words + in a word + my saying + utterance + of speech + in speech + our words + his words + my sayings + his speech + his saying + him a word + their word + the matter + in my word + an account + is the word + in the word + he the word + of the word + By the word + at the word + the sayings + that saying + of the Word + by the word + not in word + But the word + him the word + you a reason + not my words + of his words + not the word + not our word + and the Word + and the word + there a fame + not his word + of utterance + And the word + Let the word + out the word + And the Word + for the word + for his word + was the Word + For the word + but the word + but my words + of the words + and his word + with his word + them thy word + are the words + and utterance + And my speech + unto the word + for the cause + that the word + we have to do + things to say + communication + for the words + and reckoneth + in thy sayings + And the saying + from the words + And their word + and his speech + not the speech + her not a word + is that saying + is not in word + for the word s + not my sayings + of his own word + of the doctrine + That the saying + of these things + of those things + and by the word + and to the word + not the sayings + things by mouth + up in the words + him in his talk + not in the words + manner of saying + For by thy words + and for the word + him in his words + unto us the word + and by thy words + as we are in word + away but my words + For the preaching + unto him the word + unto you the word + it not as the word + to pass the saying + to you is the word + him for the saying + of that by the word + he us with the word + unto you by the word + for us that the word + not unto you in word + of me and of my words + with me as concerning + manner of communications + And for me that utterance + as unto them but the word + But this cometh to pass that the word +/ ; to give an account (legal plea) of oneself, i .e . exculpate (self): --answer (for self), make defence, excuse (self), speak for self . 0628 + away + he sent + and wash + I have sent + of you but ye are washed +/ . apolouo {ap-ol-oo'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3068 + washed + and washed + us and washed + that was washed + to him He that is washed + whom when they had washed +/ ; to wash fully, i .e . (figuratively) have remitted (reflexively): --wash (away) . 0629 + redemption + deliverance + of redemption + the redemption + and redemption + for the redemption + to wit the redemption +/ . apolutrosis {ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis}; from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3083 + a ransom +/ ; (the act) ransom in full, i .e . (figuratively) riddance, or (specially) Christian salvation: --deliverance, redemption . 0630 + at + go + set + Let + let + away + send + Send + sent + me go + him go + depart + man go + I send + is set + is put + to put + to let + you go + forgive + and let + he sent + release + putteth + lettest + liberty + them go + then let + they let + her away + not send + him away + released + thou let + them away + shall put + to release + and to put + you to put + and loosed + And he sent + he released + and he sent + he dismissed + they departed + they were let + unto him Send + that I release + them they sent + man and release + him and release + thou art loosed + he must release + her that is put + And he released + And being let go + ye that I release + me would have let + him and let him go + her that is divorced + And when he had sent + that I should release + them they let them go + and ye shall be forgiven + when they were dismissed +/ . apoluo {ap-ol-oo'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3089 + off + Loose + loose + to loose + be broken + be loosed + he loosed + to him Put + had broken + ye loosing + to unloose + shall melt + was loosed + was broken + were loosed + shall break + do ye loose + and to loose + ye shall loose + with her loose + and they loose + shall be loosed + and hath broken + unto them Loose + down and unloose + not to be loosed + up having loosed + thou shalt loose + unto them Destroy + shall be dissolved + that he might loose + should not be broken + that he might destroy + And as they were loosing + things shall be dissolved +/ ; to free fully, i .e . (literally) relieve, release, dismiss (reflexively, depart), or (figuratively) let die, pardon or (specially) divorce: --(let) depart, dismiss, divorce, forgive, let go, loose, put (send) away, release, set at liberty . 0631 + off + on us we do wipe +/ . apomassomai {ap-om-as'-som-ahee}; middle voice from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and masso (to squeeze, knead, smear); to scrape away: --wipe off . 0632 + giving +/ . aponemo {ap-on-em'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 3551 + law + a law + my laws + the law + The law + are a law + is the law + Is the law + In the law + to our law + in the law + by the law + to the law + of the law + For the law + you the law + not the law + And the law + and the law + from the law + that the law + Doth our law + in their law + of their law + even the law + unto the law + is in the law + is of the law + after the law + be of the law + from that law + and by our law + for by the law + out of the law + but by the law + come by the law + were by the law + serveth the law + how that the law + matters of the law + which is of the law + there had been a law + things are by the law + they which are of the law + the things contained in the law +/ ; to apportion, i .e . bestow: --give . 0633 + and washed +/ . aponipto {ap-on-ip'-to}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3538 + wash + I wash + to wash + and wash + they wash + and washed + have washed + and I washed + he had washed + for they wash + dost thou wash + she have washed +/ ; to wash off (reflexively, one's own hands symbolically): --wash . 0634 + there fell +/ . apopipto {ap-op-ip'-to}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 4098 + Fall + fell + down + fall + light + I fell + falleth + falling + to fail + he fall + ye fall + it fell + man fall + and fell + And fell + is fallen + seeds fell + And I fell + he falleth + him I fell + are fallen + shall fall + and he fell + And he fell + him he fell + and it fell + him she fell + it they fell + him and fell + it shall fall + and there fell + thou wilt fall + them which fell + him ; and he fell + And they shall fall + And that which fell + that they should fall + of them shall not fall +/ ; to fall off: --fall . 0635 + to seduce + after they have erred +/ . apoplanao {ap-op-lan-ah'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 4105 + err + went + going + astray + deceive + deceived + deceiveth + deceiving + we deceive + Do not err + not astray + man deceive + he deceived + and are gone + that deceived + of you do err + and to seduce + they wandered + And deceiveth + is gone astray + out to deceive + of them be gone + Be not deceived + them that seduce + but he deceiveth + and shall deceive + they shall deceive + and being deceived + unto them Ye do err + that ye be not deceived + Christ ; and shall deceive + upon him that he should deceive + and on them that are out of the way +/ ; to lead astray (figuratively); passively, to stray (from truth): --err, seduce . 0636 + sailed + they sailed + And we sailed + that we should sail +/ . apopleo {ap-op-leh'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 4126 + sailing + to sail + them that sail + hand and sailed + But as they sailed +/ ; to set sail: --sail away . 0637 + out of them and were washing +/ . apopluno {ap-op-loo'-no}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 4150 + and have washed +/ ; to rinse off: --wash . 0638 + up and choked + and were choked + up with it and choked +/ . apopnigo {ap-op-nee'-go}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 4155 + and were choked + him by the throat +/ ; to stifle (by drowning or overgrowth): --choke . 0641 + should cast +/ . aporrhipto {ap-or-hrip'-to}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 4496 + off + down + abroad + and cast + they cast + them down + had thrown + day we cast + And he cast + and he cast + out and cast + and were scattered +/ ; to hurl off, i .e . precipitate (oneself): --cast . 0642 + being taken +/ . aporphanizo {ap-or-fan-id'-zo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and a derivative of 3737 + the fatherless +/ ; to bereave wholly, i .e . (figuratively) separate (from intercourse): --take . 0643 + we took + up our carriages +/ . aposkeuazo {ap-osk-yoo-ad'-zo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and a derivative of 4632 + sail + vessel + vessels + a vessel + his goods + any vessel + one vessel + his vessel + the vessels + and his stuff + and the vessel + as the vessels + manner vessels + it with a vessel + he shall be a vessel +/ ; to pack up (one's) baggage: -- take up . . .carriages . 0644 + shadow +/ . aposkiasma {ap-os-kee'-as-mah}; from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and a derivative of 4639 + a shadow + the shadow + and shadow + are a shadow + and in the shadow +/ ; a shading off, i .e . obsuration: --shadow . 0645 + away + and drew + we were gotten + things to draw + And he was withdrawn +/ . apospao {ap-os-pah'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 4685 + by drew + he drew +/ ; to drag forth, i .e . (literally) unsheathe (a sword), or relatively (with a degree of force implied) retire (personally or factiously): --(with-)draw (away), after we were gotten from . 0648 + they uncovered +/ . apostegazo {ap-os-teg-ad'-zo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and a derivative of 4721 + my roof + the roof +/ ; to unroof: --uncover . 0649 + send + Sent + sent + forth + to set + I sent + I send + to send + is sent + he sent + Ye sent + and sent + was sent + had sent + And sent + God sent + him away + have sent + am I sent + they sent + them away + were sent + hath sent + I was sent + them forth + So he sent + he sendeth + shall send + he putteth + have I sent + I will send + And he sent + us and sent + and am sent + but he sent + him and sent + he will send + he hath sent + We have sent + they be sent + And they sent + And they send + I am not sent + him that sent + unto him Send + shall he send + of all he sent + off he sendeth + And he sendeth + thou hast sent + for I have sent + of him they sent + I send you forth + As thou hast sent + And he shall send + them that are sent + that thou hast sent + them which are sent + that thou didst send + to pass ; and he sent + that he would not send + And they that were sent + not me but him that sent + from him and he hath sent + these things unto them he sent + that they should be with him and that he might send 06 / . apostello {ap-os-tel'-lo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 4724 + Avoiding + that ye withdraw +/ ; set apart, i .e . (by implication) to send out (properly, on a mission) literally or figuratively: --put in, send (away, forth, out), set [at liberty] . 0650 + back + Defraud + by fraud + and defraud + and destitute + is of you kept + suffer yourselves to be defrauded +/ . apostereo {ap-os-ter-eh'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and stereo (to deprive); to despoil: --defraud, destitute, kept back by fraud . 0653 + him to speak + and to provoke +/ . apostomatizo {ap-os-tom-at-id'-zo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and a (presumed) derivative of 4750 + face 4750- face 4750- to face 4750- to face 4750- face + mouth + mouths + to face + the edge + my mouth + the mouth + our mouth + her mouth + own mouth + his mouth + the mouths + by my mouth + by the edge + you a mouth + of my mouth + as the mouth + by the mouth + in his mouth + of his mouth + And his mouth + and his mouth + with thy mouth + it to his mouth + and their mouth + he not his mouth + unto him a mouth + Out of the mouth + him on the mouth + out of the mouth + out of his mouth + that in the mouth + is in their mouth + and with the mouth + And in their mouth + out of their mouth + out of their mouths + thee out of my mouth + and out of his mouth + and out of the mouth + And out of his mouth + come out of the mouth + to you . In the mouth + thee even in thy mouth + and out of their mouths + unto me with their mouth + but it shall be in thy mouth + it up ; and it was in my mouth +/ ; to speak off-hand (properly, dictate), i .e . to catechize (in an invidious manner): --provoke to speak . 0654 + away + again + up again + be turned + that turn + if we turn + unto him Put + of thee turn + not thou away + and shall turn + and shall be turned + himself and brought + And they shall turn + unto me as one that perverteth +/ . apostrepho {ap-os-tref'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 4762 + turn + back + again + turned + we turn + turning + and turn + him about + She turned + she turned + And he turned + But he turned + ye be converted + shall be turned + at him and turned + with him and he turned +/ ; to turn away or back (literally or figuratively): --bring again, pervert, turn away (from) . 0655 + Abhor +/ . apostugeo {ap-os-toog-eh'-o}: from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 4767 + hateful +/ ; to detest utterly: -- abhor . 0656 + cast + out of the synagogue + he should be put out of the synagogue +/ . aposunagogos {ap-os-oon-ag'-o-gos}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 4864 + assembly + synagogue + synagogues + the synagogue + us a synagogue + was a synagogue + their synagogue + to the synagogue + of the synagogue + in the synagogue + in the synagogues + of the synagogues + to the synagogues + he in the synagogue + in their synagogues + out of the synagogue + And in the synagogue + and in the synagogues + when the congregation + they in the synagogue + them of the synagogue + them in their synagogue + them that were in the synagogue + And there was in their synagogue + and are not but are the synagogue +/ ; excommunicated: --(put) out of the synagogue(-s) . 0657 + go bid + But bade + them away + his leave + and then took + them farewell + but taking my leave + And when he had sent + he be of you that forsaketh +/ . apotassomai {ap-ot-as'-som-ahee}; middle voice from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5021 + set + are appointed + had appointed + as were ordained + that be are ordained + with them they determined + And when they had appointed + and that they have addicted +/ ; literally, to say adieu (by departing or dismissing); figuratively, to renounce: --bid farewell, forsake, take leave, send away . 0658 + when it is finished +/ . apoteleo {ap-ot-el-eh'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5055 + pay + make + over + an end + to make + not make + had made + ye fulfil + are expired + if it fulfil + accomplished + had finished + were finished + It is finished + were fulfilled + I have finished + be accomplished + they had fulfilled + it be accomplished + should be finished + shall be fulfilled + they had performed + should be fulfilled + shall be accomplished + for in them is filled + and ye shall not fulfil + they shall have finished + unto you Ye shall not have gone +/ ; to complete entirely, i .e . consummate: --finish . 0659 + put + off + lay + laid + away + apart + aside + laying + putting + let us lay + That ye put +/ . apotithemi {ap-ot- eeth'-ay-mee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5087 + set + lay + put + laid + sink + I lay + aside + forth + giveth + I make + Settle + to lay + ye put + he laid + and put + putting + putteth + be made + man put + hath put + doth set + And laid + was laid + and laid + purposed + hath set + them laid + and I lay + to be put + which put + they laid + hath made + I will put + I may make + I will lay + and he set + him he put + I have laid + him and put + he hath put + he was laid + and appoint + I have made + part advised + that is laid + have ye laid + I am ordained + one of you lay + up that I laid + thou hast laid + they have laid + I am appointed + on them and put + he hath appointed + him in and to lay + him Wilt thou lay + hath not appointed + after he hath laid + they were appointed + hast thou conceived + upon him and bowing + it from me but I lay + us saying I have set + up that thou layedst + unto them ; and hath committed + him in sunder and will appoint +/ ; to put away (literally or figuratively): --cast off, lay apart (aside, down), put away (off) . 0660 + off + shake + And he shook +/ . apotinasso {ap-ot-in-as'-so}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and tinasso (to jostle); to brush off: --shake off . 0661 + I will repay +/ . apotino {ap-ot-ee'-no}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5099 + a while + shall be punished +/ ; to pay in full: -- repay . 0662 + bold + is very +/ . apotolmao {ap-ot-ol-mah'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5111 + Dare + bold + durst + is bold + I am bold + and durst + in boldly + that durst + to be bold + For we dare + would even dare + that they durst + For I will not dare +/ ; to venture plainly: --be very bold . 0664 + sharpness + them sharply +/ . apotomos {ap-ot-om'-oce}; adverb from a derivative of a comparative of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and temno (to cut); abruptly, i .e . peremptorily: --sharply(-ness) . 0665 + away + turn +/ . apotrepo {ap-ot-rep'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 5157 + of turning +/ ; to deflect, i .e . (reflexively) avoid: --turn away . 0667 + me away + him away + to bring + he carried + and carried + And he carried + and was carried +/ . appohero {ap-of-er'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5342 + bear + came + bring + Reach + Bring + bearing + endured + brought + bringing + do bring + and bear + bringeth + and laid + and bring + and reach + And bring + let us go + you bring + which came + ye me bring + it bringeth + and brought + were driven + man brought + was brought + unto you and bring 5342- unto you and bring 5342- And brought + that leadeth + they brought + that ye bear + to be brought + and upholding + And they bare + And they bring + it and brought + thee and carry + and they bring + I have brought + that they could + and she brought + when there came + as of a rushing + unto them Bring + them and brought + And they brought + unto him bringing + to it and brought + as they were moved + that he might bear + in me that beareth + branch that beareth + And they shall bring + it that it may bring + that is to be brought + For they could not endure +/ ; to bear off (literally or rel .): --bring, carry (away) . 0668 + escaped + having escaped + after they have escaped +/ . apopheugo {ap-of-yoo'-go}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5343 + fled + flee + Flee + fleeth + to flee + escaped + and flee + and fled + they fled + them fled + shall flee + and fleeth + you to flee + him and fled + they escaped + but will flee + and he will flee + shall not we escape +/ ; (figuratively) to escape: --escape . 0669 + forth + and said + but speak + them utterance +/ . apophtheggomai {ap-of-theng'-om-ahee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5350 + speaking + them not to speak + For when they speak +/ ; to enunciate plainly, i .e . declare: --say, speak forth, utterance . 0670 + was to unlade +/ . apophortizomai {ap-of-or-tid'-zom-ahee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the middle voice of 5412 + for ye lade + and are heavy laden +/ ; to unload: --unlade . 0671 + with the using +/ . apochresis {ap-okh'-ray-sis}; from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5530 + use + we use + but use + did I use + entreated + up they used + I should use + But I have used + we have not used + And they that use +/ ; the act of using up, i .e . consumption: --using . 0672 + departeth + departing +/ . apochoreo {ap-okh-o-reh'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5562 + room + goeth + place + depart + Receive + receive + separate + departed + to depart + to receive + she depart + containing + should come + to separate + shall separate + let him depart + could not contain + it let him receive + them that they should not depart +/ ; to go away: --depart . 0673 + asunder + departed + sharp between them that they departed +/ . apochorizo {ap-okh-o-rid'-zo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5563 + put + asunder + departed +/ ; to rend apart; reflexively, to separate: --depart (asunder) . 0674 + hearts + failing +/ . apopsucho {ap-ops-oo'-kho}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5594 + cold + shall wax +/ ; to breathe out, i .e . faint: --hearts failing . 0683 + cast + away + ye put + thrust + him away + but thrust + having put + hath not cast +/ . apotheomai {ap-o-theh'- om-ahee}; or apothomai {ap-o'-thom-ahee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the middle voice of otheo or otho (to shove); to push off, figuratively, to reject: --cast away, put away (from), thrust away (from) . 0851 + off + away + taketh + and cut + and smote + me to take + shall take + should take + I shall take + man shall take + shall not be taken +/ . aphaireo {af-ahee-reh'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 0138 + chosen + Choosing + I shall choose +/ ; to remove (literally or figuratively): --cut (smite) off, take away . 0856 + the draught +/ . aphedron {af-ed-rone'}; from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 1476 + stedfast + and settled + be ye stedfast +/ ; a place of sitting apart, i .e . a privy: --draught . 0863 + let + Let + put + left + away + sent + aside + alone + Leave + cried + suffer + Suffer + me let + we let + forgive + I leave + is left + them go + he left + leaving + yielded + leaveth + forsook + He left + her away + it alone + ye remit + and left + who left + suffered + I forgave + her alone + to forgive + them alone + ye forgive + For laying + and it left + be forgiven + And he left + is forgiven + he suffered + and leaveth + him and let + may forgive + And forgive + and suffered + me ; and let + unto him Let + we have left + unto her Let + and they let + are forgiven + they forsook + her and left + as we forgive + shall be left + And ye suffer + hath not left + him and leave + thou hast left + that hath left + that forgiveth + And he suffered + him and forgave + and shall leave + unto him Suffer + may be forgiven + we have forsaken + and have omitted + I will not leave + me and I forgive + and not to leave + unto them Suffer + ye do not forgive + Therefore leaving + under him he left + doth he not leave + they are remitted + shall be forgiven + them and they left + thou shalt forgive + should be forgiven + and shall not suffer + it shall be forgiven + And would not suffer + and not have suffered + shall not be forgiven + they shall be forgiven + one that hath forsaken + And when they had sent + there shall not be left + it shall not be forgiven + with him let him not put + with her let her not leave + thee ; and they shall not leave + unto you There shall not be left +/ . aphiemi {af-ee'-ay-mee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and hiemi (to send; an intens . form of eimi, to go); to send forth, in various applications (as follow): --cry, forgive, forsake, lay aside, leave, let (alone, be, go, have), omit, put (send) away, remit, suffer, yield up . 0864 + abroad + is come + together +/ . aphikneomai {af-ik-neh'-om-ahee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 2425 + Long + much + sore + many + long + Many + large + a good + a long + of many + a great + not meet + and much + security + and many + that many + when much + for a long + not worthy + Sufficient + and a great + that of long + him of a long + is sufficient + shall be able + with him in many + And there were many + unto them It is enough + Not that we are sufficient +/ ; to go (i .e . spread) forth (by rumor): --come abroad . 0868 + fall + away + depart + and drew + withdraw + departed + he departed + shall depart + in departing + they departed + ye are ; depart + unto you Refrain + that it might depart +/ . aphistemi {af-is'-tay-mee}; frm 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 2476 + lay + still + stand + Stand + stood + I stand + to make + and set + And set + up stood + Standing + stanched + ye stand + he stood + standing + standeth + they set + we stand + to stand + and stand + him stood + and stood + him stood + him stand + and abode + And stood + that stood + I continue + he standeth + and setteth + which stood + And I stood + there stood + There stood + to establish + are standing + up and stand + we establish + and standing + thou standest + as they stood + them they set + be established + with him stood + and to present + to their charge + shall not stand + unto him and set + he that standeth + And he shall set + and thou standest + he hath appointed + that ye may stand + by her shall stand + And they appointed + of them that stand + of them that stood + may be established + but there standeth + them and they stood + with them and stood + in me while I stood + to pass and to stand + and when they had set + And when they had set + that he may establish + and ye shall be brought + unto him they that stood + him unto you And they covenanted +/ ; to remove, i .e . (actively) instigate to revolt; usually (reflexively) to desist, desert, etc .: --depart, draw (fall) away, refrain, withdraw self . 0871 + like + but made +/ . aphomoioo {af-om-oy-o'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3666 + like + is like + likened + is likened + be likened + shall I liken + and been made + him to be made + shall we liken + shall I resemble + them I will liken + to us in the likeness + them not shall be likened +/ ; to assimilate closely: --make like . 0872 + Looking + soon as I shall see +/ . aphorao {af-or-ah'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3708 + See + see + seen + ye see + we see + Ye see + for See + they saw + and seeth + hath seen + And I saw + have seen + as seeing + Take heed + I have seen + unto him See + he hath seen + ye have seen + me hath seen + we have seen + when they saw + man hath seen + they had seen + off beholding + hath not seen + For I perceive + thou hast seen + he unto me See + him having seen + And he that saw + have I not seen + and we have seen + that he had seen + as have not seen + he hath not seen + he that hath seen + that we have seen + him and have seen + that she had seen + And they shall see + unto them Take heed + unto him We have seen + old and hast thou seen +/ ; to consider attentively: --look . 0873 + cause + divideth + Separate + separated + and sever + and separated + they shall separate + and he shall separate + from them and separated + them and be ye separate +/ . aphorizo {af-or-id'-zo}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3724 + determined + he limiteth + And declared + was ordained + he hath ordained + by the determinate + and hath determined + as it was determined +/ ; to set off by boundary, i .e . (figuratively) limit, exclude, appoint, etc .: --divide, separate, sever . 0874 + occasion + for an occasion +/ . aphorme {af-or-may'}; from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 3729 + ran + and ran + they rushed +/ ; a starting-point, i .e . (figuratively) an opportunity: --occasion . 0879 + he fell asleep +/ . aphupnoo {af-oop-no'-o}; from a compound of 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and 5258 + sleep + in sleep + from sleep + with sleep + out of sleep +/ ; properly, to become awake, i .e . (by implication) to drop (off) in slumber: --fall asleep . 1309 + out and escape +/ . diapheugo {dee-af-yoo'-go}; from 1223 + after + in at + cause + though + because + through + Through + Because + to avoid + ye in at + by reason + throughout + is through + we through + up because + me through + in because + and within + you through + of me among + and because + not because + And because + him because + and through + not because + him because + man because + one because + day through + For through + but through + but because + men through + And through + for because + that through + them because + away because + who by reason + but by reason + For I through + And by reason + might through + season because + that by reason + for us through + not in because + him in because + but by occasion + that we through + unto him through + And that because + with him through + unto them Because + unto them because + him ; but because + of them who through + For of him and through + that is in them because + up after that he through +/ and 5343 + fled + flee + Flee + fleeth + to flee + escaped + and flee + and fled + they fled + them fled + shall flee + and fleeth + you to flee + him and fled + they escaped + but will flee + and he will flee + shall not we escape +/ ; to flee through, i .e . escape: --escape . 1545 + a way + the end + to escape +/ . ekbasis {ek'-bas-is}; from a compound of 1537 + at + on + off + over + among + Since + you on + through + thou on + betwixt + because + and over + by reason + hand and on + hand and on + for he is on + unto them on + ye out among + not unto you at + shall there be among +/ and the base of 0939 + his feet +/ (meaning to go out); an exit (literally or figuratively): --end, way to escape . 1579 + of them should swim +/ . ekkolumbao {ek-kol-oom-bah'-o}; from 1537 + at + on + off + over + among + Since + you on + through + thou on + betwixt + because + and over + by reason + hand and on + hand and on + for he is on + unto them on + ye out among + not unto you at + shall there be among +/ and 2860 + swim +/ ; to escape by swimming: -- swim out . 1628 + to escape + and escaped + had been fled + that they fled + shall we escape + that thou shalt escape + and they shall not escape +/ . ekpheugo {ek-fyoo'-go}; from 1537 + at + on + off + over + among + Since + you on + through + thou on + betwixt + because + and over + by reason + hand and on + hand and on + for he is on + unto them on + ye out among + not unto you at + shall there be among +/ and 5343 + fled + flee + Flee + fleeth + to flee + escaped + and flee + and fled + they fled + them fled + shall flee + and fleeth + you to flee + him and fled + they escaped + but will flee + and he will flee + shall not we escape +/ ; to flee out: --escape, flee . 2703 + have fled + for refuge + of it and fled +/ . katapheugo {kat-af-yoo'-go}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 5343 + fled + flee + Flee + fleeth + to flee + escaped + and flee + and fled + they fled + them fled + shall flee + and fleeth + you to flee + him and fled + they escaped + but will flee + and he will flee + shall not we escape +/ ; to flee down (away): --flee . 3944 + past +/ . paroichomai {par-oy'-khom-ahee}; from 3844 + at + more + nigh + side + than + above + among + it at + before + down at + against + contrary + them before + that she had + them down at + stripes save + in the sight + unto you than + of himself more + when she was past + And when his friends + that which is against + unto him and he was nigh + such things as they give +/ and oichomai (to depart); to escape along, i .e . be gone: --past . 5343 + fled + flee + Flee + fleeth + to flee + escaped + and flee + and fled + they fled + them fled + shall flee + and fleeth + you to flee + him and fled + they escaped + but will flee + and he will flee + shall not we escape +/ . pheugo {fyoo'-go}; apparently a primary verb; to run away (literally or figuratively); by implication, to shun; by analogy, to vanish: --escape, flee (away) . 5436 + are Phygellus +/ . Phugellos {foog'-el-los}; probably from 5343 + fled + flee + Flee + fleeth + to flee + escaped + and flee + and fled + they fled + them fled + shall flee + and fleeth + you to flee + him and fled + they escaped + but will flee + and he will flee + shall not we escape +/ ; fugitive; Phygellus, an apostate Christian: --Phygellus . 5437 + flight +/ . phuge {foog-ay'}; from 5343 + fled + flee + Flee + fleeth + to flee + escaped + and flee + and fled + they fled + them fled + shall flee + and fleeth + you to flee + him and fled + they escaped + but will flee + and he will flee + shall not we escape +/ ; a fleeing, i .e . escape: --flight . Root Words and their word stems. This helps you see all related words in the English. 59 * escape 58 - escaped 6 - escapeth English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew. escape 0006 -- /abad -- break, destroy(-uction), + not {escape}, fail, lose, (causeto, make) perish, spend, X and surely, take, be undone, X utterly, be voidof, have no way to flee. escape 0668 ** apopheugo ** {escape}. escape 1295 ** diasozo ** bring safe, {escape} (safe), heal, make perfectly whole,save. escape 1309 ** diapheugo ** {escape}. escape 1545 ** ekbasis ** end, way to {escape}. escape 1628 ** ekpheugo ** {escape}, flee. escape 1831 ** exerchomai ** come (forth, out), depart (out of), {escape}, get out, go(abroad, away, forth, out, thence), proceed (forth), spread abroad. escape 3318 -- yatsa/ -- X after, appear, X assuredly, bear out, X begotten, breakout, bring forth (out, up), carry out, come (abroad, out, thereat, without), + be condemned, depart(-ing, -- ure), draw forth, in the end,{escape}, exact, fail, fall (out), fetch forth (out), get away (forth,hence, out), (able to, cause to, let) go abroad (forth, on, out), goingout, grow, have forth (out), issue out, lay (lie) out, lead out, pluck out,proceed, pull out, put away, be risen, X scarce, send with commandment,shoot forth, spread, spring out, stand out, X still, X surely, take forth(out), at any time, X to [and fro], utter. escape 4422 -- malat -- deliver (self), {escape}, lay, leap out, let alone, let go,preserve, save, X speedily, X surely. escape 4498 -- manowc -- X apace, {escape}, way to flee, flight, refuge. escape 4655 -- miphlat -- {escape}. escape 5337 -- natsal -- X at all, defend, deliver (self), {escape}, X without fail,part, pluck, preserve, recover, rescue, rid, save, spoil, strip, X surely,take (out). escape 5343 ** pheugo ** {escape}, flee (away). escape 5674 -- \abar -- alienate, alter, X at all, beyond, bring (over, through),carry over, (over-)come (on, over), conduct (over), convey over, current,deliver, do away, enter, {escape}, fail, gender, get over, (make) go (away,beyond, by, forth, his way, in, on, over, through), have away (more), lay,meddle, overrun, make partition, (cause to, give, make to, over) pass(-age,along, away, beyond, by, -enger, on, out, over, through), (cause to, make)+ proclaim (-amation), perish, provoke to anger, put away, rage, + raiser oftaxes, remove, send over, set apart, + shave, cause to (make) sound, Xspeedily, X sweet smelling, take (away), (make to) transgress(-or),translate, turn away, [way-]faring man, be wrath. escape 6403 -- palat -- calve, carry away safe, deliver, (cause to) {escape}. escape 6405 -- pallet -- deliverance, {escape}. escape 6412 -- paliyt -- (that have) {escape}(-d, -th), fugitive. escape 6413 -- p@leytah -- deliverance, (that is) {escape}(-d), remnant. escaped 7611 sh@/eriyth -- -- that had {escaped}, be left, posterity, remain(-der),remnant, residue, rest. Greek Cross References that shows all the ways the Greek is translated from the English word. escape 0575 apo * {escape} , {0575 apo } , 1309 diapheugo , 1545 ekbasis , 1628 ekpheugo , 5343 pheugo , escape 1309 diapheugo * {escape} , 0575 apo , {1309 diapheugo } , 1545 ekbasis , 1628 ekpheugo , 5343 pheugo , escape 1545 ekbasis * {escape} , 0575 apo , 1309 diapheugo , {1545 ekbasis } , 1628 ekpheugo , 5343 pheugo , escape 1628 ekpheugo * {escape} , 0575 apo , 1309 diapheugo , 1545 ekbasis , {1628 ekpheugo } , 5343 pheugo , escape 5343 pheugo * {escape} , 0575 apo , 1309 diapheugo , 1545 ekbasis , 1628 ekpheugo , {5343 pheugo } , escaped 0668 apopheugo * {escaped} , {0668 apopheugo } , 1295 diasozo , 1628 ekpheugo , 1831 exerchomai , 5343 pheugo , escaped 1295 diasozo * {escaped} , 0668 apopheugo , {1295 diasozo } , 1628 ekpheugo , 1831 exerchomai , 5343 pheugo , escaped 1628 ekpheugo * {escaped} , 0668 apopheugo , 1295 diasozo , {1628 ekpheugo } , 1831 exerchomai , 5343 pheugo , escaped 1831 exerchomai * {escaped} , 0668 apopheugo , 1295 diasozo , 1628 ekpheugo , {1831 exerchomai } , 5343 pheugo , escaped 5343 pheugo * {escaped} , 0668 apopheugo , 1295 diasozo , 1628 ekpheugo , 1831 exerchomai , {5343 pheugo } , English to Hebrew and Greek Thesaurus The - is marking the Old Testament words. The * is marking the New Testament Words. English list of words is 15,684 * Hebrew Numbers refered to 8,674 * Greek Numbers refered to 5,624 * Unique English words in N.T. 5,437 * Unique English words in O.T. 10,254 * escape , 0575 , 1309 , 1545 , 1628 , 5343 , - escape , 3318 , 4422 , 4655 , 5337 , 5674 , 6403 , 6405 , 6412 , 6413 , English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number. escape - 0575 ago, among, at, because, before, {escape}, forsake, off, on, since, space, escape - 1309 {escape}, escape - 1545 end, {escape}, way, escape - 1628 {escape}, escaped, fled, escape - 5343 {escape}, escaped, fled, flee, fleeth, escaped - 0668 {escaped}, escaped - 1295 bring, {escaped}, made, perfectly, safe, save, saved, whole, escaped - 1628 escape, {escaped}, fled, escaped - 1831 abroad, away, came, camest, come, cometh, coming, depart, departed, departing, {escaped}, forth, get, go, gone, proceed, proceeded, proceedeth, spread, went, escaped - 5343 escape, {escaped}, fled, flee, fleeth, One Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. escape 46_1CO_10_13 # There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it]. escape 11_1KI_18_40 # And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. escape 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape 52_1TH_05_03 # For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. escape 12_2KI_09_15 # But king Joram was returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria.] And Jehu said, If it be your minds, [then] let none go forth [nor] escape out of the city to go to tell [it] in Jezreel. escape 12_2KI_10_24 # And when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, [If] any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, [he that letteth him go], his life [shall be] for the life of him. escape 12_2KI_19_31 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD [of hosts] shall do this. escape 10_2SA_15_14 # And David said unto all his servants that [were] with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee; for we shall not [else] escape from Absalom: make speed to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly, and bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword. escape 10_2SA_20_06 # And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than [did] Absalom: take thou thy lord's servants, and pursue after him, lest he get him fenced cities, and escape us. escape 44_ACT_27_42 # And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape. escape 27_DAN_11_41 # He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many [countries] shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, [even] Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. escape 27_DAN_11_42 # He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. escape 21_ECC_07_26 # And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart [is] snares and nets, [and] her hands [as] bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. escape 17_EST_04_13 # Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews. escape 26_EZE_06_08 # Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have [some] that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries. escape 26_EZE_06_09 # And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall loathe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations. escape 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape 26_EZE_17_15 # But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such [things]? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered? escape 26_EZE_17_18 # Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these [things], he shall not escape. escape 15_EZR_09_08 # And now for a little space grace hath been [showed] from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage. Escape 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape 01_GEN_19_19 # Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: escape 01_GEN_19_20 # Behold now, this city [is] near to flee unto, and it [is] a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, [[is] it not a little one?] and my soul shall live. escape 01_GEN_19_22 # Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. escape 01_GEN_32_08 # And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape. escape 58_HEB_02_03 # How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard [him]; escape 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escape 23_ISA_20_06 # And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such [is] our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape? escape 23_ISA_37_32 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this. escape 23_ISA_66_19 # And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, [to] Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, [to] Tubal, and Javan, [to] the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. escape 24_JER_11_11 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. escape 24_JER_25_35 # And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. escape 24_JER_32_04 # And Zedekiah king of Judah shall not escape out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, and shall speak with him mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes; escape 24_JER_34_03 # And thou shalt not escape out of his hand, but shalt surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth, and thou shalt go to Babylon. escape 24_JER_38_18 # But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand. escape 24_JER_38_23 # So they shall bring out all thy wives and thy children to the Chaldeans: and thou shalt not escape out of their hand, but shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon: and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire. escape 24_JER_42_17 # So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. escape 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape 24_JER_44_28 # Yet a small number that escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or theirs. escape 24_JER_46_06 # Let not the swift flee away, nor the mighty man escape; they shall stumble, and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates. escape 24_JER_48_08 # And the spoiler shall come upon every city, and no city shall escape: the valley also shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed, as the LORD hath spoken. escape 24_JER_50_28 # The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple. escape 24_JER_50_29 # Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel. escape 18_JOB_11_20 # But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope [shall be as] the giving up of the ghost. escape 29_JOE_02_03 # A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land [is] as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. escape 06_JOS_08_22 # And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape. escape 42_LUK_21_36 # Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. escape 40_MAT_23_33 # [Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? escape 31_OBA_01_14 # Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. escape 20_PRO_19_05 # A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. escape 19_PSA_141_10 # Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape. escape 19_PSA_55_08 # I would hasten my escape from the windy storm [and] tempest. escape 19_PSA_56_07 # Shall they escape by iniquity? in [thine] anger cast down the people, O God. escape 19_PSA_71_02 # Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me. escape 45_ROM_02_03 # And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? escaped 13_1CH_04_43 # And they smote the rest of the Amalekites that were escaped, and dwelt there unto this day. escaped 11_1KI_20_20 # And they slew every one his man: and the Syrians fled; and Israel pursued them: and Benhadad the king of Syria escaped on an horse with the horsemen. escaped 09_1SA_14_41 # Therefore Saul said unto the LORD God of Israel, Give a perfect [lot]. And Saul and Jonathan were taken: but the people escaped. escaped 09_1SA_19_10 # And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and escaped that night. escaped 09_1SA_19_12 # So Michal let David down through a window: and he went, and fled, and escaped. escaped 09_1SA_19_17 # And Saul said unto Michal, Why hast thou deceived me so, and sent away mine enemy, that he is escaped? And Michal answered Saul, He said unto me, Let me go; why should I kill thee? escaped 09_1SA_19_18 # So David fled, and escaped, and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth. escaped 09_1SA_22_01 # David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard [it], they went down thither to him. escaped 09_1SA_22_20 # And one of the sons of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped, and fled after David. escaped 09_1SA_23_13 # Then David and his men, [which were] about six hundred, arose and departed out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go. And it was told Saul that David was escaped from Keilah; and he forbare to go forth. escaped 09_1SA_30_17 # And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled. escaped 14_2CH_16_07 # And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the LORD thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand. escaped 14_2CH_20_24 # And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the wilderness, they looked unto the multitude, and, behold, they [were] dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none escaped. escaped 14_2CH_30_06 # So the posts went with the letters from the king and his princes throughout all Israel and Judah, and according to the commandment of the king, saying, Ye children of Israel, turn again unto the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and he will return to the remnant of you, that are escaped out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. escaped 14_2CH_36_20 # And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia: escaped 47_2CO_11_33 # And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands. escaped 12_2KI_19_30 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. escaped 12_2KI_19_37 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword: and they escaped into the land of Armenia. And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped 61_2PE_01_04 # Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. escaped 61_2PE_02_18 # For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. escaped 61_2PE_02_20 # For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. escaped 10_2SA_01_03 # And David said unto him, From whence comest thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped. escaped 10_2SA_04_06 # And they came thither into the midst of the house, [as though] they would have fetched wheat; and they smote him under the fifth [rib]: and Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped. escaped 44_ACT_27_44 # And the rest, some on boards, and some on [broken pieces] of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land. escaped 44_ACT_28_01 # And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. escaped 44_ACT_28_04 # And when the barbarians saw the [venomous] beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. escaped 05_DEU_23_15 # Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto thee: escaped 02_EXO_10_05 # And they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see the earth: and they shall eat the residue of that which is escaped, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field: escaped 26_EZE_24_27 # In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD. escaped 26_EZE_33_21 # And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, [that] one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is smitten. escaped 26_EZE_33_22 # Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening, afore he that was escaped came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb. escaped 15_EZR_09_15 # O LORD God of Israel, thou [art] righteous: for we remain yet escaped, as [it is] this day: behold, we [are] before thee in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before thee because of this. escaped 01_GEN_14_13 # And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these [were] confederate with Abram. escaped 58_HEB_11_34 # Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. escaped 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escaped 23_ISA_04_02 # In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth [shall be] excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. escaped 23_ISA_10_20 # And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. escaped 23_ISA_37_31 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward: escaped 23_ISA_37_38 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword; and they escaped into the land of Armenia: and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped 23_ISA_45_20 # Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye [that are] escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god [that] cannot save. escaped 24_JER_41_15 # But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with eight men, and went to the Ammonites. escaped 24_JER_51_50 # Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. escaped 18_JOB_01_15 # And the Sabeans fell [upon them], and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped 18_JOB_01_16 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped 18_JOB_01_17 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped 18_JOB_01_19 # And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped 18_JOB_19_20 # My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth. escaped 43_JOH_10_39 # Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand, escaped 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped 07_JUD_03_29 # And they slew of Moab at that time about ten thousand men, all lusty, and all men of valour; and there escaped not a man. escaped 07_JUD_12_05 # And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was [so] that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, [Art] thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; escaped 07_JUD_21_17 # And they said, [There must be] an inheritance for them that be escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel. escaped 25_LAM_02_22 # Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors round about, so that in the day of the LORD'S anger none escaped nor remained: those that I have swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed. escaped 16_NEH_01_02 # That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and [certain] men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. escaped 04_NUM_21_29 # Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites. escaped 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escaped 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escapeth 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. escapeth 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. escapeth 30_AMO_09_01 # I saw the Lord standing upon the altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered. escapeth 26_EZE_24_26 # [That] he that escapeth in that day shall come unto thee, to cause [thee] to hear [it] with [thine] ears? escapeth 23_ISA_15_09 # For the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood: for I will bring more upon Dimon, lions upon him that escapeth of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land. escapeth 24_JER_48_19 # O inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way, and espy; ask him that fleeth, and her that escapeth, [and] say, What is done? Two Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. escape all 42_LUK_21_36 # Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. escape And 11_1KI_18_40 # And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. escape and 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape and 15_EZR_09_08 # And now for a little space grace hath been [showed] from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage. escape and 24_JER_11_11 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. escape and 18_JOB_11_20 # But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope [shall be as] the giving up of the ghost. escape by 19_PSA_56_07 # Shall they escape by iniquity? in [thine] anger cast down the people, O God. Escape for 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape from 10_2SA_15_14 # And David said unto all his servants that [were] with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee; for we shall not [else] escape from Absalom: make speed to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly, and bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword. escape from 21_ECC_07_26 # And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart [is] snares and nets, [and] her hands [as] bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. escape from 24_JER_42_17 # So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. escape from 19_PSA_55_08 # I would hasten my escape from the windy storm [and] tempest. escape he 12_2KI_10_24 # And when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, [If] any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, [he that letteth him go], his life [shall be] for the life of him. escape if 58_HEB_02_03 # How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard [him]; escape if 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escape in 17_EST_04_13 # Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews. escape incline 19_PSA_71_02 # Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me. escape into 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape neither 31_OBA_01_14 # Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. escape of 26_EZE_06_09 # And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall loathe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations. escape of 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape of 23_ISA_66_19 # And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, [to] Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, [to] Tubal, and Javan, [to] the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. escape or 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape out 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape out 12_2KI_09_15 # But king Joram was returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria.] And Jehu said, If it be your minds, [then] let none go forth [nor] escape out of the city to go to tell [it] in Jezreel. escape out 12_2KI_19_31 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD [of hosts] shall do this. escape out 27_DAN_11_41 # He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many [countries] shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, [even] Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. escape out 23_ISA_37_32 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this. escape out 24_JER_32_04 # And Zedekiah king of Judah shall not escape out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, and shall speak with him mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes; escape out 24_JER_34_03 # And thou shalt not escape out of his hand, but shalt surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth, and thou shalt go to Babylon. escape out 24_JER_38_18 # But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand. escape out 24_JER_38_23 # So they shall bring out all thy wives and thy children to the Chaldeans: and thou shalt not escape out of their hand, but shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon: and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire. escape out 24_JER_50_28 # The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple. escape recompense 24_JER_50_29 # Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel. escape that 46_1CO_10_13 # There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it]. escape that 26_EZE_17_15 # But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such [things]? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered? escape the 26_EZE_06_08 # Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have [some] that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries. escape the 24_JER_44_28 # Yet a small number that escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or theirs. escape the 24_JER_48_08 # And the spoiler shall come upon every city, and no city shall escape: the valley also shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed, as the LORD hath spoken. escape the 40_MAT_23_33 # [Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? escape the 45_ROM_02_03 # And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? escape them 29_JOE_02_03 # A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land [is] as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. escape they 24_JER_46_06 # Let not the swift flee away, nor the mighty man escape; they shall stumble, and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates. escape thither 01_GEN_19_20 # Behold now, this city [is] near to flee unto, and it [is] a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, [[is] it not a little one?] and my soul shall live. escape thither 01_GEN_19_22 # Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. escape to 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape to 01_GEN_19_19 # Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: escape us 10_2SA_20_06 # And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than [did] Absalom: take thou thy lord's servants, and pursue after him, lest he get him fenced cities, and escape us. escape 52_1TH_05_03 # For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. escape 44_ACT_27_42 # And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape. escape 27_DAN_11_42 # He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. escape 26_EZE_17_18 # Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these [things], he shall not escape. escape 01_GEN_32_08 # And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape. escape 23_ISA_20_06 # And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such [is] our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape? escape 24_JER_25_35 # And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. escape 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape 06_JOS_08_22 # And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape. escape 20_PRO_19_05 # A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. escape 19_PSA_141_10 # Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape. escaped all 44_ACT_27_44 # And the rest, some on boards, and some on [broken pieces] of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land. escaped alone 18_JOB_01_15 # And the Sabeans fell [upon them], and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone 18_JOB_01_16 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone 18_JOB_01_17 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone 18_JOB_01_19 # And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped and 13_1CH_04_43 # And they smote the rest of the Amalekites that were escaped, and dwelt there unto this day. escaped And 09_1SA_19_17 # And Saul said unto Michal, Why hast thou deceived me so, and sent away mine enemy, that he is escaped? And Michal answered Saul, He said unto me, Let me go; why should I kill thee? escaped and 09_1SA_19_18 # So David fled, and escaped, and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth. escaped and 09_1SA_22_20 # And one of the sons of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped, and fled after David. escaped and 26_EZE_24_27 # In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD. escaped and 01_GEN_14_13 # And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these [were] confederate with Abram. escaped and 04_NUM_21_29 # Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites. escaped as 15_EZR_09_15 # O LORD God of Israel, thou [art] righteous: for we remain yet escaped, as [it is] this day: behold, we [are] before thee in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before thee because of this. escaped as 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escaped came 26_EZE_33_22 # Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening, afore he that was escaped came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb. escaped from 09_1SA_23_13 # Then David and his men, [which were] about six hundred, arose and departed out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go. And it was told Saul that David was escaped from Keilah; and he forbare to go forth. escaped from 14_2CH_36_20 # And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia: escaped from 61_2PE_02_18 # For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. escaped from 05_DEU_23_15 # Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto thee: escaped from 24_JER_41_15 # But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with eight men, and went to the Ammonites. escaped his 47_2CO_11_33 # And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands. escaped into 12_2KI_19_37 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword: and they escaped into the land of Armenia. And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped into 23_ISA_37_38 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword; and they escaped into the land of Armenia: and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped nor 25_LAM_02_22 # Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors round about, so that in the day of the LORD'S anger none escaped nor remained: those that I have swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed. escaped not 09_1SA_30_17 # And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled. escaped not 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escaped not 07_JUD_03_29 # And they slew of Moab at that time about ten thousand men, all lusty, and all men of valour; and there escaped not a man. escaped of 12_2KI_19_30 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. escaped of 23_ISA_04_02 # In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth [shall be] excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. escaped of 23_ISA_10_20 # And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. escaped of 23_ISA_37_31 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward: escaped of 23_ISA_45_20 # Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye [that are] escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god [that] cannot save. escaped of 07_JUD_21_17 # And they said, [There must be] an inheritance for them that be escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel. escaped on 11_1KI_20_20 # And they slew every one his man: and the Syrians fled; and Israel pursued them: and Benhadad the king of Syria escaped on an horse with the horsemen. escaped out 14_2CH_16_07 # And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the LORD thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand. escaped out 14_2CH_30_06 # So the posts went with the letters from the king and his princes throughout all Israel and Judah, and according to the commandment of the king, saying, Ye children of Israel, turn again unto the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and he will return to the remnant of you, that are escaped out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. escaped out 26_EZE_33_21 # And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, [that] one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is smitten. escaped out 43_JOH_10_39 # Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand, escaped said 07_JUD_12_05 # And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was [so] that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, [Art] thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; escaped that 09_1SA_19_10 # And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and escaped that night. escaped the 61_2PE_01_04 # Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. escaped the 61_2PE_02_20 # For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. escaped the 44_ACT_28_04 # And when the barbarians saw the [venomous] beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. escaped the 58_HEB_11_34 # Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. escaped the 24_JER_51_50 # Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. escaped then 44_ACT_28_01 # And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. escaped to 09_1SA_22_01 # David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard [it], they went down thither to him. escaped unto 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped which 02_EXO_10_05 # And they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see the earth: and they shall eat the residue of that which is escaped, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field: escaped which 16_NEH_01_02 # That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and [certain] men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. escaped while 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped with 18_JOB_19_20 # My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth. escaped 09_1SA_14_41 # Therefore Saul said unto the LORD God of Israel, Give a perfect [lot]. And Saul and Jonathan were taken: but the people escaped. escaped 09_1SA_19_12 # So Michal let David down through a window: and he went, and fled, and escaped. escaped 14_2CH_20_24 # And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the wilderness, they looked unto the multitude, and, behold, they [were] dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none escaped. escaped 10_2SA_01_03 # And David said unto him, From whence comest thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped. escaped 10_2SA_04_06 # And they came thither into the midst of the house, [as though] they would have fetched wheat; and they smote him under the fifth [rib]: and Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped. escaped 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escapeth and 24_JER_48_19 # O inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way, and espy; ask him that fleeth, and her that escapeth, [and] say, What is done? escapeth from 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. escapeth in 26_EZE_24_26 # [That] he that escapeth in that day shall come unto thee, to cause [thee] to hear [it] with [thine] ears? escapeth of 30_AMO_09_01 # I saw the Lord standing upon the altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered. escapeth of 23_ISA_15_09 # For the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood: for I will bring more upon Dimon, lions upon him that escapeth of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land. escapeth the 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. Three Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. escape all these 42_LUK_21_36 # Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. escape and shall 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape and their 18_JOB_11_20 # But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope [shall be as] the giving up of the ghost. escape And they 11_1KI_18_40 # And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. escape and though 24_JER_11_11 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. escape and to 15_EZR_09_08 # And now for a little space grace hath been [showed] from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage. escape by iniquity 19_PSA_56_07 # Shall they escape by iniquity? in [thine] anger cast down the people, O God. Escape for thy 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape from Absalom 10_2SA_15_14 # And David said unto all his servants that [were] with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee; for we shall not [else] escape from Absalom: make speed to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly, and bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword. escape from her 21_ECC_07_26 # And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart [is] snares and nets, [and] her hands [as] bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. escape from the 24_JER_42_17 # So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. escape from the 19_PSA_55_08 # I would hasten my escape from the windy storm [and] tempest. escape he that 12_2KI_10_24 # And when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, [If] any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, [he that letteth him go], his life [shall be] for the life of him. escape if we 58_HEB_02_03 # How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard [him]; escape if we 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escape in the 17_EST_04_13 # Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews. escape incline thine 19_PSA_71_02 # Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me. escape into the 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape neither shouldest 31_OBA_01_14 # Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. escape of them 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape of them 23_ISA_66_19 # And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, [to] Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, [to] Tubal, and Javan, [to] the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. escape of you 26_EZE_06_09 # And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall loathe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations. escape or remain 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape out of 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape out of 12_2KI_09_15 # But king Joram was returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria.] And Jehu said, If it be your minds, [then] let none go forth [nor] escape out of the city to go to tell [it] in Jezreel. escape out of 12_2KI_19_31 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD [of hosts] shall do this. escape out of 27_DAN_11_41 # He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many [countries] shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, [even] Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. escape out of 23_ISA_37_32 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this. escape out of 24_JER_32_04 # And Zedekiah king of Judah shall not escape out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, and shall speak with him mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes; escape out of 24_JER_34_03 # And thou shalt not escape out of his hand, but shalt surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth, and thou shalt go to Babylon. escape out of 24_JER_38_18 # But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand. escape out of 24_JER_38_23 # So they shall bring out all thy wives and thy children to the Chaldeans: and thou shalt not escape out of their hand, but shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon: and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire. escape out of 24_JER_50_28 # The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple. escape recompense her 24_JER_50_29 # Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel. escape that doeth 26_EZE_17_15 # But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such [things]? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered? escape that ye 46_1CO_10_13 # There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it]. escape the damnation 40_MAT_23_33 # [Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? escape the judgment 45_ROM_02_03 # And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? escape the sword 26_EZE_06_08 # Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have [some] that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries. escape the sword 24_JER_44_28 # Yet a small number that escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or theirs. escape the valley 24_JER_48_08 # And the spoiler shall come upon every city, and no city shall escape: the valley also shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed, as the LORD hath spoken. escape them 29_JOE_02_03 # A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land [is] as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. escape they shall 24_JER_46_06 # Let not the swift flee away, nor the mighty man escape; they shall stumble, and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates. escape thither for 01_GEN_19_22 # Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. escape thither is 01_GEN_19_20 # Behold now, this city [is] near to flee unto, and it [is] a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, [[is] it not a little one?] and my soul shall live. escape to the 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape to the 01_GEN_19_19 # Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: escape us 10_2SA_20_06 # And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than [did] Absalom: take thou thy lord's servants, and pursue after him, lest he get him fenced cities, and escape us. escape 52_1TH_05_03 # For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. escape 44_ACT_27_42 # And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape. escape 27_DAN_11_42 # He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. escape 26_EZE_17_18 # Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these [things], he shall not escape. escape 01_GEN_32_08 # And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape. escape 23_ISA_20_06 # And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such [is] our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape? escape 24_JER_25_35 # And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. escape 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape 06_JOS_08_22 # And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape. escape 20_PRO_19_05 # A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. escape 19_PSA_141_10 # Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape. escaped all safe 44_ACT_27_44 # And the rest, some on boards, and some on [broken pieces] of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land. escaped alone to 18_JOB_01_15 # And the Sabeans fell [upon them], and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to 18_JOB_01_16 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to 18_JOB_01_17 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to 18_JOB_01_19 # And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped and came 09_1SA_19_18 # So David fled, and escaped, and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth. escaped and dwelt 13_1CH_04_43 # And they smote the rest of the Amalekites that were escaped, and dwelt there unto this day. escaped and fled 09_1SA_22_20 # And one of the sons of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped, and fled after David. escaped and his 04_NUM_21_29 # Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites. escaped And Michal 09_1SA_19_17 # And Saul said unto Michal, Why hast thou deceived me so, and sent away mine enemy, that he is escaped? And Michal answered Saul, He said unto me, Let me go; why should I kill thee? escaped and thou 26_EZE_24_27 # In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD. escaped and told 01_GEN_14_13 # And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these [were] confederate with Abram. escaped as a 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escaped as it 15_EZR_09_15 # O LORD God of Israel, thou [art] righteous: for we remain yet escaped, as [it is] this day: behold, we [are] before thee in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before thee because of this. escaped came and 26_EZE_33_22 # Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening, afore he that was escaped came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb. escaped from his 05_DEU_23_15 # Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto thee: escaped from Johanan 24_JER_41_15 # But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with eight men, and went to the Ammonites. escaped from Keilah 09_1SA_23_13 # Then David and his men, [which were] about six hundred, arose and departed out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go. And it was told Saul that David was escaped from Keilah; and he forbare to go forth. escaped from the 14_2CH_36_20 # And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia: escaped from them 61_2PE_02_18 # For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. escaped his hands 47_2CO_11_33 # And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands. escaped into the 12_2KI_19_37 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword: and they escaped into the land of Armenia. And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped into the 23_ISA_37_38 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword; and they escaped into the land of Armenia: and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped nor remained 25_LAM_02_22 # Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors round about, so that in the day of the LORD'S anger none escaped nor remained: those that I have swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed. escaped not a 09_1SA_30_17 # And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled. escaped not a 07_JUD_03_29 # And they slew of Moab at that time about ten thousand men, all lusty, and all men of valour; and there escaped not a man. escaped not who 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escaped of Benjamin 07_JUD_21_17 # And they said, [There must be] an inheritance for them that be escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel. escaped of Israel 23_ISA_04_02 # In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth [shall be] excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. escaped of the 12_2KI_19_30 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. escaped of the 23_ISA_10_20 # And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. escaped of the 23_ISA_37_31 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward: escaped of the 23_ISA_45_20 # Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye [that are] escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god [that] cannot save. escaped on an 11_1KI_20_20 # And they slew every one his man: and the Syrians fled; and Israel pursued them: and Benhadad the king of Syria escaped on an horse with the horsemen. escaped out of 14_2CH_16_07 # And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the LORD thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand. escaped out of 14_2CH_30_06 # So the posts went with the letters from the king and his princes throughout all Israel and Judah, and according to the commandment of the king, saying, Ye children of Israel, turn again unto the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and he will return to the remnant of you, that are escaped out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. escaped out of 26_EZE_33_21 # And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, [that] one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is smitten. escaped out of 43_JOH_10_39 # Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand, escaped said Let 07_JUD_12_05 # And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was [so] that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, [Art] thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; escaped that night 09_1SA_19_10 # And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and escaped that night. escaped the corruption 61_2PE_01_04 # Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. escaped the edge 58_HEB_11_34 # Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. escaped the pollutions 61_2PE_02_20 # For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. escaped the sea 44_ACT_28_04 # And when the barbarians saw the [venomous] beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. escaped the sword 24_JER_51_50 # Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. escaped then they 44_ACT_28_01 # And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. escaped to the 09_1SA_22_01 # David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard [it], they went down thither to him. escaped unto Seirath 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped which remaineth 02_EXO_10_05 # And they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see the earth: and they shall eat the residue of that which is escaped, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field: escaped which were 16_NEH_01_02 # That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and [certain] men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. escaped while they 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped with the 18_JOB_19_20 # My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth. escaped 09_1SA_14_41 # Therefore Saul said unto the LORD God of Israel, Give a perfect [lot]. And Saul and Jonathan were taken: but the people escaped. escaped 09_1SA_19_12 # So Michal let David down through a window: and he went, and fled, and escaped. escaped 14_2CH_20_24 # And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the wilderness, they looked unto the multitude, and, behold, they [were] dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none escaped. escaped 10_2SA_01_03 # And David said unto him, From whence comest thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped. escaped 10_2SA_04_06 # And they came thither into the midst of the house, [as though] they would have fetched wheat; and they smote him under the fifth [rib]: and Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped. escaped 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escapeth and say 24_JER_48_19 # O inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way, and espy; ask him that fleeth, and her that escapeth, [and] say, What is done? escapeth from the 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. escapeth in that 26_EZE_24_26 # [That] he that escapeth in that day shall come unto thee, to cause [thee] to hear [it] with [thine] ears? escapeth of Moab 23_ISA_15_09 # For the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood: for I will bring more upon Dimon, lions upon him that escapeth of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land. escapeth of them 30_AMO_09_01 # I saw the Lord standing upon the altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered. escapeth the sword 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. Four Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. escape all these things 42_LUK_21_36 # Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. escape and shall be 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape and their hope 18_JOB_11_20 # But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope [shall be as] the giving up of the ghost. escape And they took 11_1KI_18_40 # And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. escape and though they 24_JER_11_11 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. escape and to give 15_EZR_09_08 # And now for a little space grace hath been [showed] from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage. escape by iniquity in 19_PSA_56_07 # Shall they escape by iniquity? in [thine] anger cast down the people, O God. Escape for thy life 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape from Absalom make 10_2SA_15_14 # And David said unto all his servants that [were] with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee; for we shall not [else] escape from Absalom: make speed to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly, and bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword. escape from her but 21_ECC_07_26 # And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart [is] snares and nets, [and] her hands [as] bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. escape from the evil 24_JER_42_17 # So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. escape from the windy 19_PSA_55_08 # I would hasten my escape from the windy storm [and] tempest. escape he that letteth 12_2KI_10_24 # And when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, [If] any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, [he that letteth him go], his life [shall be] for the life of him. escape if we neglect 58_HEB_02_03 # How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard [him]; escape if we turn 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escape in the king's 17_EST_04_13 # Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews. escape incline thine ear 19_PSA_71_02 # Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me. escape into the land 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape neither shouldest thou 31_OBA_01_14 # Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. escape of them shall 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape of them unto 23_ISA_66_19 # And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, [to] Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, [to] Tubal, and Javan, [to] the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. escape of you shall 26_EZE_06_09 # And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall loathe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations. escape or remain that 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape out of his 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape out of his 27_DAN_11_41 # He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many [countries] shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, [even] Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. escape out of his 24_JER_34_03 # And thou shalt not escape out of his hand, but shalt surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth, and thou shalt go to Babylon. escape out of mount 12_2KI_19_31 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD [of hosts] shall do this. escape out of mount 23_ISA_37_32 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this. escape out of the 12_2KI_09_15 # But king Joram was returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria.] And Jehu said, If it be your minds, [then] let none go forth [nor] escape out of the city to go to tell [it] in Jezreel. escape out of the 24_JER_32_04 # And Zedekiah king of Judah shall not escape out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, and shall speak with him mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes; escape out of the 24_JER_50_28 # The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple. escape out of their 24_JER_38_18 # But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand. escape out of their 24_JER_38_23 # So they shall bring out all thy wives and thy children to the Chaldeans: and thou shalt not escape out of their hand, but shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon: and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire. escape recompense her according 24_JER_50_29 # Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel. escape that doeth such 26_EZE_17_15 # But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such [things]? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered? escape that ye may 46_1CO_10_13 # There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it]. escape the damnation of 40_MAT_23_33 # [Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? escape the judgment of 45_ROM_02_03 # And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? escape the sword among 26_EZE_06_08 # Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have [some] that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries. escape the sword shall 24_JER_44_28 # Yet a small number that escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or theirs. escape the valley also 24_JER_48_08 # And the spoiler shall come upon every city, and no city shall escape: the valley also shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed, as the LORD hath spoken. escape them 29_JOE_02_03 # A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land [is] as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. escape they shall stumble 24_JER_46_06 # Let not the swift flee away, nor the mighty man escape; they shall stumble, and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates. escape thither for I 01_GEN_19_22 # Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. escape thither is it 01_GEN_19_20 # Behold now, this city [is] near to flee unto, and it [is] a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, [[is] it not a little one?] and my soul shall live. escape to the mountain 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape to the mountain 01_GEN_19_19 # Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: escape us 10_2SA_20_06 # And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than [did] Absalom: take thou thy lord's servants, and pursue after him, lest he get him fenced cities, and escape us. escape 52_1TH_05_03 # For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. escape 44_ACT_27_42 # And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape. escape 27_DAN_11_42 # He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. escape 26_EZE_17_18 # Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these [things], he shall not escape. escape 01_GEN_32_08 # And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape. escape 23_ISA_20_06 # And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such [is] our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape? escape 24_JER_25_35 # And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. escape 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape 06_JOS_08_22 # And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape. escape 20_PRO_19_05 # A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. escape 19_PSA_141_10 # Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape. escaped all safe to 44_ACT_27_44 # And the rest, some on boards, and some on [broken pieces] of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land. escaped alone to tell 18_JOB_01_15 # And the Sabeans fell [upon them], and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell 18_JOB_01_16 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell 18_JOB_01_17 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell 18_JOB_01_19 # And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped and came to 09_1SA_19_18 # So David fled, and escaped, and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth. escaped and dwelt there 13_1CH_04_43 # And they smote the rest of the Amalekites that were escaped, and dwelt there unto this day. escaped and fled after 09_1SA_22_20 # And one of the sons of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped, and fled after David. escaped and his daughters 04_NUM_21_29 # Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites. escaped And Michal answered 09_1SA_19_17 # And Saul said unto Michal, Why hast thou deceived me so, and sent away mine enemy, that he is escaped? And Michal answered Saul, He said unto me, Let me go; why should I kill thee? escaped and thou shalt 26_EZE_24_27 # In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD. escaped and told Abram 01_GEN_14_13 # And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these [were] confederate with Abram. escaped as a bird 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escaped as it is 15_EZR_09_15 # O LORD God of Israel, thou [art] righteous: for we remain yet escaped, as [it is] this day: behold, we [are] before thee in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before thee because of this. escaped came and had 26_EZE_33_22 # Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening, afore he that was escaped came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb. escaped from his master 05_DEU_23_15 # Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto thee: escaped from Johanan with 24_JER_41_15 # But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with eight men, and went to the Ammonites. escaped from Keilah and 09_1SA_23_13 # Then David and his men, [which were] about six hundred, arose and departed out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go. And it was told Saul that David was escaped from Keilah; and he forbare to go forth. escaped from the sword 14_2CH_36_20 # And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia: escaped from them who 61_2PE_02_18 # For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. escaped his hands 47_2CO_11_33 # And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands. escaped into the land 12_2KI_19_37 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword: and they escaped into the land of Armenia. And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped into the land 23_ISA_37_38 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword; and they escaped into the land of Armenia: and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped nor remained those 25_LAM_02_22 # Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors round about, so that in the day of the LORD'S anger none escaped nor remained: those that I have swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed. escaped not a man 09_1SA_30_17 # And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled. escaped not a man 07_JUD_03_29 # And they slew of Moab at that time about ten thousand men, all lusty, and all men of valour; and there escaped not a man. escaped not who refused 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escaped of Benjamin that 07_JUD_21_17 # And they said, [There must be] an inheritance for them that be escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel. escaped of Israel 23_ISA_04_02 # In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth [shall be] excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. escaped of the house 12_2KI_19_30 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. escaped of the house 23_ISA_10_20 # And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. escaped of the house 23_ISA_37_31 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward: escaped of the nations 23_ISA_45_20 # Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye [that are] escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god [that] cannot save. escaped on an horse 11_1KI_20_20 # And they slew every one his man: and the Syrians fled; and Israel pursued them: and Benhadad the king of Syria escaped on an horse with the horsemen. escaped out of Jerusalem 26_EZE_33_21 # And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, [that] one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is smitten. escaped out of the 14_2CH_30_06 # So the posts went with the letters from the king and his princes throughout all Israel and Judah, and according to the commandment of the king, saying, Ye children of Israel, turn again unto the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and he will return to the remnant of you, that are escaped out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. escaped out of their 43_JOH_10_39 # Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand, escaped out of thine 14_2CH_16_07 # And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the LORD thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand. escaped said Let me 07_JUD_12_05 # And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was [so] that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, [Art] thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; escaped that night 09_1SA_19_10 # And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and escaped that night. escaped the corruption that 61_2PE_01_04 # Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. escaped the edge of 58_HEB_11_34 # Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. escaped the pollutions of 61_2PE_02_20 # For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. escaped the sea yet 44_ACT_28_04 # And when the barbarians saw the [venomous] beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. escaped the sword go 24_JER_51_50 # Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. escaped then they knew 44_ACT_28_01 # And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. escaped to the cave 09_1SA_22_01 # David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard [it], they went down thither to him. escaped unto Seirath 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped which remaineth unto 02_EXO_10_05 # And they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see the earth: and they shall eat the residue of that which is escaped, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field: escaped which were left 16_NEH_01_02 # That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and [certain] men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. escaped while they tarried 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped with the skin 18_JOB_19_20 # My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth. escaped 09_1SA_14_41 # Therefore Saul said unto the LORD God of Israel, Give a perfect [lot]. And Saul and Jonathan were taken: but the people escaped. escaped 09_1SA_19_12 # So Michal let David down through a window: and he went, and fled, and escaped. escaped 14_2CH_20_24 # And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the wilderness, they looked unto the multitude, and, behold, they [were] dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none escaped. escaped 10_2SA_01_03 # And David said unto him, From whence comest thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped. escaped 10_2SA_04_06 # And they came thither into the midst of the house, [as though] they would have fetched wheat; and they smote him under the fifth [rib]: and Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped. escaped 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escapeth and say What 24_JER_48_19 # O inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way, and espy; ask him that fleeth, and her that escapeth, [and] say, What is done? escapeth from the sword 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. escapeth in that day 26_EZE_24_26 # [That] he that escapeth in that day shall come unto thee, to cause [thee] to hear [it] with [thine] ears? escapeth of Moab and 23_ISA_15_09 # For the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood: for I will bring more upon Dimon, lions upon him that escapeth of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land. escapeth of them shall 30_AMO_09_01 # I saw the Lord standing upon the altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered. escapeth the sword of 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. Five Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. escape all these things that 42_LUK_21_36 # Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. escape and shall be on 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape and their hope shall 18_JOB_11_20 # But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope [shall be as] the giving up of the ghost. escape And they took them 11_1KI_18_40 # And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. escape and though they shall 24_JER_11_11 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. escape and to give us 15_EZR_09_08 # And now for a little space grace hath been [showed] from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage. escape by iniquity in thine 19_PSA_56_07 # Shall they escape by iniquity? in [thine] anger cast down the people, O God. Escape for thy life look 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape from Absalom make speed 10_2SA_15_14 # And David said unto all his servants that [were] with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee; for we shall not [else] escape from Absalom: make speed to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly, and bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword. escape from her but the 21_ECC_07_26 # And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart [is] snares and nets, [and] her hands [as] bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. escape from the evil that 24_JER_42_17 # So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. escape from the windy storm 19_PSA_55_08 # I would hasten my escape from the windy storm [and] tempest. escape he that letteth him 12_2KI_10_24 # And when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, [If] any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, [he that letteth him go], his life [shall be] for the life of him. escape if we neglect so 58_HEB_02_03 # How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard [him]; escape if we turn away 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escape in the king's house 17_EST_04_13 # Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews. escape incline thine ear unto 19_PSA_71_02 # Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me. escape into the land of 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape neither shouldest thou have 31_OBA_01_14 # Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. escape of them shall escape 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape of them unto the 23_ISA_66_19 # And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, [to] Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, [to] Tubal, and Javan, [to] the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. escape of you shall remember 26_EZE_06_09 # And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall loathe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations. escape or remain that they 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape out of his hand 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape out of his hand 27_DAN_11_41 # He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many [countries] shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, [even] Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. escape out of his hand 24_JER_34_03 # And thou shalt not escape out of his hand, but shalt surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth, and thou shalt go to Babylon. escape out of mount Zion 12_2KI_19_31 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD [of hosts] shall do this. escape out of mount Zion 23_ISA_37_32 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this. escape out of the city 12_2KI_09_15 # But king Joram was returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria.] And Jehu said, If it be your minds, [then] let none go forth [nor] escape out of the city to go to tell [it] in Jezreel. escape out of the hand 24_JER_32_04 # And Zedekiah king of Judah shall not escape out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, and shall speak with him mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes; escape out of the land 24_JER_50_28 # The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple. escape out of their hand 24_JER_38_18 # But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand. escape out of their hand 24_JER_38_23 # So they shall bring out all thy wives and thy children to the Chaldeans: and thou shalt not escape out of their hand, but shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon: and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire. escape recompense her according to 24_JER_50_29 # Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel. escape that doeth such things 26_EZE_17_15 # But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such [things]? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered? escape that ye may be 46_1CO_10_13 # There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it]. escape the damnation of hell 40_MAT_23_33 # [Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? escape the judgment of God 45_ROM_02_03 # And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? escape the sword among the 26_EZE_06_08 # Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have [some] that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries. escape the sword shall return 24_JER_44_28 # Yet a small number that escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or theirs. escape the valley also shall 24_JER_48_08 # And the spoiler shall come upon every city, and no city shall escape: the valley also shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed, as the LORD hath spoken. escape them 29_JOE_02_03 # A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land [is] as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. escape they shall stumble and 24_JER_46_06 # Let not the swift flee away, nor the mighty man escape; they shall stumble, and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates. escape thither for I cannot 01_GEN_19_22 # Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. escape thither is it not 01_GEN_19_20 # Behold now, this city [is] near to flee unto, and it [is] a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, [[is] it not a little one?] and my soul shall live. escape to the mountain lest 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape to the mountain lest 01_GEN_19_19 # Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: escape us 10_2SA_20_06 # And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than [did] Absalom: take thou thy lord's servants, and pursue after him, lest he get him fenced cities, and escape us. escape 52_1TH_05_03 # For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. escape 44_ACT_27_42 # And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape. escape 27_DAN_11_42 # He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. escape 26_EZE_17_18 # Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these [things], he shall not escape. escape 01_GEN_32_08 # And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape. escape 23_ISA_20_06 # And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such [is] our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape? escape 24_JER_25_35 # And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. escape 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape 06_JOS_08_22 # And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape. escape 20_PRO_19_05 # A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. escape 19_PSA_141_10 # Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape. escaped all safe to land 44_ACT_27_44 # And the rest, some on boards, and some on [broken pieces] of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_15 # And the Sabeans fell [upon them], and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_16 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_17 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_19 # And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped and came to Samuel 09_1SA_19_18 # So David fled, and escaped, and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth. escaped and dwelt there unto 13_1CH_04_43 # And they smote the rest of the Amalekites that were escaped, and dwelt there unto this day. escaped and fled after David 09_1SA_22_20 # And one of the sons of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped, and fled after David. escaped and his daughters into 04_NUM_21_29 # Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites. escaped And Michal answered Saul 09_1SA_19_17 # And Saul said unto Michal, Why hast thou deceived me so, and sent away mine enemy, that he is escaped? And Michal answered Saul, He said unto me, Let me go; why should I kill thee? escaped and thou shalt speak 26_EZE_24_27 # In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD. escaped and told Abram the 01_GEN_14_13 # And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these [were] confederate with Abram. escaped as a bird out 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escaped as it is this 15_EZR_09_15 # O LORD God of Israel, thou [art] righteous: for we remain yet escaped, as [it is] this day: behold, we [are] before thee in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before thee because of this. escaped came and had opened 26_EZE_33_22 # Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening, afore he that was escaped came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb. escaped from his master unto 05_DEU_23_15 # Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto thee: escaped from Johanan with eight 24_JER_41_15 # But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with eight men, and went to the Ammonites. escaped from Keilah and he 09_1SA_23_13 # Then David and his men, [which were] about six hundred, arose and departed out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go. And it was told Saul that David was escaped from Keilah; and he forbare to go forth. escaped from the sword carried 14_2CH_36_20 # And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia: escaped from them who live 61_2PE_02_18 # For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. escaped his hands 47_2CO_11_33 # And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands. escaped into the land of 12_2KI_19_37 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword: and they escaped into the land of Armenia. And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped into the land of 23_ISA_37_38 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword; and they escaped into the land of Armenia: and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped nor remained those that 25_LAM_02_22 # Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors round about, so that in the day of the LORD'S anger none escaped nor remained: those that I have swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed. escaped not a man of 09_1SA_30_17 # And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled. escaped not a man 07_JUD_03_29 # And they slew of Moab at that time about ten thousand men, all lusty, and all men of valour; and there escaped not a man. escaped not who refused him 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escaped of Benjamin that a 07_JUD_21_17 # And they said, [There must be] an inheritance for them that be escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel. escaped of Israel 23_ISA_04_02 # In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth [shall be] excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. escaped of the house of 12_2KI_19_30 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. escaped of the house of 23_ISA_10_20 # And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. escaped of the house of 23_ISA_37_31 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward: escaped of the nations they 23_ISA_45_20 # Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye [that are] escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god [that] cannot save. escaped on an horse with 11_1KI_20_20 # And they slew every one his man: and the Syrians fled; and Israel pursued them: and Benhadad the king of Syria escaped on an horse with the horsemen. escaped out of Jerusalem came 26_EZE_33_21 # And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, [that] one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is smitten. escaped out of the hand 14_2CH_30_06 # So the posts went with the letters from the king and his princes throughout all Israel and Judah, and according to the commandment of the king, saying, Ye children of Israel, turn again unto the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and he will return to the remnant of you, that are escaped out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. escaped out of their hand 43_JOH_10_39 # Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand, escaped out of thine hand 14_2CH_16_07 # And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the LORD thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand. escaped said Let me go 07_JUD_12_05 # And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was [so] that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, [Art] thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; escaped that night 09_1SA_19_10 # And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and escaped that night. escaped the corruption that is 61_2PE_01_04 # Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. escaped the edge of the 58_HEB_11_34 # Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. escaped the pollutions of the 61_2PE_02_20 # For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. escaped the sea yet vengeance 44_ACT_28_04 # And when the barbarians saw the [venomous] beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. escaped the sword go away 24_JER_51_50 # Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. escaped then they knew that 44_ACT_28_01 # And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. escaped to the cave Adullam 09_1SA_22_01 # David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard [it], they went down thither to him. escaped unto Seirath 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped which remaineth unto you 02_EXO_10_05 # And they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see the earth: and they shall eat the residue of that which is escaped, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field: escaped which were left of 16_NEH_01_02 # That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and [certain] men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. escaped while they tarried and 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped with the skin of 18_JOB_19_20 # My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth. escaped 09_1SA_14_41 # Therefore Saul said unto the LORD God of Israel, Give a perfect [lot]. And Saul and Jonathan were taken: but the people escaped. escaped 09_1SA_19_12 # So Michal let David down through a window: and he went, and fled, and escaped. escaped 14_2CH_20_24 # And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the wilderness, they looked unto the multitude, and, behold, they [were] dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none escaped. escaped 10_2SA_01_03 # And David said unto him, From whence comest thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped. escaped 10_2SA_04_06 # And they came thither into the midst of the house, [as though] they would have fetched wheat; and they smote him under the fifth [rib]: and Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped. escaped 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escapeth and say What is 24_JER_48_19 # O inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way, and espy; ask him that fleeth, and her that escapeth, [and] say, What is done? escapeth from the sword of 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. escapeth in that day shall 26_EZE_24_26 # [That] he that escapeth in that day shall come unto thee, to cause [thee] to hear [it] with [thine] ears? escapeth of Moab and upon 23_ISA_15_09 # For the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood: for I will bring more upon Dimon, lions upon him that escapeth of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land. escapeth of them shall not 30_AMO_09_01 # I saw the Lord standing upon the altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered. escapeth the sword of Hazael 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. Six Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. escape all these things that shall 42_LUK_21_36 # Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. escape and shall be on the 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape and their hope shall be 18_JOB_11_20 # But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope [shall be as] the giving up of the ghost. escape And they took them and 11_1KI_18_40 # And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. escape and though they shall cry 24_JER_11_11 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. escape and to give us a 15_EZR_09_08 # And now for a little space grace hath been [showed] from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage. escape by iniquity in thine anger 19_PSA_56_07 # Shall they escape by iniquity? in [thine] anger cast down the people, O God. Escape for thy life look not 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape from Absalom make speed to 10_2SA_15_14 # And David said unto all his servants that [were] with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee; for we shall not [else] escape from Absalom: make speed to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly, and bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword. escape from her but the sinner 21_ECC_07_26 # And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart [is] snares and nets, [and] her hands [as] bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. escape from the evil that I 24_JER_42_17 # So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. escape from the windy storm and 19_PSA_55_08 # I would hasten my escape from the windy storm [and] tempest. escape he that letteth him go 12_2KI_10_24 # And when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, [If] any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, [he that letteth him go], his life [shall be] for the life of him. escape if we neglect so great 58_HEB_02_03 # How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard [him]; escape if we turn away from 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escape in the king's house more 17_EST_04_13 # Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews. escape incline thine ear unto me 19_PSA_71_02 # Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me. escape into the land of the 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape neither shouldest thou have delivered 31_OBA_01_14 # Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. escape of them shall escape and 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape of them unto the nations 23_ISA_66_19 # And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, [to] Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, [to] Tubal, and Javan, [to] the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. escape of you shall remember me 26_EZE_06_09 # And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall loathe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations. escape or remain that they should 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape out of his hand but 24_JER_34_03 # And thou shalt not escape out of his hand, but shalt surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth, and thou shalt go to Babylon. escape out of his hand even 27_DAN_11_41 # He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many [countries] shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, [even] Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. escape out of his hand 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape out of mount Zion the 12_2KI_19_31 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD [of hosts] shall do this. escape out of mount Zion the 23_ISA_37_32 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this. escape out of the city to 12_2KI_09_15 # But king Joram was returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria.] And Jehu said, If it be your minds, [then] let none go forth [nor] escape out of the city to go to tell [it] in Jezreel. escape out of the hand of 24_JER_32_04 # And Zedekiah king of Judah shall not escape out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, and shall speak with him mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes; escape out of the land of 24_JER_50_28 # The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple. escape out of their hand but 24_JER_38_23 # So they shall bring out all thy wives and thy children to the Chaldeans: and thou shalt not escape out of their hand, but shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon: and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire. escape out of their hand 24_JER_38_18 # But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand. escape recompense her according to her 24_JER_50_29 # Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel. escape that doeth such things or 26_EZE_17_15 # But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such [things]? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered? escape that ye may be able 46_1CO_10_13 # There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it]. escape the damnation of hell 40_MAT_23_33 # [Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? escape the judgment of God 45_ROM_02_03 # And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? escape the sword among the nations 26_EZE_06_08 # Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have [some] that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries. escape the sword shall return out 24_JER_44_28 # Yet a small number that escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or theirs. escape the valley also shall perish 24_JER_48_08 # And the spoiler shall come upon every city, and no city shall escape: the valley also shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed, as the LORD hath spoken. escape them 29_JOE_02_03 # A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land [is] as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. escape they shall stumble and fall 24_JER_46_06 # Let not the swift flee away, nor the mighty man escape; they shall stumble, and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates. escape thither for I cannot do 01_GEN_19_22 # Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. escape thither is it not a 01_GEN_19_20 # Behold now, this city [is] near to flee unto, and it [is] a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, [[is] it not a little one?] and my soul shall live. escape to the mountain lest some 01_GEN_19_19 # Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: escape to the mountain lest thou 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape us 10_2SA_20_06 # And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than [did] Absalom: take thou thy lord's servants, and pursue after him, lest he get him fenced cities, and escape us. escape 52_1TH_05_03 # For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. escape 44_ACT_27_42 # And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape. escape 27_DAN_11_42 # He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. escape 26_EZE_17_18 # Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these [things], he shall not escape. escape 01_GEN_32_08 # And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape. escape 23_ISA_20_06 # And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such [is] our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape? escape 24_JER_25_35 # And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. escape 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape 06_JOS_08_22 # And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape. escape 20_PRO_19_05 # A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. escape 19_PSA_141_10 # Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape. escaped all safe to land 44_ACT_27_44 # And the rest, some on boards, and some on [broken pieces] of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_15 # And the Sabeans fell [upon them], and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_16 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_17 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_19 # And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped and came to Samuel to 09_1SA_19_18 # So David fled, and escaped, and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth. escaped and dwelt there unto this 13_1CH_04_43 # And they smote the rest of the Amalekites that were escaped, and dwelt there unto this day. escaped and fled after David 09_1SA_22_20 # And one of the sons of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped, and fled after David. escaped and his daughters into captivity 04_NUM_21_29 # Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites. escaped And Michal answered Saul He 09_1SA_19_17 # And Saul said unto Michal, Why hast thou deceived me so, and sent away mine enemy, that he is escaped? And Michal answered Saul, He said unto me, Let me go; why should I kill thee? escaped and thou shalt speak and 26_EZE_24_27 # In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD. escaped and told Abram the Hebrew 01_GEN_14_13 # And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these [were] confederate with Abram. escaped as a bird out of 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escaped as it is this day 15_EZR_09_15 # O LORD God of Israel, thou [art] righteous: for we remain yet escaped, as [it is] this day: behold, we [are] before thee in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before thee because of this. escaped came and had opened my 26_EZE_33_22 # Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening, afore he that was escaped came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb. escaped from his master unto thee 05_DEU_23_15 # Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto thee: escaped from Johanan with eight men 24_JER_41_15 # But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with eight men, and went to the Ammonites. escaped from Keilah and he forbare 09_1SA_23_13 # Then David and his men, [which were] about six hundred, arose and departed out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go. And it was told Saul that David was escaped from Keilah; and he forbare to go forth. escaped from the sword carried he 14_2CH_36_20 # And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia: escaped from them who live in 61_2PE_02_18 # For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. escaped his hands 47_2CO_11_33 # And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands. escaped into the land of Armenia 12_2KI_19_37 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword: and they escaped into the land of Armenia. And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped into the land of Armenia 23_ISA_37_38 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword; and they escaped into the land of Armenia: and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped nor remained those that I 25_LAM_02_22 # Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors round about, so that in the day of the LORD'S anger none escaped nor remained: those that I have swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed. escaped not a man of them 09_1SA_30_17 # And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled. escaped not a man 07_JUD_03_29 # And they slew of Moab at that time about ten thousand men, all lusty, and all men of valour; and there escaped not a man. escaped not who refused him that 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escaped of Benjamin that a tribe 07_JUD_21_17 # And they said, [There must be] an inheritance for them that be escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel. escaped of Israel 23_ISA_04_02 # In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth [shall be] excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. escaped of the house of Jacob 23_ISA_10_20 # And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. escaped of the house of Judah 12_2KI_19_30 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. escaped of the house of Judah 23_ISA_37_31 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward: escaped of the nations they have 23_ISA_45_20 # Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye [that are] escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god [that] cannot save. escaped on an horse with the 11_1KI_20_20 # And they slew every one his man: and the Syrians fled; and Israel pursued them: and Benhadad the king of Syria escaped on an horse with the horsemen. escaped out of Jerusalem came unto 26_EZE_33_21 # And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, [that] one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is smitten. escaped out of the hand of 14_2CH_30_06 # So the posts went with the letters from the king and his princes throughout all Israel and Judah, and according to the commandment of the king, saying, Ye children of Israel, turn again unto the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and he will return to the remnant of you, that are escaped out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. escaped out of their hand 43_JOH_10_39 # Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand, escaped out of thine hand 14_2CH_16_07 # And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the LORD thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand. escaped said Let me go over 07_JUD_12_05 # And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was [so] that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, [Art] thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; escaped that night 09_1SA_19_10 # And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and escaped that night. escaped the corruption that is in 61_2PE_01_04 # Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. escaped the edge of the sword 58_HEB_11_34 # Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. escaped the pollutions of the world 61_2PE_02_20 # For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. escaped the sea yet vengeance suffereth 44_ACT_28_04 # And when the barbarians saw the [venomous] beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. escaped the sword go away stand 24_JER_51_50 # Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. escaped then they knew that the 44_ACT_28_01 # And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. escaped to the cave Adullam and 09_1SA_22_01 # David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard [it], they went down thither to him. escaped unto Seirath 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped which remaineth unto you from 02_EXO_10_05 # And they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see the earth: and they shall eat the residue of that which is escaped, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field: escaped which were left of the 16_NEH_01_02 # That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and [certain] men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. escaped while they tarried and passed 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped with the skin of my 18_JOB_19_20 # My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth. escaped 09_1SA_14_41 # Therefore Saul said unto the LORD God of Israel, Give a perfect [lot]. And Saul and Jonathan were taken: but the people escaped. escaped 09_1SA_19_12 # So Michal let David down through a window: and he went, and fled, and escaped. escaped 14_2CH_20_24 # And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the wilderness, they looked unto the multitude, and, behold, they [were] dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none escaped. escaped 10_2SA_01_03 # And David said unto him, From whence comest thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped. escaped 10_2SA_04_06 # And they came thither into the midst of the house, [as though] they would have fetched wheat; and they smote him under the fifth [rib]: and Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped. escaped 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escapeth and say What is done 24_JER_48_19 # O inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way, and espy; ask him that fleeth, and her that escapeth, [and] say, What is done? escapeth from the sword of Jehu 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. escapeth in that day shall come 26_EZE_24_26 # [That] he that escapeth in that day shall come unto thee, to cause [thee] to hear [it] with [thine] ears? escapeth of Moab and upon the 23_ISA_15_09 # For the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood: for I will bring more upon Dimon, lions upon him that escapeth of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land. escapeth of them shall not be 30_AMO_09_01 # I saw the Lord standing upon the altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered. escapeth the sword of Hazael shall 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. Seven Word English Phrase Index to the KJV Bible. escape all these things that shall come 42_LUK_21_36 # Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. escape and shall be on the mountains 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape and their hope shall be as 18_JOB_11_20 # But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope [shall be as] the giving up of the ghost. escape And they took them and Elijah 11_1KI_18_40 # And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. escape and though they shall cry unto 24_JER_11_11 # Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. escape and to give us a nail 15_EZR_09_08 # And now for a little space grace hath been [showed] from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage. escape by iniquity in thine anger cast 19_PSA_56_07 # Shall they escape by iniquity? in [thine] anger cast down the people, O God. Escape for thy life look not behind 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape from Absalom make speed to depart 10_2SA_15_14 # And David said unto all his servants that [were] with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee; for we shall not [else] escape from Absalom: make speed to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly, and bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword. escape from her but the sinner shall 21_ECC_07_26 # And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart [is] snares and nets, [and] her hands [as] bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. escape from the evil that I will 24_JER_42_17 # So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or escape from the evil that I will bring upon them. escape from the windy storm and tempest 19_PSA_55_08 # I would hasten my escape from the windy storm [and] tempest. escape he that letteth him go his 12_2KI_10_24 # And when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, [If] any of the men whom I have brought into your hands escape, [he that letteth him go], his life [shall be] for the life of him. escape if we neglect so great salvation 58_HEB_02_03 # How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard [him]; escape if we turn away from him 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escape in the king's house more than 17_EST_04_13 # Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews. escape incline thine ear unto me and 19_PSA_71_02 # Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me. escape into the land of the Philistines 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape neither shouldest thou have delivered up 31_OBA_01_14 # Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. escape of them shall escape and shall 26_EZE_07_16 # But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape of them unto the nations to 23_ISA_66_19 # And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, [to] Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, [to] Tubal, and Javan, [to] the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. escape of you shall remember me among 26_EZE_06_09 # And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall loathe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations. escape or remain that they should return 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape out of his hand but shalt 24_JER_34_03 # And thou shalt not escape out of his hand, but shalt surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth, and thou shalt go to Babylon. escape out of his hand even Edom 27_DAN_11_41 # He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many [countries] shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, [even] Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. escape out of his hand 09_1SA_27_01 # And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape out of mount Zion the zeal 12_2KI_19_31 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD [of hosts] shall do this. escape out of mount Zion the zeal 23_ISA_37_32 # For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this. escape out of the city to go 12_2KI_09_15 # But king Joram was returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria.] And Jehu said, If it be your minds, [then] let none go forth [nor] escape out of the city to go to tell [it] in Jezreel. escape out of the hand of the 24_JER_32_04 # And Zedekiah king of Judah shall not escape out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, and shall speak with him mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes; escape out of the land of Babylon 24_JER_50_28 # The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple. escape out of their hand but shalt 24_JER_38_23 # So they shall bring out all thy wives and thy children to the Chaldeans: and thou shalt not escape out of their hand, but shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon: and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire. escape out of their hand 24_JER_38_18 # But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand. escape recompense her according to her work 24_JER_50_29 # Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel. escape that doeth such things or shall 26_EZE_17_15 # But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such [things]? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered? escape that ye may be able to 46_1CO_10_13 # There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it]. escape the damnation of hell 40_MAT_23_33 # [Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? escape the judgment of God 45_ROM_02_03 # And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? escape the sword among the nations when 26_EZE_06_08 # Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have [some] that shall escape the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries. escape the sword shall return out of 24_JER_44_28 # Yet a small number that escape the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or theirs. escape the valley also shall perish and 24_JER_48_08 # And the spoiler shall come upon every city, and no city shall escape: the valley also shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed, as the LORD hath spoken. escape them 29_JOE_02_03 # A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land [is] as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. escape they shall stumble and fall toward 24_JER_46_06 # Let not the swift flee away, nor the mighty man escape; they shall stumble, and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates. escape thither for I cannot do any 01_GEN_19_22 # Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. escape thither is it not a little 01_GEN_19_20 # Behold now, this city [is] near to flee unto, and it [is] a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, [[is] it not a little one?] and my soul shall live. escape to the mountain lest some evil 01_GEN_19_19 # Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: escape to the mountain lest thou be 01_GEN_19_17 # And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape us 10_2SA_20_06 # And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than [did] Absalom: take thou thy lord's servants, and pursue after him, lest he get him fenced cities, and escape us. escape 52_1TH_05_03 # For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. escape 44_ACT_27_42 # And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and escape. escape 27_DAN_11_42 # He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. escape 26_EZE_17_18 # Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these [things], he shall not escape. escape 01_GEN_32_08 # And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape. escape 23_ISA_20_06 # And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such [is] our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape? escape 24_JER_25_35 # And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. escape 24_JER_44_14 # So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape 06_JOS_08_22 # And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or escape. escape 20_PRO_19_05 # A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not escape. escape 19_PSA_141_10 # Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape. escaped all safe to land 44_ACT_27_44 # And the rest, some on boards, and some on [broken pieces] of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_15 # And the Sabeans fell [upon them], and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_16 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_17 # While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped alone to tell thee 18_JOB_01_19 # And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. escaped and came to Samuel to Ramah 09_1SA_19_18 # So David fled, and escaped, and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth. escaped and dwelt there unto this day 13_1CH_04_43 # And they smote the rest of the Amalekites that were escaped, and dwelt there unto this day. escaped and fled after David 09_1SA_22_20 # And one of the sons of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, escaped, and fled after David. escaped and his daughters into captivity unto 04_NUM_21_29 # Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites. escaped And Michal answered Saul He said 09_1SA_19_17 # And Saul said unto Michal, Why hast thou deceived me so, and sent away mine enemy, that he is escaped? And Michal answered Saul, He said unto me, Let me go; why should I kill thee? escaped and thou shalt speak and be 26_EZE_24_27 # In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD. escaped and told Abram the Hebrew for 01_GEN_14_13 # And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these [were] confederate with Abram. escaped as a bird out of the 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escaped as it is this day behold 15_EZR_09_15 # O LORD God of Israel, thou [art] righteous: for we remain yet escaped, as [it is] this day: behold, we [are] before thee in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before thee because of this. escaped came and had opened my mouth 26_EZE_33_22 # Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening, afore he that was escaped came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb. escaped from his master unto thee 05_DEU_23_15 # Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto thee: escaped from Johanan with eight men and 24_JER_41_15 # But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with eight men, and went to the Ammonites. escaped from Keilah and he forbare to 09_1SA_23_13 # Then David and his men, [which were] about six hundred, arose and departed out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go. And it was told Saul that David was escaped from Keilah; and he forbare to go forth. escaped from the sword carried he away 14_2CH_36_20 # And them that had escaped from the sword carried he away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia: escaped from them who live in error 61_2PE_02_18 # For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. escaped his hands 47_2CO_11_33 # And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands. escaped into the land of Armenia And 12_2KI_19_37 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword: and they escaped into the land of Armenia. And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped into the land of Armenia and 23_ISA_37_38 # And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword; and they escaped into the land of Armenia: and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped nor remained those that I have 25_LAM_02_22 # Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors round about, so that in the day of the LORD'S anger none escaped nor remained: those that I have swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed. escaped not a man of them save 09_1SA_30_17 # And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there escaped not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled. escaped not a man 07_JUD_03_29 # And they slew of Moab at that time about ten thousand men, all lusty, and all men of valour; and there escaped not a man. escaped not who refused him that spake 58_HEB_12_25 # See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escaped of Benjamin that a tribe be 07_JUD_21_17 # And they said, [There must be] an inheritance for them that be escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel. escaped of Israel 23_ISA_04_02 # In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth [shall be] excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. escaped of the house of Jacob shall 23_ISA_10_20 # And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. escaped of the house of Judah shall 12_2KI_19_30 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. escaped of the house of Judah shall 23_ISA_37_31 # And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward: escaped of the nations they have no 23_ISA_45_20 # Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye [that are] escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god [that] cannot save. escaped on an horse with the horsemen 11_1KI_20_20 # And they slew every one his man: and the Syrians fled; and Israel pursued them: and Benhadad the king of Syria escaped on an horse with the horsemen. escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me 26_EZE_33_21 # And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, [that] one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is smitten. escaped out of the hand of the 14_2CH_30_06 # So the posts went with the letters from the king and his princes throughout all Israel and Judah, and according to the commandment of the king, saying, Ye children of Israel, turn again unto the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and he will return to the remnant of you, that are escaped out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. escaped out of their hand 43_JOH_10_39 # Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand, escaped out of thine hand 14_2CH_16_07 # And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the LORD thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand. escaped said Let me go over that 07_JUD_12_05 # And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was [so] that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, [Art] thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; escaped that night 09_1SA_19_10 # And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and escaped that night. escaped the corruption that is in the 61_2PE_01_04 # Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. escaped the edge of the sword out 58_HEB_11_34 # Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. escaped the pollutions of the world through 61_2PE_02_20 # For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. escaped the sea yet vengeance suffereth not 44_ACT_28_04 # And when the barbarians saw the [venomous] beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. escaped the sword go away stand not 24_JER_51_50 # Ye that have escaped the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. escaped then they knew that the island 44_ACT_28_01 # And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. escaped to the cave Adullam and when 09_1SA_22_01 # David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard [it], they went down thither to him. escaped unto Seirath 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped which remaineth unto you from the 02_EXO_10_05 # And they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see the earth: and they shall eat the residue of that which is escaped, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field: escaped which were left of the captivity 16_NEH_01_02 # That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and [certain] men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. escaped while they tarried and passed beyond 07_JUD_03_26 # And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped with the skin of my teeth 18_JOB_19_20 # My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth. escaped 09_1SA_14_41 # Therefore Saul said unto the LORD God of Israel, Give a perfect [lot]. And Saul and Jonathan were taken: but the people escaped. escaped 09_1SA_19_12 # So Michal let David down through a window: and he went, and fled, and escaped. escaped 14_2CH_20_24 # And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the wilderness, they looked unto the multitude, and, behold, they [were] dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none escaped. escaped 10_2SA_01_03 # And David said unto him, From whence comest thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped. escaped 10_2SA_04_06 # And they came thither into the midst of the house, [as though] they would have fetched wheat; and they smote him under the fifth [rib]: and Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped. escaped 19_PSA_124_07 # Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escapeth and say What is done 24_JER_48_19 # O inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way, and espy; ask him that fleeth, and her that escapeth, [and] say, What is done? escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. escapeth in that day shall come unto 26_EZE_24_26 # [That] he that escapeth in that day shall come unto thee, to cause [thee] to hear [it] with [thine] ears? escapeth of Moab and upon the remnant 23_ISA_15_09 # For the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood: for I will bring more upon Dimon, lions upon him that escapeth of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land. escapeth of them shall not be delivered 30_AMO_09_01 # I saw the Lord standing upon the altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them shall not be delivered. escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu 11_1KI_19_17 # And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. English Concordance to the KJV Bible. escape , 01_GEN_19_17 , 01_GEN_19_17 , 01_GEN_19_19 , 01_GEN_19_20 , 01_GEN_19_22 , 01_GEN_32_08 , escape , 06_JOS_08_22, escape , 09_1SA_27_01 , 09_1SA_27_01 , escape , 10_2SA_15_14 , 10_2SA_20_06 , escape , 11_1KI_18_40, escape , 12_2KI_09_15 , 12_2KI_10_24 , 12_2KI_19_31, escape , 15_EZR_09_08 , escape , 17_EST_04_13, escape , 18_JOB_11_20, escape , 19_PSA_55_08 , 19_PSA_56_07 , 19_PSA_71_02 , 19_PSA_141_10, escape , 20_PRO_19_05 , escape , 21_ECC_07_26, escape , 23_ISA_20_06 , 23_ISA_37_32 , 23_ISA_66_19, escape , 24_JER_11_11 , 24_JER_25_35 , 24_JER_32_04 , 24_JER_34_03 , 24_JER_38_18 , 24_JER_38_23 , 24_JER_42_17 , 24_JER_44_14 , 24_JER_44_14 , 24_JER_44_28 , 24_JER_46_06 , 24_JER_48_08 , 24_JER_50_28 , 24_JER_50_29, escape , 26_EZE_06_08 , 26_EZE_06_09 , 26_EZE_07_16 , 26_EZE_07_16 , 26_EZE_17_15 , 26_EZE_17_18, escape , 27_DAN_11_41 , 27_DAN_11_42, escape , 29_JOE_02_03 , escape , 31_OBA_01_14, escape , 40_MAT_23_33, escape , 42_LUK_21_36, escape , 44_ACT_27_42, escape , 45_ROM_02_03 , escape , 46_1CO_10_13, escape , 52_1TH_05_03 , escape , 58_HEB_02_03 , 58_HEB_12_25, escaped , 01_GEN_14_13, escaped , 02_EXO_10_05 , escaped , 04_NUM_21_29, escaped , 05_DEU_23_15, escaped , 07_JUD_03_26 , 07_JUD_03_26 , 07_JUD_03_29 , 07_JUD_12_05 , 07_JUD_21_17, escaped , 09_1SA_14_41 , 09_1SA_19_10 , 09_1SA_19_12 , 09_1SA_19_17 , 09_1SA_19_18 , 09_1SA_22_01 , 09_1SA_22_20 , 09_1SA_23_13 , 09_1SA_30_17, escaped , 10_2SA_01_03 , 10_2SA_04_06 , escaped , 11_1KI_20_20, escaped , 12_2KI_19_30 , 12_2KI_19_37, escaped , 13_1CH_04_43, escaped , 14_2CH_16_07 , 14_2CH_20_24 , 14_2CH_30_06 , 14_2CH_36_20, escaped , 15_EZR_09_15, escaped , 16_NEH_01_02 , escaped , 18_JOB_01_15 , 18_JOB_01_16 , 18_JOB_01_17 , 18_JOB_01_19 , 18_JOB_19_20, escaped , 19_PSA_124_07 , 19_PSA_124_07 , escaped , 23_ISA_04_02 , 23_ISA_10_20 , 23_ISA_37_31 , 23_ISA_37_38 , 23_ISA_45_20, escaped , 24_JER_41_15 , 24_JER_51_50, escaped , 25_LAM_02_22, escaped , 26_EZE_24_27 , 26_EZE_33_21 , 26_EZE_33_22, escaped , 43_JOH_10_39, escaped , 44_ACT_27_44 , 44_ACT_28_01 , 44_ACT_28_04 , escaped , 47_2CO_11_33, escaped , 58_HEB_11_34 , 58_HEB_12_25, escaped , 61_2PE_01_04 , 61_2PE_02_18 , 61_2PE_02_20, escapeth , 11_1KI_19_17 , 11_1KI_19_17, escapeth , 23_ISA_15_09 , escapeth , 24_JER_48_19, escapeth , 26_EZE_24_26, escapeth , 30_AMO_09_01 , Please browse and find lots of Bible Media studies prepared for you. eBibleProductions.com Bible Phrases for Individual word studies escape all these things 42_LUK_21_36 escape for thy life 01_GEN_19_17 escape from absalom 10_2SA_15_14 escape out 12_2KI_19_31 escape out 12_2KI_09_15 escape out 23_ISA_37_32 escape out 24_JER_50_28 escape thither 01_GEN_19_22 escape us 10_2SA_20_06 escaped alone 18_JOB_01_15 escaped alone 18_JOB_01_16 escaped alone 18_JOB_01_17 escaped alone 18_JOB_01_19 escaped his hands 47_2CO_11_33 escaped unto seirath 07_JUD_03_26 escaped with 18_JOB_19_20 escapeth from 11_1KI_19_17 Bible Quick Find Phrase Concordance for fast finding of phrases escape ^ 52_1TH_05_03 / escape /^ escape ^ 44_ACT_27_42 / escape /^ escape ^ 27_DAN_11_42 / escape /^ escape ^ 26_EZE_17_18 / escape /^ escape ^ 01_GEN_32_08 / escape /^ escape ^ 23_ISA_20_06 / escape /^ escape ^ 24_JER_25_35 / escape /^ escape ^ 24_JER_44_14 / escape /^ escape ^ 06_JOS_08_22 / escape /^ escape ^ 20_PRO_19_05 / escape /^ escape ^ 19_PSA_141_10 / escape /^ escape ^ 42_LUK_21_36 / escape /^all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. escape ^ 26_EZE_07_16 / escape /^and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape ^ 18_JOB_11_20 / escape /^and their hope [shall be as] the giving up of the ghost. escape ^ 11_1KI_18_40 / escape /^And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. escape ^ 24_JER_11_11 / escape /^and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. escape ^ 15_EZR_09_08 / escape /^and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage. escape ^ 19_PSA_56_07 / escape /^by iniquity? in [thine] anger cast down the people, O God. Escape ^ 01_GEN_19_17 / Escape /^for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape ^ 10_2SA_15_14 / escape /^from Absalom: make speed to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly, and bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword. escape ^ 21_ECC_07_26 / escape /^from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. escape ^ 24_JER_42_17 / escape /^from the evil that I will bring upon them. escape ^ 19_PSA_55_08 / escape /^from the windy storm [and] tempest. escape ^ 12_2KI_10_24 / escape /^he that letteth him go], his life [shall be] for the life of him. escape ^ 58_HEB_02_03 / escape /^if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard [him]; escape ^ 58_HEB_12_25 / escape /^if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escape ^ 17_EST_04_13 / escape /^in the king's house, more than all the Jews. escape ^ 19_PSA_71_02 / escape /^incline thine ear unto me, and save me. escape ^ 09_1SA_27_01 / escape /^into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape ^ 31_OBA_01_14 / escape /^neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. escape ^ 26_EZE_07_16 / escape /^of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape ^ 23_ISA_66_19 / escape /^of them unto the nations, [to] Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, [to] Tubal, and Javan, [to] the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. escape ^ 26_EZE_06_09 / escape /^of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall loathe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations. escape ^ 24_JER_44_14 / escape /^or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape ^ 24_JER_34_03 / escape /^out of his hand, but shalt surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth, and thou shalt go to Babylon. escape ^ 27_DAN_11_41 / escape /^out of his hand, [even] Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. escape ^ 09_1SA_27_01 / escape /^out of his hand. escape ^ 23_ISA_37_32 / escape /^out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this. escape ^ 12_2KI_19_31 / escape /^out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD [of hosts] shall do this. escape ^ 12_2KI_09_15 / escape /^out of the city to go to tell [it] in Jezreel. escape ^ 24_JER_32_04 / escape /^out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, and shall speak with him mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes; escape ^ 24_JER_50_28 / escape /^out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple. escape ^ 24_JER_38_23 / escape /^out of their hand, but shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon: and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire. escape ^ 24_JER_38_18 / escape /^out of their hand. escape ^ 24_JER_50_29 / escape /^recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel. escape ^ 26_EZE_17_15 / escape /^that doeth such [things]? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered? escape ^ 46_1CO_10_13 / escape /^that ye may be able to bear [it]. escape ^ 40_MAT_23_33 / escape /^the damnation of hell? escape ^ 45_ROM_02_03 / escape /^the judgment of God? escape ^ 26_EZE_06_08 / escape /^the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries. escape ^ 24_JER_44_28 / escape /^the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or theirs. escape ^ 24_JER_48_08 / escape /^the valley also shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed, as the LORD hath spoken. escape ^ 29_JOE_02_03 / escape /^them. escape ^ 24_JER_46_06 / escape /^they shall stumble, and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates. escape ^ 01_GEN_19_20 / escape /^thither, [[is] it not a little one?] and my soul shall live. escape ^ 01_GEN_19_22 / escape /^thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. escape ^ 01_GEN_19_19 / escape /^to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: escape ^ 01_GEN_19_17 / escape /^to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape ^ 10_2SA_20_06 / escape /^us. escaped ^ 09_1SA_14_41 / escaped /^ escaped ^ 09_1SA_19_12 / escaped /^ escaped ^ 14_2CH_20_24 / escaped /^ escaped ^ 10_2SA_01_03 / escaped /^ escaped ^ 10_2SA_04_06 / escaped /^ escaped ^ 19_PSA_124_07 / escaped /^ escaped ^ 44_ACT_27_44 / escaped /^all safe to land. escaped ^ 18_JOB_01_15 / escaped /^alone to tell thee. escaped ^ 18_JOB_01_16 / escaped /^alone to tell thee. escaped ^ 18_JOB_01_17 / escaped /^alone to tell thee. escaped ^ 18_JOB_01_19 / escaped /^alone to tell thee. escaped ^ 09_1SA_19_18 / escaped /^and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth. escaped ^ 13_1CH_04_43 / escaped /^and dwelt there unto this day. escaped ^ 09_1SA_22_20 / escaped /^and fled after David. escaped ^ 04_NUM_21_29 / escaped /^and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites. escaped ^ 09_1SA_19_17 / escaped /^And Michal answered Saul, He said unto me, Let me go; why should I kill thee? escaped ^ 26_EZE_24_27 / escaped /^and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD. escaped ^ 01_GEN_14_13 / escaped /^and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these [were] confederate with Abram. escaped ^ 19_PSA_124_07 / escaped /^as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escaped ^ 15_EZR_09_15 / escaped /^as [it is] this day: behold, we [are] before thee in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before thee because of this. escaped ^ 26_EZE_33_22 / escaped /^came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb. escaped ^ 05_DEU_23_15 / escaped /^from his master unto thee: escaped ^ 24_JER_41_15 / escaped /^from Johanan with eight men, and went to the Ammonites. escaped ^ 09_1SA_23_13 / escaped /^from Keilah; and he forbare to go forth. escaped ^ 14_2CH_36_20 / escaped /^from the sword carried he away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia: escaped ^ 61_2PE_02_18 / escaped /^from them who live in error. escaped ^ 47_2CO_11_33 / escaped /^his hands. escaped ^ 12_2KI_19_37 / escaped /^into the land of Armenia. And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped ^ 23_ISA_37_38 / escaped /^into the land of Armenia: and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped ^ 25_LAM_02_22 / escaped /^nor remained: those that I have swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed. escaped ^ 09_1SA_30_17 / escaped /^not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled. escaped ^ 07_JUD_03_29 / escaped /^not a man. escaped ^ 58_HEB_12_25 / escaped /^not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escaped ^ 07_JUD_21_17 / escaped /^of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel. escaped ^ 23_ISA_04_02 / escaped /^of Israel. escaped ^ 23_ISA_10_20 / escaped /^of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. escaped ^ 23_ISA_37_31 / escaped /^of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward: escaped ^ 12_2KI_19_30 / escaped /^of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. escaped ^ 23_ISA_45_20 / escaped /^of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god [that] cannot save. escaped ^ 11_1KI_20_20 / escaped /^on an horse with the horsemen. escaped ^ 26_EZE_33_21 / escaped /^out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is smitten. escaped ^ 14_2CH_30_06 / escaped /^out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. escaped ^ 43_JOH_10_39 / escaped /^out of their hand, escaped ^ 14_2CH_16_07 / escaped /^out of thine hand. escaped ^ 07_JUD_12_05 / escaped /^said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, [Art] thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; escaped ^ 09_1SA_19_10 / escaped /^that night. escaped ^ 61_2PE_01_04 / escaped /^the corruption that is in the world through lust. escaped ^ 58_HEB_11_34 / escaped /^the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. escaped ^ 61_2PE_02_20 / escaped /^the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. escaped ^ 44_ACT_28_04 / escaped /^the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. escaped ^ 24_JER_51_50 / escaped /^the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. escaped ^ 44_ACT_28_01 / escaped /^then they knew that the island was called Melita. escaped ^ 09_1SA_22_01 / escaped /^to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard [it], they went down thither to him. escaped ^ 07_JUD_03_26 / escaped /^unto Seirath. escaped ^ 02_EXO_10_05 / escaped /^which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field: escaped ^ 16_NEH_01_02 / escaped /^which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. escaped ^ 07_JUD_03_26 / escaped /^while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped ^ 18_JOB_19_20 / escaped /^with the skin of my teeth. escapeth ^ 24_JER_48_19 / escapeth /^and] say, What is done? escapeth ^ 11_1KI_19_17 / escapeth /^from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. escapeth ^ 26_EZE_24_26 / escapeth /^in that day shall come unto thee, to cause [thee] to hear [it] with [thine] ears? escapeth ^ 23_ISA_15_09 / escapeth /^of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land. escapeth ^ 30_AMO_09_01 / escapeth /^of them shall not be delivered. escapeth ^ 11_1KI_19_17 / escapeth /^the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies escape ......... and they shall not escape 1628 -ekpheugo-> escape ......... can ye escape 0575 -apo-> escape ......... out , and escape 1309 -diapheugo-> escape ......... shall not we escape 5343 -pheugo-> escape ......... shall we escape 1628 -ekpheugo-> escape ......... that thou shalt escape 1628 -ekpheugo-> escape ......... to escape 1545 -ekbasis-> escape ......... to escape 1628 -ekpheugo-> escaped ......... after they have escaped 0668 -apopheugo-> escaped ......... and escaped 1628 -ekpheugo-> escaped ......... And when they were escaped 1295 -diasozo-> escaped ......... escaped 0668 -apopheugo-> escaped ......... escaped 5343 -pheugo-> escaped ......... having escaped 0668 -apopheugo-> escaped ......... him : but he escaped 1831 -exerchomai-> escaped ......... they escaped 5343 -pheugo-> escaped ......... though he hath escaped 1295 -diasozo-> escaped ......... to pass , that they escaped 1295 -diasozo-> Bible Word Index with the full text of each verse Escape 01_GEN_19_17 And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, {Escape} for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape 46_1CO_10_13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to {escape}, that ye may be able to bear [it]. escape 11_1KI_18_40 And Elijah said unto them, Take the prophets of Baal; let not one of them {escape}. And they took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. escape 09_1SA_27_01 And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily {escape} into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I escape out of his hand. escape 09_1SA_20_06 And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such [is] our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we {escape}? escape 09_1SA_27_01 And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: [there is] nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any coast of Israel: so shall I {escape} out of his hand. escape 09_1SA_37_32 For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that {escape} out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this. escape 09_1SA_66_19 And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that {escape} of them unto the nations, [to] Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, [to] Tubal, and Javan, [to] the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles. escape 52_1TH_05_03 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not {escape}. escape 12_2KI_09_15 But king Joram was returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him, when he fought with Hazael king of Syria.) And Jehu said, If it be your minds, [then] let none go forth [nor] {escape} out of the city to go to tell [it] in Jezreel. escape 12_2KI_10_24 And when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings, Jehu appointed fourscore men without, and said, [If] any of the men whom I have brought into your hands {escape}, [he that letteth him go], his life [shall be] for the life of him. escape 12_2KI_19_31 For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that {escape} out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD [of hosts] shall do this. escape 10_2SA_15_14 And David said unto all his servants that [were] with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee; for we shall not [else] {escape} from Absalom: make speed to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly, and bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword. escape 10_2SA_20_06 And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than [did] Absalom: take thou thy lord's servants, and pursue after him, lest he get him fenced cities, and {escape} us. escape 44_ACT_27_42 And the soldiers' counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim out, and {escape}. escape 27_DAN_11_41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many [countries] shall be overthrown: but these shall {escape} out of his hand, [even] Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. escape 27_DAN_11_42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not {escape}. escape 21_ECC_07_26 And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart [is] snares and nets, [and] her hands [as] bands: whoso pleaseth God shall {escape} from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her. escape 17_EST_04_13 Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt {escape} in the king's house, more than all the Jews. escape 26_EZE_17_15 But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he {escape} that doeth such [things]? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered? escape 26_EZE_07_16 But they that {escape} of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape 26_EZE_06_08 Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may have [some] that shall {escape} the sword among the nations, when ye shall be scattered through the countries. escape 26_EZE_06_09 And they that {escape} of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall loathe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations. escape 26_EZE_17_18 Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these [things], he shall not {escape}. escape 26_EZE_07_16 But they that escape of them shall {escape}, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity. escape 15_EZR_09_08 And now for a little space grace hath been [showed] from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to {escape}, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage. escape 01_GEN_19_17 And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; {escape} to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. escape 01_GEN_19_19 Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot {escape} to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: escape 01_GEN_19_20 Behold now, this city [is] near to flee unto, and it [is] a little one: Oh, let me {escape} thither, ([is] it not a little one?) and my soul shall live. escape 01_GEN_19_22 Haste thee, {escape} thither; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither. Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar. escape 01_GEN_32_08 And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall {escape}. escape 58_HEB_02_03 How shall we {escape}, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard [him]; escape 58_HEB_12_25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [{escape}], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escape 24_JER_50_29 Call together the archers against Babylon: all ye that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof {escape}: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she hath done, do unto her: for she hath been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel. escape 24_JER_50_28 The voice of them that flee and {escape} out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple. escape 24_JER_48_08 And the spoiler shall come upon every city, and no city shall {escape}: the valley also shall perish, and the plain shall be destroyed, as the LORD hath spoken. escape 24_JER_42_17 So shall it be with all the men that set their faces to go into Egypt to sojourn there; they shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence: and none of them shall remain or {escape} from the evil that I will bring upon them. escape 24_JER_44_28 Yet a small number that {escape} the sword shall return out of the land of Egypt into the land of Judah, and all the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall know whose words shall stand, mine, or theirs. escape 24_JER_46_06 Let not the swift flee away, nor the mighty man {escape}; they shall stumble, and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates. escape 24_JER_11_11 Therefore thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to {escape}; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. escape 24_JER_25_35 And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to {escape}. escape 24_JER_32_04 And Zedekiah king of Judah shall not {escape} out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, and shall speak with him mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes; escape 24_JER_38_23 So they shall bring out all thy wives and thy children to the Chaldeans: and thou shalt not {escape} out of their hand, but shalt be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon: and thou shalt cause this city to be burned with fire. escape 24_JER_34_03 And thou shalt not {escape} out of his hand, but shalt surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth, and thou shalt go to Babylon. escape 24_JER_38_18 But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not {escape} out of their hand. escape 24_JER_44_14 So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall {escape}. escape 24_JER_44_14 So that none of the remnant of Judah, which are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall {escape} or remain, that they should return into the land of Judah, to the which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return but such as shall escape. escape 18_JOB_11_20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not {escape}, and their hope [shall be as] the giving up of the ghost. escape 29_JOE_02_03 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land [is] as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall {escape} them. escape 06_JOS_08_22 And the other issued out of the city against them; so they were in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they let none of them remain or {escape}. escape 42_LUK_21_36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to {escape} all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. escape 40_MAT_23_33 [Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye {escape} the damnation of hell? escape 31_OBA_01_14 Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did {escape}; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress. escape 20_PRO_19_05 A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall not {escape}. escape 19_PSA_141_10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal {escape}. escape 19_PSA_55_08 I would hasten my {escape} from the windy storm [and] tempest. escape 19_PSA_71_02 Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to {escape}: incline thine ear unto me, and save me. escape 19_PSA_56_07 Shall they {escape} by iniquity? in [thine] anger cast down the people, O God. escape 45_ROM_02_03 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt {escape} the judgment of God? escaped 13_1CH_04_43 And they smote the rest of the Amalekites that were {escaped}, and dwelt there unto this day. escaped 11_1KI_20_20 And they slew every one his man: and the Syrians fled; and Israel pursued them: and Benhadad the king of Syria {escaped} on an horse with the horsemen. escaped 09_1SA_04_02 In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth [shall be] excellent and comely for them that are {escaped} of Israel. escaped 09_1SA_19_18 So David fled, and {escaped}, and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth. escaped 09_1SA_22_01 David therefore departed thence, and {escaped} to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father's house heard [it], they went down thither to him. escaped 09_1SA_37_31 And the remnant that is {escaped} of the house of Judah shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward: escaped 09_1SA_30_17 And David smote them from the twilight even unto the evening of the next day: and there {escaped} not a man of them, save four hundred young men, which rode upon camels, and fled. escaped 09_1SA_37_38 And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword; and they {escaped} into the land of Armenia: and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped 09_1SA_45_20 Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye [that are] {escaped} of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god [that] cannot save. escaped 09_1SA_23_13 Then David and his men, [which were] about six hundred, arose and departed out of Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go. And it was told Saul that David was {escaped} from Keilah; and he forbare to go forth. escaped 09_1SA_19_17 And Saul said unto Michal, Why hast thou deceived me so, and sent away mine enemy, that he is {escaped}? And Michal answered Saul, He said unto me, Let me go; why should I kill thee? escaped 09_1SA_22_20 And one of the sons of Ahimelech the son of Ahitub, named Abiathar, {escaped}, and fled after David. escaped 09_1SA_10_20 And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the remnant of Israel, and such as are {escaped} of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them; but shall stay upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. escaped 09_1SA_14_41 Therefore Saul said unto the LORD God of Israel, Give a perfect [lot]. And Saul and Jonathan were taken: but the people {escaped}. escaped 09_1SA_19_10 And Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin; but he slipped away out of Saul's presence, and he smote the javelin into the wall: and David fled, and {escaped} that night. escaped 09_1SA_19_12 So Michal let David down through a window: and he went, and fled, and {escaped}. escaped 14_2CH_20_24 And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the wilderness, they looked unto the multitude, and, behold, they [were] dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none {escaped}. escaped 14_2CH_30_06 So the posts went with the letters from the king and his princes throughout all Israel and Judah, and according to the commandment of the king, saying, Ye children of Israel, turn again unto the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and he will return to the remnant of you, that are {escaped} out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. escaped 14_2CH_36_20 And them that had {escaped} from the sword carried he away to Babylon; where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia: escaped 47_2CO_11_33 And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and {escaped} his hands. escaped 14_2CH_16_07 And at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah, and said unto him, Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the LORD thy God, therefore is the host of the king of Syria {escaped} out of thine hand. escaped 12_2KI_19_30 And the remnant that is {escaped} of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. escaped 12_2KI_19_37 And it came to pass, as he was worshipping in the house of Nisroch his god, that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote him with the sword: and they {escaped} into the land of Armenia. And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead. escaped 61_2PE_01_04 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having {escaped} the corruption that is in the world through lust. escaped 61_2PE_02_18 For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, those that were clean {escaped} from them who live in error. escaped 61_2PE_02_20 For if after they have {escaped} the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. escaped 10_2SA_04_06 And they came thither into the midst of the house, [as though] they would have fetched wheat; and they smote him under the fifth [rib]: and Rechab and Baanah his brother {escaped}. escaped 10_2SA_01_03 And David said unto him, From whence comest thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of Israel am I {escaped}. escaped 44_ACT_28_04 And when the barbarians saw the [venomous] beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath {escaped} the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live. escaped 44_ACT_28_01 And when they were {escaped}, then they knew that the island was called Melita. escaped 44_ACT_27_44 And the rest, some on boards, and some on [broken pieces] of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they {escaped} all safe to land. escaped 05_DEU_23_15 Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is {escaped} from his master unto thee: escaped 02_EXO_10_05 And they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see the earth: and they shall eat the residue of that which is {escaped}, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field: escaped 26_EZE_24_27 In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is {escaped}, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign unto them; and they shall know that I [am] the LORD. escaped 26_EZE_33_21 And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth [month], in the fifth [day] of the month, [that] one that had {escaped} out of Jerusalem came unto me, saying, The city is smitten. escaped 26_EZE_33_22 Now the hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening, afore he that was {escaped} came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb. escaped 15_EZR_09_15 O LORD God of Israel, thou [art] righteous: for we remain yet {escaped}, as [it is] this day: behold, we [are] before thee in our trespasses: for we cannot stand before thee because of this. escaped 01_GEN_14_13 And there came one that had {escaped}, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these [were] confederate with Abram. escaped 58_HEB_11_34 Quenched the violence of fire, {escaped} the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. escaped 58_HEB_12_25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they {escaped} not who refused him that spake on earth, much more [shall not] we [escape], if we turn away from him that [speaketh] from heaven: escaped 24_JER_41_15 But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah {escaped} from Johanan with eight men, and went to the Ammonites. escaped 24_JER_51_50 Ye that have {escaped} the sword, go away, stand not still: remember the LORD afar off, and let Jerusalem come into your mind. escaped 18_JOB_19_20 My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am {escaped} with the skin of my teeth. escaped 18_JOB_01_15 And the Sabeans fell [upon them], and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am {escaped} alone to tell thee. escaped 18_JOB_01_16 While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am {escaped} alone to tell thee. escaped 18_JOB_01_17 While he [was] yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am {escaped} alone to tell thee. escaped 18_JOB_01_19 And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am {escaped} alone to tell thee. escaped 43_JOH_10_39 Therefore they sought again to take him: but he {escaped} out of their hand, escaped 07_JUD_03_29 And they slew of Moab at that time about ten thousand men, all lusty, and all men of valour; and there {escaped} not a man. escaped 07_JUD_21_17 And they said, [There must be] an inheritance for them that be {escaped} of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel. escaped 07_JUD_03_26 And Ehud escaped while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and {escaped} unto Seirath. escaped 07_JUD_03_26 And Ehud {escaped} while they tarried, and passed beyond the quarries, and escaped unto Seirath. escaped 07_JUD_12_05 And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was [so] that when those Ephraimites which were {escaped} said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, [Art] thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; escaped 25_LAM_02_22 Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors round about, so that in the day of the LORD'S anger none {escaped} nor remained: those that I have swaddled and brought up hath mine enemy consumed. escaped 16_NEH_01_02 That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and [certain] men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had {escaped}, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. escaped 04_NUM_21_29 Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that {escaped}, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites. escaped 19_PSA_124_07 Our soul is {escaped} as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped. escaped 19_PSA_124_07 Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are {escaped}. escapeth 11_1KI_19_17 And it shall come to pass, [that] him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that {escapeth} from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. escapeth 11_1KI_19_17 And it shall come to pass, [that] him that {escapeth} the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. escapeth 09_1SA_15_09 For the waters of Dimon shall be full of blood: for I will bring more upon Dimon, lions upon him that {escapeth} of Moab, and upon the remnant of the land. escapeth 30_AMO_09_01 I saw the Lord standing upon the altar: and he said, Smite the lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that {escapeth} of them shall not be delivered. escapeth 26_EZE_24_26 [That] he that {escapeth} in that day shall come unto thee, to cause [thee] to hear [it] with [thine] ears? escapeth 24_JER_48_19 O inhabitant of Aroer, stand by the way, and espy; ask him that fleeth, and her that {escapeth}, [and] say, What is done? Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse escape ^ 52_1TH_05_03 For <1063> when <3752> they shall say <3004> (5725), Peace <1515> and <2532> safety <0803>; then <5119> sudden <0160> destruction <3639> cometh upon <2186> (5731) them <0846>, as <5618> travail <5604> upon <1722> a woman with child <1064> <2192> (5723); and <2532> they shall <1628> <0> not <3364> {escape} <1628> (5632). escape ^ 46_1CO_10_13 There hath <2983> <0> no <3756> temptation <3986> taken <2983> (5758) you <5209> but <1508> such as is common to man <0442>: but <1161> God <2316> is faithful <4103>, who <3739> will <1439> <0> not <3756> suffer <1439> (5692) you <5209> to be tempted <3985> (5683) above <5228> that <3739> ye are able <1410> (5736); but <0235> will <4160> <0> with <4862> the temptation <3986> also <2532> make <4160> (5692) a way to {escape} <1545>, that ye <5209> may be able <1410> (5738) to bear <5297> (5629) it. escape ^ 44_ACT_27_42 And <1161> the soldiers <4757> counsel <1012> was <1096> (5633) to <2443> kill <0615> (5725) the prisoners <1202>, lest <3361> any of them <5100> should swim out <1579> (5660), and {escape} <1309> (5630). escape ^ 58_HEB_12_25 See <0991> (5720) that ye refuse <3868> (5667) not <3361> him that speaketh <2980> (5723). For <1063> if <1487> they <1565> escaped <5343> (5627) not <3756> who refused him <3868> (5666) that spake <5537> (5723) on <1909> earth <1093>, much <4183> more <3123> shall not we <2249> {escape}, if we turn away from him <0654> (5734) that speaketh from <0575> heaven <3772>: escape ^ 58_HEB_02_03 How <4459> shall we <2249> {escape} <1628> (5695), if we neglect <0272> (5660) so great <5082> salvation <4991>; which <3748> at the first <0746> began <2983> (5631) to be spoken <2980> (5745) by <1223> the Lord <2962>, and was confirmed <0950> (5681) unto <1519> us <2248> by <5259> them that heard <0191> (5660) him; escape ^ 42_LUK_21_36 Watch ye <0069> (5720) therefore <3767>, and pray <1189> (5740) always <1722> <3956> <2540>, that <2443> ye may be accounted worthy <2661> (5686) to {escape} <1628> (5629) all <3956> these things <5023> that shall <3195> (5723) come to pass <1096> (5738), and <2532> to stand <2476> (5683) before <1715> the Son <5207> of man <0444>. escape ^ 40_MAT_23_33 Ye serpents <3789>, ye generation <1081> of vipers <2191>, how <4459> can ye <5343> (5632) {escape} <0575> the damnation <2920> of hell <1067>? escape ^ 45_ROM_02_03 And <1161> thinkest thou <3049> (5736) this <5124>, O <5599> man <0444>, that judgest <2919> (5723) them which do <4238> (5723) such things <5108>, and <2532> doest <4160> (5723) the same <0846>, that <3754> thou <4771> shalt {escape} <1628> (5695) the judgment <2917> of God <2316>? escaped ^ 44_ACT_27_44 And <2532> the rest <3062>, some <3739> <3303> on <1909> boards <4548>, and <1161> some <3739> on <1909> broken pieces of <0575> the ship <4143> <5100>. And <2532> so <3779> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that they {escaped} <1295> <0> all <3956> safe <1295> (5683) to <1909> land <1093>. escaped ^ 61_2PE_02_20 For <1063> if <1487> after they have {escaped} <0668> (5631) the pollutions <3393> of the world <2889> through <1722> the knowledge <1922> of the Lord <2962> and <2532> Saviour <4990> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, they are <1707> <0> again <3825> entangled <1707> (5651) therein <5125>, and <1161> overcome <1096> (5754) <2274> (5736), the latter end <2078> is worse <5501> with them <0846> than the beginning <4413>. escaped ^ 61_2PE_02_18 For <1063> when they speak <5350> (5726) great swelling <5246> words of vanity <3153>, they allure <1185> (5719) through <1722> the lusts <1939> of the flesh <4561>, through much wantonness <0766>, those that were clean <3689> {escaped} <0668> (5631) from them who live <0390> (5746) in <1722> error <4106>. escaped ^ 58_HEB_11_34 Quenched <4570> (5656) the violence <1411> of fire <4442>, {escaped} <5343> (5627) the edge <4750> of the sword <3162>, out of <0575> weakness <0769> were made strong <1743> (5681), waxed <1096> (5675) valiant <2478> in <1722> fight <4171>, turned to flight <2827> (5656) the armies <3925> of the aliens <0245>. escaped ^ 43_JOH_10_39 Therefore <3767> they sought <2212> (5707) again <3825> to take <4084> (5658) him <0846>: but <2532> he {escaped} <1831> (5627) out of <1537> their <0846> hand <5495>, escaped ^ 44_ACT_28_04 And <1161> when <5613> the barbarians <0915> saw <1492> (5627) the venomous beast <2342> hang <2910> (5734) on <1537> his <0846> hand <5495>, they said <3004> (5707) among <4314> themselves <0240>, No doubt <3843> this <3778> man <0444> is <2076> (5748) a murderer <5406>, whom <3739>, though he hath {escaped} <1295> (5685) <1537> the sea <2281>, yet vengeance <1349> suffereth <1439> (5656) not <3756> to live <2198> (5721). escaped ^ 47_2CO_11_33 And <2532> through <1223> a window <2376> in <1722> a basket <4553> was I let down <5465> (5681) by <1223> the wall <5038>, and <2532> {escaped} <1628> (5627) his <0846> hands <5495>. escaped ^ 58_HEB_12_25 See <0991> (5720) that ye refuse <3868> (5667) not <3361> him that speaketh <2980> (5723). For <1063> if <1487> they <1565> {escaped} <5343> (5627) not <3756> who refused him <3868> (5666) that spake <5537> (5723) on <1909> earth <1093>, much <4183> more <3123> shall not we <2249> escape, if we turn away from him <0654> (5734) that speaketh from <0575> heaven <3772>: escaped ^ 44_ACT_28_01 And <2532> when they were {escaped} <1295> (5685), then <5119> they knew <1921> (5627) that <3754> the island <3520> was called <2564> (5743) Melita <3194>. escaped ^ 61_2PE_01_04 Whereby <1223> <3739> are given <1433> (5769) unto us <2254> exceeding great <3176> and <2532> precious <5093> promises <1862>: that <2443> by <1223> these <5130> ye might be <1096> (5638) partakers <2844> of the divine <2304> nature <5449>, having {escaped} <0668> (5631) the corruption <5356> that is in <1722> the world <2889> through <1722> lust <1939>. Bible Word Index with Strong's Number Language Tranliteration of original language words Escape 01_GEN_19_17 And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass , when they had brought (03318 +yatsa) ) them forth (03318 +yatsa) ) abroad (02351 +chuwts ) , that he said (00559 +)amar ) , {Escape} (04422 +malat ) for thy life (05315 +nephesh ) ; look (05027 +nabat ) not behind (00310 +)achar ) thee , neither (00408 +)al ) stay (05975 +(amad ) thou in all (03605 +kol ) the plain (03603 +kikkar ) ; escape (04422 +malat ) to the mountain (02022 +har ) , lest (06435 +pen ) thou be consumed (05595 +caphah ) . escape 46_1CO_10_13 There hath no (3756 -ou -) temptation (3986 -peirasmos -) taken (2983 -lambano -) you but such as is common (0442 -anthropinos -) to man (0442 -anthropinos -):but God (2316 -theos -) [ is ] faithful (4103 - pistos -) , who (3739 -hos -) will not suffer (1439 -eao -) you to be tempted (3985 -peirazo -) above (5228 -huper -) that ye are able (1410 -dunamai -) ; but will with the temptation (3986 -peirasmos -) also (2532 -kai -) make (4160 -poieo -) a way (1545 -ekbasis -) to {escape} (1545 -ekbasis -) , that ye may be able (1410 -dunamai -) to bear (5297 -hupophero -) [ it ] . escape 11_1KI_18_40 And Elijah (00452 +)Eliyah ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto them , Take (08610 +taphas ) the prophets (05030 +nabiy) ) of Baal (01168 +Ba(al ) ; let not one (00376 +)iysh ) of them {escape} (04422 +malat ) . And they took (08610 +taphas ) them:and Elijah (00452 +)Eliyah ) brought (03381 +yarad ) them down (03281 +Ya(lam ) to the brook (05158 +nachal ) Kishon (07028 +Qiyshown ) , and slew (07819 +shachat ) them there (08033 +sham ) . escape 09_1SA_27_01 . And David (01732 +David ) said (00559 +)amar ) in his heart (03820 +leb ) , I shall now (06258 +(attah ) perish (05595 +caphah ) one (00259 +)echad ) day (03117 +yowm ) by the hand (03027 +yad ) of Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ):[ there is ] nothing (00369 +)ayin ) better (02896 +towb ) for me than (03588 +kiy ) that I should speedily (04422 +malat ) escape (04422 +malat ) into (00413 +)el ) the land (00776 +)erets ) of the Philistines (06430 +P@lishtiy ) ; and Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) shall despair (02976 +ya)ash ) of me , to seek (01245 +baqash ) me any (03605 +kol ) more (05750 +(owd ) in any (03605 +kol ) coast (01366 +g@buwl ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ):so shall I {escape} (04422 +malat ) out of his hand (03027 +yad ) . escape 09_1SA_27_01 . And David (01732 +David ) said (00559 +)amar ) in his heart (03820 +leb ) , I shall now (06258 +(attah ) perish (05595 +caphah ) one (00259 +)echad ) day (03117 +yowm ) by the hand (03027 +yad ) of Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ):[ there is ] nothing (00369 +)ayin ) better (02896 +towb ) for me than (03588 +kiy ) that I should speedily (04422 +malat ) {escape} (04422 +malat ) into (00413 +)el ) the land (00776 +)erets ) of the Philistines (06430 +P@lishtiy ) ; and Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) shall despair (02976 +ya)ash ) of me , to seek (01245 +baqash ) me any (03605 +kol ) more (05750 +(owd ) in any (03605 +kol ) coast (01366 +g@buwl ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ):so shall I escape (04422 +malat ) out of his hand (03027 +yad ) . escape 52_1TH_05_03 For when (3752 -hotan -) they shall say (3004 -lego -) , Peace (1515 -eirene -) and safety (0803 -asphaleia -) ; then (5119 -tote -) sudden (0160 -aiphnidios -) destruction (3639 -olethros -) cometh (2186 -ephistemi -) upon them , as travail (5604 -odin - -Ozias -) upon a woman with child (1064 -gaster -) ; and they shall not {escape} (1628 -ekpheugo -) . escape 12_2KI_09_15 But king (04428 +melek ) Joram (03188 +yachas ) was returned (07725 +shuwb ) to be healed (07495 +rapha) ) in Jezreel (03157 +Yizr@(e)l ) of the wounds (04347 +makkah ) which (00834 +)aher ) the Syrians (00761 +)Arammiy ) had given (05221 +nakah ) him , when he fought (03898 +lacham ) with Hazael (02371 +Chaza) el ) king (04428 +melek ) of Syria (00758 +)Aram ) . ) And Jehu (03058 +Yehuw) ) said (00559 +)amar ) , If (00518 +) im ) it be your minds (05315 +nephesh ) , [ then ] let none (00408 +)al ) go (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) [ nor ] {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) out of the city (05892 +(iyr ) to go (03212 +yalak ) to tell (05046 +nagad ) [ it ] in Jezreel (03157 +Yizr@(e)l ) . escape 12_2KI_10_24 And when (03588 +kiy ) they went (00935 +bow) ) in to offer (06213 +(asah ) sacrifices (02077 +zebach ) and burnt (05930 +(olah ) offerings , Jehu (03058 +Yehuw) ) appointed (07760 +suwm ) fourscore (08084 +sh@moniym ) men (00376 +)iysh ) without (02351 +chuwts ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) , [ If ] any of the men (00582 +)enowsh ) whom (00834 +)aher ) I have brought (00935 +bow) ) into (05921 +(al ) your hands (03027 +yad ) {escape} (04422 +malat ) , [ he that letteth him go ] , his life (02421 +chayah ) [ shall be ] for the life (05315 +nephesh ) of him . escape 12_2KI_19_31 For out of Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) shall go (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) a remnant (07611 +sh@)eriyth ) , and they that {escape} (06413 +p@leytah ) out of mount (02022 +har ) Zion (06726 +Tsiyown ):the zeal (07068 +qin)ah ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) [ of hosts ] shall do (06213 +(asah ) this (02063 +zo)th ) . escape 10_2SA_15_14 And David (01732 +David ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto all (03605 +kol ) his servants (05650 + (ebed ) that [ were ] with him at Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) , Arise (06965 +quwm ) , and let us flee (01227 +Baqbuwq ) ; for we shall not [ else ] {escape} (06413 +p@leytah ) from Absalom (53):make speed (04116 +mahar ) to depart (03212 +yalak ) , lest (06435 +pen ) he overtake (05381 +nasag ) us suddenly (04116 +mahar ) , and bring (05080 +nadach ) evil (07451 +ra( ) upon us , and smite (05221 +nakah ) the city (05892 +(iyr ) with the edge (06310 +peh ) of the sword (02719 +chereb ) . escape 10_2SA_20_06 And David (01732 +David ) said (00559 +)amar ) to Abishai (52) , Now (06258 +(attah ) shall Sheba (07652 +sheba( ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Bichri (01075 +Bikriy ) do us more harm (03415 +yara( ) than (04480 +min ) [ did ] Absalom (53):take (03947 +laqach ) thou thy lord s (00113 +)adown ) servants (05650 +(ebed ) , and pursue (07291 +radaph ) after (00310 +)achar ) him , lest (06435 +pen ) he get (04672 +matsa) ) him fenced (01211 +b@tsel ) cities (05892 +(iyr ) , and {escape} (05337 +natsal ) us . escape 44_ACT_27_42 And the soldiers (4757 -stratiotes -) counsel (1012 -boule -) was to kill (0615 -apokteino -) the prisoners (1202 -desmotes -) , lest (3361 -me -) any (5100 -tis -) of them should swim (1579 -ekkolumbao -) out , and {escape} (1309 -diapheugo -) . escape 27_DAN_11_41 He shall enter (00935 +bow) ) also into the glorious (06643 +ts@biy ) land(00776 +)erets ) , and many (07227 +rab ) [ countries ] shall be overthrown (03782 +kashal ):but these (00428 +)el - leh ) shall {escape} (04422 +malat ) out of his hand (03027 +yad ) , [ even ] Edom (00123 +)Edom ) , and Moab (04124 +Mow)ab ) , and the chief (07225 +re)shiyth ) of the children (01121 +ben ) of Ammon (05983 +(Ammown ) . escape 27_DAN_11_42 He shall stretch (07971 +shalach ) forth his hand (03027 +yad ) also upon thecountries (00776 +)erets ):and the land (00776 +)erets ) of Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) shall not {escape} (06413 +p@leytah ) . escape 21_ECC_07_26 And I find (04672 +matsa) ) more bitter (04751 +mar ) than death (04194 +maveth ) the woman (00802 +)ishshah ) , whose heart (03820 +leb ) [ is ] snares (04685 +matsowd ) and nets (02764 +cherem ) , [ and ] her hands (03027 +yad ) [ as ] bands (00612 +)ecuwr ):whoso pleaseth God (00430 +)elohiym ) shall {escape} (04422 +malat ) from her ; but the sinner (02398 +chata) ) shall be taken (03920 +lakad ) by her . escape 17_EST_04_13 Then Mordecai (04782 +Mord@kay ) commanded (00559 +)amar ) to answer (07725 +shuwb ) Esther (00635 +)Ecter ) , Think (01819 +damah ) not with thyself (05315 +nephesh ) that thou shalt {escape} (04422 +malat ) in the king s (04428 +melek ) house (01004 +bayith ) , more than all (03605 +kol ) the Jews (03064 +Y@huwdiy ) . escape 26_EZE_06_08 . Yet will I leave (03498 +yathar ) a remnant (03498 +yathar ) , that ye may have (01961 +hayah ) [ some ] that shall {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) the sword (02719 +chereb ) among the nations (01471 +gowy ) , when ye shall be scattered (02219 +zarah ) through the countries (00776 +)erets ) . escape 26_EZE_06_09 And they that {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) of you shall remember (02142 +zakar ) me among the nations (01471 +gowy ) whither they shall be carried (07617 +shabah ) captives (07617 +shabah ) , because (00834 +) aher ) I am broken (07665 +shabar ) with their whorish (02181 +zanah ) heart (03820 +leb ) , which (00834 +)aher ) hath departed (05493 +cuwr ) from me , and with their eyes (05869 +(ayin ) , which go a whoring (02181 +zanah ) after (00310 +)achar ) their idols (01544 +gilluwl ):and they shall lothe (06962 +quwt ) themselves (06440 +paniym ) for the evils (07451 +ra( ) which (00834 +)aher ) they have committed (06213 +(asah ) in all (03605 +kol ) their abominations (08441 +tow(ebah ) . escape 26_EZE_07_16 . But they that escape (06403 +palat ) of them shall {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) , and shall be on (00413 +)el ) the mountains (02022 +har ) like doves (03123 +yownah ) of the valleys (01516 +gay) ) , all (03605 +kol ) of them mourning (01993 +hamah ) , every (00376 +)iysh ) one (00376 +)iysh ) for his iniquity (05771 +(avon ) . escape 26_EZE_07_16 . But they that {escape} (06403 +palat ) of them shall escape (06412 +paliyt ) , and shall be on (00413 +)el ) the mountains (02022 +har ) like doves (03123 +yownah ) of the valleys (01516 +gay) ) , all (03605 +kol ) of them mourning (01993 +hamah ) , every (00376 +)iysh ) one (00376 +)iysh ) for his iniquity (05771 +(avon ) . escape 26_EZE_17_15 But he rebelled (04775 +marad ) against him in sending (07971 +shalach ) his ambassadors (04397 +mal)ak ) into Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) , that they might give (05414 +nathan ) him horses (05483 +cuwc ) and much (07227 +rab ) people (05971 +(am ) . Shall he prosper (06743 +tsalach ) ? shall he {escape} (04422 +malat ) that doeth (06213 +(asah ) such (00428 +)el - leh ) [ things ] ? or shall he break (06565 +parar ) the covenant (01285 +b@riyth ) , and be delivered (04422 +malat ) ? escape 26_EZE_17_18 Seeing he despised (00959 +bazah ) the oath (00423 +)alah ) by breaking (06565 +parar ) the covenant (01285 +b@riyth ) , when , lo (02009 +hinneh ) , he had given (05414 +nathan ) his hand (03027 +yad ) , and hath done (06213 +(asah ) all (03605 +kol ) these (00428 +)el - leh ) [ things ] , he shall not {escape} (04422 +malat ) . escape 15_EZR_09_08 And now (06258 +(attah ) for a little (04592 +m@(at ) space (07281 +rega( ) grace (08467 +t@chinnah ) hath been [ shewed ] from the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) our God (00430 +)elohiym ) , to leave (07604 +sha)ar ) us a remnant to {escape} (06413 +p@leytah ) , and to give (05414 +nathan ) us a nail (03489 +yathed ) in his holy (06944 +qodesh ) place (04725 +maqowm ) , that our God (00430 +)elohiym ) may lighten (00215 +)owr ) our eyes (05869 +(ayin ) , and give (05414 +nathan ) us a little (04592 +m@(at ) reviving (04241 +michyah ) in our bondage (05659 +(abduwth ) . escape 01_GEN_19_17 And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass , when they had brought (03318 +yatsa) ) them forth (03318 +yatsa) ) abroad (02351 +chuwts ) , that he said (00559 +)amar ) , Escape (04422 +malat ) for thy life (05315 +nephesh ) ; look (05027 +nabat ) not behind (00310 +)achar ) thee , neither (00408 +)al ) stay (05975 +(amad ) thou in all (03605 +kol ) the plain (03603 +kikkar ) ; {escape} (04422 +malat ) to the mountain (02022 +har ) , lest (06435 +pen ) thou be consumed (05595 +caphah ) . escape 01_GEN_19_19 Behold (02009 +hinneh ) now (04994 +na) ) , thy servant (05650 +(ebed ) hath found (04672 +matsa) ) grace (02580 +chen ) in thy sight (05869 +(ayin ) , and thou hast magnified (01431 +gadal ) thy mercy (02617 +checed ) , which (00834 +)aher ) thou hast shewed (06213 +(asah ) unto me in saving (02421 +chayah ) my life (05315 +nephesh ) ; and I cannot {escape} (04422 +malat ) to the mountain (02022 +har ) , lest (06435 +pen ) some evil (07451 +ra( ) take (01692 +dabaq ) me , and I die (04191 +muwth ) : escape 01_GEN_19_20 Behold (02009 +hinneh ) now (04994 +na) ) , this (02063 +zo)th ) city (05892 +(iyr ) [ is ] near (07138 +qarowb ) to flee (05127 +nuwc ) unto , and it [ is ] a little (04705 +mits(ar ) one:Oh (04994 +na) ) , let me {escape} (04422 +malat ) thither , ( [ is ] it not a little (04705 +mits(ar ) one ? ) and my soul (05315 +nephesh ) shall live (02421 +chayah ) . escape 01_GEN_19_22 Haste (04116 +mahar ) thee , {escape} (04422 +malat ) thither ; for I cannot do (06213 + (asah ) any thing till (05704 +(ad ) thou be come (00935 +bow) ) thither . Therefore the name (08034 +shem ) of the city (05892 +(iyr ) was called (07121 +qara) ) Zoar (06820 +Tso(ar ) . escape 01_GEN_32_08 And said (00559 +)amar ) , If (00518 +)im ) Esau (06215 +(Esav ) come (00935 +bow) ) to the one (00259 +)echad ) company (04264 +machaneh ) , and smite (05221 +nakah ) it , then the other company (04264 +machaneh ) which is left (07604 +sha)ar ) shall {escape} (06413 +p@leytah ) . escape 58_HEB_02_03 How (4459 -pos -) shall we {escape} (1628 -ekpheugo -) , if we neglect (0272 -ameleo -) so (5082 -telikoutos -) great (5082 -telikoutos -) salvation (4991 -soteria -) ; which (3748 -hostis -) at the first (0746 - arche -) began (2983 -lambano -) to be spoken (2980 -laleo -) by the Lord (2962 -kurios -) , and was confirmed (0950 - bebaioo -) unto us by them that heard (0191 -akouo -) [ him ] ; escape 58_HEB_12_25 See (0991 -blepo -) that ye refuse (3868 -paraiteomai -) not him that speaketh (2980 -laleo -) . For if (1487 -ei -) they escaped (5343 -pheugo -) not who refused (3868 -paraiteomai -) him that spake (5537 - chrematizo -) on (1909 -epi -) earth (1093 -ge -) , much (4183 -polus -) more (3123 -mallon -) [ shall not ] we [ {escape} (5343 -pheugo -) ] , if we turn (0654 -apostrepho -) away (0654 -apostrepho -) from him that [ speaketh ] from heaven (3772 -ouranos -) : escape 23_ISA_20_06 And the inhabitant (03427 +yashab ) of this (02088 +zeh ) isle (00339 +)iy ) shall say (00559 +) amar ) in that day (03117 +yowm ) , Behold (02009 +hinneh ) , such (03541 +koh ) [ is ] our expectation (04007 +mabbat ) , whither we flee (05127 +nuwc ) for help (05833 +(ezrah ) to be delivered (05337 +natsal ) from the king (04428 +melek ) of Assyria (00804 +)Ashshuwr ):and how (00349 +)eyk ) shall we {escape} (04422 +malat ) ? escape 23_ISA_37_32 For out of Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) shall go (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) a remnant (07611 +sh@)eriyth ) , and they that {escape} (06413 +p@leytah ) out of mount (02022 +har ) Zion (06726 +Tsiyown ):the zeal (07068 +qin)ah ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) shall do (06213 + (asah ) this (02063 +zo)th ) . escape 23_ISA_66_19 And I will set (07760 +suwm ) a sign (00226 +)owth ) among them , and I will send (07971 +shalach ) those (01992 +hem ) that {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) of them unto the nations (01471 +gowy ) , [ to ] Tarshish (08659 +Tarshiysh ) , Pul (06322 +Puwl ) , and Lud (03865 +Luwd ) , that draw (04900 +mashak ) the bow (07198 +qesheth ) , [ to ] Tubal (08422 +Tuwbal ) , and Javan (03120 +Yavan ) , [ to ] the isles (00339 +)iy ) afar (07350 +rachowq ) off , that have not heard (08085 +shama( ) my fame (08088 +shema( ) , neither (03808 +lo) ) have seen (07200 +ra)ah ) my glory (03519 +kabowd ) ; and they shall declare (05046 +nagad ) my glory (03519 +kabowd ) among the Gentiles (01471 +gowy ) . escape 24_JER_11_11 . Therefore (03651 +ken ) thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , Behold (02005 +hen ) , I will bring (00935 +bow) ) evil (07451 +ra( ) upon them , which (00834 +)aher ) they shall not be able (03201 +yakol ) to {escape} (03318 +yatsa) ) ; and though they shall cry (02199 +za(aq ) unto me , I will not hearken (08085 +shama( ) unto them . escape 24_JER_25_35 And the shepherds (07462 +ra(ah ) shall have no (04480 +min ) way (04498 +manowc ) to flee (04498 +manowc ) , nor the principal (00117 +)addiyr ) of the flock (06629 +tso)n ) to {escape} (06413 +p@leytah ) . escape 24_JER_32_04 And Zedekiah (06667 +Tsidqiyah ) king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) shall not {escape} (04422 +malat ) out of the hand (03027 +yad ) of the Chaldeans (03778 +Kasdiy ) , but shall surely be delivered (05414 +nathan ) into the hand (03027 +yad ) of the king (04428 +melek ) of Babylon (00894 +Babel ) , and shall speak (01696 +dabar ) with him mouth (06310 +peh ) to mouth (06310 +peh ) , and his eyes (05869 +(ayin ) shall behold (07200 +ra)ah ) his eyes (05869 +(ayin ) ; escape 24_JER_34_03 And thou shalt not {escape} (04422 +malat ) out of his hand (03027 +yad ) , but shalt surely (03588 +kiy ) be taken (08610 +taphas ) , and delivered (05414 +nathan ) into his hand (03027 +yad ) ; and thine eyes (05869 +(ayin ) shall behold (07200 +ra)ah ) the eyes (05869 +(ayin ) of the king (04428 +melek ) of Babylon (00894 +Babel ) , and he shall speak (01696 +dabar ) with thee mouth (06310 +peh ) to mouth (06310 +peh ) , and thou shalt go (00935 +bow) ) to Babylon (00894 +Babel ) . escape 24_JER_38_18 But if (00518 +)im ) thou wilt not go (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) to the king (04428 +melek ) of Babylon s (00894 +Babel ) princes (08269 +sar ) , then shall this (02063 +zo)th ) city (05892 +(iyr ) be given (05414 +nathan ) into the hand (03027 +yad ) of the Chaldeans (03778 +Kasdiy ) , and they shall burn (08313 +saraph ) it with fire (00784 +)esh ) , and thou shalt not {escape} (04422 +malat ) out of their hand (03027 +yad ) . escape 24_JER_38_23 So they shall bring (04672 +matsa) ) out all (03605 +kol ) thy wives (00802 +)ishshah ) and thy children (01121 +ben ) to the Chaldeans (03778 +Kasdiy ):and thou shalt not {escape} (04422 +malat ) out of their hand (03027 +yad ) , but shalt be taken (08610 +taphas ) by the hand (03027 +yad ) of the king (04428 +melek ) of Babylon (00894 +Babel ):and thou shalt cause this (02063 +zo)th ) city (05892 +(iyr ) to be burned (08313 +saraph ) with fire (00784 +)esh ) . escape 24_JER_42_17 So shall it be with all (03605 +kol ) the men (00582 +)enowsh ) that set (07760 +suwm ) their faces (06440 +paniym ) to go (00935 +bow) ) into (00935 +bow) ) Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) to sojourn (01481 +guwr ) there (08033 +sham ) ; they shall die (04191 +muwth ) by the sword (02719 +chereb ) , by the famine (07458 +ra(ab ) , and by the pestilence (01698 +deber ):and none (03808 +lo) ) of them shall remain (08300 +sariyd ) or {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) from the evil (07451 +ra( ) that I will bring (00935 +bow) ) upon them . escape 24_JER_44_14 So that none (03808 +lo) ) of the remnant (07611 +sh@)eriyth ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , which are gone (00935 +bow) ) into the land (00776 +)erets ) of Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) to sojourn (01481 +guwr ) there (08033 +sham ) , shall escape (06412 +paliyt ) or remain (08300 +sariyd ) , that they should return (07725 +shuwb ) into the land (00776 +)erets ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , to the which (00834 +)aher ) they have (05375 +nasa) ) a desire to return (07725 +shuwb ) to dwell (03427 +yashab ) there (08033 +sham ):for none (03808 +lo) ) shall return (07725 +shuwb ) but such as shall {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) . escape 24_JER_44_14 So that none (03808 +lo) ) of the remnant (07611 +sh@)eriyth ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , which are gone (00935 +bow) ) into the land (00776 +)erets ) of Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) to sojourn (01481 +guwr ) there (08033 +sham ) , shall {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) or remain (08300 +sariyd ) , that they should return (07725 +shuwb ) into the land (00776 +)erets ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , to the which (00834 +)aher ) they have (05375 +nasa) ) a desire to return (07725 +shuwb ) to dwell (03427 +yashab ) there (08033 +sham ):for none (03808 +lo) ) shall return (07725 +shuwb ) but such as shall escape (06412 +paliyt ) . escape 24_JER_44_28 Yet a small (04962 +math ) number (04557 +micpar ) that {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) the sword (02719 +chereb ) shall return (07725 +shuwb ) out of the land (00776 +)erets ) of Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) into the land (00776 +)erets ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , and all (03605 +kol ) the remnant (07611 +sh@)eriyth ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , that are gone (00935 +bow) ) into the land (00776 +)erets ) of Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) to sojourn (01481 +guwr ) there (08033 +sham ) , shall know (03045 +yada( ) whose (04310 +miy ) words (01697 +dabar ) shall stand (06965 +quwm ) , mine , or theirs (01992 +hem ) . escape 24_JER_46_06 Let not the swift (07031 + qal ) flee (05127 +nuwc ) away , nor (00408 +)al ) the mighty (01368 +gibbowr ) man {escape} (04422 +malat ) ; they shall stumble (03782 +kashal ) , and fall (05307 +naphal ) toward the north (06828 +tsaphown ) by the river (05104 +nahar ) Euphrates (06578 +P@rath ) . escape 24_JER_48_08 And the spoiler (07703 +shadad ) shall come (00935 +bow) ) upon every (03605 +kol ) city (05892 +(iyr ) , and no (03808 +lo) ) city (05892 +(iyr ) shall {escape} (04422 +malat ):the valley (06010 +(emeq ) also shall perish (6) , and the plain (04334 +miyshowr ) shall be destroyed (08045 +shamad ) , as the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) hath spoken (00559 +)amar ) . escape 24_JER_50_28 The voice (06963 +qowl ) of them that flee (05127 +nuwc ) and {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) out of the land (00776 +)erets ) of Babylon (00894 +Babel ) , to declare (05046 +nagad ) in Zion (06726 +Tsiyown ) the vengeance (05360 +n@qamah ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) our God (00430 +)elohiym ) , the vengeance (05360 +n@qamah ) of his temple (01964 +heykal ) . escape 24_JER_50_29 Call (08085 +shama( ) together the archers (07228 +rab ) against (00413 +)el ) Babylon (00894 +Babel ):all (03605 +kol ) ye that bend (01869 +darak ) the bow (07198 +qesheth ) , camp (02583 +chanah ) against (05921 +(al ) it round (05439 +cabiyb ) about ; let none (00408 +)al ) thereof {escape} (06413 +p@leytah ):recompense (07999 +shalam ) her according to her work (06467 +po(al ) ; according to all (03605 +kol ) that she hath done (06213 +(asah ) , do (06213 +(asah ) unto her:for she hath been proud (02102 +zuwd ) against (00413 +)el ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , against (00413 +)el ) the Holy (06944 +qodesh ) One of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) . escape 18_JOB_11_20 But the eyes (05869 +(ayin ) of the wicked (07563 +rasha( ) shall fail (03615 +kalah ) , and they shall not {escape} , and their hope (08615 +tiqvah ) [ shall be as ] the giving (04646 +mappach ) up of the ghost (05315 +nephesh ) . escape 29_JOE_02_03 A fire (00784 +)esh ) devoureth (00398 +)akal ) before (06440 +paniym ) them ; and behind (00310 +)achar ) them a flame (03852 +lehabah ) burneth (03857 +lahat ):the land (00776 +)erets ) [ is ] as the garden (01588 +gan ) of Eden (05731 +(Eden ) before (06440 +paniym ) them , and behind (00310 +)achar ) them a desolate (08077 +sh@mamah ) wilderness (04057 +midbar ) ; yea (01571 +gam ) , and nothing (03808 +lo) ) shall {escape} (06413 +p@leytah ) them . escape 06_JOS_08_22 And the other (00428 +)el - leh ) issued (03318 +yatsa) ) out of the city (05892 +(iyr ) against (07125 +qir)ah ) them ; so they were in the midst (08432 +tavek ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , some (00428 +)el - leh ) on this (02088 +zeh ) side , and some (00428 +)el - leh ) on that side:and they smote (05221 +nakah ) them , so (05704 +(ad ) that they let none (01115 +biltiy ) of them remain (08300 +sariyd ) or {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) . escape 42_LUK_21_36 Watch 0069 -agrupneo - ye therefore 3767 -oun - , and pray 1189 -deomai - always 2540 - kairos - , that ye may be accounted 2661 -kataxioo - worthy 2661 -kataxioo - to {escape} 1628 -ekpheugo - all 3956 - pas - these 5023 -tauta - things that shall come 1096 -ginomai - to pass , and to stand 2476 -histemi - before 1715 - emprosthen - the Son 5207 -huios - of man 0444 -anthropos - . escape 40_MAT_23_33 [ Ye ] serpents (3789 -ophis -) , [ ye ] generation (1081 -gennema -) of vipers (2191 -echidna - ) , how (4459 -pos -) can ye {escape} (0575 -apo -) the damnation (2920 -krisis -) of hell (1067 -geena -) ? escape 31_OBA_01_14 Neither (00408 +)al ) shouldest thou have stood (05975 +(amad ) in the crossway (06563 +pereq ) , to cut (03772 +karath ) off those of his that did {escape} (06412 +paliyt ) ; neither (00408 +)al ) shouldest thou have delivered (05462 +cagar ) up those of his that did remain (08300 +sariyd ) in the day (03117 +yowm ) of distress (06869 +tsarah ) . escape 20_PRO_19_05 . A false (08267 +sheqer ) witness (05707 +(ed ) shall not be unpunished (5352naqah ) , and [ he that ] speaketh (06315 +puwach ) lies (03576 +kazab ) shall not {escape} (04422 +malat ) . escape 19_PSA_141_10 Let the wicked (07563 +rasha( ) fall (05307 +naphal ) into their own (00249 +)ezrach ) nets (04365 +mikmereth ) , whilst (05704 +(ad ) that I withal (03162 +yachad ) {escape} (05674 +(abar ) . escape 19_PSA_55_08 I would hasten (02363 +chuwsh ) my {escape} (04655 +miphlat ) from the windy (07307 +ruwach ) storm (05584 +ca(ah ) [ and ] tempest (05591 +ca(ar ) . escape 19_PSA_56_07 Shall they {escape} (06405 +pallet ) by iniquity (00205 +)aven ) ? in [ thine ] anger (00639 +) aph ) cast (03381 +yarad ) down the people (05971 +(am ) , O God (00430 +)elohiym ) . escape 19_PSA_71_02 Deliver (05337 +natsal ) me in thy righteousness (06666 +ts@daqah ) , and cause me to {escape} (06403 +palat ):incline (05186 +natah ) thine ear (00241 +)ozen ) unto me , and save (03467 +yasha( ) me . escape 45_ROM_02_03 And thinkest (3049 -logizomai -) thou this (5124 -touto -) , O man (0444 -anthropos -) , that judgest (2919 -krino -) them which do (4238 -prasso -) such (5108 -toioutos -) things , and doest (4160 -poieo -) the same (0846 -autos -) , that thou shalt {escape} (1628 -ekpheugo -) the judgment (2917 -krima -) of God (2316 -theos - )? escaped 13_1CH_04_43 And they smote (05221 +nakah ) the rest (07611 +sh@)eriyth ) of the Amalekites (06003 + (Amaleqiy ) that were {escaped} (06413 +p@leytah ) , and dwelt (03427 +yashab ) there (08033 +sham ) unto this (02088 +zeh ) day (03117 +yowm ) . escaped 11_1KI_20_20 And they slew (05221 +nakah ) every (00376 +)iysh ) one (00376 +)iysh ) his man (00376 +) iysh ):and the Syrians (00758 +)Aram ) fled (05127 +nuwc ) ; and Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) pursued (07291 +radaph ) them:and Benhadad (01130 +Ben - Hadad ) the king (04428 +melek ) of Syria (00758 +)Aram ) {escaped} (04422 +malat ) on (05921 +(al ) an horse (05483 +cuwc ) with the horsemen (06571 +parash ) . escaped 09_1SA_14_41 Therefore Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , Give (03051 +yahab ) a perfect (08549 +tamiym ) [ lot ] . And Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) and Jonathan (03129 +Yownathan ) were taken (03920 +lakad ):but the people (05971 +(am ) {escaped} (03318 +yatsa) ) . escaped 09_1SA_19_10 And Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) sought (01245 +baqash ) to smite (05221 +nakah ) David (01732 +David ) even to the wall (07023 +qiyr ) with the javelin (02595 +chaniyth ) ; but he slipped (06362 +patar ) away out of Saul s (07586 +Sha)uwl ) presence (06440 +paniym ) , and he smote (05221 +nakah ) the javelin (02595 +chaniyth ) into the wall (07023 +qiyr ):and David (01732 +David ) fled (05127 +nuwc ) , and {escaped} (04422 +malat ) that night (03915 +layil ) . escaped 09_1SA_19_12 So Michal (04324 +Miykal ) let (03381 +yarad ) David (01732 +David ) down (03381 +yarad ) through (01157 +b@(ad ) a window (02474 +challown ):and he went (03212 +yalak ) , and fled (01272 +barach ) , and {escaped} (04422 +malat ) . escaped 09_1SA_19_17 And Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto Michal (04324 +Miykal ) , Why (04100 +mah ) hast thou deceived (07411 +ramah ) me so (03602 +kakah ) , and sent (07971 +shalach ) away mine enemy (00341 +)oyeb ) , that he is {escaped} (04422 +malat ) ? And Michal (04324 +Miykal ) answered (00559 +) amar ) Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) , He said (00559 +)amar ) unto me , Let me go (07971 +shalach ) ; why (04100 +mah ) should I kill (04191 +muwth ) thee ? escaped 09_1SA_19_18 . So David (01732 +David ) fled (01272 +barach ) , and {escaped} (04422 +malat ) , and came (00935 +bow) ) to Samuel (08050 +Sh@muw)el ) to Ramah (07414 +Ramah ) , and told (05046 +nagad ) him all (03605 +kol ) that Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) had done (06213 +(asah ) to him . And he and Samuel (08050 +Sh@muw)el ) went (03212 +yalak ) and dwelt (03427 +yashab ) in Naioth (05121 +Naviyth ) . escaped 09_1SA_22_01 . David (01732 +David ) therefore departed (03212 +yalak ) thence (08033 +sham ) , and {escaped} (04422 +malat ) to the cave (04631 +m@(arah ) Adullam (05725 +(Adullam ):and when his brethren (00251 +)ach ) and all (03605 +kol ) his father s (1) house (01004 +bayith ) heard (08085 +shama( ) [ it ] , they went (03381 +yarad ) down (03381 +yarad ) thither (08033 +sham ) to him . escaped 09_1SA_22_20 . And one (00259 +)echad ) of the sons (01121 +ben ) of Ahimelech (00288 +)Achiymelek ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Ahitub (00285 +)Achiytuwb ) , named (08034 +shem ) Abiathar (54) , {escaped} (04422 +malat ) , and fled (01272 +barach ) after (00310 +)achar ) David (01732 +David ) . escaped 09_1SA_23_13 Then David (01732 +David ) and his men (00582 +)enowsh ) , [ which were ] about six (08337 +shesh ) hundred (03967 +me)ah ) , arose (06965 +quwm ) and departed (03318 +yatsa) ) out of Keilah (07084 +Q@ (iylah ) , and went (01980 +halak ) whithersoever (00834 +)aher ) they could go (01980 +halak ) . And it was told (05046 +nagad ) Saul (07586 +Sha)uwl ) that David (01732 +David ) was {escaped} (04422 +malat ) from Keilah (07084 +Q@(iylah ) ; and he forbare (02308 +chadal ) to go (03318 +yatsa) ) forth (03318 +yatsa) ) . escaped 09_1SA_30_17 And David (01732 +David ) smote (05221 +nakah ) them from the twilight (05399 +nesheph ) even unto the evening (06153 +(ereb ) of the next (04283 +mochorath ) day (04283 +mochorath ):and there {escaped} (04422 +malat ) not a man (00376 +)iysh ) of them , save four (00702 +)arba( ) hundred (03967 +me)ah ) young (05288 +na(ar ) men (00376 +)iysh ) , which (00834 +)aher ) rode (07392 +rakab ) upon camels (01581 +gamal ) , and fled (05127 +nuwc ) . escaped 14_2CH_16_07 . And at that time (06256 +(eth ) Hanani (02607 +Chananiy ) the seer (07200 +ra)ah ) came (00935 +bow) ) to Asa (00609 +)Aca) ) king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , and said (00559 +) amar ) unto him , Because thou hast relied (08172 +sha(an ) on (05921 +(al ) the king (04428 +melek ) of Syria (00758 +)Aram ) , and not relied (08172 +sha(an ) on (05921 +(al ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) thy God (00430 +) elohiym ) , therefore is the host (02428 +chayil ) of the king (04428 +melek ) of Syria (00758 +)Aram ) {escaped} (04422 +malat ) out of thine hand (03027 +yad ) . escaped 14_2CH_20_24 And when Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) came (00935 +bow) ) toward (05921 +(al ) the watch (04707 +mitspeh ) tower in the wilderness (04057 +midbar ) , they looked (06437 +panah ) unto the multitude (01995 +hamown ) , and , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , they [ were ] dead (06297 +peger ) bodies (06297 +peger ) fallen (05307 +naphal ) to the earth (00776 +)erets ) , and none (00369 +)ayin ) {escaped} (06413 +p@leytah ) . escaped 14_2CH_30_06 So the posts (07323 +ruwts ) went (03212 +yalak ) with the letters (00107 +)iggereth ) from the king (04428 +melek ) and his princes (08269 +sar ) throughout all (03605 +kol ) Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) and Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , and according to the commandment (04687 +mitsvah ) of the king (04428 +melek ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Ye children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , turn (07725 +shuwb ) again (07725 +shuwb ) unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) of Abraham (85) , Isaac (03327 +Yitschaq ) , and Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , and he will return (07725 +shuwb ) to the remnant (07604 +sha)ar ) of you , that are {escaped} (06413 +p@leytah ) out of the hand (03709 +kaph ) of the kings (04428 +melek ) of Assyria (00804 +) Ashshuwr ) . escaped 14_2CH_36_20 And them that had {escaped} (07611 +sh@)eriyth ) from the sword (02719 +chereb ) carried (01473 +gowlah ) he away (01540 +galah ) to Babylon (00894 +Babel ) ; where they were servants (05650 +(ebed ) to him and his sons (01121 +ben ) until (05704 +(ad ) the reign (04427 +malak ) of the kingdom (04438 +malkuwth ) of Persia (06539 +Parac ) : escaped 47_2CO_11_33 And through (1223 -dia -) a window (2376 -thuris -) in a basket (4553 -sargane -) was I let (5465 -chalao -) down (5465 -chalao -) by the wall (5038 -teichos -) , and {escaped} (1628 -ekpheugo -) his hands (5495 -cheir -) . escaped 12_2KI_19_30 And the remnant (07604 +sha)ar ) that is {escaped} (06413 +p@leytah ) of the house (01004 +bayith ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) shall yet again (03254 +yacaph ) take (03947 +laqach ) root (08328 +sheresh ) downward (04295 +mattah ) , and bear (06213 +(asah ) fruit (06529 +p@riy ) upward (04605 +ma(al ) . escaped 12_2KI_19_37 And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass , as he was worshipping (07812 +shachah ) in the house (01004 +bayith ) of Nisroch (05268 +Nicrok ) his god (00430 +)elohiym ) , that Adrammelech (00152 +)Adrammelek ) and Sharezer (08272 +Shar)etser ) his sons (01121 +ben ) smote (05221 +nakah ) him with the sword (02719 +chereb ):and they {escaped} (04422 +malat ) into the land (00776 +)erets ) of Armenia (00780 +)Ararat ) . And Esarhaddon (00634 +)Ecar - Chaddown ) his son (01121 +ben ) reigned (04427 +malak ) in his stead (08478 +tachath ) . escaped 61_2PE_01_04 Whereby (3739 -hos -) are given (1433 -doreomai -) unto us exceeding great (3176 -megistos -) and precious (5093 -timios -) promises (1862 -epaggelma -):that by these (5130 -touton -) ye might be partakers (2844 -koinonos -) of the divine (2304 -theios -) nature (5449 -phusis -) , having {escaped} (0668 -apopheugo -) the corruption (5356 -phthora -) that is in the world (2889 -kosmos -) through (1722 -en -) lust (1939 -epithumia -) . escaped 61_2PE_02_18 For when they speak (5350 -phtheggomai -) great (5246 -huperogkos -) swelling (5246 - huperogkos -) [ words ] of vanity (3153 -mataiotes -) , they allure (1185 -deleazo -) through (1722 -en -) the lusts (1939 -epithumia -) of the flesh (4561 -sarx -) , [ through much ] wantonness (0766 -aselgeia -) , those (3588 -ho -) that were clean (3689 -ontos -) {escaped} (0668 -apopheugo -) from them who live (0390 -anastrepho -) in error (4106 -plane -) . escaped 61_2PE_02_20 For if (1487 -ei -) after they have {escaped} (0668 -apopheugo -) the pollutions (3393 -miasma -) of the world (2889 -kosmos -) through (1722 -en -) the knowledge (1922 -epignosis -) of the Lord (2962 -kurios -) and Saviour (4990 -soter -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) Christ (5547 -Christos -) , they are again (3825 -palin -) entangled (1707 -empleko -) therein (5125 -toutois -) , and overcome (2274 -hettao -) , the latter (2078 -eschatos -) end (2078 -eschatos -) is worse (5501 -cheiron -) with them than the beginning (4413 -protos -) . escaped 10_2SA_01_03 And David (01732 +David ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto him , From whence comest (00935 +bow) ) thou ? And he said (00559 +)amar ) unto him , Out of the camp (04264 +machaneh ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra) el ) am I {escaped} (04422 +malat ) . escaped 10_2SA_04_06 And they came (00935 +bow) ) thither into (05704 +(ad ) the midst (08432 +tavek ) of the house (01004 +bayith ) , [ as though ] they would have fetched (03947 +laqach ) wheat (02406 +chittah ) ; and they smote (05221 +nakah ) him under (00413 +)el ) the fifth (02570 +chomesh ) [ rib ] :and Rechab (07394 +Rekab ) and Baanah (01195 +Ba(ana) ) his brother (00251 +)ach ) {escaped} (04422 +malat ) . escaped 44_ACT_27_44 And the rest (3062 -loipoy -) , some (3588 -ho -) on (1909 -epi -) boards (4548 -sanis -) , and some (1161 -de -) on (1909 -epi -) [ broken pieces ] of the ship (4493 -rhipe -) . And so (3779 -houto -) it came (1096 - ginomai -) to pass , that they {escaped} (1295 -diasozo -) all (3956 -pas -) safe (1295 -diasozo -) to land (1093 -ge -) . escaped 44_ACT_28_01 . And when they were {escaped} (1295 -diasozo -) , then (5119 -tote -) they knew (1921 - epiginosko -) that the island (3520 -nesos -) was called (2564 -kaleo -) Melita (3194 -Melite -) . escaped 44_ACT_28_04 And when (5613 -hos -) the barbarians (0915 -barbaros -) saw (1492 -eido -) the [ venomous ] beast (2342 -therion -) hang (2910 -kremannumi -) on (1537 -ek -) his hand (5495 -cheir -) , they said (3004 -lego -) among (4314 -pros -) themselves (0846 -autos -) , No doubt (3843 -pantos -) this (3778 -houtos -) man (0444 - anthropos -) is a murderer (5406 -phoneus -) , whom (3739 -hos -) , though he hath {escaped} (1295 -diasozo -) the sea (2281 -thalassa -) , yet vengeance (1349 -dike -) suffereth (1439 -eao -) not to live (2198 -zao -) . escaped 05_DEU_23_15 . Thou shalt not deliver (05462 +cagar ) unto his master (00113 +)adown ) theservant (05650 +(ebed ) which (00834 +)aher ) is {escaped} (05337 +natsal ) from his master (00113 +)adown ) unto thee : escaped 02_EXO_10_05 And they shall cover (03680 +kacah ) the face (05869 +(ayin ) of the earth (00776 +)erets ) , that one cannot (03808 +lo) ) be able (03201 +yakol ) to see (07200 +ra)ah ) the earth (00776 +)erets ):and they shall eat (00398 +)akal ) the residue (03499 +yether ) of that which is {escaped} (06413 +p@leytah ) , which remaineth (07604 +sha)ar ) unto you from the hail (01259 +barad ) , and shall eat (00398 +)akal ) every (03605 +kol ) tree (06086 +(ets ) which groweth (06779 +tsamach ) for you out of the field (07704 +sadeh ) : escaped 26_EZE_24_27 In that day (03117 +yowm ) shall thy mouth (06310 +peh ) be opened (06605 +pathach ) to him which is {escaped} (06412 +paliyt ) , and thou shalt speak (01696 +dabar ) , and be no (03808 +lo) ) more (05750 + (owd ) dumb (00481 +)alam ):and thou shalt be a sign (04159 +mowpheth ) unto them ; and they shall know (03045 +yada( ) that I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) . escaped 26_EZE_33_21 . And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass in the twelfth year (08141 +shaneh ) of our captivity (01546 +galuwth ) , in the tenth (06224 +(asiyriy ) [ month ] , in the fifth (02568 +chamesh ) [ day ] of the month (02320 +chodesh ) , [ that ] one that had {escaped} (06412 +paliyt ) out of Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) came (00935 +bow) ) unto me , saying (00559 +)amar ) , The city (05892 +(iyr ) is smitten (05221 +nakah ) . escaped 26_EZE_33_22 Now the hand (03027 +yad ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) was upon me in the evening (06153 +(ereb ) , afore (06440 +paniym ) he that was {escaped} (06412 +paliyt ) came (00935 +bow) ) ; and had opened (06605 +pathach ) my mouth (06310 +peh ) , until (05704 +(ad ) he came (00935 +bow) ) to me in the morning (01242 +boqer ) ; and my mouth (06310 +peh ) was opened (06605 +pathach ) , and I was no (03808 +lo) ) more (05750 +(owd ) dumb (00481 +)alam ) . escaped 15_EZR_09_15 O LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , thou [ art ] righteous (06662 +tsaddiyq ):for we remain (07604 +sha)ar ) yet {escaped} (06413 +p@leytah ) , as [ it is ] this (02063 +zo)th ) day (03117 +yowm ):behold (02005 +hen ) , we [ are ] before (06440 +paniym ) thee in our trespasses (00819 +)ashmah ):for we cannot (03808 +lo) ) stand (05975 +(amad ) before (06440 +paniym ) thee because (05921 + (al ) of this (02063 +zo)th ) . escaped 01_GEN_14_13 . And there came (00935 +bow) ) one that had {escaped} (06412 +paliyt ) , and told (05046 +nagad ) Abram (87) the Hebrew (05680 +(Ibriy ) ; for he dwelt (07931 +shakan ) in the plain (00436 +)elown ) of Mamre (04471 +Mamre) ) the Amorite (00567 +)Emoriy ) , brother (00251 +)ach ) of Eshcol (00812 +)Eshkol ) , and brother (00251 +)ach ) of Aner (06063 +(Aner ):and these (01992 +hem ) [ were ] confederate with Abram (87) . escaped 58_HEB_11_34 Quenched (4570 -sbennumi -) the violence (1411 -dunamis -) of fire (4442 -pur -) , {escaped} (5343 -pheugo -) the edge (4750 -stoma -) of the sword (3162 -machaira -) , out of weakness (0769 -astheneia -) were made (1743 -endunamoo -) strong (1743 -endunamoo -) , waxed (1096 -ginomai -) valiant (2478 -ischuros -) in fight (4171 -polemos -) , turned (2827 -klino -) to flight the armies (3925 -parembole -) of the aliens (0245 -allotrios -) . escaped 58_HEB_12_25 See (0991 -blepo -) that ye refuse (3868 -paraiteomai -) not him that speaketh (2980 -laleo - ) . For if (1487 -ei -) they {escaped} (5343 -pheugo -) not who refused (3868 -paraiteomai -) him that spake (5537 - chrematizo -) on (1909 -epi -) earth (1093 -ge -) , much (4183 -polus -) more (3123 -mallon -) [ shall not ] we [ escape (5343 -pheugo -) ] , if we turn (0654 -apostrepho -) away (0654 -apostrepho -) from him that [ speaketh ] from heaven (3772 -ouranos -) : escaped 23_ISA_04_02 . In that day (03117 +yowm ) shall the branch (06780 +tsemach ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) be beautiful (06643 +ts@biy ) and glorious (03519 +kabowd ) , and the fruit (06529 +p@riy ) of the earth (00776 +)erets ) [ shall be ] excellent (01347 +ga)own ) and comely (08597 +tiph)arah ) for them that are {escaped} (06413 +p@leytah ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) . escaped 23_ISA_10_20 . And it shall come (01961 +hayah ) to pass in that day (03117 +yowm ) , [ that ] the remnant (07605 +sh@)ar ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , and such as are {escaped} (06413 +p@leytah ) of the house (01004 +bayith ) of Jacob (03290 +Ya(aqob ) , shall no (03808 +lo) ) more (05750 +(owd ) again (03254 +yacaph ) stay (04937 +mish(en ) upon him that smote (05221 +nakah ) them ; but shall stay (08172 +sha(an ) upon the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , the Holy (06918 +qadowsh ) One of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , in truth (00571 +)emeth ) . escaped 23_ISA_37_31 And the remnant (07604 +sha)ar ) that is {escaped} (06413 +p@leytah ) of the house (01004 +bayith ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) shall again take root (08328 +sheresh ) downward (04295 +mattah ) , and bear (06213 +(asah ) fruit (06529 +p@riy ) upward (04605 +ma(al ) : escaped 23_ISA_37_38 And it came (01961 +hayah ) to pass , as he was worshipping (07812 +shachah ) in the house (01004 +bayith ) of Nisroch (05268 +Nicrok ) his god (00430 +)elohiym ) , that Adrammelech (00152 +)Adrammelek ) and Sharezer (08272 +Shar)etser ) his sons (01121 +ben ) smote (05221 +nakah ) him with the sword (02719 +chereb ) ; and they {escaped} (04422 +malat ) into the land (00776 +)erets ) of Armenia (00780 +)Ararat ):and Esarhaddon (00634 +)Ecar - Chaddown ) his son (01121 +ben ) reigned (04427 +malak ) in his stead (08478 +tachath ) . escaped 23_ISA_45_20 . Assemble (06908 +qabats ) yourselves and come (00935 +bow) ) ; draw near (05066 +nagash ) together (03162 +yachad ) , ye [ that are ] {escaped} (06412 +paliyt ) of the nations (01471 +gowy ):they have no (03808 +lo) ) knowledge (03045 +yada( ) that set (05375 +nasa) ) up the wood (06086 +(ets ) of their graven (06459 +pecel ) image , and pray (06419 +palal ) unto a god (00410 +)el ) [ that ] cannot (03808 +lo) ) save (03467 +yasha( ) . escaped 24_JER_41_15 But Ishmael (03458 +Yishma(e)l ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Nethaniah (05418 +N@thanyah ) {escaped} (04422 +malat ) from Johanan (03110 +Yowchanan ) with eight (08083 +sh@moneh ) men (00582 +) enowsh ) , and went (03212 +yalak ) to the Ammonites (05984 +(Ammowniy ) . escaped 24_JER_51_50 Ye that have {escaped} (06412 +paliyt ) the sword (02719 +chereb ) , go (01980 +halak ) away , stand (05975 +(amad ) not still (05975 +(amad ):remember (02142 +zakar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) afar (07350 +rachowq ) off , and let Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) come (05927 +(alah ) into (05921 +(al ) your mind (03824 +lebab ) . escaped 18_JOB_01_15 And the Sabeans (07614 +Sh@ba) ) fell (05307 +naphal ) [ upon them ] , and took (03947 +laqach ) them away ; yea , they have slain (05221 +nakah ) the servants (05288 +na(ar ) with the edge (06310 +peh ) of the sword (02719 +chereb ) ; and I only (07535 +raq ) am {escaped} (04422 +malat ) alone (00905 +bad ) to tell (05046 +nagad ) thee . escaped 18_JOB_01_16 While he [ was ] yet speaking (01696 +dabar ) , there came (00935 +bow) ) also another (02088 +zeh ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) , The fire (00784 +)esh ) of God (00430 +)elohiym ) is fallen (05307 +naphal ) from heaven (08064 +shamayim ) , and hath burned (01197 +ba(ar ) up the sheep (06629 +tso)n ) , and the servants (05288 +na(ar ) , and consumed (00398 +)akal ) them ; and I only (07535 +raq ) am {escaped} (04422 +malat ) alone (00905 +bad ) to tell (05046 +nagad ) thee . escaped 18_JOB_01_17 While he [ was ] yet speaking (01696 +dabar ) , there came (00935 +bow) ) also another (02088 +zeh ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) , The Chaldeans (03778 +Kasdiy ) made (07760 +suwm ) out three (07969 +shalowsh ) bands (07218 +ro)sh ) , and fell (06584 +pashat ) upon the camels (01581 +gamal ) , and have carried (03947 +laqach ) them away , yea , and slain (05221 +nakah ) the servants (05288 +na(ar ) with the edge (06310 +peh ) of the sword (02719 +chereb ) ; and I only (07535 +raq ) am {escaped} (04422 +malat ) alone (00905 +bad ) to tell (05046 +nagad ) thee . escaped 18_JOB_01_19 And , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , there came (00935 +bow) ) a great (01419 +gadowl ) wind (07307 +ruwach ) from the wilderness (04057 +midbar ) , and smote (05060 +naga( ) the four (00702 +)arba( ) corners (06438 +pinnah ) of the house (01004 +bayith ) , and it fell (05307 +naphal ) upon the young (05288 +na(ar ) men , and they are dead (04191 +muwth ) ; and I only (07535 +raq ) am {escaped} (04422 +malat ) alone (00905 +bad ) to tell (05046 +nagad ) thee . escaped 18_JOB_19_20 My bone (06106 +(etsem ) cleaveth (01692 +dabaq ) to my skin (05785 +(owr ) and to my flesh (01320 +basar ) , and I am {escaped} (04422 +malat ) with the skin (05785 +(owr ) of my teeth (08127 +shen ) . escaped 43_JOH_10_39 . Therefore (3767 -oun -) they sought (2212 -zeteo -) again (3825 -palin -) to take (4084 -piazo -) him:but he {escaped} (1831 -exerchomai -) out of their hand (5495 -cheir -) , escaped 07_JUD_03_26 And Ehud (00261 +)Echuwd ) escaped (04422 +malat ) while (05704 +(ad ) they tarried (04102 +mahahh ) , and passed (05674 +(abar ) beyond (05674 +(abar ) the quarries (06456 +p@ciyl ) , and {escaped} (04422 +malat ) unto Seirath (08167 +S@(iyrah ) . escaped 07_JUD_03_26 And Ehud (00261 +)Echuwd ) {escaped} (04422 +malat ) while (05704 +(ad ) they tarried (04102 +mahahh ) , and passed (05674 +(abar ) beyond (05674 +(abar ) the quarries (06456 +p@ciyl ) , and escaped (04422 +malat ) unto Seirath (08167 +S@(iyrah ) . escaped 07_JUD_03_29 And they slew (05221 +nakah ) of Moab (04124 +Mow)ab ) at that time (06256 +(eth ) about ten (06235 +(eser ) thousand (00505 +)eleph ) men (00376 +)iysh ) , all (03605 +kol ) lusty (08082 +shamen ) , and all (03605 +kol ) men (00376 +)iysh ) of valour (02428 +chayil ) ; and there {escaped} (04422 +malat ) not a man (00376 +)iysh ) . escaped 07_JUD_12_05 And the Gileadites (01569 +Gil(adiy ) took (03920 +lakad ) the passages (04569 +ma(abar ) of Jordan (03383 +Yarden ) before the Ephraimites (00669 +)Ephrayim ):and it was [ so ] , that when those Ephraimites (00669 +)Ephrayim ) which were {escaped} (06412 +paliyt ) said (00559 +)amar ) , Let me go (05674 + (abar ) over (05674 +(abar ) ; that the men (00582 +)enowsh ) of Gilead (01568 +Gil(ad ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto him , [ Art ] thou an Ephraimite (00673 +)Ephrathiy ) ? If he said (00559 +)amar ) , Nay (03808 +lo) ) ; escaped 07_JUD_21_17 And they said (00559 +)amar ) , [ There must be ] an inheritance (03425 +y@rushah ) for them that be {escaped} (06413 +p@leytah ) of Benjamin (01144 +Binyamiyn ) , that a tribe (07626 +shebet ) be not destroyed (04229 +machah ) out of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) . escaped 25_LAM_02_22 Thou hast called (07121 +qara) ) as in a solemn (04150 +mow(ed ) day (03117 +yowm ) my terrors (04032 +magowr ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about , so that in the day (03117 +yowm ) of the LORD S (03068 +Y@hovah ) anger (00639 +)aph ) none (03808 +lo) ) {escaped} nor remained (08300 +sariyd ):those that I have swaddled (02946 +taphach ) and brought (07235 +rabah ) up hath mine enemy (00341 +)oyeb ) consumed (03615 +kalah ) . escaped 16_NEH_01_02 That Hanani (02607 +Chananiy ) , one (00259 +)echad ) of my brethren (00251 +)ach ) , came (00935 +bow) ) , he and [ certain ] men (00582 +)enowsh ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) ; and I asked (07592 +sha)al ) them concerning (05921 +(al ) the Jews (03064 +Y@huwdiy ) that had {escaped} (06413 +p@leytah ) , which (00834 +)aher ) were left (07604 +sha)ar ) of the captivity (07628 +sh@biy ) , and concerning (05921 +(al ) Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) . escaped 04_NUM_21_29 Woe (00188 +)owy ) to thee , Moab (04124 +Mow)ab ) ! thou art undone (6) , O people (05971 +(am ) of Chemosh (03645 +K@mowsh ):he hath given (05414 +nathan ) his sons (01121 +ben ) that {escaped} (06412 +paliyt ) , and his daughters (01121 +ben ) , into captivity (07628 +sh@biy ) unto Sihon (05511 +Ciychown ) king (04428 +melek ) of the Amorites (00567 +)Emoriy ) . escaped 19_PSA_124_07 Our soul (05315 +nephesh ) is escaped (04422 +malat ) as a bird (06833 +tsippowr ) out of the snare (06341 +pach ) of the fowlers (03369 +yaqosh ):the snare (06341 +pach ) is broken (07665 +shabar ) , and we are {escaped} (04422 +malat ) . escaped 19_PSA_124_07 Our soul (05315 +nephesh ) is {escaped} (04422 +malat ) as a bird (06833 +tsippowr ) out of the snare (06341 +pach ) of the fowlers (03369 +yaqosh ):the snare (06341 +pach ) is broken (07665 +shabar ) , and we are escaped (04422 +malat ) . escapeth 11_1KI_19_17 And it shall come (01961 +hayah ) to pass , [ that ] him that escapeth (04422 +malat ) the sword (02719 +chereb ) of Hazael (02371 +Chaza)el ) shall Jehu (03058 +Yehuw) ) slay (04191 +muwth ):and him that {escapeth} (04422 +malat ) from the sword (02719 +chereb ) of Jehu (03058 +Yehuw) ) shall Elisha (00477 +)Eliysha ( ) slay (04191 +muwth ) . escapeth 11_1KI_19_17 And it shall come (01961 +hayah ) to pass , [ that ] him that {escapeth} (04422 +malat ) the sword (02719 +chereb ) of Hazael (02371 +Chaza)el ) shall Jehu (03058 +Yehuw) ) slay (04191 +muwth ):and him that escapeth (04422 +malat ) from the sword (02719 +chereb ) of Jehu (03058 +Yehuw) ) shall Elisha (00477 +)Eliysha( ) slay (04191 +muwth ) . escapeth 30_AMO_09_01 . I saw (07200 +ra)ah ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) standing (05324 +natsab ) upon the altar (04196 +mizbeach ):and he said (00559 +)amar ) , Smite (05221 +nakah ) the lintel (03730 +kaphtor ) of the door , that the posts (05592 +caph ) may shake (07493 +ra(ash ):and cut (01214 +batsa( ) them in the head (07218 +ro)sh ) , all (03605 +kol ) of them ; and I will slay (02026 +harag ) the last (00319 +)achariyth ) of them with the sword (02719 +chereb ):he that fleeth (05127 +nuwc ) of them shall not flee (05127 +nuwc ) away , and he that {escapeth} (06412 +paliyt ) of them shall not be delivered (04422 +malat ) . escapeth 26_EZE_24_26 [ That ] he that {escapeth} (06412 +paliyt ) in that day (03117 +yowm ) shall come (00835 +) esher ) unto thee , to cause [ thee ] to hear (02045 +hashma(uwth ) [ it ] with [ thine ] ears (00241 +)ozen ) ? escapeth 23_ISA_15_09 For the waters (04325 +mayim ) of Dimon (01775 +Diymown ) shall be full (04390 +male) ) of blood (01818 +dam ):for I will bring (07896 +shiyth ) more (03254 +yacaph ) upon Dimon (01775 +Diymown ) , lions (00738 +)ariy ) upon him that {escapeth} (06413 +p@leytah ) of Moab (04124 +Mow)ab ) , and upon the remnant (07611 +sh@)eriyth ) of the land (00127 +)adamah ) . escapeth 24_JER_48_19 O inhabitant (03427 +yashab ) of Aroer (06177 +(Arow(er ) , stand (05975 +(amad ) by the way (01870 +derek ) , and espy (06822 +tsaphah ) ; ask (07592 +sha)al ) him that fleeth (05127 +nuwc ) , and her that {escapeth} (04422 +malat ) , [ and ] say (00559 +)amar ) , What (04100 +mah ) is done ? 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