gat Interlinear Index Study

gat GEN 019 027 . And Abraham <85> {gat} up early <07925 +shakam
> in the morning <01242 +boqer > to the place <04725 +maqowm >
where <00834 +>aher > he stood <05975 + before the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > :

gat EXO 024 018 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > went <00935 +bow> >
into the midst <08432 +tavek > of the cloud <06051 + ,
and {gat} <05927 + him up into <00413 +>el > the mount
<02022 +har > : and Moses <04872 +Mosheh > was in the mount
<02022 +har > forty <00705 +>arba days <03117 +yowm > and
forty <00705 +>arba nights <03915 +layil > .

gat NUM 011 030 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > {gat} <00622 +>acaph
> him into <00413 +>el > the camp <04264 +machaneh > , he and
the elders <02205 +zaqen > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > .

gat NUM 014 040 And they rose <07925 +shakam > up early <07925
+shakam > in the morning <01242 +boqer > , and {gat} <05927
+ them up into <00413 +>el > the top <07218 +ro>sh > of
the mountain <02022 +har > , saying <00559 +>amar > , Lo <02009
+hinneh > , we [ be here ] , and will go <05927 + up unto
the place <04725 +maqowm > which <00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > hath promised <00559 +>amar > : for we have sinned
<02398 +chata> > .

gat NUM 016 027 So they {gat} <05927 + up from the
tabernacle <04908 +mishkan > of Korah <07141 +Qorach > , Dathan
<01885 +Dathan > , and Abiram <48> , on every <00376 +>iysh >
side <05439 +cabiyb > : and Dathan <01885 +Dathan > and Abiram
<48> came <03318 +yatsa> > out , and stood <05324 +natsab > in
the door <06607 +pethach > of their tents <00168 +>ohel > , and
their wives <00802 +>ishshah > , and their sons <01121 +ben > ,
and their little <02945 +taph > children <02945 +taph > .

gat JUDG 009 048 And Abimelech <40> {gat} <05927 + him up
to mount <02022 +har > Zalmon <06756 +Tsalmown > , he and all
<03605 +kol > the people <05971 + that [ were ] with him ;
and Abimelech <40> took <03947 +laqach > an axe <07134 +qardom >
in his hand <03027 +yad > , and cut <03772 +karath > down <03381
+yarad > a bough <07754 +sowk > from the trees <06086 + ,
and took <05375 +nasa> > it , and laid <07760 +suwm > [ it ] on
<05921 + his shoulder <07926 +sh@kem > , and said <00559
+>amar > unto the people <05971 + that [ were ] with him ,
What <04100 +mah > ye have seen <07200 +ra>ah > me do <06213
+ , make haste <04116 +mahar > , [ and ] do <06213
+ as I [ have done ] .

gat JUDG 009 051 But there was a strong <05797 + tower
<04026 +migdal > within <08432 +tavek > the city <05892 + ,
and thither <08033 +sham > fled <05127 +nuwc > all <03605 +kol
> the men <00582 +>enowsh > and women <00802 +>ishshah > , and
all <03605 +kol > they of the city <05892 + , and shut
<05462 +cagar > [ it ] to them , and {gat} <05927 + them
up to the top <01406 +gag > of the tower <04026 +migdal > .

gat JUDG 019 028 And he said <00559 +>amar > unto her , Up , and
let us be going <03212 +yalak > . But none <00369 +>ayin >
answered <06030 + . Then the man <00376 +>iysh > took
<03947 +laqach > her [ up ] upon an ass <02543 +chamowr > , and
the man <00376 +>iysh > rose <06965 +quwm > up , and {gat}
<03212 +yalak > him unto his place <04725 +maqowm > .

gat 1SA 013 015 . And Samuel <08050 +Sh@muw>el > arose <06965
+quwm > , and {gat} <05927 + him up from Gilgal <01537
+Gilgal > unto Gibeah <01390 +Gib of Benjamin <01144
+Binyamiyn > . And Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > numbered <06485 +paqad
> the people <05971 + [ that were ] present <04672 +matsa>
> with him , about six <08337 +shesh > hundred <03967 +me>ah >
men <00376 +>iysh > .

gat 1SA 024 022 And David <01732 +David > sware <07650 +shaba< >
unto Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > . And Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > went
<03212 +yalak > home <01004 +bayith > ; but David <01732 +David
> and his men <00582 +>enowsh > {gat} <05927 + them up
unto the hold <04686 +matsuwd > .

gat 1SA 026 012 So David <01732 +David > took <03947 +laqach >
the spear <02595 +chaniyth > and the cruse <06835 +tsappachath >
of water <04325 +mayim > from Saul s <07586 +Sha>uwl > bolster
<04763 +m@ra>ashah > ; and they {gat} <03212 +yalak > them away
<03212 +yalak > , and no <00369 +>ayin > man saw <07200 +ra>ah >
[ it ] , nor <00369 +>ayin > knew <03045 +yada< > [ it ] ,
neither <00369 +>ayin > awaked <06974 +quwts > : for they [ were
] all <03605 +kol > asleep <03463 +yashen > ; because <03588
+kiy > a deep <08639 +tardemah > sleep <08639 +tardemah > from
the LORD <00113 +>adown > was fallen <05307 +naphal > upon them .

gat 2SA 004 007 For when they came <00935 +bow> > into the house
<01004 +bayith > , he lay <07901 +shakab > on <05921 + his
bed <04296 +mittah > in his bedchamber , and they smote <05221
+nakah > him , and slew <04191 +muwth > him , and beheaded him ,
and took <03947 +laqach > his head <07218 +ro>sh > , and {gat}
<03212 +yalak > them away <03212 +yalak > through <01870 +derek
> the plain <06160 + all <03605 +kol > night <03915
+layil > .

gat 2SA 008 013 And David <01732 +David > {gat} <06213 +
[ him ] a name <08034 +shem > when he returned <07725 +shuwb >
from smiting <05221 +nakah > of the Syrians <00758 +>Aram > in
the valley <01516 +gay> > of salt <04417 +melach > , [ being ]
eighteen thousand <00505 +>eleph > [ men ] .

gat 2SA 013 029 And the servants <05288 +na of Absalom <53>
did <06213 + unto Amnon <00550 +>Amnown > as Absalom <53>
had commanded <06680 +tsavah > . Then all <03605 +kol > the king
s <04428 +melek > sons <01121 +ben > arose <06965 +quwm > , and
every man <00376 +>iysh > {gat} <07392 +rakab > him up upon his
mule <06505 +pered > , and fled <05127 +nuwc > .

gat 2SA 017 023 And when Ahithophel <00302 +>Achiythophel > saw
<07200 +ra>ah > that his counsel <06098 + was not
followed <06213 + , he saddled <02280 +chabash > [ his ]
ass <02543 +chamowr > , and arose <06965 +quwm > , and {gat}
<03212 +yalak > him home <01004 +bayith > to his house <01004
+bayith > , to his city <05892 + , and put his household
<01004 +bayith > in order <06680 +tsavah > , and hanged <02614
+chanaq > himself , and died <04191 +muwth > , and was buried
<06912 +qabar > in the sepulchre <06913 +qeber > of his father
<1> .

gat 2SA 019 003 And the people <05971 + {gat} <00935 +bow>
> them by stealth <01589 +ganab > that day <03117 +yowm > into
the city <05892 + , as people <05971 + being ashamed
<03637 +kalam > steal <01589 +ganab > away when they flee <05127
+nuwc > in battle <04421 +milchamah > .

gat 1KI 001 001 . Now king <04428 +melek > David <01732 +David >
was old <02204 +zaqen > [ and ] stricken <00935 +bow> > in years
<03117 +yowm > ; and they covered <03680 +kacah > him with
clothes <00899 +beged > , but he {gat} no <03808 +lo> > heat
<03179 +yacham > .

gat PSA 116 003 The sorrows <02256 +chebel > of death <04194
+maveth > compassed <00661 +>aphaph > me , and the pains <04712
+metsar > of hell <07585 +sh@>owl > {gat} hold <04672 +matsa> >
upon me : I found <04672 +matsa> > trouble <06869 +tsarah > and
sorrow <03015 +yagown > .

gat ECC 002 008 I gathered <03664 +kanac > me also <01571 +gam >
silver <03701 +keceph > and gold <02091 +zahab > , and the
peculiar <05459 +c@gullah > treasure of kings <04428 +melek >
and of the provinces <04082 +m@diynah > : I {gat} <06213 + > me men singers <07891 +shiyr > and women singers <07891 +shiyr
> , and the delights <08588 +ta of the sons <01121 +ben
> of men <00120 +>adam > , [ as ] musical <07705 +shiddah >
instruments , and that of all sorts .

gat LAM 005 009 We {gat} <00935 +bow> > our bread <03899 +lechem
> with [ the peril of ] our lives <05315 +nephesh > because
<06440 +paniym > of the sword <02719 +chereb > of the wilderness
<04057 +midbar > .
