gift Jam_01_17 /${gift /and every perfect
gift is from above , and cometh down from the Father of lights ,
with whom is no variableness , neither shadow of turning .

gift Gen_34_12 /^{gift /and I will give
according as ye shall say unto me: but give me the damsel to
wife .

gift 2Co_08_04 /${gift /and take upon us the
fellowship of the ministering to the saints .

gift Num_18_07 /^{gift /and the stranger that
cometh nigh shall be put to death .

gift Heb_06_04 /${gift /and were made
partakers of the Holy Ghost ,

gift Act_11_17 /${gift /as he did unto us ,
who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ ; what was I , that I
could withstand God ?

gift Mat_05_24 /${gift /before the altar ,
and go thy way ; first be reconciled to thy brother , and then
come and offer thy gift .

gift 2Co_01_11 /${gift /bestowed upon us by
the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our
behalf .

gift Exo_23_08 /^{gift /blindeth the wise ,
and perverteth the words of the righteous .

gift Php_04_17 /${gift /but I desire fruit
that may abound to your account .

gift Rom_05_15 /${gift /by grace , which is
by one man , Jesus Christ , hath abounded unto many .

gift Mat_15_05 /${gift /by whatsoever thou
mightest be profited by me ;

gift Mar_07_11 /${gift /by whatsoever thou
mightest be profited by me ; he shall be free.

gift Rom_05_18 /${gift /came upon all men
unto justification of life .

gift Ecc_07_07 /^{gift /destroyeth the heart .

gift Deu_16_19 /^{gift /doth blind the eyes
of the wise , and pervert the words of the righteous .

gift 1Pe_04_10 /${gift /even so minister the
same one to another , as good stewards of the manifold grace of
God .

gift Psa_45_12 /^{gift /even the rich among
the people shall intreat thy favour .

gift Deu_16_19 /^{gift /for a gift doth blind
the eyes of the wise , and pervert the words of the righteous .

gift Rom_05_15 /${gift /For if through the
offence of one many be dead , much more the grace of God , and
the gift by grace , which is by one man , Jesus Christ , hath
abounded unto many .

gift Exo_23_08 /^{gift /for the gift blindeth
the wise , and perverteth the words of the righteous .

gift Rom_05_16 /${gift /for the judgment was
by one to condemnation , but the free gift is of many offences
unto justification .

gift Num_18_06 /^{gift /for the LORD , to do
the service of the tabernacle of the congregation .

gift Pro_21_14 /^{gift /in secret pacifieth
anger : and a reward in the bosom strong wrath .

gift Pro_17_08 /^{gift /is as a precious
stone in the eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it turneth ,
it prospereth .

gift Jam_01_17 /${gift /is from above , and
cometh down from the Father of lights , with whom is no
variableness , neither shadow of turning .

gift Pro_25_14 /^{gift /is like clouds and
wind without rain .

gift Rom_05_16 /${gift /is of many offences
unto justification .

gift Pro_18_16 /^{gift /maketh room for him,
and bringeth him before great men .

gift Eph_04_07 /${gift /of Christ .

gift Joh_04_10 /${gift /of God , and who it
is that saith to thee , Give me to drink ; thou wouldest have
asked of him , and he would have given thee living water .

gift 1Co_07_07 /${gift /of God , one after
this manner , and another after that .

gift 2Ti_01_06 /${gift /of God , which is in
thee by the putting on of my hands .

gift Ecc_05_19 /^{gift /of God .

gift Ecc_03_13 /^{gift /of God .

gift Eph_02_08 /${gift /of God :

gift Rom_06_23 /${gift /of God is eternal
life through Jesus Christ our Lord .

gift Act_08_20 /${gift /of God may be
purchased with money .

gift Eze_46_17 /^{gift /of his inheritance to
one of his servants , then it shall be his to the year of
liberty ; after it shall return to the prince : but his
inheritance shall be his sons for them.

gift 1Co_13_02 /${gift /of prophecy , and
understand all mysteries , and all knowledge ; and though I have
all faith , so that I could remove mountains , and have not
charity , I am nothing .

gift Rom_05_17 /${gift /of righteousness
shall reign in life by one , Jesus Christ .

gift Eph_03_07 /${gift /of the grace of God
given unto me by the effectual working of his power .

gift Act_10_45 /${gift /of the Holy Ghost .

gift Act_02_38 /${gift /of the Holy Ghost .

gift Mat_23_19 /${gift /or the altar that
sanctifieth the gift ?

gift Pro_17_23 /^{gift /out of the bosom to
pervert the ways of judgment .

gift 1Ti_04_14 /${gift /that is in thee ,
which was given thee by prophecy , with the laying on of the
hands of the presbytery .

gift Mat_23_18 /${gift /that is upon it , he
is guilty .

gift Mat_08_04 /${gift /that Moses commanded ,
for a testimony unto them .

gift Num_08_19 /^{gift /to Aaron and to his
sons from among the children of Israel , to do the service of
the children of Israel in the tabernacle of the congregation ,
and to make an atonement for the children of Israel : that there
be no plague among the children of Israel , when the children of
Israel come nigh unto the sanctuary .

gift Mat_05_23 /${gift /to the altar , and
there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee ;

gift Rom_01_11 /${gift /to the end ye may be
established ;

gift Eze_46_16 /^{gift /unto any of his sons ,
the inheritance thereof shall be his sons ; it shall be their
possession by inheritance .

gift 1Co_01_07 /${gift /waiting for the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ :

gift Num_18_11 /^{gift /with all the wave
offerings of the children of Israel : I have given them unto
thee, and to thy sons and to thy daughters with thee, by a
statute for ever : every one that is clean in thy house shall
eat of it.

gifts Heb_08_04 /${gifts /according to the law

gifts Est_02_18 /^{gifts /according to the
state of the king .

gifts Lev_23_38 /^{gifts /and beside all your
vows , and beside all your freewill offerings , which ye give
unto the LORD .

gifts Heb_11_04 /${gifts /and by it he being
dead yet speaketh .

gifts Rom_11_29 /${gifts /and calling of God
are without repentance .

gifts Isa_01_23 /^{gifts /and followeth after
rewards : they judge not the fatherless , neither doth the cause
of the widow come unto them.

gifts Exo_28_38 /^{gifts /and it shall be
always upon his forehead , that they may be accepted before the

gifts Dan_02_48 /^{gifts /and made him ruler
over the whole province of Babylon , and chief of the governors
over all the wise men of Babylon .

gifts Dan_02_06 /^{gifts /and rewards and
great honour : therefore shew me the dream , and the
interpretation thereof.

gifts Heb_09_09 /${gifts /and sacrifices ,
that could not make him that did the service perfect , as
pertaining to the conscience ;

gifts Heb_08_03 /${gifts /and sacrifices :
wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to
offer .

gifts Heb_05_01 /${gifts /and sacrifices for
sins :

gifts Gen_25_06 /^{gifts /and sent them away
from Isaac his son , while he yet lived , eastward , unto the
east country .

gifts 2Sa_08_06 /^{gifts /And the LORD
preserved David whithersoever he went .

gifts Eze_20_39 /^{gifts /and with your idols .

gifts 1Co_12_31 /${gifts /and yet shew I unto
you a more excellent way .

gifts Dan_05_17 /^{gifts /be to thyself, and
give thy rewards to another ; yet I will read the writing unto
the king , and make known to him the interpretation .

gifts 1Co_12_01 /${gifts /brethren , I would
not have you ignorant .

gifts 1Co_14_01 /${gifts /but rather that ye
may prophesy .

gifts 1Co_12_04 /${gifts /but the same Spirit .

gifts Rom_12_06 /${gifts /differing according
to the grace that is given to us , whether prophecy , let us
prophesy according to the proportion of faith ;

gifts Psa_68_18 /^{gifts /for men ; yea, for
the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.

gifts Mat_02_11 /${gifts /gold , and
frankincense , and myrrh .

gifts Luk_21_05 /${gifts /he said ,

gifts Eze_20_26 /^{gifts /in that they caused
to pass through the fire all that openeth the womb , that I
might make them desolate , to the end that they might know that
I am the LORD .

gifts Luk_21_01 /${gifts /into the treasury .

gifts 1Co_12_30 /${gifts /of healing ? do all
speak with tongues ? do all interpret ?

gifts 1Co_12_09 /${gifts /of healing by the
same Spirit ;

gifts 1Co_12_28 /${gifts /of healings , helps ,
governments , diversities of tongues .

gifts 2Ch_21_03 /^{gifts /of silver , and of
gold , and of precious things , with fenced cities in Judah :
but the kingdom gave he to Jehoram ; because he was the
firstborn .

gifts Heb_02_04 /${gifts /of the Holy Ghost ,
according to his own will ?

gifts Rev_11_10 /${gifts /one to another ;
because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the
earth .

gifts Pro_29_04 /^{gifts /overthroweth it.

gifts 1Co_14_12 /${gifts /seek that ye may
excel to the edifying of the church .

gifts Pro_15_27 /^{gifts /shall live .

gifts 1Ch_18_06 /^{gifts /Thus the LORD
preserved David whithersoever he went .

gifts Eze_16_33 /^{gifts /to all thy lovers ,
and hirest them, that they may come unto thee on every side for
thy whoredom .

gifts Eze_16_33 /^{gifts /to all whores : but
thou givest thy gifts to all thy lovers , and hirest them, that
they may come unto thee on every side for thy whoredom .

gifts Eze_22_12 /^{gifts /to shed blood ; thou
hast taken usury and increase , and thou hast greedily gained of
thy neighbours by extortion , and hast forgotten me, saith the
Lord GOD .

gifts Est_09_22 /^{gifts /to the poor .

gifts 2Ch_26_08 /^{gifts /to Uzziah : and his
name spread abroad even to the entering in of Egypt ; for he
strengthened himself exceedingly .

gifts Eph_04_08 /${gifts /unto men .

gifts 2Ch_32_23 /^{gifts /unto the LORD to
Jerusalem , and presents to Hezekiah king of Judah : so that he
was magnified in the sight of all nations from thenceforth .

gifts Mat_07_11 /${gifts /unto your children ,
how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good
things to them that ask him ?

gifts Luk_11_13 /${gifts /unto your children :
how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to
them that ask him ?

gifts Eze_20_31 /^{gifts /when ye make your
sons to pass through the fire , ye pollute yourselves with all
your idols , even unto this day : and shall I be enquired of by
you, O house of Israel ? As I live , saith the Lord GOD , I will
not be enquired of by you.

gifts Num_18_29 /^{gifts /ye shall offer every
heave offering of the LORD , of all the best thereof, even the
hallowed part thereof out of it.
