Gibeah 1387 ## Geba< {gheh'-bah}; from the same as 1375, a
hillock; Geba, a place in Palestine: -- Gaba, Geba, {Gibeah}. [ql

Gibeah 1388 ## Gib {ghib-aw'}; by permutation for 1389; a
hill; Giba, a place in Palestine: -- {Gibeah}. [ql

Gibeah 1390 ## Gib name of three places in Palestine: -- {Gibeah}, the hill. [ql

Gibeath 1394 ## Gib hilliness; Gibath: -- {Gibeath}. [ql

Gibeathite 1395 ## Gib a Gibathite, or inhabitant of Gibath: -- {Gibeathite}. [ql
